Exploring MRTK3 tutorials

Several tutorials have been created to help developers learn about MRTK3's various features and capabilities.

MRTK3 Aquarium: the in-editor tutorial

The MRTK3 Aquarium project provides a Unity in-editor tutorial that explores various MRTK3 features. Set in an underwater scene, you'll be introduced to the creatures of the aquarium and the objects that make up their habitat. Using MRTK3 features, you'll add interactivity to the aquarium, enabling you to create an aquarium of your very own!

Zappy's Playground

Zappy's Playground is a cross-platform developer sample project that showcases how to develop intuitive and comprehensive end-to-end experiences for mixed reality. It makes use of many advanced features present in MRTK3, such as Gaze Interaction, Hand Menus, and Spatial Audio.

This sample is currently out of date and will be brought up to the current MRTK3 developments in the near future.