
Python is a scripting language that is popular for system automation and machine learning (ML). You can learn more about Python at

Using Python on x64 or x86

To install Python on Windows IoT Core:

  1. Download the Python NuGet package, and then install the files using PowerShell.

    $python_zip = ""
    if($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -ieq "x86") {
        $python_zip = ""
    Invoke-WebRequest $python_zip -OutFile c:\data\
    Expand-Archive C:\data\ -DestinationPath c:\python_temp
    move C:\python_temp\tools c:\python
    rd C:\python_temp -Recurse -Force
    del C:\data\
  2. Add Python to the system path.

    cmd /c 'setx PATH "%PATH%";c:\python;c:\python\scripts /M'
    $env:Path += ";c:\python;c:\python\scripts"
  3. Ensure that the current version of pip is installed

    python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Using Python on Windows IoT Core ARM32

To get Python for Windows, you will need to build the binaries yourself.

  1. Build Python for ARM32. The branch must be 3.8 or greater.

    git clone
    cd cpython
    git checkout 3.8
    pcbuild\build.bat -p ARM --no-tkinter
  2. Build Python .zip file for Windows IoT Core ARM32. The same version of Python must be used to run PC/layout. This step builds Python for x86 and uses it to build the .zip file(s). If you want the standard library tests in your .zip file add the --include-tests parameter.

    REM Build Python for x86 to use for building the .zip file.
    pcbuild\win32\python.exe PC/layout -vv -s "." -b ".\PCBuild\arm32" -t ".\PCBuild\temp" --preset-iot --include-venv --zip ".\PCBuild\arm32\zip\"
    net use P: \\[ip address]\c$ /user:administrator
    copy .\PCBuild\arm32\zip\ P:\data
  3. Use PowerShell to extract the .zip file on the device and add Python to the system path.

    Expand-Archive C:\data\ -DestinationPath c:\python
    cmd /c 'setx PATH "%PATH%";c:\python;c:\python\scripts /M'
    $env:Path += ";c:\python;c:\python\scripts"
  4. Verify that print('Hello World') works.

    python -c "print('Hello World!');quit()"

Using Python on Windows IoT Core ARM64

To get Python for Windows, you will need to build the binaries yourself.

  1. Clone Python for ARM32 and run get_externals. The branch must be 3.8 or greater.

    git clone
    cd cpython
    git checkout 3.8
    cd ..
  2. Clone and build libffi.

    git clone
    set LIBFFI_SOURCE=%CD%\libffi
    REM Visual Studio 2015 or greater with ARM64 tools installed is required to build Python
    REM the location of VCVARSALL may differ on your machine
    set VCVARSALL="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat"
    cd cpython
    if exist c:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe (
        call pcbuild\prepare_libffi.bat -arm64
    ) else (
        call pcbuild\prepare_libffi.bat -arm64 --install-cygwin
    if not exist externals\libffi\arm64\libffi-7.dll echo ERROR: libffi not built! & exit /b 1
  3. Build Python for ARM64.

    pcbuild\build.bat -p ARM64 --no-tkinter
  4. Build Python .zip file for Windows IoT Core ARM64. The same version of Python must be used to run PC/layout. This step builds Python for x86 and uses it to build the .zip file(s). If you want the standard library tests in your .zip file add the --include-tests parameter.

    REM Build Python for x86 to use for building the .zip file.
    REM Map drive to device and copy files using PC/layout
    net use P: \\[ip address]\c$ /user:administrator
    pcbuild\win32\python.exe PC/layout -vv -s "." -b ".\PCBuild\arm64" -t ".\PCBuild\temp" --preset-iot --include-venv --copy P:\python
  5. Add Python to the system path.

    setx PATH "%PATH%";c:\python;c:\python\scripts /M
    set PATH=%PATH%;c:\python;c:\python\scripts
  6. Verify that print('Hello World') works.

    python -c "print('Hello World!');quit()"

Try out Azure IoT Hub Python SDKs v2 - PREVIEW

  1. First install the SDK.

    python -m pip install azure-iot-device

    In the output for the pip install there may be errors: Download error on If you see this then, otherwise skip to Set up an IoT Hub and create a Device Identity:

  2. Navigate to in your favorite browser. Inspect the web site's certificate and noticed that it issued by DigiCert.

  3. Create a directory named c:\test.

  4. Run certmgr.msc from a command prompt on a desktop Windows machine.

  5. Navigate to Trusted Root Certification Authorities in the treeview. Expand the node and choose Certificates.

  6. In the right pane find the DigiCert High Assurance EV Root, right-click and select All Tasks > Export. Note that there are multiple DigiCert certs and I identified this one by trying each one, one at a time.

