Direct3D 9 Graphics
Overview of the Direct3D 9 Graphics technology.
To develop Direct3D 9 Graphics, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
AddDirtyBox The IDirect3DVolumeTexture9::AddDirtyBox method (d3d9helper.h) adds a dirty region to a volume texture resource. |
AddDirtyBox The IDirect3DVolumeTexture9::AddDirtyBox (d3d9.h) method adds a dirty region to a volume texture resource. |
AddDirtyRect The IDirect3DCubeTexture9::AddDirtyRect method (d3d9.h) adds a dirty region to a cube texture resource. |
AddDirtyRect The IDirect3DTexture9::AddDirtyRect method (d3d9.h) adds a dirty region to a texture resource. |
AddDirtyRect The IDirect3DCubeTexture9::AddDirtyRect adds a dirty region to a cube texture resource. |
AddDirtyRect The IDirect3DTexture9::AddDirtyRect (d3d9.h) method adds a dirty region to a texture resource. |
Apply The IDirect3DStateBlock9::Apply method (d3d9helper.h) applies the state block to the current device state. |
Apply The IDirect3DStateBlock9::Apply (d3d9.h) method applies the state block to the current device state. |
BeginScene The IDirect3DDevice9::BeginScene method (d3d9.h) begins a scene. |
BeginScene The IDirect3DDevice9::BeginScene method (d3d9.h) begins a scene. |
BeginStateBlock The IDirect3DDevice9::BeginStateBlock method (d3d9.h) signals Direct3D to begin recording a device-state block. |
BeginStateBlock The IDirect3DDevice9::BeginStateBlock method (d3d9.h) signals Direct3D to begin recording a device-state block. |
Capture The IDirect3DStateBlock9::Capture method (d3d9helper.h) captures the current value of states that are included in a stateblock. |
Capture The IDirect3DStateBlock9::Capture (d3d9.h) method captures the current value of states that are included in a stateblock. |
CheckDepthStencilMatch The IDirect3D9::CheckDepthStencilMatch (d3d9helper.h) method determines whether a depth-stencil format is compatible with a render-target format. |
CheckDepthStencilMatch The IDirect3D9::CheckDepthStencilMatch method (d3d9helper.h) determines whether a depth-stencil format is compatible with a render-target format in a particular display mode. |
CheckDeviceFormat The IDirect3D9::CheckDeviceFormat (d3d9helper.h) method determines whether a surface format is available as a specified resource type. |
CheckDeviceFormat The IDirect3D9::CheckDeviceFormat method (d3d9helper.h) determines whether a surface format is available as a specified resource type. |
CheckDeviceFormatConversion The IDirect3D9::CheckDeviceFormatConversion (d3d9helper.h) method tests the device to see if it supports conversion from one display format to another. |
CheckDeviceFormatConversion The IDirect3D9::CheckDeviceFormatConversion method (d3d9helper.h) tests the device to see if it supports conversion from one display format to another. |
CheckDeviceMultiSampleType The IDirect3D9::CheckDeviceMultiSampleType (d3d9helper.h) method determines if a multisampling technique is available on this device. |
CheckDeviceMultiSampleType The IDirect3D9::CheckDeviceMultiSampleType method (d3d9.h) determines if a multisampling technique is available on this device. |
CheckDeviceState Reports the current cooperative-level status of the Direct3D device for a windowed or full-screen application. (IDirect3DDevice9Ex.CheckDeviceState) |
CheckDeviceType The IDirect3D9::CheckDeviceType (d3d9helper.h) method verifies whether a hardware accelerated device type can be used on this adapter. |
CheckDeviceType The IDirect3D9::CheckDeviceType method (d3d9.h) verifies whether a hardware accelerated device type can be used on this adapter. |
CheckResourceResidency Checks an array of resources to determine if it is likely that they will cause a large stall at Draw time because the system must make the resources GPU-accessible. |
Clear The IDirect3DDevice9::Clear method (d3d9.h) clears one or more surfaces such as a render target, multiple render targets, a stencil buffer, or a depth buffer. |
Clear The IDirect3DDevice9::Clear method (d3d9.h) clears one or more surfaces such as a render target, multiple render targets, a stencil buffer, or a depth buffer. |
ColorFill The IDirect3DDevice9::ColorFill method (d3d9.h) allows an application to fill a rectangular area of a D3DPOOL_DEFAULT surface with a specified color. |
ColorFill The IDirect3DDevice9::ColorFill method (d3d9.h) allows an application to fill a rectangular area of a D3DPOOL_DEFAULT surface with a specified color. |
ComposeRects Copy a text string to one surface using an alphabet of glyphs on another surface. Composition is done by the GPU using bitwise operations. |
CreateAdditionalSwapChain The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateAdditionalSwapChain method (d3d9.h) creates an additional swap chain for rendering multiple views. |
CreateAdditionalSwapChain The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateAdditionalSwapChain method (d3d9.h) creates an additional swap chain for rendering multiple views. |
CreateCubeTexture The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateCubeTexture method (d3d9helper.h) creates a cube texture resource. |
CreateCubeTexture The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateCubeTexture method (d3d9.h) creates a cube texture resource. |
CreateDepthStencilSurface The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateDepthStencilSurface method (d3d9helper.h) creates a depth-stencil resource. |
CreateDepthStencilSurface The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateDepthStencilSurface method (d3d9.h) creates a depth-stencil resource. |
CreateDepthStencilSurfaceEx Creates a depth-stencil surface. |
CreateDevice The IDirect3D9::CreateDevice (d3d9helper.h) method creates a device to represent the display adapter. |
CreateDevice The IDirect3D9::CreateDevice method (d3d9.h) creates a device to represent the display adapter. |
CreateDeviceEx Creates a device to represent the display adapter. (IDirect3D9Ex.CreateDeviceEx) |
CreateIndexBuffer The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateIndexBuffer method (d3d9helper.h) creates an index buffer. |
CreateIndexBuffer The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateIndexBuffer method (d3d9.h) creates an index buffer. |
CreateOffscreenPlainSurface The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateOffscreenPlainSurface method (d3d9helper.h) creates an off-screen surface. |
CreateOffscreenPlainSurface The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateOffscreenPlainSurface method (d3d9.h) creates an off-screen surface. |
CreateOffscreenPlainSurfaceEx Create an off-screen surface. (IDirect3DDevice9Ex.CreateOffscreenPlainSurfaceEx) |
CreatePixelShader The IDirect3DDevice9::CreatePixelShader method (d3d9.h) creates a pixel shader. |
CreatePixelShader The IDirect3DDevice9::CreatePixelShader method (d3d9.h) creates a pixel shader. |
CreateQuery The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateQuery method (d3d9helper.h) creates a status query. |
CreateQuery The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateQuery method (d3d9.h) creates a status query. |
CreateRenderTarget The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateRenderTarget method (d3d9helper.h) creates a render-target surface. |
CreateRenderTarget The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateRenderTarget method (d3d9.h) creates a render-target surface. |
CreateRenderTargetEx Creates a render-target surface. (IDirect3DDevice9Ex.CreateRenderTargetEx) |
CreateStateBlock The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateStateBlock method (d3d9helper.h) creates a new state block containing the values for all device states, vertex-related states, or pixel-related states. |
