XFORMOBJ_bApplyXform function (winddi.h)

The XFORMOBJ_bApplyXform function applies the given transform or its inverse to the given array of points.


       XFORMOBJ                      *pxo,
  [in] __out_validated(GRAPHIC)ULONG iMode,
       ULONG                         cPoints,
       PVOID                         pvIn,
       PVOID                         pvOut



Pointer to a XFORMOBJ structure that defines the transform to be applied to the pvIn array.

[in] iMode

Identifies the transform and the input and output data types. This parameter can be one of the following:

Value Meaning
XF_INV_FXTOL Applies the inverse of the transform to POINTFIX structures to get POINTL structures.
XF_INV_LTOL Applies the inverse of the transform to POINTL structures to get POINTL structures.
XF_LTOFX Applies the transform to POINTL structures to get POINTFIX structures (see GDI Data Types).
XF_LTOL Applies the transform to POINTL structures to get POINTL structures.


Specifies the count of points in pvIn to be transformed.


Pointer to an array of input points. The format of the points is specified by the iMode parameter.


Pointer to the buffer that is to receive the transformed points. The iMode parameter specifies the format of the points.

Return value

The return value is TRUE if all points were transformed without overflow. FALSE is returned if pxo, pvIn, or pvOut are null, or if overflow occurs during the transformation.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available in Windows 2000 and later versions of the Windows operating systems.
Target Platform Universal
Header winddi.h (include Winddi.h)
Library Win32k.lib
DLL Win32k.sys

See also