Security and Identity
Overview of the Security and Identity technology.
To develop Security and Identity, you need these headers:
- aclapi.h
- aclui.h
- adtgen.h
- authz.h
- azroles.h
- bcrypt.h
- casetup.h
- ccplugins.h
- celib.h
- certadm.h
- certbcli.h
- certcli.h
- certenc.h
- certenroll.h
- certexit.h
- certif.h
- certmod.h
- certpol.h
- certpoleng.h
- certsrv.h
- certview.h
- credssp.h
- cryptdlg.h
- cryptuiapi.h
- cryptxml.h
- diagnosticdataquery.h
- diagnosticdataquerytypes.h
- dpapi.h
- dssec.h
- iads.h
- identitycommon.h
- identityprovider.h
- identitystore.h
- isolatedwindowsenvironmentutils.h
- keycredmgr.h
- lsalookup.h
- mscat.h
- mssip.h
- ncrypt.h
- ncryptprotect.h
- npapi.h
- ntlsa.h
- ntsecapi.h
- sas.h
- scesvc.h
- schannel.h
- sddl.h
- securityappcontainer.h
- slpublic.h
- sspi.h
- subauth.h
- tokenbinding.h
- tpmvscmgr.h
- wincred.h
- wincrypt.h
- winnetwk.h
- winsafer.h
- winscard.h
- winsvc.h
- wintrust.h
- winwlx.h
- xenroll.h
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Best Practices for the Security APIs
- Certificate Enrollment API
- Cryptography API: Next Generation
- Cryptography
- Security Glossary
- Security Management
- Security WMI Providers
- Software Licensing API
ACCESS_MODE Contains values that indicate how the access rights in an EXPLICIT_ACCESS structure apply to the trustee. |
ACL_INFORMATION_CLASS Contains values that specify the type of information being assigned to or retrieved from an access control list (ACL). |
AlgorithmFlags Contains flags that can be used to refine the search for a cryptographic algorithm. |
AlgorithmOperationFlags Specifies the operations that an algorithm can perform. |
AlgorithmType Specifies the intended purpose of a cryptographic algorithm supported by a cryptographic provider. |
AlternativeNameType Specifies the alternative name types that can be specified when initializing an IAlternativeName object. |
AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE Defines values that indicate the type of object being audited. The AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm and AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm functions use these values. |
AUDIT_PARAM_TYPE Defines the type of audit parameters that are available. |
AUTHZ_CONTEXT_INFORMATION_CLASS Specifies the type of information to be retrieved from an existing AuthzClientContext. This enumeration is used by the AuthzGetInformationFromContext function. |
AUTHZ_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION Indicates the type of modification to be made to security attributes by a call to the AuthzModifySecurityAttributes function. |
AUTHZ_SID_OPERATION Indicates the type of SID operations that can be made by a call to the AuthzModifySids function. |
AZ_PROP_CONSTANTS Defines constants used by Authorization Manager. |
BCRYPT_HASH_OPERATION_TYPE The BCRYPT_HASH_OPERATION_TYPE enumeration specifies the hash operation type. |
BCRYPT_MULTI_OPERATION_TYPE The BCRYPT_MULTI_OPERATION_TYPE enumeration specifies type of multi-operation that is passed to the BCryptProcessMultiOperations function. |
CASetupProperty Specifies a property type for setup and configuration of a certification authority (CA) role when using the ICertSrvSetup interface. |
CEPSetupProperty Used by the GetProperty and SetProperty methods on the ICertificateEnrollmentPolicyServerSetup interface to specify the type of property information to retrieve or set. |
CERTENROLL_OBJECTID Contains the predefined object identifiers (OIDs) supported by Certificate Enrollment API. |
CERTENROLL_PROPERTYID Contains predefined object identifiers for external properties that can be associated with a certificate in the certificate store. |
CESSetupProperty Used by the GetProperty and SetProperty methods on the ICertificateEnrollmentServerSetup interface to specify the type of property information to retrieve or set. |
CommitTemplateFlags Specifies options for saving and deleting templates. |
CRED_MARSHAL_TYPE Specifies the types of credential to be marshaled by CredMarshalCredential or unmarshaled by CredUnmarshalCredential. |
CRED_PROTECTION_TYPE Specifies the security context in which credentials are encrypted when using the CredProtect function. |
CREDSPP_SUBMIT_TYPE Specifies the type of credentials specified by a CREDSSP_CRED structure. |
CRYPT_XML_CHARSET Used to specify the character set used in the XML. |
CRYPT_XML_KEYINFO_SPEC Specifies values for the dwKeyInfoSpec parameter in the CryptXmlSign function. |
CRYPT_XML_PROPERTY_ID Specifies the type and usage of the XML property. |
DdqAccessLevel This resource represents the privilege level for a Diagnostic Data Query session |
DSAFIPSVERSION_ENUM Contains FIPS version information. |
EncodingType Specifies the type of encoding applied to a byte array for display purposes. |
EnrollmentCAProperty Specifies certification authority property values. |
EnrollmentDisplayStatus Specifies whether to display enrollment status information in a user interface. |
EnrollmentEnrollStatus Specifies the enrollment status of a certificate request. |
EnrollmentPolicyFlags Specifies group policy flags. |
EnrollmentPolicyServerPropertyFlags Specifies the default policy server. |
EnrollmentSelectionStatus Specifies whether the enrollment status of an object will be monitored during the enrollment process. |
EnrollmentTemplateProperty Contains property values for a given template. |
ENUM_CATYPES Specifies a certification authority (CA) type. |
ENUM_PERIOD Specifies the units of a time span. |
eTlsAlgorithmUsage Specifies the algorithm being used to disable cryptographic settings. |
HASHALGORITHM_ENUM Specifies signing and hashing algorithms. |
IDENTITY_TYPE Specifies the type of identities to enumerate. |
ImportPFXFlags Flags to use when importing a PFX certificate. |
InnerRequestLevel Specifies the containment level of a certificate request within a PKCS |
InstallResponseRestrictionFlags Contains flags that identify the restrictions placed on the local installation of a certificate chain. |
