EvtOpenChannelConfig function (winevt.h)

Gets a handle that you use to read or modify a channel's configuration property.


EVT_HANDLE EvtOpenChannelConfig(
  [in] EVT_HANDLE Session,
  [in] LPCWSTR    ChannelPath,
  [in] DWORD      Flags


[in] Session

A remote session handle that the EvtOpenSession function returns. Set to NULL to access a channel on the local computer.

[in] ChannelPath

The name of the channel to access.

[in] Flags

Reserved. Must be zero.

Return value

If successful, the function returns a handle to the channel's configuration; otherwise, NULL. If NULL, call GetLastError function to get the error code.


To get a configuration property, call the EvtGetChannelConfigProperty function.

To modify a configuration property, call the EvtSetChannelConfigProperty function. To save the configuration changes, call the EvtSaveChannelConfig function.

To enumerate the registered channels, call the EvtOpenChannelEnum function.

You must call the EvtClose function to close the handle when done.


For an example that shows how to use this function, see Getting and Setting a Channel's Configuration Properties.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header winevt.h
Library Wevtapi.lib
DLL Wevtapi.dll

See also



