Exploring MRTK3 sample scenes

Unlike MRTK2, MRTK3 isn't distributed as a Unity project. Instead, MRTK3 consists of a loosely coupled collection of individual UPM packages distributed through the Mixed Reality Feature Tool, as well as through our official Git repository.

As a result, we no longer ship our sample scenes inside the MRTK library/package itself. Instead, we maintain the UnityProjects folder at the top level of the Git repository, which contains any Unity projects we want to ship. Currently, this folder includes the MRTKDevTemplate project, which contains all of our example scenes and is configured to align with our recommended best settings.

We also recommend using the MRTKDevTemplate project for local development when submitting fixes or changes. All of the packages are specified as local on-disk dependencies, making editing and submitting changes easy. Clone the repo and ensure you're on the mrtk3 branch, and open the MRTKDevTemplate Unity project.

Within MRTKDevTemplate, you can find all of our sample scenes. Most of the sample scenes are in UnityProjects/MRTKDevTemplate/Assets/Scenes, while some experimental or early-preview sample scenes are located in UnityProjects/MRTKDevTemplate/Assets/Data Binding Example.

Included sample scenes

We list below just a few of them.


This sample scene offers a wide variety of interaction examples. Despite the name, this scene is a good example of cross-platform input, including hand tracking, controller input, and mouse input. Examples of several different UI controls and interactables are present, including the volumetric UI systems.

Hand Menu


Various configurations of BoundsControl, showing both flattened and 3D bounds.


Shows a collection of UX components built with UnityUI. These UX components are built with a combination of XRI interactables and traditional UGUI event handlers. This combination enables flexibility and responsive design across a wide variety of input methods and contexts. For more information, see the UX Components overview.


This scene showcases all available UI building blocks and their permutations in MRTK. All controls are based on the new Mixed Reality Design Language.


This scene demonstrates use of the Dialog control.


Example of using the Gaze Interactor to highlight objects within a scene.


Demonstrates using a menu appearing beside the hand.


An example of different styles of interactable buttons.


Near interaction menu examples.


Demonstrates the Object Bar component, which enables horizontal or vertical arrangement of arbitrary 3D objects.


The scene demonstrates UIBackplate.prefab, which you can use to construct various types of UI panels and menus.


The sample empty MRTK scene only contains the core MRTK prefab (MRTK XR Rig) and the input simulator prefab (MRTKInputSimulator). It's intended to give developers an empty scene with only the MRTK essentials necessary to get started.


A demonstration of using MRTK3 to create a basic drawing application.


The spatial mapping example scene demonstrates using ARMeshManager (MRTK XR Rig > ARSpatialMeshManager) in MRTK3 to visualize the spatial mesh.


Shows a collection of toggles that control the visibility of associated game objects.


Demonstrates the ToggleCollection script, which allows multiple toggle interactables to be grouped. Only one toggle can be toggled at any given time.

DataBinding and Theming sample scenes

The following scenes demonstrate very early-preview functionality and are subject to large changes.

Assets\UX Theming Example\Scenes\AudioTheming

Change the sound of a virtual keyboard using Data Binding and Theming.

Assets\UX Theming Example\Scenes\BatteryLevelExample

Using Data Binding to update a battery level display.

Assets\UX Theming Example\Scenes\CoreUXThemingExample

Example of using Data Binding and Theming to control the look of UX Core components.