KERB_CERTIFICATE_INFO_TYPE Specifies the type of certificate information that is provided. |
KERB_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE Identifies the type of logon being requested. |
KERB_PROFILE_BUFFER_TYPE Lists the type of logon profile returned. |
KERB_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPE Lists the types of messages that can be sent to the Kerberos authentication package by calling the LsaCallAuthenticationPackage function. |
KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStates Enumeration of Error states returned by the function KeyCredentialManagerGetOperationErrorStates as flags. |
KeyCredentialManagerOperationType These are the operational enum values that are passed to KeyCredentialManagerShowUIOperation. |
KeyIdentifierHashAlgorithm Specifies the algorithm used to hash the public key in a certificate request. |
LSA_FOREST_TRUST_COLLISION_RECORD_TYPE Defines the types of collision that can occur between Local Security Authority forest trust records. |
LSA_FOREST_TRUST_RECORD_TYPE Defines the type of a Local Security Authority forest trust record. |
LSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_TYPE Specifies the levels of information that can be included in a logon token. |
MANDATORY_LEVEL Lists the possible security levels. |
MSA_INFO_LEVEL Indicates the level of a managed service account. |
MSA_INFO_STATE Indicates the state of a managed service account. |
MSCEPSetupProperty Specifies a property type for setup and configuration of a Microsoft Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) role using IMSCEPSetup. |
MSV1_0_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE Indicates the kind of logon being requested. |
MSV1_0_PROFILE_BUFFER_TYPE Lists the kind of logon profile returned. |
MSV1_0_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPE Lists the types of messages that can be sent to the MSV1_0 Authentication Package by calling the LsaCallAuthenticationPackage function. |
MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE_OPERATION Contains values that indicate whether a TRUSTEE structure is an impersonation trustee. |
ObjectIdGroupId Specifies the category or group to which an object identifier (OID) belongs. |
ObjectIdPublicKeyFlags Specifies whether a public key algorithm is used for signing or for encryption. |
PFXExportOptions Specifies how much of a certificate chain is included when creating a Personal Information Exchange (PFX) message. |
Pkcs10AllowedSignatureTypes Specifies the type of signature permitted when signing a certificate request. |
PKU2U_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE Indicates the type of logon message passed in a PKU2U_CERTIFICATE_S4U_LOGON structure. |
POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE The POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE enumeration defines values that indicate the types of events the system can audit. |
POLICY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION_CLASS Defines the type of policy domain information. |
POLICY_INFORMATION_CLASS Defines values that indicate the type of information to set or query in a Policy object. |
POLICY_LSA_SERVER_ROLE Defines values that indicate the role of an LSA server. |
POLICY_NOTIFICATION_INFORMATION_CLASS The POLICY_NOTIFICATION_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration defines the types of policy information and policy domain information for which your application can request notification of changes. |
POLICY_SERVER_ENABLE_STATE The POLICY_SERVER_ENABLE_STATE enumeration represents the state of the LSA server�that is, whether it is enabled or disabled. Some operations may only be performed on an enabled LSA server. |
PolicyQualifierType Specifies the type of qualifier applied to a certificate policy. |
PolicyServerUrlFlags Contains certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server flags. |
PolicyServerUrlPropertyID Contains values that specify the type of property value to be returned by the GetStringProperty method or set by the SetStringProperty method on the IX509PolicyServerUrl interface. |
PROG_INVOKE_SETTING Indicates the initial setting of the function used to track the progress of a call to the TreeSetNamedSecurityInfo or TreeResetNamedSecurityInfo function. |
RequestClientInfoClientId Specifies the type of application that created a certificate request. |
SAFER_IDENTIFICATION_TYPES Defines the possible types of identification rule structures that can be identified by the SAFER_IDENTIFICATION_HEADER structure. |
SAFER_OBJECT_INFO_CLASS Defines the type of information requested about a Safer object. |
SAFER_POLICY_INFO_CLASS Defines the ways in which a policy may be queried. |
SCESVC_INFO_TYPE The SCESVC_INFO_TYPE enumeration is used by PFSCE_QUERY_INFO and PFSCE_SET_INFO to indicate the type of information requested from or passed to the security database. It can be one of the following values. |
SE_OBJECT_TYPE Contains values that correspond to the types of Windows objects that support security. |
SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_EXT Indicates the application protocol extension that is negotiated. |
SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_STATUS Describes the status of the SEC application protocol negotiation. |
SEC_TRAFFIC_SECRET_TYPE Indicates the traffic secret type used. |
SecDelegationType The type of delegation used. |
SECPKG_ATTR_LCT_STATUS Indicates whether the token from the most recent call to the InitializeSecurityContext function is the last token from the client. |
SECPKG_CRED_CLASS Indicates the type of credential used in a client context. The SECPKG_CRED_CLASS enumeration is used in the SecPkgContext_CredInfo structure. |
SECPKG_EXTENDED_INFORMATION_CLASS The SECPKG_EXTENDED_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration describes the type of information to set or get for a security package.This enumeration is used by the SpGetExtendedInformation and SpSetExtendedInformation functions. |
