Media Foundation Functions
In this section
Topic | Description |
CreateNamedPropertyStore |
Creates an empty property store to hold name/value pairs. |
CreatePropertyStore |
Creates an empty property store object. |
DXVA2_Fixed32OpaqueAlpha |
Returns a DXVA2_Fixed32 structure that contains an opaque alpha value. |
DXVA2_Fixed32TransparentAlpha |
Returns a DXVA2_Fixed32 structure that contains a transparent alpha value. |
DXVA2CreateDirect3DDeviceManager9 |
Creates an instance of the Direct3D Device Manager. |
DXVA2CreateVideoService |
Creates a DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) services object. |
DXVA2FixedToFloat |
Converts a DXVA2_Fixed32 value to a floating-point number. |
DXVA2FloatToFixed |
Converts a floating-point number to a DXVA2_Fixed32 value. |
DXVAHD_CreateDevice |
Creates a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) device. |
MFAddPeriodicCallback |
Sets a callback function to be called at a fixed interval. |
MFAllocateSerialWorkQueue |
Creates a work queue that is guaranteed to serialize work items. |
MFAllocateWorkQueue |
Creates a new work queue. |
MFAllocateWorkQueueEx |
Creates a new work queue. |
MFAverageTimePerFrameToFrameRate |
Calculates the frame rate, in frames per second, from the average duration of a video frame. |
MFBeginCreateFile |
Begins an asynchronous request to create a byte stream from a file. |
MFBeginRegisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS |
Associates a work queue with a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. |
MFBeginRegisterWorkQueueWithMMCSSEx |
Associates a work queue with a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. |
MFBeginUnregisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS |
Unregisters a work queue from a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. |
MFCalculateBitmapImageSize |
Retrieves the image size for a video format. |
MFCalculateImageSize |
Retrieves the image size, in bytes, for an uncompressed video format. |
MFCancelCreateFile |
Cancels an asynchronous request to create a byte stream from a file. |
MFCancelWorkItem |
Attempts to cancel an asynchronous operation that was scheduled with MFScheduleWorkItem or MFScheduleWorkItemEx. |
MFCheckContentProtectionDevice |
Checks whether a hardware security processor is supported for the specified media protection system. |
MFCompareFullToPartialMediaType |
Compares a full media type to a partial media type. |
MFConvertColorInfoFromDXVA |
Sets the extended color information in a MFVIDEOFORMAT structure. |
MFConvertColorInfoToDXVA |
Converts the extended color information from an MFVIDEOFORMAT to the equivalent DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) color information. |
MFConvertFromFP16Array |
Converts an array of 16-bit floating-point numbers into an array of 32-bit floating-point numbers. |
MFConvertToFP16Array |
Converts an array of 32-bit floating-point numbers into an array of 16-bit floating-point numbers. |
MFCopyImage |
Copies an image or image plane from one buffer to another. |
MFCreate2DMediaBuffer |
Creates a system-memory buffer object to hold 2D image data. |
MFCreate3GPMediaSink |
Creates a media sink for authoring 3GP files. |
MFCreateAC3MediaSink |
Creates an instance of the AC-3 media sink. |
MFCreateADTSMediaSink |
Creates an instance of the audio data transport stream (ADTS) media sink. |
MFCreateAggregateSource |
Creates a media source that aggregates a collection of media sources. |
MFCreateAlignedMemoryBuffer |
Allocates system memory with a specified byte alignment and creates a media buffer to manage the memory. |
MFCreateAMMediaTypeFromMFMediaType |
Creates a DirectShow AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure from a Media Foundation media type. |
MFCreateASFContentInfo |
Creates the ASF Header Object object. |
MFCreateASFIndexer |
Creates the ASF Indexer object. |
MFCreateASFIndexerByteStream |
Creates a byte stream to access the index in an ASF stream. |
MFCreateASFMediaSink |
Creates the ASF media sink. |
MFCreateASFMediaSinkActivate |
Creates an activation object that can be used to create the ASF media sink. |
MFCreateASFMultiplexer |
Creates the ASF Multiplexer. |
MFCreateASFProfile |
Creates the ASF profile object. |
MFCreateASFProfileFromPresentationDescriptor |
Creates an ASF profile object from a presentation descriptor. |
MFCreateASFSplitter |