CreateStateBlock The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateStateBlock method (d3d9.h) creates a new state block that contains the values for all device states, vertex-related states, or pixel-related states. |
CreateTexture The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateTexture method (d3d9helper.h) creates a texture resource. |
CreateTexture The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateTexture method (d3d9.h) creates a texture resource. |
CreateVertexBuffer The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateVertexBuffer method (d3d9helper.h) creates a vertex buffer. |
CreateVertexBuffer The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateVertexBuffer method (d3d9.h) creates a vertex buffer. |
CreateVertexDeclaration The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateVertexDeclaration method (d3d9helper.h) creates a vertex shader declaration from the device and the vertex elements. |
CreateVertexDeclaration The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateVertexDeclaration method (d3d9.h) creates a vertex shader declaration from the device and the vertex elements. |
CreateVertexShader The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateVertexShader method (d3d9helper.h) creates a vertex shader. |
CreateVertexShader The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateVertexShader method (d3d9.h) creates a vertex shader. |
CreateVolumeTexture The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateVolumeTexture method (d3d9helper.h) creates a volume texture resource. |
CreateVolumeTexture The IDirect3DDevice9::CreateVolumeTexture method (d3d9.h) creates a volume texture resource. |
DeletePatch The IDirect3DDevice9::DeletePatch method (d3d9helper.h) frees a cached high-order patch. |
DeletePatch The IDirect3DDevice9::DeletePatch method (d3d9.h) frees a cached high-order patch. |
Direct3DCreate9 The Direct3DCreate9 function (d3d9helper.h) creates an IDirect3D9 object and return an interface to it. |
Direct3DCreate9 The Direct3DCreate9Ex function (d3d9.h) creates an IDirect3D9 object and return an interface to it. |
Direct3DCreate9Ex Creates an IDirect3D9Ex object and returns an interface to it. |
DrawIndexedPrimitive The IDirect3DDevice9::DrawIndexedPrimitive method (d3d9helper.h) renders the specified geometric primitive into an array of vertices. |
DrawIndexedPrimitive The IDirect3DDevice9::DrawIndexedPrimitive method (d3d9.h) renders the specified geometric primitive into an array of vertices. |
DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP The IDirect3DDevice9::DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP method (d3d9helper.h) renders the specified geometric primitive with data specified by a user memory pointer. |
DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP The IDirect3DDevice9::DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP method (d3d9.h) renders the specified geometric primitive with data specified by a user memory pointer. |
DrawPrimitive The IDirect3DDevice9::DrawPrimitive method (d3d9helper.h) renders a sequence of non-indexed, geometric primitives of the specified type from the current set of data input streams. |
DrawPrimitive The IDirect3DDevice9::DrawPrimitive method (d3d9.h) renders a sequence of non-indexed, geometric primitives of the specified type from the current set of data input streams. |
DrawPrimitiveUP The IDirect3DDevice9::DrawPrimitiveUP method (d3d9helper.h) renders data specified by a user memory pointer as a sequence of geometric primitives of the specified type. |
DrawPrimitiveUP The IDirect3DDevice9::DrawPrimitiveUP method (d3d9.h) renders data specified by a user memory pointer as a sequence of geometric primitives of the specified type. |
DrawRectPatch The IDirect3DDevice9::DrawRectPatch method (d3d9helper.h) draws a rectangular patch using the currently set streams. |
DrawRectPatch The IDirect3DDevice9::DrawRectPatch method (d3d9.h) draws a rectangular patch using the currently set streams. |
DrawTriPatch The IDirect3DDevice9::DrawTriPatch method (d3d9.h) draws a triangular patch using the currently set streams. |
DrawTriPatch The IDirect3DDevice9::DrawTriPatch method (d3d9.h) draws a triangular patch using the currently set streams. |
EndScene The IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene method (d3d9.h) ends a scene that was begun by calling IDirect3DDevice9::BeginScene. |
EndScene The IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene method (d3d9.h) ends a scene that was begun by calling IDirect3DDevice9::BeginScene. |
EndStateBlock The IDirect3DDevice9::EndStateBlock method (d3d9.h) signals Direct3D to stop recording a device-state block and retrieve a pointer to the state block interface. |
EndStateBlock The IDirect3DDevice9::EndStateBlock method (d3d9.h) signals Direct3D to stop recording a device-state block and retrieve a pointer to the state block interface. |
EnumAdapterModes The IDirect3D9::EnumAdapterModes (d3d9helper.h) method queries the device to determine whether the specified adapter supports the requested format and display mode. |
EnumAdapterModes The IDirect3D9::EnumAdapterModes method (d3d9.h) queries the device to determine whether the specified adapter supports the requested format and display mode. |
EnumAdapterModesEx This method returns the actual display mode info based on the given mode index. |
EvictManagedResources The IDirect3DDevice9::EvictManagedResources method (d3d9.h) evicts all managed resources, including both Direct3D and driver-managed resources. |
EvictManagedResources The IDirect3DDevice9::EvictManagedResources method (d3d9.h) evicts all managed resources, including both Direct3D and driver-managed resources. |
FreePrivateData The IDirect3DResource9::FreePrivateData method (d3d9helper.h) frees the specified private data associated with this resource. |
FreePrivateData The IDirect3DVolume9::FreePrivateData method (d3d9.h) frees the specified private data associated with this volume. |
FreePrivateData The IDirect3DResource9::FreePrivateData (d3d9.h) method frees the specified private data associated with this resource. |
FreePrivateData The IDirect3DVolume9::FreePrivateData (d3d9.h) method frees the specified private data associated with this volume. |
GenerateMipSubLevels The IDirect3DBaseTexture9::GenerateMipSubLevels (d3d9helper.h) method generates mipmap sublevels. |
GenerateMipSubLevels The IDirect3DBaseTexture9::GenerateMipSubLevels method (d3d9helper.h) generates mipmap sublevels. |
GetAdapterCount The IDirect3D9::GetAdapterCount (d3d9helper.h) method returns the number of adapters on the system. |
GetAdapterCount The IDirect3D9::GetAdapterCount method (d3d9.h) returns the number of adapters on the system. |
GetAdapterDisplayMode The IDirect3D9::GetAdapterDisplayMode (d3d9helper.h) method retrieves the current display mode of the adapter. |
GetAdapterDisplayMode The IDirect3D9::GetAdapterDisplayMode method (d3d9.h) retrieves the current display mode of the adapter. |
GetAdapterDisplayModeEx Retrieves the current display mode and rotation settings of the adapter. |
GetAdapterIdentifier The IDirect3D9::GetAdapterIdentifier (d3d9helper.h) method describes the physical display adapters present in the system when the IDirect3D9 interface was instantiated. |
GetAdapterIdentifier The IDirect3D9::GetAdapterIdentifier method (d3d9.h) describes the physical display adapters present in the system when the IDirect3D9 interface was instantiated. |
GetAdapterLUID This method returns a unique identifier for the adapter that is specific to the adapter hardware. Applications can use this identifier to define robust mappings across various APIs (Direct3D 9, DXGI). |