SECPKG_NAME_TYPE The SECPKG_NAME_TYPE enumeration is used to describe the type of name specified for an account.The SECPKG_NAME_TYPE enumeration is used by the GetAuthDataForUser and OpenSamUser functions. |
SECPKG_SESSIONINFO_TYPE Specifies the format of session information. |
SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL Contains values that specify security impersonation levels. Security impersonation levels govern the degree to which a server process can act on behalf of a client process. |
SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE Indicates the type of logon requested by a logon process. |
SERVICE_DIRECTORY_TYPE Specifies the type of a per-service directory path. |
SERVICE_REGISTRY_STATE_TYPE Specifies a state type for a service registry key. (SERVICE_REGISTRY_STATE_TYPE) |
SERVICE_SHARED_DIRECTORY_TYPE Specifies the type of a per-service shared directory path. |
SERVICE_SHARED_REGISTRY_STATE_TYPE Specifies a state type for a service registry key. (SERVICE_SHARED_REGISTRY_STATE_TYPE) |
SI_PAGE_TYPE Contains values that indicate the types of property pages in an access control editor property sheet. |
SID_NAME_USE Contains values that specify the type of a security identifier (SID). |
SL_ACTIVATION_TYPE Represents the type of offline activation for a license. |
SL_GENUINE_STATE Specifies the state of an application installation. |
SLDATATYPE Specifies the data type of the buffer returned by the SLGetWindowsInformation function. |
SLIDTYPE Represents the type of Software Licensing ID. |
SLLICENSINGSTATUS Represents the licensing status. (SLLICENSINGSTATUS) |
SLREFERRALTYPE Represents the types of information that can be queried with the SLGetReferralInformation function. |
TOKEN_ELEVATION_TYPE Indicates the elevation type of token being queried by the GetTokenInformation function or set by the SetTokenInformation function. |
TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS Contains values that specify the type of information being assigned to or retrieved from an access token. |
TOKEN_TYPE Contains values that differentiate between a primary token and an impersonation token. |
TOKENBINDING_EXTENSION_FORMAT Specifies the formats that are available to interpret extension data. |
TOKENBINDING_TYPE Specifies the possible types for a token binding. |
TPMVSCMGR_ERROR Provides predefined error codes to represent the contexts of errors from the TPM virtual smart card manager. |
TPMVSCMGR_STATUS Provides predefined status codes to represent the progress of the TPM virtual smart card manager. |
TRUSTED_INFORMATION_CLASS The TRUSTED_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration type defines values that indicate the type of information to set or query for a trusted domain. |
TRUSTEE_FORM Values that indicate the type of data pointed to by the ptstrName member of the TRUSTEE structure. |
TRUSTEE_TYPE Values that indicate the type of trustee identified by a TRUSTEE structure. |
WebEnrollmentFlags Specifies web enrollment behavior. |
WebSecurityLevel Specifies whether a web-enabled method or property is safe for scripting. |
WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE A list of commonly used security identifiers (SIDs). Programs can pass these values to the CreateWellKnownSid function to create a SID from this list. |
X500NameFlags Specifies the display and encoding characteristics of a distinguished name or relative distinguished name (RDN). |
X509CertificateEnrollmentContext Specifies the nature of the end entity for which the certificate is intended. |
X509CertificateTemplateEnrollmentFlag Contains values that specify server and client actions during enrollment. |
X509CertificateTemplateGeneralFlag Contains use and modification information about templates and associated certificates. |
X509CertificateTemplatePrivateKeyFlag Contains values that specify client actions regarding a private key. |
X509CertificateTemplateSubjectNameFlag Contains values that specify server and client actions concerning subject names. |
X509EnrollmentAuthFlags Specifies the authentication type. |
X509EnrollmentPolicyExportFlags Is used by the Export method on the IX509EnrollmentPolicyServer interface to specify what items to export from the policy server. |
X509EnrollmentPolicyLoadOption Is used by the LoadPolicy method on the IX509EnrollmentPolicyServer interface to specify how to retrieve policy from the policy server. |
X509KeySpec Specifies the intended use of a key for a legacy cryptographic service provider (CSP). |
X509KeyUsageFlags Specifies the purpose of a key contained in a certificate. |
X509PrivateKeyExportFlags Specifies the export policy for a private key. |
X509PrivateKeyProtection Specifies the level of private key protection supported by a cryptographic provider. |
X509PrivateKeyUsageFlags Specifies the permitted uses of a private key. |
X509PrivateKeyVerify Specifies whether a user interface is displayed during private key verification and whether verification can proceed if the cryptographic provider is a smart card provider. |
X509ProviderType Specifies the type of cryptographic provider. |
X509RequestInheritOptions Specifies how keys, extension values, and external properties are inherited when a new request is created from an existing certificate. |
X509RequestType Specifies the certificate request type. |
X509SCEPDisposition Describes the resulting disposition of a request to process a response message. |
X509SCEPFailInfo Describes the nature of an SCEP certificate enrollment failure. |
acceptFilePKCS7 Accepts and processes a file that contains a PKCS |
acceptFilePKCS7WStr Accepts and processes a PKCS (IEnroll.acceptFilePKCS7WStr) |
acceptFileResponse Accepts delivery of the credentials issued in response to an earlier call to createFileRequest, and it places the credentials in the appropriate store. |
acceptFileResponseWStr Accepts delivery of the credentials issued in response to an earlier call to createFileRequestWStr, and it places the credentials in the appropriate store. |
