UDP packets in Unity UWP apps

You can setup your Universal Windows Platform (UWP) Unity apps to receive UDP packets with the help of a UDP socket client and server. UDP sockets don't maintain connection on both endpoints, so they're a fast and simple solution for networking between remote machines. However, you'll be responsible for checking if the packets get to their destination, as UDP sockets don't do that automatically.


Open your projects HoloLens manifest.json file and make sure you've enabled:

  • Internet (Client & Server)
  • Private Networks (Client & Server).

Build your socket client and server

Follow the instructions for building a basic UDP socket client and server. You'll be using the DatagramSocket class to send and receive data over UDP and form an echo client and server. We also recommend reading through the other resource sections in this article, as they apply to more customized and complex use cases.


If you're having trouble sending UDP packets from PC to PC, check that your network allows these operations. If your network is blocking the UDP packets in any way, your HoloLens device won't be able to listen for them.

You can download a complete DatagramSocket UDP sample app from the link below:

See also