Setting up your development environment

Before setting up a Unity Project with MRTK3, make sure you have the following prerequisites

  • A Windows 10 or 11 PC
  • Visual Studio 2022 with the required workloads (as noted in the Installation Checklist)
  • Windows 10 SDK 10.0.18362.0 or later
  • Unity Hub with Unity 2021.3 LTS installed

If your target platform is a HoloLens device, your unity installation will need to include the Universal Windows Platform Support Module

UWP Module Installation

If your target platform is a Quest device, your unity installation will need to include the Android Build Support Module and its submodules. More more information specifics, see the Oculus Developer documentation

Android Module Installation

Next steps

After setting up the development environment, there are few options for creating a Unity Project with MRTK3.

  • Starting from a Template Project: This guide will walk you through cloning a template project which preconfigured to consume all MRTK packages and is initialized with project settings vital for running your application on a device.
  • Starting from a New Project: This guide will walk you through adding vital MRTK3 packages to a new Unity project. It will also help you initialize the project settings needed to run your application on a device.