acceptPKCS7 Accepts and processes a PKCS (ICEnroll.acceptPKCS7) |
acceptPKCS7Blob Accepts and processes a PKCS (IEnroll.acceptPKCS7Blob) |
acceptResponse Accepts delivery of the credentials issued in response to an earlier call to createRequest and places the credentials in the appropriate store. |
acceptResponseBlob Accepts delivery of the credentials issued in response to an earlier call to createRequestWStr and places the credentials in the appropriate store. |
AcceptSecurityContext Lets the server component of a transport application establish a security context between the server and a remote client. |
AccessCheck Determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client identified by an access token. (AccessCheck) |
AccessCheck Determines whether the current client context is allowed to perform the specified operations. |
AccessCheck2 Returns a value that specifies whether the principal represented by the current client context is allowed to perform the specified operation. |
AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmA Determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client being impersonated by the calling thread. (AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmA) |
AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmW Determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client being impersonated by the calling thread. |
AccessCheckByType Determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client identified by an access token. (AccessCheckByType) |
AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarmA Determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client being impersonated by the calling thread. (AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarmA) |
AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarmW Determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client being impersonated by the calling thread. (AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarmW) |
AccessCheckByTypeResultList Determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client identified by an access token. (AccessCheckByTypeResultList) |
AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmA Determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client being impersonated by the calling thread. (AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmA) |
AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandleA The AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandleA (ANSI) function (winbase.h) determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client that the calling thread is impersonating. |
AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandleW The AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandleW (Unicode) function (securitybaseapi.h) determines whether a security descriptor grants access rights to the client that the calling thread is impersonating. |
AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmW Determines whether a security descriptor grants a specified set of access rights to the client being impersonated by the calling thread. (AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmW) |
AcquireCredentialsHandleA The AcquireCredentialsHandle (CredSSP) function acquires a handle to preexisting credentials of a security principal. (ANSI) |
AcquireCredentialsHandleW The AcquireCredentialsHandle (CredSSP) function acquires a handle to preexisting credentials of a security principal. (Unicode) |
Add Adds an object to the collection. (IAlternativeNames.Add) |
Add Adds an object to the collection. (ICertificatePolicies.Add) |
Add Adds an ICertificationAuthority object to the collection. |
Add Adds a property to the collection. |
Add Adds an ICryptAttribute object to the collection. |
Add Adds an ICspAlgorithm object to the collection. |
Add Adds an ICspInformation object to the collection. |
Add Adds an ICspStatus object to the collection. |
Add Adds an IObjectId object to the collection. |
Add Adds an object to the collection. (IPolicyQualifiers.Add) |
Add Adds an ISignerCertificate object to the collection. |
Add Adds an ISmimeCapability object to the collection. |
Add Adds an IX509Attribute object to the collection. |
Add Adds an IX509CertificateTemplate object to the collection. |
Add Adds an IX509Extension object to the collection. |
Add Adds an IX509NameValuePair object to the collection. |
Add Adds an IX509PolicyServerUrl object to the collection. |
Add Adds an ICertSrvSetupKeyInformation object to the collection. |
AddAccessAllowedAce Adds an access-allowed access control entry (ACE) to an access control list (ACL). The access is granted to a specified security identifier (SID). |
AddAccessAllowedAceEx Adds an access-allowed access control entry (ACE) to the end of a discretionary access control list (DACL). (AddAccessAllowedAceEx) |
AddAccessAllowedObjectAce Adds an access-allowed access control entry (ACE) to the end of a discretionary access control list (DACL). (AddAccessAllowedObjectAce) |
AddAccessDeniedAce Adds an access-denied access control entry (ACE) to an access control list (ACL). The access is denied to a specified security identifier (SID). |
AddAccessDeniedAceEx Adds an access-denied access control entry (ACE) to the end of a discretionary access control list (DACL). |
AddAccessDeniedObjectAce Adds an access-denied access control entry (ACE) to the end of a discretionary access control list (DACL). The new ACE can deny access to an object, or to a property set or property on an object. |
AddAce Adds one or more access control entries (ACEs) to a specified access control list (ACL). |
AddApplicationGroups Adds the specified array of existing IAzApplicationGroup objects to the client context object. |
AddAppMember Adds the specified IAzApplicationGroup object to the list of application groups that belong to this application group. |
AddAppMember Adds the specified IAzApplicationGroup object to the list of application groups that belong to this role. |
