IAMExtTransport::SetEditProperty method (strmif.h)

[The feature associated with this page, DirectShow, is a legacy feature. It has been superseded by MediaPlayer, IMFMediaEngine, and Audio/Video Capture in Media Foundation. Those features have been optimized for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code use MediaPlayer, IMFMediaEngine and Audio/Video Capture in Media Foundation instead of DirectShow, when possible. Microsoft suggests that existing code that uses the legacy APIs be rewritten to use the new APIs if possible.]

The SetEditProperty method defines parameters and values associated with an edit event.

This method is not implemented.


HRESULT SetEditProperty(
  [in] long EditID,
  [in] long Param,
  [in] long Value


[in] EditID

Specifies the edit property set. Use the identifier returned by the IAMExtTransport::SetEditPropertySet method.

[in] Param

Specifies the edit event parameter. See Remarks for more information.

[in] Value

Specifies the value of the parameter. See Remarks for more information.

Return value

When this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise it returns an HRESULT error code.


An edit event consists of one or more edit event parameters. Use the SetEditPropertySet method to create an edit event, and then use this method to specify the edit event parameters for that edit event.

The Param parameter is a flag that specifies the edit event parameter. The Value parameter specifies the value of that parameter. The meaning of Value depends on the flag used in Param:

  • ED_EDIT_HEVENT: Handle to an event. The device will signal the event when the edit event has completed.
  • ED_EDIT_IMMEDIATE: If the value is OATRUE, the application can switch the device into edit mode by calling IAMExtTransport::put_Mode with the value ED_MODE_EDIT_CUE.
  • ED_EDIT_MODE: Specifies the editing mode. Use one of the following constants.
    Constant Description
    ED_EDIT_MODE_ASSEMBLE Assemble edit mode.
    ED_EDIT_MODE_INSERT Insert edit mode.
    ED_EDIT_MODE_CRASH_RECORD Crash record mode.
  • ED_EDIT_TRACK: Specifies which track to edit. Use one or more of the following constants. You can combine constants with a bitwise OR.
    Constant Description
    ED_VIDEO Video track
    ED_AUDIO_1 through ED_AUDIO_24 Audio tracks 1 through 24
    ED_AUDIO_ALL All audio track
  • ED_EDIT_SRC_INPOINT: Specifies the inpoint on the source, in units of the current time format.
  • ED_EDIT_SRC_OUTPOINT: Specifies the outpoint on the source, in units of the current time format.
  • ED_EDIT_REC_INPOINT: Specifies the inpoint on the record device, in units of the current time format.
  • ED_EDIT_REC_OUTPOINT: Specifies the outpoint on the record device, in units of the current time format.
  • ED_EDIT_REHEARSE_MODE: Specifies the preview mode. Use one of the following constants.
    Constant Description
    ED_EDIT_BVB Black-video-black (BVB). Display black, then inserted video, then black.
    ED_EDIT_VBV Video-black-video (VBV). Display recorded video, then black, then recorded video.
    ED_EDIT_VVV Video-video-video (VVV). Display recorded video, then inserted video, then recorded video.
    ED_EDIT_PERFORM Do not preview.
  • ED_EDIT_ABORT: With the value OATRUE, the method halts the edit if it is currently in progress.
  • ED_EDIT_TIMEOUT: Specifies how long the device will wait for the edit to complete, before timing out.
  • ED_EDIT_SEEK: With the value OATRUE, the method seeks to a specified point. First call this method with the ED_EDIT_SEEK_MODE flag, to specify the seek point.
  • ED_EDIT_SEEK_MODE: Specifies a seek point. Use one of the following constants.
    Constant Description
    ED_EDIT_SEEK_EDIT_IN Seek to the inpoint.
    ED_EDIT_SEEK_EDIT_OUT Seek to the outpoint.
    ED_EDIT_SEEK_PREROLL Seek to the inpoint preroll.
    ED_EDIT_SEEK_PREROLL_CT Seek to the inpoint using timecode, then seek back to the preroll point using the control track.
    ED_EDIT_SEEK_BOOKMARK Seek to the next bookmark.

DV Implementation

MSDV does not support this method. It returns E_NOTIMPL.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header strmif.h (include Dshow.h)
Library Strmiids.lib

See also

Error and Success Codes

IAMExtTransport Interface