GetAdapterModeCount The IDirect3D9::GetAdapterModeCount (d3d9helper.h) method returns the number of display modes available on this adapter. |
GetAdapterModeCount The IDirect3D9::GetAdapterModeCount method (d3d9.h) returns the number of display modes available on this adapter. |
GetAdapterModeCountEx Returns the number of display modes available. |
GetAdapterMonitor The IDirect3D9::GetAdapterMonitor (d3d9helper.h) method returns the handle of the monitor associated with the Direct3D object. |
GetAdapterMonitor The IDirect3D9::GetAdapterMonitor method (d3d9.h) returns the handle of the monitor associated with the Direct3D object. |
GetAutoGenFilterType The IDirect3DBaseTexture9::GetAutoGenFilterType (d3d9helper.h) method gets the filter type that is used for automatically generated mipmap sublevels. |
GetAutoGenFilterType The IDirect3DBaseTexture9::GetAutoGenFilterType method (d3d9helper.h) gets the filter type that is used for automatically generated mipmap sublevels. |
GetAvailableTextureMem The IDirect3DDevice9::GetAvailableTextureMem method (d3d9.h) returns an estimate of the amount of available texture memory. |
GetAvailableTextureMem The IDirect3DDevice9::GetAvailableTextureMem method (d3d9.h) returns an estimate of the amount of available texture memory. |
GetBackBuffer The IDirect3DDevice9::GetBackBuffer method (d3d9.h) retrieves a back buffer from the device's swap chain. |
GetBackBuffer The IDirect3DSwapChain9::GetBackBuffer method (d3d9helper.h) retrieves a back buffer from the swap chain of the device. |
GetBackBuffer The IDirect3DDevice9::GetBackBuffer method (d3d9.h) retrieves a back buffer from the device's swap chain. |
GetBackBuffer The IDirect3DSwapChain9::GetBackBuffer (d3d9.h) method retrieves a back buffer from the swap chain of the device. |
GetClipPlane The IDirect3DDevice9::GetClipPlane method (d3d9.h) retrieves the coefficients of a user-defined clipping plane for the device. |
GetClipPlane The IDirect3DDevice9::GetClipPlane method (d3d9.h) retrieves the coefficients of a user-defined clipping plane for the device. |
GetClipStatus The IDirect3DDevice9::GetClipStatus method (d3d9.h) retrieves the clip status. |
GetClipStatus The IDirect3DDevice9::GetClipStatus method (d3d9.h) retrieves the clip status. |
GetContainer The IDirect3DSurface9::GetContainer method (d3d9helper.h) provides access to the parent cube texture or texture (mipmap) object. |
GetContainer The IDirect3DVolume9::GetContainer method (d3d9.h) provides access to the parent volume texture object, if the surface is a child level of a volume texture. |
GetContainer The IDirect3DSurface9::GetContainer (d3d9.h) method provides access to the parent cube texture or texture (mipmap) object. |
GetContainer The IDirect3DVolume9::GetContainer (d3d9.h) method provides access to the parent volume texture object, if this surface is a child level of a volume texture. |
GetCreationParameters The IDirect3DDevice9::GetCreationParameters method (d3d9.h) retrieves the creation parameters of the device. |
GetCreationParameters The IDirect3DDevice9::GetCreationParameters method (d3d9.h) retrieves the creation parameters of the device. |
GetCubeMapSurface The IDirect3DCubeTexture9::GetCubeMapSurface method (d3d9.h) retrieves a cube texture map surface. |
GetCubeMapSurface The IDirect3DCubeTexture9::GetCubeMapSurface method (d3d9.h) retrieves a cube texture map surface. |
GetCurrentTexturePalette The IDirect3DDevice9::GetCurrentTexturePalette method (d3d9.h) retrieves the current texture palette. |
GetCurrentTexturePalette The IDirect3DDevice9::GetCurrentTexturePalette method (d3d9.h) retrieves the current texture palette. |
GetData The IDirect3DQuery9::GetData method (d3d9helper.h) polls a queried resource to get the query state or a query result. |
GetData The IDirect3DQuery9::GetData method (d3d9.h) polls a queried resource to get the query state or a query result. |
GetDataSize The IDirect3DQuery9::GetDataSize method (d3d9helper.h) gets the number of bytes in the query data. |
GetDataSize The IDirect3DQuery9::GetDataSize (d3d9.h) method gets the number of bytes in the query data. |
GetDC The IDirect3DSurface9::GetDC method (d3d9helper.h) retrieves a device context. |
GetDC The IDirect3DSurface9::GetDC (d3d9.h) method retrieves a device context. |
GetDeclaration The IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9::GetDeclaration method (d3d9helper.h) gets the vertex shader declaration. |
GetDeclaration The IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9::GetDeclaration (d3d9.h) method gets the vertex shader declaration. |
GetDepthStencilSurface The IDirect3DDevice9::GetDepthStencilSurface method (d3d9.h) gets the depth-stencil surface owned by the Direct3DDevice object. |
GetDepthStencilSurface The IDirect3DDevice9::GetDepthStencilSurface method (d3d9.h) gets the depth-stencil surface owned by the Direct3DDevice object. |
GetDesc The IDirect3DIndexBuffer9::GetDesc method (d3d9helper.h) retrieves a description of the index buffer resource. |
GetDesc The IDirect3DSurface9::GetDesc method (d3d9helper.h) retrieves a description of the surface. |
GetDesc The IDirect3DVertexBuffer9::GetDesc method (d3d9.h) retrieves a description of the vertex buffer resource. |
GetDesc The IDirect3DVolume9::GetDesc method (d3d9.h) retrieves a description of the volume. |
GetDesc The IDirect3DIndexBuffer9::GetDesc method (d3d9helper.h) retrieves a description of the index buffer resource. |
GetDesc The IDirect3DSurface9::GetDesc (d3d9.h) method retrieves a description of the surface. |
GetDesc The IDirect3DVertexBuffer9::GetDesc (d3d9.h) method retrieves a description of the vertex buffer resource. |
GetDesc The IDirect3DVolume9::GetDesc (d3d9.h) method retrieves a description of the volume. |
GetDevice The IDirect3DPixelShader9::GetDevice method (d3d9helper.h) gets the device. |
GetDevice The IDirect3DQuery9::GetDevice method (d3d9helper.h) gets the device that is being queried. |
GetDevice The IDirect3DResource9::GetDevice method (d3d9helper.h) retrieves the device associated with a resource. |
GetDevice The IDirect3DStateBlock9::GetDevice method (d3d9helper.h) gets the device. |
GetDevice The IDirect3DSwapChain9::GetDevice method (d3d9helper.h) retrieves the device associated with the swap chain. |
GetDevice The IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9::GetDevice method (d3d9helper.h) gets the current device. |
GetDevice The IDirect3DVertexShader9::GetDevice method (d3d9.h) gets the device. |
GetDevice The IDirect3DVolume9::GetDevice method (d3d9.h) retrieves the device associated with a volume. |
GetDevice The IDirect3DPixelShader9::GetDevice method (d3d9helper.h) gets the device. |
GetDevice The IDirect3DQuery9::GetDevice (d3d9.h) method gets the device that is being queried. |
GetDevice The IDirect3DResource9::GetDevice (d3d9.h) method retrieves the device associated with a resource. |
GetDevice The IDirect3DStateBlock9::GetDevice (d3d9.h) method gets the device. |
GetDevice The IDirect3DSwapChain9::GetDevice (d3d9.h) method retrieves the device associated with the swap chain. |
GetDevice The IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9::GetDevice (d3d9.h) method gets the current device. |
GetDevice The IDirect3DVertexShader9::GetDevice (d3d9.h) method gets the device. |
GetDevice The IDirect3DVolume9::GetDevice (d3d9.h) method retrieves the device associated with a volume. |
GetDeviceCaps The IDirect3D9::GetDeviceCaps (d3d9helper.h) method retrieves device-specific information about a device. |