AddAppNonMember Adds the specified IAzApplicationGroup object to the list of application groups that are refused membership in this application group. |
addAttributeToRequest Adds an attribute to the certificate request. This method was first defined in the ICEnroll4 interface. |
addAttributeToRequestWStr Adds an attribute to the certificate request. |
AddAuditAccessAce Adds a system-audit access control entry (ACE) to a system access control list (ACL). The access of a specified security identifier (SID) is audited. |
AddAuditAccessAceEx Adds a system-audit access control entry (ACE) to the end of a system access control list (SACL). (AddAuditAccessAceEx) |
AddAuditAccessObjectAce Adds a system-audit access control entry (ACE) to the end of a system access control list (SACL). (AddAuditAccessObjectAce) |
AddAuthenticatedAttributesToPKCS7Request The AddAuthenticatedAttributesToPKCS7Request method adds authenticated attributes to a PKCS |
AddAvailableCsps Adds the providers installed on the computer to the collection. |
AddAvailableSmimeCapabilities Adds ISmimeCapability objects to the collection by identifying the encryption algorithms supported by the default RSA cryptographic provider. |
addBlobPropertyToCertificate Adds a BLOB property to a certificate. |
addBlobPropertyToCertificateWStr The IEnroll4::addBlobPropertyToCertificateWStr method adds a BLOB property to a certificate. |
AddCertificate Add an endorsement key certificate to the key storage provider (KSP) that supports endorsement keys. |
addCertTypeToRequest Adds a certificate template to a request (used to support the enterprise certification authority (CA)). This method was first defined by the ICEnroll2 interface. |
addCertTypeToRequestEx Adds a certificate template (or "certificate type") to a request. |
AddCertTypeToRequestWStr Adds a certificate template to a request (used to support the enterprise certification authority (CA)). |
AddCertTypeToRequestWStrEx Adds a certificate template (also known as certificate type) to a request. |
AddConditionalAce Adds a conditional access control entry (ACE) to the specified access control list (ACL). |
AddConnectNotify Called before and after each add connection operation (WNetAddConnection, WNetAddConnection2, and WNetAddConnection3) is attempted by the Multiple Provider Router (MPR). |
AddCredentialsA AddCredentialsA (ANSI) adds a credential to the list of credentials. |
AddCredentialsW AddCredentialsW (Unicode) adds a credential to the list of credentials. |
AddDelegatedPolicyUser Adds the specified security identifier (SID) in text form to the list of principals that act as delegated policy users. (IAzApplication.AddDelegatedPolicyUser) |
AddDelegatedPolicyUser Adds the specified security identifier (SID) in text form to the list of principals that act as delegated policy users. (IAzAuthorizationStore.AddDelegatedPolicyUser) |
AddDelegatedPolicyUserName Adds the specified account name to the list of principals that act as delegated policy users. (IAzApplication.AddDelegatedPolicyUserName) |
AddDelegatedPolicyUserName Adds the specified account name to the list of principals that act as delegated policy users. (IAzAuthorizationStore.AddDelegatedPolicyUserName) |
AddEnrollmentServer Saves certificate enrollment server (CES) access credentials in the credential cache. |
AddExtensionsToRequest The AddExtensionsToRequest method adds extensions to the certificate request. This method was first defined in the IEnroll interface. |
addExtensionToRequest The ICEnroll4::addExtensionToRequest method adds an extension to the request. |
addExtensionToRequestWStr Adds an extension to the request. |
AddFromCsp Adds objects to the collection by identifying the encryption algorithms supported by a specific cryptographic provider. |
AddInterface Adds the specified interface to the list of IDispatch interfaces that can be called by business rule (BizRule) scripts. |
AddInterfaces Adds the specified interfaces to the list of IDispatch interfaces that can be called by business rule (BizRule) scripts. |
AddMandatoryAce Adds a SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL_ACE access control entry (ACE) to the specified system access control list (SACL). |
AddMember Adds the specified security identifier (SID) in text form to the list of accounts that belong to the application group. |
AddMember Adds the specified security identifier (SID) in text form to the list of Windows accounts that belong to the role. |
AddMemberName Adds the specified account name to the list of accounts that belong to the application group. |
AddMemberName Adds the specified account name to the list of accounts that belong to the role. |
addNameValuePairToRequest Adds an unauthenticated name-value string pair to the request. This method was first defined in the ICEnroll4 interface. |
addNameValuePairToRequestWStr Adds an unauthenticated name-value string pair to the request. |
addNameValuePairToSignature Adds the authenticated name-value pair of an attribute to the request. It is up to the certification authority (CA) to interpret the meaning of the name-value pair. |
AddNameValuePairToSignatureWStr Adds the authenticated name-value pair of an attribute to the request. The certification authority (CA) interprets the meaning of the name-value pair. |
AddNonMember Adds the specified security identifier (SID) in text form to the list of accounts that are refused membership in the application group. |
AddNonMemberName Adds the specified account name to the list of accounts that are refused membership in the application group. |
AddOperation Adds the IAzOperation object with the specified name to the role. |
AddOperation Adds the IAzOperation object with the specified name to the task. |
AddParameter Adds a parameter to the list of parameters available to business rule (BizRule) scripts. |
AddParameters Adds parameters to the list of parameters available to business rule (BizRule) scripts. |
