Interaction Context
Overview of the Interaction Context technology.
To develop Interaction Context, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
CROSS_SLIDE_FLAGS Specifies the state of the cross-slide interaction. |
CROSS_SLIDE_THRESHOLD Specifies the cross-slide behavior thresholds. |
HOLD_PARAMETER Specifies various values relevant to a press and hold gesture. |
INERTIA_PARAMETER Specifies the inertia values for a manipulation (translation, rotation, scaling). |
INTERACTION_CONFIGURATION_FLAGS Specifies the interactions to enable when configuring an Interaction Context object. |
INTERACTION_CONTEXT_PROPERTY Specifies properties of the Interaction Context object. |
INTERACTION_FLAGS Specifies the state of an interaction. |
INTERACTION_ID Specifies the interaction states used for configuring an Interaction Context object. |
INTERACTION_STATE Specifies the state of the Interaction Context object. |
MANIPULATION_RAILS_STATE Specifies the rail states for an interaction. |
MOUSE_WHEEL_PARAMETER Specifies the manipulations that can be mapped to mouse wheel rotation. |
TAP_PARAMETER Specifies various values relevant to a tap gesture. |
TRANSLATION_PARAMETER Specifies various values relevant to a drag manipulation. |
AddPointerInteractionContext Include the specified pointer in the set of pointers processed by the Interaction Context object. |
BufferPointerPacketsInteractionContext Adds the history for a single input pointer to the buffer of the Interaction Context object. |
CreateInteractionContext Creates and initializes an Interaction Context object. |
DestroyInteractionContext Destroys the specified Interaction Context object. |
GetCrossSlideParameterInteractionContext Gets the cross-slide interaction behavior. |
GetHoldParameterInteractionContext Gets the hold interaction behavior. |
GetInertiaParameterInteractionContext Gets the inertia behavior of a manipulation (translation, rotation, scaling). |
GetInteractionConfigurationInteractionContext Gets interaction configuration state for the Interaction Context object. |
GetMouseWheelParameterInteractionContext Gets the mouse wheel state for the Interaction Context object. |
GetPropertyInteractionContext Gets Interaction Context object properties. |
GetStateInteractionContext Gets current Interaction Context state and the time when the context will return to idle state. |
GetTapParameterInteractionContext Gets the tap interaction behavior. |
GetTranslationParameterInteractionContext Gets the drag interaction behavior. |
INTERACTION_CONTEXT_OUTPUT_CALLBACK Callback that receives events from an Interaction Context object. |
INTERACTION_CONTEXT_OUTPUT_CALLBACK2 Callback that receives events from an Interaction Context object. |
ProcessBufferedPacketsInteractionContext Process buffered packets at the end of a pointer input frame. |
ProcessInertiaInteractionContext Sends timer input to the Interaction Context object for inertia processing. |
ProcessPointerFramesInteractionContext Processes a set of pointer input frames. |
RegisterOutputCallbackInteractionContext Registers a callback to receive interaction events from an Interaction Context object. |
RegisterOutputCallbackInteractionContext2 Registers a callback to receive interaction events from an Interaction Context object. |
RemovePointerInteractionContext Remove the specified pointer from the set of pointers processed by the Interaction Context object. |
ResetInteractionContext Resets the interaction state, interaction configuration settings, and all parameters to their initial state. Current interactions are cancelled without notifications. Interaction Context must be reconfigured before next use. |
SetCrossSlideParametersInteractionContext Configures the cross-slide interaction. |
SetHoldParameterInteractionContext Sets the hold interaction behavior. |
SetInertiaParameterInteractionContext Configures the inertia behavior of a manipulation (translation, rotation, scaling) after the contact is lifted. |
SetInteractionConfigurationInteractionContext Configures the Interaction Context object to process the specified manipulations. |
SetMouseWheelParameterInteractionContext Sets the parameter values for mouse wheel input. |
SetPivotInteractionContext Sets the center point, and the pivot radius from the center point, for a rotation manipulation using a single input pointer. |
SetPropertyInteractionContext Sets Interaction Context object properties. |
SetTapParameterInteractionContext Sets the tap interaction behavior. |
SetTranslationParameterInteractionContext Sets the drag interaction behavior. |
StopInteractionContext Sets the interaction state to INTERACTION_STATE_IDLE and leaves all interaction configuration settings and parameters intact. |
CROSS_SLIDE_PARAMETER Defines the cross-slide threshold and its distance threshold. |
INTERACTION_ARGUMENTS_CROSS_SLIDE Defines the state of the cross-slide interaction. |
INTERACTION_ARGUMENTS_MANIPULATION Defines the state of a manipulation. |
INTERACTION_ARGUMENTS_TAP Defines the state of the tap interaction. |
INTERACTION_CONTEXT_CONFIGURATION Defines the configuration of an Interaction Context object that enables, disables, or modifies the behavior of an interaction. |
INTERACTION_CONTEXT_OUTPUT Defines the output of the Interaction Context object. |
INTERACTION_CONTEXT_OUTPUT2 Defines the output of the Interaction Context object. |
MANIPULATION_TRANSFORM Defines the transformation data for a manipulation. |
MANIPULATION_VELOCITY Defines the velocity data of a manipulation. |