FONTOBJ_cGetAllGlyphHandles function (winddi.h)

The FONTOBJ_cGetAllGlyphHandles function allows the device driver to find every glyph handle of a GDI font.


ULONG FONTOBJ_cGetAllGlyphHandles(
  FONTOBJ *pfo,
  HGLYPH  *phg



Pointer to the FONTOBJ structure that is to be downloaded.


Pointer to a buffer large enough to hold all the glyph handles in the font. This parameter can be NULL.

Return value

The return value is the number of glyph handles supported by the font.


A driver uses this function to download an entire font.

The driver must provide a buffer large enough to contain the output. GDI copies all glyph handles belonging to the associated font to this buffer.

The number of glyphs in the font can be determined by calling FONTOBJ_vGetInfo, or by calling FONTOBJ_cGetAllGlyphHandles with the phg parameter set to NULL.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available in Windows 2000 and later versions of the Windows operating systems.
Target Platform Universal
Header winddi.h (include Winddi.h)
Library Win32k.lib
DLL Win32k.sys

See also