SOCKADDR_IN6_PAIR structure (ws2ipdef.h)

The SOCKADDR_IN6_PAIR structure contains pointers to a pair of IP addresses that represent a source and destination address pair.


typedef struct _sockaddr_in6_pair {
  PSOCKADDR_IN6 SourceAddress;
  PSOCKADDR_IN6 DestinationAddress;



A pointer to an IP source address represented as a SOCKADDR_IN6 structure. The address family is in host byte order and the IPv6 address, port, flow information, and zone ID are in network byte order.


A pointer to an IP source address represented as a SOCKADDR_IN6 structure. The address family is in host byte order and the IPv6 address, port, flow information, and zone ID are in network byte order.


The SOCKADDR_IN6_PAIR structure is defined on Windows Vista and later.

Any IPv4 addresses in the SOCKADDR_IN6_PAIR structure must be represented in the IPv4-mapped IPv6 address format which enables an IPv6 only application to communicate with an IPv4 node. For more information on the IPv4-mapped IPv6 address format, see Dual-Stack Sockets.

The SOCKADDR_IN6_PAIR structure is used by the CreateSortedAddressPairs function.

Note that the Ws2ipdef.h header file is automatically included in Ws2tcpip.h header file, and should never be used directly.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Header ws2ipdef.h (include Ws2tcpip.h)

See also


Dual-Stack Sockets
