IPhotoAcquireSource::InitializeItemList method (photoacquire.h)

The InitializeItemList method enumerates transferable items on the device and passes each item to the optional progress callback, if it is supplied.


HRESULT InitializeItemList(
  [in]  BOOL                    fForceEnumeration,
  [in]  IPhotoAcquireProgressCB *pPhotoAcquireProgressCB,
  [out] UINT                    *pnItemCount


[in] fForceEnumeration

Flag that, if set to TRUE, indicates that enumeration will be repeated even if the item list has already been initialized. If set to FALSE, this flag indicates that repeated calls to InitializeItemList after the item list has already been initialized will not enumerate items again.

[in] pPhotoAcquireProgressCB

Optional. Pointer to an IPhotoAcquireProgressCB object.

[out] pnItemCount

Returns the number of items found.

Return value

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
The method succeeded.
Non-NULL pointer was expected.


If IPhotoAcquire::Acquire is called without first calling InitializeItemList, initialization of the item list is done implicitly.

The first time the item list is initialized—either implicitly through IPhotoAcquire::Acquire or explicitly by calling InitializeItemList—each item is enumerated. During enumeration, if an IPhotoAcquireProgressCB object is passed to InitializeItemList, its implementation of StartEnumeration, FoundItem, and EndEnumeration may be used to apply further filtering or control to the list of items to be transferred.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header photoacquire.h
Library PhotoAcquireUID.lib

See also

IPhotoAcquire Interface

IPhotoAcquireProgressCB Interface

IPhotoAcquireSource Interface