IMFTopologyNode::CloneFrom method (mfidl.h)

Copies the data from another topology node into this node.


HRESULT CloneFrom(
  [in] IMFTopologyNode *pNode


[in] pNode

A pointer to the IMFTopologyNode interface of the node to copy.

Return value

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
The method succeeded.
The node types do not match.


The two nodes must have the same node type. To get the node type, call IMFTopologyNode::GetNodeType.

This method copies the object pointer, preferred types, and attributes from pNode to this node. It also copies the TOPOID that uniquely identifies each node in a topology. It does not duplicate any of the connections from pNode to other nodes.

The purpose of this method is to copy nodes from one topology to another. Do not use duplicate nodes within the same topology.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header mfidl.h
Library Mfuuid.lib

See also

