GetAutoRotationState function (winuser.h)

Retrieves an AR_STATE value containing the state of screen auto-rotation for the system, for example whether auto-rotation is supported, and whether it is enabled by the user. GetAutoRotationState provides a robust and diverse way of querying for auto-rotation state, and more. For example, if you want your app to behave differently when multiple monitors are attached then you can determine that from the AR_STATE returned.


BOOL GetAutoRotationState(
  [out] PAR_STATE pState


[out] pState

Pointer to a location in memory that will receive the current state of auto-rotation for the system.

Return value

TRUE if the method succeeds, otherwise FALSE.

See GetDisplayAutoRotationPreferences for an example of using this function.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header winuser.h
DLL Kernel.dll