  7. In the dialog that pops up click Next.

  8. Select DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER) (this should be the default) and click Next.

  9. In the File name: edit box type c:\test\DigiCert High Assurance EV Root.cer

    Certificate Export Wizard

  10. Click Next.

  11. Click Finish.

  12. Copy c:\test\DigiCert High Assurance EV Root.cer to the device by running the following command on your desktop machine:

    net use X: \\host\c$ /user:host\administrator
    md X:\test
    copy "c:\test\GlobalSign Root CA.cer" X:\test
  13. On the device, import the certificate into the root store using PowerShell.

    certmgr -add "c:\test\DigiCert High Assurance EV Root.cer" -s root -r localMachine -c
    certmgr -add "c:\test\GlobalSign Root CA.cer" -s root -r localMachine -c
  14. Try to install the azure-iot-device again

    python -m pip install azure-iot-device --no-color
  15. In the output for the pip install there may be errors: Download error for If you don't see this, then skip to Set up an IoT Hub and create a Device Identity

  16. Navigate to in your favorite browser. Inspect the web site's certificate and noticed that it issued by GlobalSign.

  17. Repeat the steps to export the GlobalSign Root CA certificate from your desktop machine and import it on the device.

  18. Try to install the azure-iot-device again.

Set up an IoT Hub and create a Device Identity

  1. Install the Azure CLI (or use the Azure Cloud Shell) and use it to create an Azure IoT Hub.

    az iot hub create --resource-group <your resource group> --name <your IoT Hub name>
    • Note that this operation may take a few minutes.
  2. Add the IoT Extension to the Azure CLI, and then register a device identity

    az extension add --name azure-cli-iot-ext
    az iot hub device-identity create --hub-name <your IoT Hub name> --device-id <your device id>
  3. Retrieve your Device Connection String using the Azure CLI

    az iot hub device-identity show-connection-string --device-id <your device id> --hub-name <your IoT Hub name>

    It should be in the format:

    HostName=<your IoT Hub name>;DeviceId=<your device id>;SharedAccessKey=<some value>

Send a simple telemetry message

  1. Begin monitoring for telemetry on your IoT Hub using the Azure CLI

    az iot hub monitor-events --hub-name <your IoT Hub name> --output table
  2. On your device, set the Device Connection String as an environment variable called IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING.

    REM NOTE: there are no quotes
    set IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING=<your connection string here>
  3. Copy and run it on the device.

    cmd /c "if not exist c:\test md c:\test"
    REM copy from to c:\test on the device
    python c:\test\

Using Python in an x64 docker container on Windows IoT Core

  1. Download the newest docker, and install files.

    Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile c:\data\
    Expand-Archive c:\data\ -DestinationPath c:\data
    move c:\data\docker\docker*exe c:\windows\system32
    Remove-Item c:\data\docker -Recurse -Force
    dockerd --register-service
    net start docker
  2. Create Dockerfile

    # escape = `
    # Get Python
    ADD "" .\temp\
    COPY test test
    COPY certmgr.exe c:\windows\system32
    # need admin for setx and certmgr
    USER ContainerAdministrator
    # Extract Python
    RUN tar -xf c:\temp\ -C c:\temp && `
        move c:\temp\tools c:\ && `
        ren tools python && `
        RD c:\temp /s/q && `
        setx PATH "%PATH%";c:\python;c:\python\scripts /M
    RUN dir c:\test\*.cer /s/b > c:\test\certs.txt && `
        for /f "delims==" %i in (c:\test\certs.txt) do certmgr -add "%i" -s root -r localMachine -c < c:\test\1.txt
    USER ContainerUser
    RUN python -m pip install --upgrade pip && `
        python -m pip install azure-iot-device
    CMD cmd /k c:\test\start.cmd
  3. Copy Dockerfile to c:\docker on device. Also copy any certificates to P:\docker\test. 1.txt is a file with the number 1 and a carriage return.

    net use P: \\[device IP address]\c$ /user:administrator
    md P:\docker\test
    copy Dockerfile P:\docker
    copy AppCertificates\*.cer P:\docker\test
    copy 1.txt P:\docker\test
  4. Connect to the device using SSH. Remote PowerShell will not work for an interactive docker session.

    docker build --isolation==process . -t python
    docker run --isolation==process python
  5. Print hello world

    python -c "print('Hello Python in Containers!')"
  6. See Azure IoT SDK directions above to test cloud to device messages.

Additional Python Developer Resources