ISensorManager::RequestPermissions method (sensorsapi.h)

Opens a system dialog box to request user permission to access sensor data.


HRESULT RequestPermissions(
  [in] HWND              hParent,
  [in] ISensorCollection *pSensors,
  [in] BOOL              fModal


[in] hParent

For Windows 8, if hParent is provided a value, then the dialog will be modal to the parent window. If hParent is NULL, then the dialog will not be modal. The dialog is always synchronous.

For Windows 7, HWND is handle to a window that can act as a parent to the permissions dialog box. Must be NULL if fModal is TRUE.

[in] pSensors

For Windows 8, this value is not used.

For Windows 7, pSensors is a pointer to the ISensorCollection interface that contains the list of sensors for which permission is being requested.

[in] fModal

For Windows 8, this value is not used. Refer to hParent for control of modality.

For Windows 7, fModal is a BOOL that specifies the dialog box mode. Must be FALSE if hParent is non-null.

Value Meaning
If hParent is NULL, the dialog box is modal and therefore has exclusive focus in Windows until the user responds. The call is synchronous. The return code indicates the user choice. See Return Value.

If hParent is non-null, the call is asynchronous and the calling thread will not wait for the dialog box to be closed. The return code indicates whether the call succeeded. See Return Value.

The dialog box is modeless. The call is asynchronous and the calling thread will not wait for the dialog box to be closed. The return code indicates whether the call succeeded. See Return Value.

The hParent parameter is ignored.

Return value

The following table describes return codes for synchronous results.

Return code Description
The user enabled the sensors.
The user chose to disable the sensors.
The user canceled the dialog box or refused elevation of permission to show the dialog box.

The following table describes return codes for asynchronous results.

Return code Description
All of the sensors in the sensor collection were displayed for the user to enable. The method succeeded.
Some of the sensors in the sensor collection were displayed for the user to enable. Some sensors may have been removed from the collection; for example, because the user had previously chosen to keep them disabled. The method succeeded.
An argument is not valid.
A pointer is null.
All sensors in the sensor collection were previously disabled by the user. The dialog box was not shown.


Making a synchronous call from the user interface (UI) thread of a Windows application can block the UI thread and make the application less responsive. To prevent this, do not call this method from the UI thread with fModal set to TRUE.


If an application or plugin that is running in protected mode, such as a Browser Helper Object (BHO) for Internet Explorer when Internet Explorer is running in protected mode, calls RequestPermissions, and the user chooses the Don't enable this location sensor option in the dialog box, Windows will display the dialog box again if RequestPermissions is called again by the same user. Applications that run in protected mode may choose to avoid calling RequestPermissions on startup so that the user will not be subjected to a possible unwanted dialog box each time the application starts.



The following example code requests permissions for all sensors retrieved from the sensor manager, by type, using an asynchronous method call. The platform will only prompt the user to enable sensors that are not already enabled. To determine whether the user enabled any sensors in this case, you must handle the ISensorEvents::OnStateChanged event. For additional examples that demonstrate how to request permissions, see Requesting User Permissions.

// Get the sensor collection.
hr = pSensorManager->GetSensorsByType(SAMPLE_SENSOR_TYPE_TIME, &pSensorColl);

    // Request permissions for all sensors
    // in the collection.
    hr = pSensorManager->RequestPermissions(0, pSensorColl, FALSE);


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header sensorsapi.h
Library Sensorsapi.lib
DLL Sensorsapi.dll

See also


Managing User Permissions

Requesting User Permissions