MSMQ-Sites attribute

The list of sites that the computer belongs to (an array of the sites' objectGUIDs, usually not more than one GUID).

Entry Value
Ldap-Display-Name mSMQSites
Size -
Update Privilege -
Update Frequency -
Attribute-Id 1.2.840.113556.1.4.927
System-Id-Guid 9a0dc32a-c100-11d1-bbc5-0080c76670c0
Syntax Object(Replica-Link)


Windows 2000 Server

Entry Value
Link-Id -
System-Only False
Is-Single-Valued False
Is Indexed False
In Global Catalog True
NT-Security-Descriptor O:BAG:BAD:S:
Range-Lower 16
Range-Upper 16
Search-Flags 0x00000000
System-Flags 0x00000010
Classes used in MSMQ-Configuration

Windows Server 2003

Entry Value
Link-Id -
System-Only False
Is-Single-Valued False
Is Indexed False
In Global Catalog True
NT-Security-Descriptor O:BAG:BAD:S:
Range-Lower 16
Range-Upper 16
Search-Flags 0x00000000
System-Flags 0x00000010
Classes used in MSMQ-Configuration

Windows Server 2003 R2

Entry Value
Link-Id -
System-Only False
Is-Single-Valued False
Is Indexed False
In Global Catalog True
NT-Security-Descriptor O:BAG:BAD:S:
Range-Lower 16
Range-Upper 16
Search-Flags 0x00000000
System-Flags 0x00000010
Classes used in MSMQ-Configuration

Windows Server 2008

Entry Value
Link-Id -
System-Only False
Is-Single-Valued False
Is Indexed False
In Global Catalog True
NT-Security-Descriptor O:BAG:BAD:S:
Range-Lower 16
Range-Upper 16
Search-Flags 0x00000000
System-Flags 0x00000010
Classes used in MSMQ-Configuration

Windows Server 2008 R2

Entry Value
Link-Id -
System-Only False
Is-Single-Valued False
Is Indexed False
In Global Catalog True
NT-Security-Descriptor O:BAG:BAD:S:
Range-Lower 16
Range-Upper 16
Search-Flags 0x00000000
System-Flags 0x00000010
Classes used in MSMQ-Configuration

Windows Server 2012

Entry Value
Link-Id -
System-Only False
Is-Single-Valued False
Is Indexed False
In Global Catalog True
NT-Security-Descriptor O:BAG:BAD:S:
Range-Lower 16
Range-Upper 16
Search-Flags 0x00000000
System-Flags 0x00000010
Classes used in MSMQ-Configuration