IStrokeBuilder::EndStroke method (rtscom.h)

Ends a stroke and returns the stroke object.


HRESULT EndStroke(
  [in]      TABLET_CONTEXT_ID tcid,
  [in]      STYLUS_ID         sid,
  [in, out] IInkStrokeDisp    **ppIInkStroke,
  [in, out] RECT              *pDirtyRect


[in] tcid

The tablet context identifier.

[in] sid

The stylus identifier.

[in, out] ppIInkStroke

A pointer to the new stroke. This value can be NULL.

[in, out] pDirtyRect

The dirty, or changed, rectangle of the tablet. This value can be NULL.

Return value

For a description of return values, see RealTimeStylus Classes and Interfaces..


A dirty region describes a tablet range which has been changed.


The following C++ example shows the implementation of a IStylusPlugin::StylusUp Method method on an IStylusPlugin Interface object. The plug-in uses a StrokeBuilder object to create a new ink stroke. The IStrokeBuilder::EndStroke Method method is called from IStylusPlugin::StylusUp Method to complete the construction of the stroke and add it to the Ink object of the StrokeBuilder Class.

STDMETHODIMP CStrokeBuilderPlugin::StylusUp( 
            /* [in] */ IRealTimeStylus *piRtsSrc,
            /* [in] */ const StylusInfo *pStylusInfo,
            /* [in] */ ULONG cPropCountPerPkt,
            /* [size_is][in] */ LONG *pPacket,
            /* [out][in] */ LONG **ppInOutPkt)
    // Finish the stroke. This adds the stroke to the StrokeBuilder's Ink object.
    return m_pStrokeBuilder->EndStroke(pStylusInfo->tcid, pStylusInfo->cid, &m_piStroke, NULL);


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header rtscom.h
DLL RTSCom.dll

See also


IStrokeBuilder::AppendPackets Method

IStrokeBuilder::BeginStroke Method

IStrokeBuilder::CreateStroke Method

RealTimeStylus Class

StrokeBuilder Class