AddPolicyAdministrator Adds the specified security identifier (SID) in text form to the list of principals that act as policy administrators. (IAzApplication.AddPolicyAdministrator) |
AddPolicyAdministrator Adds the specified security identifier (SID) in text form to the list of principals that act as policy administrators. (IAzAuthorizationStore.AddPolicyAdministrator) |
AddPolicyAdministrator The AddPolicyAdministrator method of IAzScope adds the specified security identifier in text form to the list of principals that act as policy administrators. |
AddPolicyAdministratorName Adds the specified account name to the list of principals that act as policy administrators. (IAzApplication.AddPolicyAdministratorName) |
AddPolicyAdministratorName Adds the specified account name to the list of principals that act as policy administrators. (IAzAuthorizationStore.AddPolicyAdministratorName) |
AddPolicyAdministratorName The AddPolicyAdministratorName method of IAzScope adds the specified account name to the list of principals that act as policy administrators. |
AddPolicyReader Adds the specified security identifier (SID) in text form to the list of principals that act as policy readers. (IAzApplication.AddPolicyReader) |
AddPolicyReader Adds the specified security identifier (SID) in text form to the list of principals that act as policy readers. (IAzAuthorizationStore.AddPolicyReader) |
AddPolicyReader The AddPolicyReader method of IAzScope adds the specified security identifier in text form to the list of principals that act as policy readers. |
AddPolicyReaderName Adds the specified account name to the list of principals that act as policy readers. (IAzApplication.AddPolicyReaderName) |
AddPolicyReaderName Adds the specified account name to the list of principals that act as policy readers. (IAzAuthorizationStore.AddPolicyReaderName) |
AddPolicyReaderName The AddPolicyReaderName method of IAzScope adds the specified account name to the list of principals that act as policy readers. |
AddPolicyServer Registers a certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server and saves CEP access credentials in the credential cache. |
AddPropertyItem Adds the specified principal to the specified list of principals. (IAzApplication.AddPropertyItem) |
AddPropertyItem Adds the specified entity to the specified list. (IAzApplicationGroup.AddPropertyItem) |
AddPropertyItem Adds the specified principal to the specified list of principals. (IAzAuthorizationStore.AddPropertyItem) |
AddPropertyItem Adds the specified entity to the specified list. (IAzRole.AddPropertyItem) |
AddPropertyItem Adds the specified principal to the specified list of principals. (IAzScope.AddPropertyItem) |
AddPropertyItem Adds the specified entity to the specified list. (IAzTask.AddPropertyItem) |
AddRange Adds a range of ICryptAttribute objects to the collection. The attributes are contained in another ICryptAttributes collection. |
AddRange Adds a range of IObjectId objects to the collection. |
AddRange Adds a range of IX509Extension objects to the collection. |
AddResourceAttributeAce Adds a SYSTEM_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_ACEaccess control entry (ACE) to the end of a system access control list (SACL). |
AddRoleDefinition Adds the specified IAzRoleDefinition object to this IAzRoleAssignment object. |
AddRoleDefinition Adds the specified IAzRoleDefinition object to this IAzRoleDefinition object. |
AddRoles Adds the specified array of existing IAzRole objects to the client context. |
AddScopedPolicyIDAce Adds a SYSTEM_SCOPED_POLICY_ID_ACEaccess control entry (ACE) to the end of a system access control list (SACL). |
AddSecurityPackageA Adds a security support provider to the list of providers supported by Microsoft Negotiate. (ANSI) |
AddSecurityPackageW Adds a security support provider to the list of providers supported by Microsoft Negotiate. (Unicode) |
AddStringSids Adds an array of string representations of security identifiers (SIDs) to the client context. |
AddTask Adds the IAzTask object with the specified name to the role. |
AddTask Adds the IAzTask object with the specified name to the task. |
AddToCache Caches the specified identity in the registry. |
AdjustTokenGroups Enables or disables groups already present in the specified access token. Access to TOKEN_ADJUST_GROUPS is required to enable or disable groups in an access token. |
AdjustTokenPrivileges Enables or disables privileges in the specified access token. Enabling or disabling privileges in an access token requires TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES access. |
Advise Allows a calling application to specify the list of identity events for which the application is to be notified. |
AllocateAndInitializeSid Allocates and initializes a security identifier (SID) with up to eight subauthorities. |
AllocateLocallyUniqueId Allocates a locally unique identifier (LUID). |
AppendText Appends a string to the status information contained in the Text property. |
ApplyControlToken Provides a way to apply a control token to a security context. |
AreAllAccessesGranted Checks whether a set of requested access rights has been granted. The access rights are represented as bit flags in an access mask. |
AreAnyAccessesGranted Tests whether any of a set of requested access rights has been granted. The access rights are represented as bit flags in an access mask. |
AssociateIdentity Associates an identity with a local user account. |
AuditComputeEffectivePolicyBySid Computes the effective audit policy for one or more subcategories for the specified security principal. The function computes effective audit policy by combining system audit policy with per-user policy. |
AuditComputeEffectivePolicyByToken Computes the effective audit policy for one or more subcategories for the security principal associated with the specified token. The function computes effective audit policy by combining system audit policy with per-user policy. |
