Supplemental Fonts

Applies to:
✅ Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2024
✅ Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021 (19044.1741 or later)

Package Description

Package: Microsoft-OneCore-Fonts-DesktopFonts-NonLeanSupplement
Fonts: Malgun Gothic, Microsoft JhengHei, Microsoft YaHei, Yu Gothic.


This feature is only supported on the Windows IoT Enterprise LTSC edition. If you choose to remove any of this package from Windows IoT Enterprise, you must ensure that your solution does not rely on functionality of the removed package. You cannot restore the package without a full reinstall of Windows IoT Enterprise LTSC.
For more information, see Removable Packages System Requirements.

Package Removal

  1. To remove a specific package from the image type:

    Dism.exe /Online /NoRestart /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:Microsoft-Onecore-Fonts-DesktopFonts-NonLeanSupplement /PackageName:@Package

    To remove a package from an offline image mounted at c:\offline type:

    Dism.exe /Image:c:\offline  /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:Microsoft-Onecore-Fonts-DesktopFonts-NonLeanSupplement /PackageName:@Package
  2. Optional: Use DISM /GetFeatureInfo to get the status of a removable package type:

    Dism.exe /Online /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:Microsoft-Onecore-Fonts-DesktopFonts-NonLeanSupplement /PackageName:@Package

Package Details

Package Size

Release x64 ARM64
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2024 28,383 KB 28,383 KB
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021 113,251 KB

File List

File Name Installed Location
malgunbd.ttf %windir%\fonts\malgunbd.ttf
malgunsl.ttf %windir%\fonts\malgunsl.ttf
msjhbd.ttc %windir%\fonts\msjhbd.ttc
msjhl.ttc %windir%\fonts\msjhl.ttc
msyhbd.ttc %windir%\fonts\msyhbd.ttc
msyhl.ttc %windir%\fonts\msyhl.ttc
yugothb.ttc %windir%\fonts\yugothb.ttc
yugothl.ttc %windir%\fonts\yugothl.ttc
yugothr.ttc %windir%\fonts\yugothr.ttc