ID3DXFileSaveObject interface

Applications use the methods of the ID3DXFileSaveObject interface to write a .x file to disk, and to add and save data objects and templates.


The ID3DXFileSaveObject interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. ID3DXFileSaveObject also has these types of members:


The ID3DXFileSaveObject interface has these methods.

Method Description
AddDataObject Adds a data object as a child of the ID3DXFileSaveData object.
GetFile Gets the ID3DXFile interface of the object that created this ID3DXFileSaveObject object.
Save Saves a data object and its children to a .x file on disk.



Templates are not required in every file. For example, you could put all templates into a single .x file rather than duplicating them in every .x file.

The ID3DXFileSaveObject interface is obtained by calling the ID3DXFile::CreateSaveObject method.

The globally unique identifier (GUID) for the ID3DXFileSaveObject interface is IID_ID3DXFileSaveObject.

The LPD3DXFILESAVEOBJECT type is defined as a pointer to this interface.

typedef interface ID3DXFileSaveObject *LPD3DXFILESAVEOBJECT;


Requirement Value

See also

D3DX X File Interfaces