RM_SHUTDOWN_TYPE enumeration (restartmanager.h)

Configures the shut down of applications.


typedef enum _RM_SHUTDOWN_TYPE {
  RmForceShutdown = 0x1,
  RmShutdownOnlyRegistered = 0x10


Value: 0x1
Forces unresponsive applications and services to shut down after the timeout period. An application that does not respond to a shutdown request by the Restart Manager is forced to shut down after 30 seconds. A service that does not respond to a shutdown request is forced to shut down after 20 seconds. These default times can be changed by modifying the registry keys described in the Remarks section.
Value: 0x10
Shuts down applications if and only if all the applications have been registered for restart using the RegisterApplicationRestart function. If any processes or services cannot be restarted, then no processes or services are shut down.


The time to wait before initiating a forced shutdown of applications is specified by the following registry key. HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\HungAppTimeout

The time to wait before initiating a forced shutdown of services is specified by the following registry key. HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\WaitToKillServiceTimeout


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Header restartmanager.h

See also
