IUIAutomationTextEditTextChangedEventHandler::HandleTextEditTextChangedEvent method (uiautomationclient.h)

Handles an event that is raised when a Microsoft UI Automation provider for a text-edit control reports a programmatic text change.


HRESULT HandleTextEditTextChangedEvent(
  [in] IUIAutomationElement *sender,
  [in] TextEditChangeType   textEditChangeType,
  [in] SAFEARRAY            *eventStrings


[in] sender

Type: IUIAutomationElement*

A pointer to the element that raised the event.

[in] textEditChangeType

Type: TextEditChangeType

The type of text-edit change that occurred.

[in] eventStrings


Event data passed by the event.

Return value


If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


This method is implemented by the application to handle events that it has subscribed to by using AddTextEditTextChangedEventHandler.

The event data contains different payloads for each text-edit change type:

  • TextEditChangeType_AutoCorrect: Data is the new corrected string .
  • TextEditChangeType_Composition: Data is the updated string in the composition (only the part that changed).
  • TextEditChangeType_CompositionFinalized: Data is the finalized string of the completed composition (this may be empty if composition was canceled or deleted).


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8.1 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 R2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header uiautomationclient.h (include UIAutomation.h)

See also

Best Practices for Using Safe Arrays
