WS_POLICY_PROPERTY_ID enumeration (webservices.h)

Identifies each policy property and its associated value.


typedef enum {


Value: 1
This property is used with WsGetPolicyProperty.
It is of type WS_POLICY_STATE.

The current state of the policy object.
Value: 2
This property is used with WsCreateMetadata when
specifying WS_METADATA_PROPERTY_POLICY_PROPERTIES as part of the WS_METADATA_PROPERTY* parameter. It is of type ULONG.

This property controls the maximum number of alternatives
allowed for a given WS_POLICY object.

When a policy is processed, the amount of memory allocated
and CPU consumed is proportional to the number of policy
alternatives present in the policy, not to the actual size
of the policy. Even a small policy may contain a large number
of alternatives due to the expansion of different permutations
of assertions. Setting this property to a large
value may lead to excessive processing or memory consumption.

The default value is 32.
Value: 3
This property is used with WsCreateMetadata when
It is of type ULONG.

This property controls the maximum depth of any policy that is
read and processed. The maximum depth of a policy is defined as the maximum
number of levels of nested container elements (Policy, All, ExactlyOne)
when considering the policy and any policies that it references.

A small amount of stack space is consumed for each level of
policy that is processed. Setting this value to a large
value may lead to stack overflow for a policy that is
deeply nested or contains a cyclic reference.

The default value is 32.
Value: 4
This property is used with WsCreateMetadata when
It is of type ULONG.

This property controls the maximum number of policy extensions
(unknown assertions) allowed for a given WS_POLICY object.
Policy extensions can be retrieved by supplying WS_POLICY_EXTENSION
array in WS_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS structure when using the
WsMatchPolicyAlternative API.

The default value is 8.

When a policy is processed, the amount of memory allocated
and CPU consumed is proportional to the number of policy
alternatives present in the policy, not to the actual size
of the policy. Even a small policy may contain a large number
of alternatives due to the expansion of different permutations
of assertions. Setting this property to a large
value may lead to excessive processing or memory consumption.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Header webservices.h