IWTSSBPlugin::WTSSBX_MachineChangeNotification method (tssbx.h)

[The IWTSSBPlugin interface is not supported after Windows Server 2008 R2. Starting with Windows Server 2012 please use the ITsSbPlugin interface.]

Notifies the plug-in that a change occurred in the server environment.


HRESULT WTSSBX_MachineChangeNotification(
  [in] WTSSBX_NOTIFICATION_TYPE NotificationType,
  [in] long                     MachineId,
  [in] WTSSBX_MACHINE_INFO      *pMachineInfo


[in] NotificationType

A value of the WTSSBX_NOTIFICATION_TYPE enumeration type that indicates the type of event that occurred.

[in] MachineId

The ID of the server on which the change occurred.

[in] pMachineInfo

A pointer to a WTSSBX_MACHINE_INFO structure that contains information about the server that changed. Only the members that changed are reported in this structure. The other members are set to zero.

Return value

Returns S_OK if successful.


Terminal Services Session Broker (TS Session Broker) calls this method whenever an important change in the server environment occurs. For example, changes that would trigger a call include when:

  • A server joins or leaves a farm in TS Session Broker.
  • A server changes its drain state.
  • A server IP address changes.
  • A server's maximum session limit changes.
Your implementation of this method must return S_OK immediately if successful.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header tssbx.h

See also