Creates the ASF Splitter. |
MFCreateASFStreamingMediaSink |
Creates an activation object for the ASF streaming sink. |
MFCreateASFStreamingMediaSinkActivate |
Creates an activation object for the ASF streaming sink. |
MFCreateASFStreamSelector |
Creates the ASF stream selector. |
MFCreateAsyncResult |
Creates an asynchronous result object. Use this function if you are implementing an asynchronous method. |
MFCreateAttributes |
Creates an empty attribute store. |
MFCreateAudioMediaType |
Creates an audio media type from a WAVEFORMATEX structure. |
MFCreateAudioRenderer |
Creates the Streaming Audio Renderer. |
MFCreateAudioRendererActivate |
Creates an activation object for the Streaming Audio Renderer. |
MFCreateAVIMediaSink |
Creates an Audio-Video Interleaved (AVI) Sink. |
MFCreateCaptureEngine |
Creates an instance of the capture engine. |
MFCreateCollection |
Creates an empty collection object. |
MFCreateContentDecryptorContext |
Creates an IMFContentDecryptorContext interface for the specified media protection system. |
MFCreateContentProtectionDevice |
Creates an IMFContentProtectionDevice interface for the specified media protection system. |
MFCreateCredentialCache |
Creates a credential cache object. An application can use this object to implement a custom credential manager. |
MFCreateDeviceSource |
Creates a media source for a hardware capture device. |
MFCreateDeviceSourceActivate |
Creates an activation object that represents a hardware capture device. |
MFCreateDXGIDeviceManager |
Creates an instance of the Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) Device Manager. |
MFCreateDXGISurfaceBuffer |
Creates a media buffer to manage a DXGI surface. |
MFCreateDXSurfaceBuffer |
Creates a media buffer object that manages a Direct3D 9 surface. |
MFCreateEventQueue |
Creates an event queue. |
MFCreateFile |
Creates a byte stream from a file. |
MFCreateFMPEG4MediaSink |
Creates a media sink for authoring fragmented MP4 files. |
MFCreateLegacyMediaBufferOnMFMediaBuffer |
Converts a Media Foundation media buffer into a buffer that is compatible with DirectX Media Objects (DMOs). |
MFCreateMediaBufferFromMediaType |
Allocates a system-memory buffer that is optimal for a specified media type. |
MFCreateMediaBufferWrapper |
Creates a media buffer that wraps an existing media buffer. |
MFCreateMediaEvent |
Creates a media event object. |
MFCreateMediaExtensionActivate |
Creates an activation object for a Windows Runtime class. |
MFCreateMediaSession |
Creates the Media Session in the application's process. |
MFCreateMediaType |
Creates an empty media type. |
MFCreateMediaTypeFromProperties |
Create an IMFMediaType from properties. |
MFCreateMediaTypeFromRepresentation |
Creates a Media Foundation media type from another format representation. |
MFCreateMemoryBuffer |
Allocates system memory and creates a media buffer to manage it. |
MFCreateMFByteStreamOnStream |
Creates a Microsoft Media Foundation byte stream that wraps an IStream pointer. |
MFCreateMFByteStreamOnStreamEx |
Creates a Media Foundation byte stream that wraps an IRandomAccessStream object. |
MFCreateMFByteStreamWrapper |
Creates a wrapper for a byte stream. |
MFCreateMFVideoFormatFromMFMediaType |
Creates an MFVIDEOFORMAT structure from a video media type. |
MFCreateMP3ByteStreamPlugin |
Creates a byte-stream handler for the MP3 media source. |
MFCreateMP3MediaSink |
Creates the MP3 media sink. |
MFCreateMPEG4MediaSink |
Creates a media sink for authoring MP4 files. |
MFCreateMuxSink |
Creates a generic media sink that wraps a multiplexer Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
MFCreateMuxStreamAttributes |
Creates an IMFAttributes describing the content of multiplexed substreams. |
MFCreateMuxStreamMediaType |
Creates an IMFMediaType describing the media types of multiplexed substreams. |
MFCreateMuxStreamSample |
Creates an IMFSample containing the samples of multiplexed substreams. |
MFCreateNetSchemePlugin |
Creates the scheme handler for the network source. |
MFCreatePathFromURL |
Converts a file URL to a Microsoft MS-DOS path. |
MFCreatePMPMediaSession |
Creates an instance of the Media Session inside a Protected Media Path (PMP) process. |
MFCreatePMPServer |
Creates the protected media path (PMP) server object. |
MFCreatePresentationClock |
Creates the presentation clock. |
MFCreatePresentationDescriptor |