GetDeviceCaps The IDirect3DDevice9::GetDeviceCaps method (d3d9.h) retrieves the capabilities of the rendering device. |
GetDeviceCaps The IDirect3D9::GetDeviceCaps method (d3d9.h) retrieves device-specific information about a device. |
GetDeviceCaps The IDirect3DDevice9::GetDeviceCaps method (d3d9.h) retrieves the capabilities of the rendering device. |
GetDirect3D The IDirect3DDevice9::GetDirect3D method (d3d9.h) returns an interface to the instance of the Direct3D object that created the device. |
GetDirect3D The IDirect3DDevice9::GetDirect3D method (d3d9.h) returns an interface to the instance of the Direct3D object that created the device. |
GetDisplayMode The IDirect3DDevice9::GetDisplayMode method (d3d9.h) retrieves the display mode's spatial resolution, color resolution, and refresh frequency. |
GetDisplayMode The IDirect3DSwapChain9::GetDisplayMode method (d3d9helper.h) retrieves the display mode's spatial resolution, color resolution, and refresh frequency. |
GetDisplayMode The IDirect3DDevice9::GetDisplayMode method (d3d9.h) retrieves the display mode's spatial resolution, color resolution, and refresh frequency. |
GetDisplayMode The IDirect3DSwapChain9::GetDisplayMode (d3d9.h) method retrieves the display mode's spatial resolution, color resolution, and refresh frequency. |
GetDisplayModeEx Retrieves the display mode's spatial resolution, color resolution, refresh frequency, and rotation settings. (IDirect3DDevice9Ex.GetDisplayModeEx) |
GetDisplayModeEx Retrieves the display mode's spatial resolution, color resolution, refresh frequency, and rotation settings. (IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex.GetDisplayModeEx) |
GetFrontBufferData The IDirect3DDevice9::GetFrontBufferData method (d3d9.h) generates a copy of the device's front buffer and places that copy in a system memory buffer provided by the application. |
GetFrontBufferData The IDirect3DSwapChain9::GetFrontBufferData method (d3d9helper.h) generates a copy of the swapchain's front buffer and places that copy in a system memory buffer provided by the application. |
GetFrontBufferData The IDirect3DDevice9::GetFrontBufferData method (d3d9.h) copies the device's front buffer into a system memory buffer provided by the application. |
GetFrontBufferData The IDirect3DSwapChain9::GetFrontBufferData (d3d9.h) method generates a copy of the swapchain's front buffer and places that copy in a system memory buffer. |
GetFunction The IDirect3DPixelShader9::GetFunction method (d3d9helper.h) gets a pointer to the shader data. |
GetFunction The IDirect3DVertexShader9::GetFunction method (d3d9.h) gets a pointer to the shader data. |
GetFunction The IDirect3DPixelShader9::GetFunction method (d3d9helper.h) gets a pointer to the shader data. |
GetFunction The IDirect3DVertexShader9::GetFunction (d3d9.h) method gets a pointer to the shader data. |
GetFVF The IDirect3DDevice9::GetFVF method (d3d9.h) gets the fixed vertex function declaration. |
GetFVF The IDirect3DDevice9::GetFVF method (d3d9.h) gets the fixed vertex function declaration. |
GetGammaRamp The IDirect3DDevice9::GetGammaRamp method (d3d9.h) retrieves the gamma correction ramp for the swap chain. |
GetGammaRamp The IDirect3DDevice9::GetGammaRamp method (d3d9.h) retrieves the gamma correction ramp for the swap chain. |
GetGPUThreadPriority Get the priority of the GPU thread. |
GetIndices The IDirect3DDevice9::GetIndices method (d3d9.h) retrieves index data. |
GetIndices The IDirect3DDevice9::GetIndices method (d3d9.h) retrieves index data. |
GetLastPresentCount Returns the number of times the swapchain has been processed. |
GetLevelCount The IDirect3DBaseTexture9::GetLevelCount (d3d9helper.h) method returns the number of texture levels in a multilevel texture. |
GetLevelCount The IDirect3DBaseTexture9::GetLevelCount method (d3d9helper.h) returns the number of texture levels in a multilevel texture. |
GetLevelDesc The IDirect3DCubeTexture9::GetLevelDesc method (d3d9.h) retrieves a description of one face of the specified cube texture level. |
GetLevelDesc The IDirect3DTexture9::GetLevelDesc method (d3d9.h) retrieves a level description of a texture resource. |
GetLevelDesc The IDirect3DVolumeTexture9::GetLevelDesc method (d3d9helper.h) retrieves a level description of a volume texture resource. |
GetLevelDesc The IDirect3DCubeTexture9::GetLevelDesc method (d3d9.h) retrieves a description of one face of the specified cube texture level. |
GetLevelDesc The IDirect3DTexture9::GetLevelDesc (d3d9.h) method retrieves a level description of a texture resource. |
GetLevelDesc The IDirect3DVolumeTexture9::GetLevelDesc (d3d9.h) method retrieves a level description of a volume texture resource. |
GetLight The IDirect3DDevice9::GetLight method (d3d9.h) retrieves a set of lighting properties that this device uses. |
GetLight The IDirect3DDevice9::GetLight method (d3d9.h) retrieves a set of lighting properties that this device uses. |
GetLightEnable The IDirect3DDevice9::GetLightEnable method (d3d9.h) retrieves the activity status of enabled or disabled, for a set of lighting parameters within a device. |
GetLightEnable The IDirect3DDevice9::GetLightEnable method (d3d9.h) retrieves the activity status for a set of lighting parameters within a device. |
GetLOD The IDirect3DBaseTexture9::GetLOD (d3d9helper.h) method returns a value clamped to the maximum level-of-detail set for a managed texture. |
GetLOD The IDirect3DBaseTexture9::GetLOD method (d3d9helper.h) returns a value clamped to the maximum level-of-detail set for a managed texture. |
GetMaterial The IDirect3DDevice9::GetMaterial method (d3d9.h) retrieves the current material properties for the device. |
GetMaterial The IDirect3DDevice9::GetMaterial method (d3d9.h) retrieves the current material properties for the device. |
GetMaximumFrameLatency Retrieves the number of frames of data that the system is allowed to queue. |
GetNPatchMode The IDirect3DDevice9::GetNPatchMode method (d3d9.h) gets the N-patch mode segments. |
GetNPatchMode The IDirect3DDevice9::GetNPatchMode method (d3d9.h) gets the N-patch mode segments. |
GetNumberOfSwapChains The IDirect3DDevice9::GetNumberOfSwapChains method (d3d9.h) gets the number of implicit swap chains. |
GetNumberOfSwapChains The IDirect3DDevice9::GetNumberOfSwapChains method (d3d9.h) gets the number of implicit swap chains. |
GetPaletteEntries The IDirect3DDevice9::GetPaletteEntries method (d3d9.h) retrieves palette entries. |
GetPaletteEntries The IDirect3DDevice9::GetPaletteEntries method (d3d9.h) retrieves palette entries. |
GetPixelShader The IDirect3DDevice9::GetPixelShader method (d3d9.h) retrieves the currently set pixel shader. |
GetPixelShader The IDirect3DDevice9::GetPixelShader method (d3d9.h) retrieves the currently set pixel shader. |
GetPixelShaderConstantB The IDirect3DDevice9::GetPixelShaderConstantB method (d3d9.h) gets a Boolean shader constant. |
GetPixelShaderConstantB The IDirect3DDevice9::GetPixelShaderConstantB method (d3d9.h) gets a Boolean shader constant. |
GetPixelShaderConstantF The IDirect3DDevice9::GetPixelShaderConstantF method (d3d9.h) gets a floating-point shader constant. |
GetPixelShaderConstantF The IDirect3DDevice9::GetPixelShaderConstantF method (d3d9.h) gets a floating-point shader constant. |
GetPixelShaderConstantI The IDirect3DDevice9::GetPixelShaderConstantI method (d3d9.h) gets an integer shader constant. |
GetPixelShaderConstantI The IDirect3DDevice9::GetPixelShaderConstantI method (d3d9.h) gets an integer shader constant. |
GetPresentParameters The IDirect3DSwapChain9::GetPresentParameters method (d3d9helper.h) retrieves the presentation parameters associated with a swap chain. |