AuditEnumerateCategories Enumerates the available audit-policy categories. |
AuditEnumeratePerUserPolicy Enumerates users for whom per-user auditing policy is specified. |
AuditEnumerateSubCategories Enumerates the available audit-policy subcategories. |
AuditFree Frees the memory allocated by audit functions for the specified buffer. |
AuditLookupCategoryGuidFromCategoryId Retrieves a GUID structure that represents the specified audit-policy category. |
AuditLookupCategoryIdFromCategoryGuid Retrieves an element of the POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE enumeration that represents the specified audit-policy category. |
AuditLookupCategoryNameA Retrieves the display name of the specified audit-policy category. (ANSI) |
AuditLookupCategoryNameW Retrieves the display name of the specified audit-policy category. (Unicode) |
AuditLookupSubCategoryNameA Retrieves the display name of the specified audit-policy subcategory. (ANSI) |
AuditLookupSubCategoryNameW Retrieves the display name of the specified audit-policy subcategory. (Unicode) |
AuditQueryGlobalSaclA Retrieves a global system access control list (SACL) that delegates access to the audit messages. (ANSI) |
AuditQueryGlobalSaclW Retrieves a global system access control list (SACL) that delegates access to the audit messages. (Unicode) |
AuditQueryPerUserPolicy Retrieves per-user audit policy in one or more audit-policy subcategories for the specified principal. |
AuditQuerySecurity Retrieves security descriptor that delegates access to audit policy. |
AuditQuerySystemPolicy Retrieves system audit policy for one or more audit-policy subcategories. |
AuditSetGlobalSaclA Sets a global system access control list (SACL) that delegates access to the audit messages. (ANSI) |
AuditSetGlobalSaclW Sets a global system access control list (SACL) that delegates access to the audit messages. (Unicode) |
AuditSetPerUserPolicy Sets per-user audit policy in one or more audit subcategories for the specified principal. |
AuditSetSecurity Sets a security descriptor that delegates access to audit policy. |
AuditSetSystemPolicy Sets system audit policy for one or more audit-policy subcategories. |
AuthzAccessCheck Determines which access bits can be granted to a client for a given set of security descriptors. |
AuthzAddSidsToContext Creates a copy of an existing context and appends a given set of security identifiers (SIDs) and restricted SIDs. |
AuthzCachedAccessCheck Performs a fast access check based on a cached handle containing the static granted bits from a previous AuthzAccessCheck call. |
AuthzEnumerateSecurityEventSources Retrieves the registered security event sources that are not installed by default. |
AuthzFreeAuditEvent Frees the structure allocated by the AuthzInitializeObjectAccessAuditEvent function. |
AuthzFreeCentralAccessPolicyCache Decreases the CAP cache reference count by one so that the CAP cache can be deallocated. |
AuthzFreeContext Frees all structures and memory associated with the client context. The list of handles for a client is freed in this call. |
AuthzFreeHandle Finds and deletes a handle from the handle list. |
AuthzFreeResourceManager Frees a resource manager object. |
AuthzGetInformationFromContext Returns information about an Authz context. |
AuthzInitializeCompoundContext Creates a user-mode context from the given user and device security contexts. |
AuthzInitializeContextFromAuthzContext Creates a new client context based on an existing client context. |
AuthzInitializeContextFromSid Creates a user-mode client context from a user security identifier (SID). |
AuthzInitializeContextFromToken Initializes a client authorization context from a kernel token. The kernel token must have been opened for TOKEN_QUERY. |
AuthzInitializeObjectAccessAuditEvent Initializes auditing for an object. |
AuthzInitializeObjectAccessAuditEvent2 Allocates and initializes an AUTHZ_AUDIT_EVENT_HANDLE handle for use with the AuthzAccessCheck function. |
AuthzInitializeRemoteResourceManager Allocates and initializes a remote resource manager. The caller can use the resulting handle to make RPC calls to a remote instance of the resource manager configured on a server. |
AuthzInitializeResourceManager Uses Authz to verify that clients have access to various resources. |
AuthzInitializeResourceManagerEx Allocates and initializes a resource manager structure. |
AuthzInstallSecurityEventSource Installs the specified source as a security event source. |
AuthzModifyClaims Adds, deletes, or modifies user and device claims in the Authz client context. |
AuthzModifySecurityAttributes Modifies the security attribute information in the specified client context. |
AuthzModifySids Adds, deletes, or modifies user and device groups in the Authz client context. |
AuthzOpenObjectAudit Reads the system access control list (SACL) of the specified security descriptor and generates any appropriate audits specified by that SACL. |
AuthzRegisterCapChangeNotification Registers a CAP update notification callback. |
AuthzRegisterSecurityEventSource Registers a security event source with the Local Security Authority (LSA). |
AuthzReportSecurityEvent Generates a security audit for a registered security event source. |
AuthzReportSecurityEventFromParams Generates a security audit for a registered security event source by using the specified array of audit parameters. |
AuthzSetAppContainerInformation Sets the app container and capability information in a current Authz context. |
AuthzUninstallSecurityEventSource Removes the specified source from the list of valid security event sources. |
AuthzUnregisterCapChangeNotification Removes a previously registered CAP update notification callback. |
AuthzUnregisterSecurityEventSource Unregisters a security event source with the Local Security Authority (LSA). |
BCRYPT_INIT_AUTH_MODE_INFO Initializes a BCRYPT_AUTHENTICATED_CIPHER_MODE_INFO structure for use in calls to BCryptEncrypt and BCryptDecrypt functions. |
