ICompositionDrawingSurfaceInterop::Scroll method (windows.ui.composition.interop.h)

Scrolls a rectangular area of the logical surface.


  [in, optional] const RECT *scrollRect,
  [in, optional] const RECT *clipRect,
  [in]           int        offsetX,
  [in]           int        offsetY


[in, optional] scrollRect

Type: const RECT*

The rectangular area of the surface to be scrolled, relative to the upper-left corner of the surface. If this parameter is NULL, the entire surface is scrolled.

[in, optional] clipRect

Type: const RECT*

The clipRect clips the destination (scrollRect after offset) of the scroll. The only bitmap content that will be scrolled are those that remain inside the clip rectangle after the scroll is completed.

[in] offsetX

Type: int

The amount of horizontal scrolling, in pixels. Use positive values to scroll right, and negative values to scroll left.

[in] offsetY

Type: int

The amount of vertical scrolling, in pixels. Use positive values to scroll down, and negative values to scroll up.

Return value


If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header windows.ui.composition.interop.h

See also