GetPresentParameters The IDirect3DSwapChain9::GetPresentParameters (d3d9.h) method retrieves the presentation parameters associated with a swap chain. |
GetPriority The IDirect3DResource9::GetPriority method (d3d9helper.h) retrieves the priority for this resource. |
GetPriority The IDirect3DResource9::GetPriority (d3d9.h) method retrieves the priority for this resource. |
GetPrivateData The IDirect3DResource9::GetPrivateData method (d3d9helper.h) copies the private data associated with the resource to a provided buffer. |
GetPrivateData The IDirect3DVolume9::GetPrivateData method (d3d9.h) copies the private data associated with the volume to a provided buffer. |
GetPrivateData The IDirect3DResource9::GetPrivateData (d3d9.h) method copies the private data associated with the resource to a provided buffer. |
GetPrivateData The IDirect3DVolume9::GetPrivateData (d3d9.h) method copies the private data associated with the volume to a provided buffer. |
GetRasterStatus The IDirect3DDevice9::GetRasterStatus method (d3d9.h) returns information describing the raster of the monitor on which the swap chain is presented. |
GetRasterStatus The IDirect3DSwapChain9::GetRasterStatus method (d3d9helper.h) returns information describing the raster of the monitor on which the swap chain is presented. |
GetRasterStatus The IDirect3DDevice9::GetRasterStatus method (d3d9.h) returns information describing the raster of the monitor on which the swap chain is presented. |
GetRasterStatus The IDirect3DSwapChain9::GetRasterStatus (d3d9.h) method returns information describing the raster of the monitor on which the swap chain is presented. |
GetRenderState The IDirect3DDevice9::GetRenderState method (d3d9.h) retrieves a render-state value for a device. |
GetRenderState The IDirect3DDevice9::GetRenderState method (d3d9.h) retrieves a render-state value for a device. |
GetRenderTarget The IDirect3DDevice9::GetRenderTarget method (d3d9.h) retrieves a render-target surface. |
GetRenderTarget The IDirect3DDevice9::GetRenderTarget method (d3d9.h) retrieves a render-target surface. |
GetRenderTargetData The IDirect3DDevice9::GetRenderTargetData method (d3d9.h) copies the render-target data from device memory to system memory. |
GetRenderTargetData The IDirect3DDevice9::GetRenderTargetData method (d3d9.h) copies the render-target data from device memory to system memory. |
GetSamplerState The IDirect3DDevice9::GetSamplerState method (d3d9.h) gets the sampler state value. |
GetSamplerState The IDirect3DDevice9::GetSamplerState method (d3d9.h) gets the sampler state value. |
GetScissorRect The IDirect3DDevice9::GetScissorRect method (d3d9.h) gets the scissor rectangle. |
GetScissorRect The IDirect3DDevice9::GetScissorRect method (d3d9.h) gets the scissor rectangle. |
GetSoftwareVertexProcessing the IDirect3DDevice9::GetSoftwareVertexProcessing method (d3d9.h) gets the vertex hardware or software processing mode. |
GetSoftwareVertexProcessing The IDirect3DDevice9::GetSoftwareVertexProcessing method (d3d9.h) gets the vertex processing (hardware or software) mode. |
GetStreamSource The IDirect3DDevice9::GetStreamSource method (d3d9.h) retrieves a vertex buffer bound to the specified data stream. |
GetStreamSource The IDirect3DDevice9::GetStreamSource method (d3d9.h) retrieves a vertex buffer bound to the specified data stream. |
GetStreamSourceFreq The IDirect3DDevice9::GetStreamSourceFreq method (d3d9.h) gets the stream source frequency divider value. |
GetStreamSourceFreq The IDirect3DDevice9::GetStreamSourceFreq method (d3d9.h) gets the stream source frequency divider value. |
GetSurfaceLevel The IDirect3DTexture9::GetSurfaceLevel method (d3d9.h) retrieves the specified texture surface level. |
GetSurfaceLevel The IDirect3DTexture9::GetSurfaceLevel (d3d9.h) method retrieves the specified texture surface level. |
GetSwapChain The IDirect3DDevice9::GetSwapChain method (d3d9.h) gets a pointer to a swap chain. |
GetSwapChain The IDirect3DDevice9::GetSwapChain method (d3d9.h) gets a pointer to a swap chain. |
GetTexture The IDirect3DDevice9::GetTexture method (d3d9.h) retrieves a texture assigned to a stage for a device. |
GetTexture The IDirect3DDevice9::GetTexture method (d3d9.h) retrieves a texture assigned to a stage for a device. |
GetTextureStageState The IDirect3DDevice9::GetTextureStageState method (d3d9.h) retrieves a state value for an assigned texture. |
GetTextureStageState The IDirect3DDevice9::GetTextureStageState method (d3d9.h) retrieves a state value for an assigned texture. |
GetTransform The IDirect3DDevice9::GetTransform method (d3d9.h) retrieves a matrix describing a transformation state. |
GetTransform The IDirect3DDevice9::GetTransform method (d3d9.h) retrieves a matrix describing a transformation state. |
GetType The IDirect3DQuery9::GetType method (d3d9helper.h) gets the query type. |
GetType The IDirect3DResource9::GetType method (d3d9helper.h) returns the type of the resource. |
GetType The IDirect3DQuery9::GetType (d3d9.h) method gets the query type. |
GetType The IDirect3DResource9::GetType (d3d9.h) method returns the type of the resource. |
GetVertexDeclaration The IDirect3DDevice9::GetVertexDeclaration method (d3d9.h) gets a vertex shader declaration. |
GetVertexDeclaration The IDirect3DDevice9::GetVertexDeclaration method (d3d9.h) gets a vertex shader declaration. |
GetVertexShader The IDirect3DDevice9::GetVertexShader method (d3d9.h) retrieves the currently set vertex shader. |
GetVertexShader The IDirect3DDevice9::GetVertexShader method (d3d9.h) retrieves the currently set vertex shader. |
GetVertexShaderConstantB The IDirect3DDevice9::GetVertexShaderConstantB method (d3d9.h) gets a Boolean vertex shader constant. |
GetVertexShaderConstantB The IDirect3DDevice9::GetVertexShaderConstantB method (d3d9.h) gets a Boolean vertex shader constant. |
GetVertexShaderConstantF The IDirect3DDevice9::GetVertexShaderConstantF method (d3d9.h) gets a floating-point vertex shader constant. |
GetVertexShaderConstantF The IDirect3DDevice9::GetVertexShaderConstantF method (d3d9.h) gets a floating-point vertex shader constant. |
GetVertexShaderConstantI The IDirect3DDevice9::GetVertexShaderConstantI method (d3d9.h) gets an integer vertex shader constant. |
GetVertexShaderConstantI The IDirect3DDevice9::GetVertexShaderConstantI method (d3d9.h) gets an integer vertex shader constant. |
GetViewport The IDirect3DDevice9::GetViewport method (d3d9.h) retrieves the viewport parameters currently set for the device. |
GetViewport The IDirect3DDevice9::GetViewport method (d3d9.h) retrieves the viewport parameters currently set for the device. |
GetVolumeLevel The IDirect3DVolumeTexture9::GetVolumeLevel method (d3d9helper.h) retrieves the specified volume texture level. |
GetVolumeLevel The IDirect3DVolumeTexture9::GetVolumeLevel (d3d9.h) method retrieves the specified volume texture level. |
Issue The IDirect3DQuery9::Issue method (d3d9helper.h) issues a query. |
Issue The IDirect3DQuery9::Issue (d3d9.h) method issues a query. |
LightEnable The IDirect3DDevice9::LightEnable method (d3d9.h) enables or disables a set of lighting parameters within a device. |
LightEnable The IDirect3DDevice9::LightEnable method (d3d9.h) enables or disables a set of lighting parameters within a device. |
Lock The IDirect3DIndexBuffer9::Lock method (d3d9helper.h) locks a range of index data and obtains a pointer to the index buffer memory. |
Lock The IDirect3DVertexBuffer9::Lock method (d3d9helper.h) locks a range of vertex data and obtains a pointer to the vertex buffer memory. |
Lock The IDirect3DIndexBuffer9::Lock method (d3d9helper.h) locks a range of index data and obtains a pointer to the index buffer memory. |