Creates a presentation descriptor. |
MFCreatePresentationDescriptorFromASFProfile |
Creates a presentation descriptor from an ASF profile object. |
MFCreatePropertiesFromMediaType |
Creates properties from a IMFMediaType. |
MFCreateProtectedEnvironmentAccess |
Creates an IMFProtectedEnvironmentAccess object that allows content protection systems to perform a handshake with the protected environment. |
MFCreateProxyLocator |
Creates a default proxy locator. |
MFCreateRemoteDesktopPlugin |
Creates the remote desktop plug-in object. Use this object if the application is running in a Terminal Services client session. |
MFCreateSample |
Creates an empty media sample. |
MFCreateSampleCopierMFT |
Creates an instance of the sample copier transform. |
MFCreateSampleGrabberSinkActivate |
Creates an activation object for the sample grabber media sink. |
MFCreateSensorActivityMonitor |
Initializes a new instance of the IMFSensorActivityMonitor interface. |
MFCreateSensorGroup |
Creates an instance of the IMFSensorGroup interface based on the provided symbolic link name. |
MFCreateSensorStream |
Creates an instance of the IMFSensorStream interface. |
MFCreateSensorProfile |
Creates a sensor profile, based on the specified type, index, and optional constraints. |
MFCreateSensorProfileCollection |
Creates a sensor profile collection. |
MFCreateSequencerSegmentOffset |
Creates a PROPVARIANT that can be used to seek within a sequencer source presentation. |
MFCreateSequencerSource |
Creates the sequencer source. |
MFCreateSimpleTypeHandler |
Creates a media-type handler that supports a single media type at a time. |
MFCreateSinkWriterFromMediaSink |
Creates the sink writer from a media sink. |
MFCreateSinkWriterFromURL |
Creates the sink writer from a URL or byte stream. |
MFCreateSourceReaderFromByteStream |
Creates the source reader from a byte stream. |
MFCreateSourceReaderFromMediaSource |
Creates the source reader from a media source. |
MFCreateSourceReaderFromURL |
Creates the source reader from a URL. |
MFCreateSourceResolver |
Creates the source resolver, which is used to create a media source from a URL or byte stream. |
MFCreateStandardQualityManager |
Creates the default implementation of the quality manager. |
MFCreateStreamDescriptor |
Creates a stream descriptor. |
MFCreateStreamOnMFByteStream |
Returns an IStream pointer that wraps a Media Foundation byte stream. |
MFCreateStreamOnMFByteStreamEx |
Creates an IRandomAccessStream object that wraps a Media Foundation byte stream. |
MFCreateSystemTimeSource |
Creates a presentation time source that is based on the system time. |
MFCreateTempFile |
Creates a byte stream that is backed by a temporary local file. |
MFCreateTopoLoader |
Creates a new instance of the topology loader. |
MFCreateTopology |
Creates a topology object. |
MFCreateTopologyNode |
Creates a topology node. |
MFCreateTrackedSample |
Creates an IMFTrackedSample object that tracks the reference counts on a video media sample. |
MFCreateTranscodeProfile |
Creates an empty transcode profile object. |
MFCreateTranscodeSinkActivate |
Creates the transcode sink activation object. |
MFCreateTranscodeTopology |
Creates a partial transcode topology. |
MFCreateTranscodeTopologyFromByteStream |
Creates a topology for transcoding to a byte stream. |
MFCreateTransformActivate |
Creates a generic activation object for Media Foundation transforms (MFTs). |
MFCreateURLFromPath |
Converts a Microsoft MS-DOS path to a canonicalized URL. |
MFCreateVideoMediaType |
Creates a video media type from an MFVIDEOFORMAT structure. |
MFCreateVideoMediaTypeFromBitMapInfoHeader |
This function is not implemented. |
MFCreateVideoMediaTypeFromBitMapInfoHeaderEx |
Creates a video media type from a BITMAPINFOHEADER structure. |
MFCreateVideoMediaTypeFromSubtype |
Creates a partial video media type with a specified subtype. |
MFCreateVideoMediaTypeFromVideoInfoHeader |
Creates a media type from a KS_VIDEOINFOHEADER structure. |
MFCreateVideoMediaTypeFromVideoInfoHeader2 |
Creates a media type from a KS_VIDEOINFOHEADER2 structure. |
MFCreateVideoMixer |
Creates the default video mixer for the enhanced video renderer (EVR). |
MFCreateVideoMixerAndPresenter |
Creates the default video mixer and video presenter for the enhanced video renderer (EVR). |
MFCreateVideoPresenter |
Creates the default video presenter for the enhanced video renderer (EVR). |
