WdsBpQueryOption function (wdsbp.h)

Returns the value of an option from the parsed packet.


  [in]  HANDLE hHandle,
  [in]  ULONG  uOption,
  [out] ULONG  uValueLen,
  [out] PVOID  pValue,
  [out] PULONG puBytes


[in] hHandle

A handle returned by the WdsBpParseInitialize function.

[in] uOption

Specifies the option to add to the packet.

[out] uValueLen

The total number of bytes of memory pointed to by the pValue parameter. To determine the number of bytes required to store the value for the option, set uValueLen to zero and pValue to NULL; the WdsBpQueryOption function returns ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, and the location pointed to by the puBytes parameter receives the number of bytes required for the value.

[out] pValue

The value of the option is returned in this buffer.

[out] puBytes

If the buffer is large enough for the value, this parameter receives the number of bytes copied to pValue. If not enough space is available, this parameter receives the total number of bytes required to store the value.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return is S_OK.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista with SP1 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wdsbp.h
Library Wdsbp.lib
DLL Wdsbp.dll