Lock The IDirect3DVertexBuffer9::Lock (d3d9.h) method locks a range of vertex data and obtains a pointer to the vertex buffer memory. |
LockBox The IDirect3DVolume9::LockBox method (d3d9.h) locks a box on a volume resource. |
LockBox The IDirect3DVolumeTexture9::LockBox method (d3d9helper.h) locks a box on a volume texture resource. |
LockBox The IDirect3DVolume9::LockBox (d3d9.h) method locks a box on a volume resource. |
LockBox The IDirect3DVolumeTexture9::LockBox (d3d9.h) method locks a box on a volume texture resource. |
LockRect The IDirect3DCubeTexture9::LockRect method (d3d9.h) locks a rectangle on a cube texture resource. |
LockRect The IDirect3DSurface9::LockRect method (d3d9helper.h) locks a rectangle on a surface. |
LockRect The IDirect3DTexture9::LockRect method (d3d9.h) locks a rectangle on a texture resource. |
LockRect The IDirect3DCubeTexture9::LockRect method (d3d9.h) locks a rectangle on a cube texture resource. |
LockRect The IDirect3DSurface9::LockRect (d3d9.h) method locks a rectangle on a surface. |
LockRect The IDirect3DTexture9::LockRect (d3d9.h) method locks a rectangle on a texture resource. |
MultiplyTransform The IDirect3DDevice9::MultiplyTransform method (d3d9.h) multiplies a device's world, view, or projection matrices by a specified matrix. |
MultiplyTransform The IDirect3DDevice9::MultiplyTransform method (d3d9.h) multiplies a device's world, view, or projection matrices by a specified matrix. |
PreLoad The IDirect3DResource9::PreLoad method (d3d9helper.h) preloads a managed resource. |
PreLoad The IDirect3DResource9::PreLoad (d3d9.h) method preloads a managed resource. |
Present The IDirect3DDevice9::Present method (d3d9.h) presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the device. |
Present The IDirect3DSwapChain9::Present method (d3d9helper.h) presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the swap chain. |
Present The IDirect3DDevice9::Present method (d3d9.h) presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the device. |
Present The IDirect3DSwapChain9::Present (d3d9.h) method presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the swap chain. |
PresentEx Swap the swapchain's next buffer with the front buffer. |
ProcessVertices The IDirect3DDevice9::ProcessVertices method (d3d9.h) applies the vertex processing defined by the vertex shader to the set of input data streams. |
ProcessVertices The IDirect3DDevice9::ProcessVertices method (d3d9.h) applies the vertex processing defined by the vertex shader to the set of input data streams. |
RegisterSoftwareDevice The IDirect3D9::RegisterSoftwareDevice (d3d9helper.h) method registers a pluggable software device, which provide software rasterization enabling applications to access software rasterizers. |
RegisterSoftwareDevice The IDirect3D9::RegisterSoftwareDevice method (d3d9.h) registers a pluggable software device. |
ReleaseDC The IDirect3DSurface9::ReleaseDC method (d3d9helper.h) releases a device context handle. |
ReleaseDC The IDirect3DSurface9::ReleaseDC (d3d9.h) method releases a device context handle. |
Reset The IDirect3DDevice9::Reset method (d3d9.h) resets the type, size, and format of the swap chain. |
Reset The IDirect3DDevice9::Reset method (d3d9.h) resets the type, size, and format of the swap chain. |
ResetEx Resets the type, size, and format of the swap chain with all other surfaces persistent. |
SetAutoGenFilterType The IDirect3DBaseTexture9::SetAutoGenFilterType (d3d9helper.h) method sets the filter type that is used for automatically generated mipmap sublevels. |
SetAutoGenFilterType The IDirect3DBaseTexture9::SetAutoGenFilterType method (d3d9helper.h) sets the filter type that is used for automatically generated mipmap sublevels. |
SetClipPlane The IDirect3DDevice9::SetClipPlane method (d3d9.h) sets the coefficients of a user-defined clipping plane for the device. |
SetClipPlane The IDirect3DDevice9::SetClipPlane method (d3d9.h) sets the coefficients of a user-defined clipping plane for the device. |
SetClipStatus The IDirect3DDevice9::SetClipStatus method (d3d9.h) sets the clip status. |
SetClipStatus The IDirect3DDevice9::SetClipStatus method (d3d9.h) sets the clip status. |
SetConvolutionMonoKernel Prepare the texture sampler for monochrome convolution filtering on a single-color texture. |
SetCurrentTexturePalette The IDirect3DDevice9::SetCurrentTexturePalette method (d3d9.h) sets the current texture palette. |
SetCurrentTexturePalette The IDirect3DDevice9::SetCurrentTexturePalette method (d3d9.h) sets the current texture palette. |
SetCursorPosition The IDirect3DDevice9::SetCursorPosition method (d3d9.h) sets the cursor position and update options. |
SetCursorPosition The IDirect3DDevice9::SetCursorPosition method (d3d9.h) sets the cursor position and update options. |
SetCursorProperties The IDirect3DDevice9::SetCursorProperties method (d3d9.h) sets properties for the cursor. |
SetCursorProperties The IDirect3DDevice9::SetCursorProperties method (d3d9.h) sets properties for the cursor. |
SetDepthStencilSurface The IDirect3DDevice9::SetDepthStencilSurface method (d3d9.h) sets the depth stencil surface. |
SetDepthStencilSurface The IDirect3DDevice9::SetDepthStencilSurface method (d3d9.h) sets the depth stencil surface. |
SetDialogBoxMode The IDirect3DDevice9::SetDialogBoxMode method (d3d9.h) allows the use of GDI dialog boxes in full-screen mode applications. |
SetDialogBoxMode The IDirect3DDevice9::SetDialogBoxMode method (d3d9.h) allows the use of GDI dialog boxes in full-screen mode applications. |
SetFVF The IDirect3DDevice9::SetFVF method (d3d9.h) sets the current vertex stream declaration. |
SetFVF The IDirect3DDevice9::SetFVF method (d3d9.h) sets the current vertex stream declaration. |
SetGammaRamp The IDirect3DDevice9::SetGammaRamp method (d3d9helper.h) sets the gamma correction ramp for the implicit swap chain. |
SetGammaRamp The IDirect3DDevice9::SetGammaRamp method (d3d9.h) sets the gamma correction ramp for the implicit swap chain. |
SetGPUThreadPriority Set the priority on the GPU thread. |
SetIndices The IDirect3DDevice9::SetIndices method (d3d9helper.h) sets index data. |
SetIndices The IDirect3DDevice9::SetIndices method (d3d9.h) sets index data. |
SetLight The IDirect3DDevice9::SetLight method (d3d9helper.h) assigns a set of lighting properties for this device. |
SetLight The IDirect3DDevice9::SetLight method (d3d9.h) assigns a set of lighting properties for this device. |
SetLOD The IDirect3DBaseTexture9::SetLOD method (d3d9helper.h) sets the most detailed level-of-detail for a managed texture. |
SetLOD The IDirect3DBaseTexture9::SetLOD sets the most detailed level-of-detail for a managed texture. |
SetMaterial The IDirect3DDevice9::SetMaterial method (d3d9helper.h) sets the material properties for the device. |
SetMaterial The IDirect3DDevice9::SetMaterial method (d3d9.h) sets the material properties for the device. |
SetMaximumFrameLatency Set the number of frames that the system is allowed to queue for rendering. |
SetNPatchMode The IDirect3DDevice9::SetNPatchMode method (d3d9helper.h) enables or disables N-patches. |
SetNPatchMode The IDirect3DDevice9::SetNPatchMode method (d3d9.h) enables or disables N-patches. |
SetPaletteEntries IDirect3DDevice9::SetPaletteEntries method (d3d9helper.h) sets palette entries. |
SetPaletteEntries The IDirect3DDevice9::SetPaletteEntries method (d3d9.h) sets palette entries. |
SetPixelShader The IDirect3DDevice9::SetPixelShader method (d3d9helper.h) sets the current pixel shader to a previously created pixel shader. |
SetPixelShader The IDirect3DDevice9::SetPixelShader method (d3d9.h) sets the current pixel shader to a previously created pixel shader. |
