Create app store listings

The Store listings section of the app submission process is where you provide the text and images that customers will see when viewing your app's listing in the Microsoft Store.

Many of the fields in a Store listing are optional, but we suggest providing multiple images and as much info as possible to make your listing stand out. The minimum required for the Store listings step to be considered complete is a text description and at least one screenshot.


You can optionally import and export Store listings if you'd prefer to enter your listing info offline in a .csv file, rather than providing info and uploading files directly in Partner Center. Using the import and export option can be especially convenient if you have listings in many languages, since it lets you make multiple updates at once.

Store listing languages

You must complete the Store listing page for at least one language. We recommend providing a Store listing in each language that your packages support, but you have flexibility to remove languages for which you don’t wish to provide a Store listing. You can also create Store listings in additional languages which aren’t supported by your packages.


If your submission includes packages already, we’ll show the languages supported in your packages on the app overview page (unless you remove any of them).

To add or remove languages for your Store listings, click Add/remove languages from the app overview page. If you‘ve already uploaded packages, you’ll see their languages listed in the Languages supported by your packages section. To remove one or more of these languages, click Remove. If you later decide to include a language that you previously removed from this section, you can click Add.

A screenshot showing the manage store listing page for MSIX/PWA app.

In the Additional Store listing languages section, you can click Manage additional languages to add or remove languages that are not included in your packages. Check the boxes for the languages that you’d like to add, then click Update. The languages you’ve selected will be displayed in the Additional Store listing languages section. To remove one or more of these languages, click Remove (or click Manage additional languages and uncheck the box for languages you’d like to remove).

A screenshot showing the list of languages available for listing a MSIX/PWA app.

A screenshot showing a listing language has ben added for MSIX/PWA app.

When you have finished making your selections, click Save to return to the app overview page.

The Store listings section of the app submission process is where you provide the text and images that customers will see when they view your app's listing in the Microsoft Store.

Many of the fields in a Store listing are optional, but we suggest providing multiple images and as much info as possible to make your listing stand out. The minimum required for the Store listings step to be considered complete is a text description and at least one screenshot.


If you prefer to manage your store listing offline, you can import a .csv file that contains your app's details. Using the import and export option can be especially convenient if you have listings in many languages, since it lets you make multiple updates at once.

A screenshot of the overview of Store listings section in Partner Center.

Manage Store listing languages

You must complete the Store listing page for at least one language. We recommend providing a Store listing in each language that your packages support, and you also have flexibility to create Store listings in additional languages which are not supported by your packages and not support languages for which you do not wish to provide a Store listing.

To add or remove languages for your Store listings, click Add languages from Manage Store listings page.

A screenshot of the Store listings section where you can add a language for listing your app in Microsoft Store.

When you have finished making your selections, click Save to return to the Manage Store listing page.

A screenshot of the Store listings section showing a language has been added for listing.

The Manage Store listings page of the app submission process is where you can also publish your app. By default, we'll publish your submission as soon as it passes certification. As your submission passes certification, you can view certification status on the Application Overview page.

When submitting an add-on in Partner Center, the info you provide in the Store listings step will be displayed to your customers when they see the option to acquire your add-on. Make sure to consider the Store listing info carefully in order to represent your add-on accurately in a way that makes it appealing to customers. You can provide customized Store listings for different languages.


You can also import and export Store listings for your add-on if you'd like to enter your listing info offline in a .csv file, rather than providing this info directly in Partner Center. This may be especially convenient when creating listings in many languages. However, you can always enter your info directly in Partner Center rather than using the import/export feature.

Store listing languages

Before you can enter Store listing info, you need to specify one or more languages. You must complete the Store listing page for at least one language. We recommend creating Store listings for every language your app supports.

Under the Store listing section of your add-on's submission, click Add/remove languages, then click Manage languages on the next page. Check the boxes for the languages that you’d like to add, then click Update. The languages that you’ve selected will be displayed in the Store listing languages section of the page.

To remove a language, click Remove (or click Manage languages and uncheck the box for languages you’d like to remove).

When you have finished making your selections, click Save to return to the submission overview page.