MFCreateVideoRenderer |
Creates an instance of the enhanced video renderer (EVR) media sink. |
MFCreateVideoRendererActivate |
Creates an activation object for the enhanced video renderer (EVR) media sink. |
MFCreateVideoSampleAllocator |
Creates an object that allocates video samples. |
MFCreateVideoSampleAllocatorEx |
Creates an object that allocates video samples that are compatible with DXGI. |
MFCreateVideoSampleFromSurface |
Creates a media sample that manages a Direct3D surface. |
MFCreateWaveFormatExFromMFMediaType |
Converts a Media Foundation audio media type to a WAVEFORMATEX structure. |
MFCreateWAVEMediaSink |
Creates an WAVE archive sink. The WAVE archive sink takes audio and writes it to an .wav file. |
MFCreateWICBitmapBuffer |
Creates a media buffer object that manages a Windows Imaging Component (WIC) |
MFCreateWMAEncoderActivate |
Creates an activation object that can be used to create a Windows Media Audio (WMA) encoder. |
MFCreateWMVEncoderActivate |
Creates an activation object that can be used to create a Windows Media Video (WMV) encoder. |
MFDeserializeAttributesFromStream |
Loads attributes from a stream into an attribute store. |
MFDeserializePresentationDescriptor |
Deserializes a presentation descriptor from a byte array. |
MFEndCreateFile |
Completes an asynchronous request to create a byte stream from a file. |
MFEndRegisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS |
Completes an asynchronous request to associate a work queue with a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. |
MFEndUnregisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS |
Completes an asynchronous request to unregister a work queue from a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. |
MFEnumDeviceSources |
Enumerates a list of audio or video capture devices. |
MFFrameRateToAverageTimePerFrame |
Converts a video frame rate into a frame duration. |
MFGetAttribute2UINT32asUINT64 |
Gets an attribute whose value is two UINT32 values packed into a UINT64. |
MFGetAttributeDouble |
Returns a double value from an attribute store, or a default value if the attribute is not present. |
MFGetAttributeRatio |
Retrieves an attribute whose value is a ratio. |
MFGetAttributesAsBlob |
Converts the contents of an attribute store to a byte array. |
MFGetAttributesAsBlobSize |
Retrieves the size of the buffer needed for the MFGetAttributesAsBlob function. |
MFGetAttributeSize |
Retrieves an attribute whose value is a size, expressed as a width and height. |
MFGetAttributeString |
Gets a string value from an attribute store. |
MFGetAttributeUINT32 |
Returns a UINT32 value from an attribute store, or a default value if the attribute is not present. |
MFGetAttributeUINT64 |
Returns a UINT64 value from an attribute store, or a default value if the attribute is not present. |
MFGetContentProtectionSystemCLSID |
Gets the class identifier for a content protection system. |
MFGetLocalId |
Gets the local system ID. |
MFGetMFTMerit |
Gets the merit value of a hardware codec. |
MFGetPlaneSize |
Retrieves the image size, in bytes, for an uncompressed video format. |
MFGetPluginControl |
Gets a pointer to the Media Foundation plug-in manager. |
MFGetService |
Queries an object for a specified service interface. |
MFGetStrideForBitmapInfoHeader |
Calculates the minimum surface stride for a video format. |
MFGetSupportedMimeTypes |
Retrieves the MIME types that are registered for the source resolver. |
MFGetSupportedSchemes |
Retrieves the URL schemes that are registered for the source resolver. |
MFGetSystemId |
Returns an IMFSystemId object for retrieving system id data. |
MFGetSystemTime |
Returns the system time. |
MFGetTimerPeriodicity |
Retrieves the timer interval for the MFAddPeriodicCallback function. |
MFGetTopoNodeCurrentType |
Gets the media type for a stream associated with a topology node. |
MFGetUncompressedVideoFormat |
Returns the FOURCC or D3DFORMAT value for an uncompressed video format. |
MFGetWorkQueueMMCSSClass |
Retrieves the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) class currently associated with this work queue. |
MFGetWorkQueueMMCSSPriority |
Gets the relative thread priority of a work queue. |
MFGetWorkQueueMMCSSTaskId |
Retrieves the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task identifier currently associated with this work queue. |