SetPixelShaderConstantB The IDirect3DDevice9::SetPixelShaderConstantB method (d3d9helper.h) sets a Boolean shader constant. |
SetPixelShaderConstantB The IDirect3DDevice9::SetPixelShaderConstantB method (d3d9.h) sets a Boolean shader constant. |
SetPixelShaderConstantF The IDirect3DDevice9::SetPixelShaderConstantF method (d3d9helper.h) sets a floating-point shader constant. |
SetPixelShaderConstantF The IDirect3DDevice9::SetPixelShaderConstantF method (d3d9helper.h) sets a floating-point shader constant. |
SetPixelShaderConstantI The IDirect3DDevice9::SetPixelShaderConstantI method (d3d9helper.h) sets an integer shader constant. |
SetPixelShaderConstantI The IDirect3DDevice9::SetPixelShaderConstantI method (d3d9helper.h) sets an integer shader constant. |
SetPriority The IDirect3DResource9::SetPriority method (d3d9helper.h) assigns the priority of a resource for scheduling purposes. |
SetPriority The IDirect3DResource9::SetPriority (d3d9.h) method assigns the priority of a resource for scheduling purposes. |
SetPrivateData The IDirect3DResource9::SetPrivateData method (d3d9helper.h) associates data with the resource that is intended for use by the application, not by Direct3D. |
SetPrivateData The IDirect3DVolume9::SetPrivateData method (d3d9.h) associates data with the volume that is intended for use by the application, not by Direct3D. |
SetPrivateData The IDirect3DResource9::SetPrivateData (d3d9.h) method associates data with the resource that is intended for use by the application, not by Direct3D. |
SetPrivateData The IDirect3DVolume9::SetPrivateData (d3d9.h) method associates data with the volume that is intended for use by the application, not by Direct3D. |
SetRenderState The IDirect3DDevice9::SetRenderState method (d3d9helper.h) sets a single device render-state parameter. |
SetRenderState The IDirect3DDevice9::SetRenderState method (d3d9helper.h) sets a single device render-state parameter. |
SetRenderTarget The IDirect3DDevice9::SetRenderTarget method (d3d9helper.h) sets a new color buffer for the device. |
SetRenderTarget The IDirect3DDevice9::SetRenderTarget method (d3d9helper.h) sets a new color buffer for the device. |
SetSamplerState The IDirect3DDevice9::SetSamplerState method (d3d9helper.h) sets the sampler state value. |
SetSamplerState The IDirect3DDevice9::SetSamplerState method (d3d9helper.h) sets the sampler state value. |
SetScissorRect The IDirect3DDevice9::SetScissorRect method (d3d9helper.h) sets the scissor rectangle. |
SetScissorRect The IDirect3DDevice9::SetScissorRect method (d3d9helper.h) sets the scissor rectangle. |
SetSoftwareVertexProcessing The IDirect3DDevice9::SetSoftwareVertexProcessing method (d3d9helper.h) switches between software and hardware vertex processing. |
SetSoftwareVertexProcessing The IDirect3DDevice9::SetSoftwareVertexProcessing method (d3d9helper.h) allows you to switch between software and hardware vertex processing modes. |
SetStreamSource The IDirect3DDevice9::SetStreamSource method (d3d9helper.h) binds a vertex buffer to a device data stream. |
SetStreamSource The IDirect3DDevice9::SetStreamSource method (d3d9helper.h) binds a vertex buffer to a device data stream. |
SetStreamSourceFreq The IDirect3DDevice9::SetStreamSourceFreq method (d3d9helper.h) sets the stream source frequency divider value. |
SetStreamSourceFreq The IDirect3DDevice9::SetStreamSourceFreq method (d3d9helper.h) sets the stream source frequency divider value. |
SetTexture The IDirect3DDevice9::SetTexture method (d3d9helper.h) assigns a texture to a stage for a device. |
SetTexture The IDirect3DDevice9::SetTexture method (d3d9helper.h) assigns a texture to a stage for a device. |
SetTextureStageState IDirect3DDevice9::SetTextureStageState method (d3d9helper.h) sets the state value for the currently assigned texture. |
SetTextureStageState The IDirect3DDevice9::SetTextureStageState method (d3d9helper.h) sets the state value for the currently assigned texture. |
SetTransform The IDirect3DDevice9::SetTransform method (d3d9helper.h) sets a single device transformation-related state. |
SetTransform The IDirect3DDevice9::SetTransform method (d3d9helper.h) sets a single device transformation-related state. |
SetVertexDeclaration The IDirect3DDevice9::SetVertexDeclaration method (d3d9helper.h) sets a Vertex Declaration (Direct3D 9). |
SetVertexDeclaration The IDirect3DDevice9::SetVertexDeclaration method (d3d9helper.h) sets a Vertex Declaration (Direct3D 9). |
SetVertexShader The IDirect3DDevice9::SetVertexShader method (d3d9helper.h) sets the vertex shader. |
SetVertexShader The IDirect3DDevice9::SetVertexShader method (d3d9helper.h) sets the vertex shader. |
SetVertexShaderConstantB The IDirect3DDevice9::SetVertexShaderConstantB method (d3d9helper.h) sets a Boolean vertex shader constant. |
SetVertexShaderConstantB The IDirect3DDevice9::SetVertexShaderConstantB method (d3d9helper.h) sets a Boolean vertex shader constant. |
SetVertexShaderConstantF The IDirect3DDevice9::SetVertexShaderConstantF method (d3d9helper.h) sets a floating-point vertex shader constant. |
SetVertexShaderConstantF The IDirect3DDevice9::SetVertexShaderConstantF method (d3d9helper.h) sets a floating-point vertex shader constant. |
SetVertexShaderConstantI The IDirect3DDevice9::SetVertexShaderConstantI method (d3d9helper.h) sets an integer vertex shader constant. |
SetVertexShaderConstantI The IDirect3DDevice9::SetVertexShaderConstantI method (d3d9helper.h) sets an integer vertex shader constant. |
SetViewport The IDirect3DDevice9::SetViewport method (d3d9helper.h) sets the viewport parameters for the device. |
SetViewport The IDirect3DDevice9::SetViewport method (d3d9helper.h) sets the viewport parameters for the device. |
ShowCursor The IDirect3DDevice9::ShowCursor method (d3d9helper.h) displays or hides the cursor. |
ShowCursor The IDirect3DDevice9::ShowCursor method (d3d9helper.h) displays or hides the cursor. |
StretchRect The IDirect3DDevice9::StretchRect method (d3d9helper.h) copies the contents of the source rectangle to the destination rectangle. |
StretchRect The IDirect3DDevice9::StretchRect method (d3d9helper.h) allows you to copy the contents of the source rectangle to the destination rectangle. The source can be stretched and filtered by the copy. |
TestCooperativeLevel The IDirect3DDevice9::TestCooperativeLevel method (d3d9helper.h) reports the current cooperative-level status of the Direct3D device for a windowed or full-screen application. |
TestCooperativeLevel The IDirect3DDevice9::TestCooperativeLevel method (d3d9.h) reports the current cooperative-level status of the Direct3D device for a windowed or full-screen application. |
TestCooperativeLevel Reports the current cooperative-level status of the Direct3D device for a windowed or full-screen application. (IDirect3DDevice9Ex.TestCooperativeLevel) |
Unlock The IDirect3DIndexBuffer9::Unlock method (d3d9helper.h) unlocks index data. |
Unlock The IDirect3DVertexBuffer9::Unlock method (d3d9helper.h) unlocks vertex data. |
Unlock The IDirect3DIndexBuffer9::Unlock method (d3d9helper.h) unlocks index data. |
Unlock The IDirect3DVertexBuffer9::Unlock (d3d9.h) method unlocks vertex data. |
UnlockBox The IDirect3DVolume9::UnlockBox method (d3d9.h) unlocks a box on a volume resource. |
UnlockBox The IDirect3DVolumeTexture9::UnlockBox method (d3d9helper.h) unlocks a box on a volume texture resource. |
UnlockBox The IDirect3DVolume9::UnlockBox (d3d9.h) method unlocks a box on a volume resource. |
UnlockBox The IDirect3DVolumeTexture9::UnlockBox (d3d9.h) method unlocks a box on a volume texture resource. |
UnlockRect The IDirect3DCubeTexture9::UnlockRect method (d3d9.h) unlocks a rectangle on a cube texture resource. |
