IAccDictionary::GetLocalizedString method (msaatext.h)

Clients call the IAccDictionary::GetLocalizedString method to get localized strings for all system properties and their values.

Note  Active Accessibility Text Services is deprecated. Please see Microsoft Windows Text Services Framework for more information on advanced text input and natural language technologies.


HRESULT GetLocalizedString(
  [in]  REFGUID Term,
  [in]  LCID    lcid,
  [out] BSTR    *pResult,
  [out] LCID    *plcid


[in] Term


A globally unique identifier (GUID) that represents a property.

[in] lcid

Type: LCID

The locale of the string to be returned.

[out] pResult

Type: BSTR*

A localized string that represents the term.

[out] plcid

Type: LCID*

The language of the returned string.

Return value


If successful, returns S_OK.


This method returns the names of a property in the language specified by lcid. If that language is not on the system, Microsoft Active Accessibility finds the best match and returns the string in that language. If the Term parameter is not found in the dictionary, the pResult will be NULL.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header msaatext.h
DLL Msaatext.dll
Redistributable Active Accessibility 2.0 RDK on Windows NT 4.0 with SP6 and later and Windows 98