MFHeapAlloc |
Allocates a block of memory. |
MFHeapFree |
Frees a block of memory that was allocated by calling the MFHeapAlloc function. |
MFInitAMMediaTypeFromMFMediaType |
Initializes a DirectShow AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure from a Media Foundation media type. |
MFInitAttributesFromBlob |
Initializes the contents of an attribute store from a byte array. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromAMMediaType |
Initializes a media type from a DirectShow AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromMFVideoFormat |
Initializes a media type from an MFVIDEOFORMAT structure. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromMPEG1VideoInfo |
Initializes a media type from a DirectShow MPEG1VIDEOINFO structure. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromMPEG2VideoInfo |
Initializes a media type from a DirectShow MPEG2VIDEOINFO structure. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromVideoInfoHeader |
Initializes a media type from a DirectShow VIDEOINFOHEADER structure. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromVideoInfoHeader2 |
Initializes a media type from a DirectShow VIDEOINFOHEADER2 structure. |
MFInitMediaTypeFromWaveFormatEx |
Initializes a media type from a WAVEFORMATEX structure. |
MFInitVideoFormat |
Initializes an MFVIDEOFORMAT structure for a standard video format such as DVD, analog television, or ATSC digital television. |
MFInitVideoFormat_RGB |
Initializes an MFVIDEOFORMAT structure for an uncompressed RGB video format. |
MFInvokeCallback |
Invokes a callback method to complete an asynchronous operation. |
MFIsContentProtectionDeviceSupported |
Checks whether a hardware security processor is supported for the specified media protection system. |
MFIsFormatYUV |
Queries whether a FOURCC code or D3DFORMAT value is a YUV format. |
MFllMulDiv |
Calculates ((a * b) + d) / c, where each term is a 64-bit signed value. |
MFLoadSignedLibrary |
Loads a dynamic link library that is signed for the protected environment. |
MFLockDXGIDeviceManager |
Locks the shared DXGI Device Manager. |
MFLockPlatform |
Blocks the MFShutdown function. |
MFLockSharedWorkQueue |
Obtains and locks a shared work queue. |
MFLockWorkQueue |
Locks a work queue. |
MFMapDX9FormatToDXGIFormat |
Converts a Microsoft Direct3D 9 format identifier to a DXGI format identifier. |
MFMapDXGIFormatToDX9Format |
Converts a DXGI format identifier to a Direct3D 9 format identifier. |
MFPCreateMediaPlayer |
Creates a new instance of the MFPlay player object. |
Callback function for the MFAddPeriodicCallback function. |
MFPutWaitingWorkItem |
Queues a work item that waits for an event to be signaled. |
MFPutWorkItem |
Puts an asynchronous operation on a work queue. |
MFPutWorkItem2 |
Puts an asynchronous operation on a work queue, with a specified priority. |
MFPutWorkItemEx |
Puts an asynchronous operation on a work queue. |
MFPutWorkItemEx2 |
Puts an asynchronous operation on a work queue, with a specified priority. |
MFRegisterLocalByteStreamHandler |
Registers a byte-stream handler in the caller's process. |
MFRegisterLocalSchemeHandler |
Registers a scheme handler in the caller's process. |
MFRegisterPlatformWithMMCSS |
Registers the standard Media Foundation platform work queues with the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS). |
MFRemovePeriodicCallback |
Cancels a callback function that was set by the MFAddPeriodicCallback function. |
MFRequireProtectedEnvironment |
Queries whether a media presentation requires the Protected Media Path (PMP). |
MFScheduleWorkItem |
Schedules an asynchronous operation to be completed after a specified interval. |
MFScheduleWorkItemEx |
Schedules an asynchronous operation to be completed after a specified interval. |
MFSerializeAttributesToStream |
Writes the contents of an attribute store to a stream. |
MFSerializePresentationDescriptor |
Serializes a presentation descriptor to a byte array. |
MFSetAttribute2UINT32asUINT64 |
Packs two UINT32 values into a UINT64 attribute value. |
MFSetAttributeRatio |
Sets a ratio as a 64-bit attribute value. |
MFSetAttributeSize |
Sets width and height as a single 64-bit attribute value. |
MFShutdown |
Shuts down the Media Foundation platform. |
MFShutdownObject |
Shuts down a Media Foundation object and releases all resources associated with the object. |
