IAMDevMemoryAllocator interface (strmif.h)

[The feature associated with this page, DirectShow, is a legacy feature. It has been superseded by MediaPlayer, IMFMediaEngine, and Audio/Video Capture in Media Foundation. Those features have been optimized for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code use MediaPlayer, IMFMediaEngine and Audio/Video Capture in Media Foundation instead of DirectShow, when possible. Microsoft suggests that existing code that uses the legacy APIs be rewritten to use the new APIs if possible.]

Note  This interface is no longer supported by the AVI Splitter.
Note  This interface was defined to support older hardware decoders that required AVI files to be read into directly hardware memory. The interface enables the AVI parser to allocate memory from the downstream filter but still provide its own allocator.
Implement this interface when your pin must support the creation of on-board memory allocators. Source filters that are aware of on-board memory and need to create their own allocators should query for this interface, request an amount of memory and then create an allocator (aggregating the device memory control object). Source filters that don't need to create their own allocator could just use the allocator of the downstream pin (which also aggregates the device memory control object). The hardware-based filter can confirm the usage of its on-board memory by calling methods on the aggregated allocator.

Use this interface when applications need to control the memory of codecs with on-board memory.


The IAMDevMemoryAllocator interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. IAMDevMemoryAllocator also has these types of members:


The IAMDevMemoryAllocator interface has these methods.


Note  The IAMDevMemoryAllocator interface is deprecated. Allocates a memory buffer.

Note  The IAMDevMemoryAllocator interface is deprecated. Tests whether the specific instance (device) of the allocator allocated a memory pointer.

Note  The IAMDevMemoryAllocator interface is deprecated. Frees the previously allocated memory.

Note  The IAMDevMemoryAllocator interface is deprecated. Retrieves an IUnknown interface pointer to a device memory control object that can be aggregated with a custom allocator.

Note  The IAMDevMemoryAllocator interface is deprecated. Retrieves information about the memory capabilities.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header strmif.h

See also

Deprecated Interfaces