UnlockRect The IDirect3DSurface9::UnlockRect method (d3d9helper.h) unlocks a rectangle on a surface. |
UnlockRect The IDirect3DTexture9::UnlockRect method (d3d9.h) unlocks a rectangle on a texture resource. |
UnlockRect The IDirect3DCubeTexture9::UnlockRect method (d3d9.h) unlocks a rectangle on a cube texture resource. |
UnlockRect The IDirect3DSurface9::UnlockRect (d3d9.h) method unlocks a rectangle on a surface. |
UnlockRect The IDirect3DTexture9::UnlockRect (d3d9.h) method unlocks a rectangle on a texture resource. |
UpdateSurface The IDirect3DDevice9::UpdateSurface method (d3d9helper.h) copies rectangular subsets of pixels from one surface to another. |
UpdateSurface The IDirect3DDevice9::UpdateSurface method (d3d9.h) copies rectangular subsets of pixels from one surface to another. |
UpdateTexture The IDirect3DDevice9::UpdateTexture method (d3d9helper.h) updates the dirty portions of a texture. |
UpdateTexture The IDirect3DDevice9::UpdateTexture method (d3d9.h) updates the dirty portions of a texture. |
ValidateDevice The IDirect3DDevice9::ValidateDevice method (d3d9helper.h) reports the device's ability to render the current texture-blending operations and arguments in a pass. |
ValidateDevice The IDirect3DDevice9::ValidateDevice method (d3d9.h) reports the device's ability to render the current texture-blending operations and arguments in a single pass. |
WaitForVBlank Suspend execution of the calling thread until the next vertical blank signal. |
IDirect3D9 The IDirect3D9 interface (d3d9helper.h) provides methods that create Microsoft Direct3D objects and set up the environment. |
IDirect3D9 The IDirect3D9 (d3d9.h) interface applications use the methods of the IDirect3D9 interface to create Microsoft Direct3D objects and set up the environment. |
IDirect3D9Ex Applications use the methods of the IDirect3D9Ex interface (which inherits from IDirect3D9) to create Microsoft Direct3D 9Ex objects and set up the environment. |
IDirect3DBaseTexture9 The IDirect3DBaseTexture9 interface (d3d9helper.h) provides methods that manipulate texture resources, including cube and volume textures. |
IDirect3DBaseTexture9 The IDirect3DBaseTexture9 (d3d9.h) interface applications use the methods of the IDirect3DBaseTexture9 interface to manipulate texture resources. |
IDirect3DCubeTexture9 The IDirect3DCubeTexture9 interface (d3d9helper.h) provides methods that manipulate a cube texture resource. (IDirect3DCubeTexture9) |
IDirect3DCubeTexture9 The IDirect3DCubeTexture9 (d3d9.h) interface applications use the methods of the IDirect3DCubeTexture9 interface to manipulate a cube texture resource. |
IDirect3DDevice9 The IDirect3DDevice9 interface (d3d9helper.h) provides methods that perform DrawPrimitive-based rendering, create resources and shaders, and more. |
IDirect3DDevice9 The IDirect3DDevice9 (d3d9.h) applications use the methods of the IDirect3DDevice9 interface to perform DrawPrimitive-based rendering and create resources. |
IDirect3DDevice9Ex Applications use the methods of the IDirect3DDevice9Ex interface to render primitives, create resources, work with system-level variables, adjust gamma ramp levels, work with palettes, and create shaders. |
IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 The IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 interface (d3d9helper.h) provides methods that manipulate an index buffer resource. |
IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 The IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 (d3d9.h) interface applications use the methods of the IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 interface to manipulate an index buffer resource. |
IDirect3DPixelShader9 The IDirect3DPixelShader9 interface (d3d9helper.h) provides methods that encapsulate the functionality of a pixel shader. |
IDirect3DPixelShader9 The IDirect3DPixelShader9 (d3d9.h) interface applications use the methods of the IDirect3DPixelShader9 interface to encapsulate the functionality of a pixel shader. |
IDirect3DQuery9 The IDirect3DQuery9 interface (d3d9helper.h) provides methods that perform asynchronous queries on a driver. |
IDirect3DQuery9 The IDirect3DQuery9 (d3d9.h) interface applications use the methods of the IDirect3DQuery9 interface to perform asynchronous queries on a driver. |
IDirect3DResource9 The IDirect3DResource9 interface (d3d9helper.h) provides methods that query and prepare resources. |
IDirect3DResource9 The IDirect3DResource9 (d3d9.h) interface is used by applications to query and prepare resources. |
IDirect3DStateBlock9 The IDirect3DStateBlock9 interface (d3d9helper.h) provides methods that encapsulate render states. |
IDirect3DStateBlock9 The IDirect3DStateBlock9 (d3d9.h) interface is used by applications to encapsulate render states. |
IDirect3DSurface9 The IDirect3DSurface9 interface (d3d9helper.h) provides methods to query and prepare surfaces. |
IDirect3DSurface9 The IDirect3DSurface9 (d3d9.h) interface is used by applications to query and prepare surfaces. |
IDirect3DSwapChain9 The IDirect3DSwapChain9 interface (d3d9helper.h) provides methods that manipulate a swap chain. |
IDirect3DSwapChain9 The IDirect3DSwapChain9 (d3d9.h) interface is used by applications to manipulate a swap chain. |
IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex Applications use the methods of the IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex interface to manipulate a swap chain. |
IDirect3DTexture9 The IDirect3DTexture9 interface (d3d9helper.h) provides methods that manipulate a texture resource. |
IDirect3DTexture9 The IDirect3DTexture9 (d3d9.h) interface is used by applications to manipulate a texture resource. |
IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 The IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 interface (d3d9helper.h) provides methods that manipulate vertex buffer resources. |
IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 The IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 (d3d9.h) interface is used by applications to manipulate vertex buffer resources. |
IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 The IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 interface (d3d9helper.h) provides methods that encapsulate the vertex shader declaration. |
IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 The IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 (d3d9.h) interface is used by applications to encapsulate the vertex shader declaration. |
IDirect3DVertexShader9 The IDirect3DVertexShader9 interface (d3d9helper.h) provides methods that encapsulate the functionality of a vertex shader. |
IDirect3DVertexShader9 The IDirect3DVertexShader9 (d3d9.h) interface is used by applications to encapsulate the functionality of a vertex shader. |
IDirect3DVolume9 The IDirect3DVolume9 interface (d3d9helper.h) provides methods to manipulate volume resources. |
IDirect3DVolume9 The IDirect3DVolume9 (d3d9.h) interface is used by applications to manipulate volume resources. |
IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 The IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 interface (d3d9helper.h) provides methods that manipulate a volume texture resource. |
IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 The IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 (d3d9.h) interface is used by applications to manipulate a volume texture resource. |
D3DCAPS9 Represents the capabilities of the hardware exposed through the Direct3D object. |
D3DPSHADERCAPS2_0 Pixel shader driver caps. |
D3DVSHADERCAPS2_0 Vertex shader caps. |
PALETTEENTRY Specifies the color and usage of an entry in a logical palette. |