MFStartup |
Initializes Media Foundation. |
MFTEnum |
Enumerates Media Foundation transforms (MFTs) in the registry. |
MFTEnum2 |
Gets a list of Media Foundation transforms (MFTs) that match specified search criteria. This function extends the MFTEnumEx function to allow external applications and internal components to discover the hardware MFTs that correspond to a specific video adapter. |
MFTEnumEx |
Gets a list of Media Foundation transforms (MFTs) that match specified search criteria. This function extends the MFTEnum function. |
MFTGetInfo |
Gets information from the registry about a Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
MFTranscodeGetAudioOutputAvailableTypes |
Gets a list of output formats from an audio encoder. |
MFTRegister |
Adds information about a Media Foundation transform (MFT) to the registry. |
MFTRegisterLocal |
Registers a Media Foundation transform (MFT) in the caller's process. |
MFTRegisterLocalByCLSID |
Registers a Media Foundation transform (MFT) in the caller's process. |
MFTUnregister |
Unregisters a Media Foundation transform (MFT). |
MFTUnregisterLocal |
Unregisters one or more Media Foundation transforms (MFTs) from the caller's process. |
MFTUnregisterLocalByCLSID |
Unregisters a Media Foundation transform (MFT) from the caller's process. |
MFUnlockDXGIDeviceManager |
Unlocks the shared DXGI Device Manager. |
MFUnlockPlatform |
Unlocks the Media Foundation platform after it was locked by a call to the MFLockPlatform function. |
MFUnlockWorkQueue |
Unlocks a work queue. |
MFUnregisterPlatformFromMMCSS |
Unregisters the Media Foundation platform work queues from a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task. |
MFUnwrapMediaType |
Retrieves a media type that was wrapped in another media type by the MFWrapMediaType function. |
MFValidateMediaTypeSize |
Validates the size of a buffer for a video format block. |
MFWrapMediaType |
Creates a media type that wraps another media type. |
Pack2UINT32AsUINT64 |
Packs two UINT32 values into a UINT64 value. |
PackRatio |
Packs two UINT32 values, which represent a ratio, into a UINT64 value. |
PackSize |
Packs a UINT32 width value and a UINT32 height value into a UINT64 value that represents a size. |
PDXVAHDSW_CreateDevice |
Creates an instance of a software plug-in DXVA-HD device. |
PDXVAHDSW_CreateVideoProcessor |
Creates a software DXVA-HD video processor plug-in. |
PDXVAHDSW_DestroyDevice |
Destroys an instance of a software plug-in DXVA-HD device. |
PDXVAHDSW_DestroyVideoProcessor |
Destroys a sofware DXVA-HD video processor. |
PDXVAHDSW_GetVideoProcessBltStatePrivate |
Gets a private blit state from a software DXVA-HD video processor. |
PDXVAHDSW_GetVideoProcessorCaps |
Gets the capabilities of one or more software DXVA-HD video processors. |
PDXVAHDSW_GetVideoProcessorCustomRates |
Gets the custom rates that a software DXVA-HD video processor supports. |
PDXVAHDSW_GetVideoProcessorDeviceCaps |
Gets the capabilities of a software plug-in DXVA-HD device. |
PDXVAHDSW_GetVideoProcessorFilterRange |
Gets the supported range of image filter values from a software plug-in DXVA-HD device. |
PDXVAHDSW_GetVideoProcessorInputFormats |
Gets the input formats that are supported by a software plug-in DXVA-HD device. |
PDXVAHDSW_GetVideoProcessorOutputFormats |
Gets the output formats that are supported by a software plug-in DXVA-HD device. |
PDXVAHDSW_GetVideoProcessStreamStatePrivate |
Gets a private stream state from a software DXVA-HD video processor. |
Pointer to a function that initializes a software plug-in device for DXVA-HD. |
PDXVAHDSW_ProposeVideoPrivateFormat |
Gets a private surface format from a software plug-in DXVA-HD device. |
PDXVAHDSW_SetVideoProcessBltState |
Sets a state parameter for blit operations by a software DXVA-HD video processor. |
PDXVAHDSW_SetVideoProcessStreamState |
Sets a state parameter for an input stream on a software DXVA-HD video processor. |
PDXVAHDSW_VideoProcessBltHD |
Performs a video processing blit. |
Unpack2UINT32AsUINT64 |
Gets the low-order and high-order UINT32 values from a UINT64 value. |
UnpackRatio |
Gets the low-order and high-order UINT32 values from a UINT64 value that represents a ratio. |
UnpackSize |
Gets the low-order and high-order UINT32 values from a UINT64 value that represents a size. |
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