BCryptAddContextFunction Adds a cryptographic function to the list of functions that are supported by an existing CNG context. |
BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider Closes an algorithm provider. |
BCryptConfigureContext Sets the configuration information for an existing CNG context. |
BCryptConfigureContextFunction Sets the configuration information for the cryptographic function of an existing CNG context. |
BCryptCreateContext Creates a new CNG configuration context. |
BCryptCreateHash Called to create a hash or Message Authentication Code (MAC) object. |
BCryptCreateMultiHash The BCryptCreateMultiHash function creates a multi-hash state that allows for the parallel computation of multiple hash operations. |
BCryptDecrypt Decrypts a block of data. |
BCryptDeleteContext Deletes an existing CNG configuration context. |
BCryptDeriveKey Derives a key from a secret agreement value. (BCryptDeriveKey) |
BCryptDeriveKeyCapi Derives a key from a hash value. |
BCryptDeriveKeyPBKDF2 Derives a key from a hash value by using the PBKDF2 key derivation algorithm as defined by RFC 2898. |
BCryptDestroyHash Destroys a hash or Message Authentication Code (MAC) object. |
BCryptDestroyKey Destroys a key. |
BCryptDestroySecret Destroys a secret agreement handle that was created by using the BCryptSecretAgreement function. |
BCryptDuplicateHash Duplicates an existing hash or Message Authentication Code (MAC) object. |
BCryptDuplicateKey Creates a duplicate of a symmetric key. |
BCryptEncrypt Encrypts a block of data. (BCryptEncrypt) |
BCryptEnumAlgorithms Gets a list of the registered algorithm identifiers. |
BCryptEnumContextFunctionProviders Obtains the providers for the cryptographic functions for a context in the specified configuration table. |
BCryptEnumContextFunctions Obtains the cryptographic functions for a context in the specified configuration table. |
BCryptEnumContexts Obtains the identifiers of the contexts in the specified configuration table. |
BCryptEnumProviders Obtains all of the CNG providers that support a specified algorithm. |
BCryptEnumRegisteredProviders Retrieves information about the registered providers. |
BCryptExportKey Exports a key to a memory BLOB that can be persisted for later use. |
BCryptFinalizeKeyPair Completes a public/private key pair. |
BCryptFinishHash Retrieves the hash or Message Authentication Code (MAC) value for the data accumulated from prior calls to BCryptHashData. |
BCryptFreeBuffer Used to free memory that was allocated by one of the CNG functions. |
BCryptGenerateKeyPair Creates an empty public/private key pair. |
BCryptGenerateSymmetricKey Creates a key object for use with a symmetrical key encryption algorithm from a supplied key. |
BCryptGenRandom Generates a random number. |
BCryptGetFipsAlgorithmMode Determines whether Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) compliance is enabled. |
BCryptGetProperty Retrieves the value of a named property for a CNG object. |
BCryptHash Performs a single hash computation. This is a convenience function that wraps calls to BCryptCreateHash, BCryptHashData, BCryptFinishHash, and BCryptDestroyHash. |
BCryptHashData Performs a one way hash or Message Authentication Code (MAC) on a data buffer. |
BCryptImportKey Imports a symmetric key from a key BLOB. |
BCryptImportKeyPair Imports a public/private key pair from a key BLOB. |
BCryptKeyDerivation Derives a key without requiring a secret agreement. |
BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider Loads and initializes a CNG provider. |
BCryptProcessMultiOperations The BCryptProcessMultiOperations function processes a sequence of operations on a multi-object state. |
BCryptQueryContextConfiguration Retrieves the current configuration for the specified CNG context. |
BCryptQueryContextFunctionConfiguration Obtains the cryptographic function configuration information for an existing CNG context. |
BCryptQueryContextFunctionProperty Obtains the value of a named property for a cryptographic function in an existing CNG context. |
BCryptQueryProviderRegistration Retrieves information about a CNG provider. |
BCryptRegisterConfigChangeNotify Creates a user mode CNG configuration change event handler. |
BCryptRemoveContextFunction Removes a cryptographic function from the list of functions that are supported by an existing CNG context. |
BCryptResolveProviders Obtains a collection of all of the providers that meet the specified criteria. |
BCryptSecretAgreement Creates a secret agreement value from a private and a public key. (BCryptSecretAgreement) |
BCryptSetContextFunctionProperty Sets the value of a named property for a cryptographic function in an existing CNG context. |
BCryptSetProperty Sets the value of a named property for a CNG object. |
BCryptSignHash Creates a signature of a hash value. (BCryptSignHash) |
BCryptUnregisterConfigChangeNotify Removes a user mode CNG configuration change event handler that was created by using the BCryptRegisterConfigChangeNotify(HANDLE*) function. |
BCryptVerifySignature Verifies that the specified signature matches the specified hash. (BCryptVerifySignature) |
binaryBlobToString Converts a binary data BLOB to a string. This method uses the CryptBinaryToString function to perform the conversion. This method was first defined in the IEnroll4 interface. |
binaryToString Converts a binary data BLOB to a string. This method was first defined in the ICEnroll4 interface. |
BizruleGroupSupported Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether this IAzAuthorizationStore3 object supports application groups that use business rule (BizRule) scripts. |
BuildExplicitAccessWithNameA Initializes an EXPLICIT_ACCESS structure with data specified by the caller. The trustee is identified by a name string. (ANSI) |
BuildExplicitAccessWithNameW Initializes an EXPLICIT_ACCESS structure with data specified by the caller. The trustee is identified by a name string. (Unicode) |
BuildSecurityDescriptorA Allocates and initializes a new security descriptor. (ANSI) |
BuildSecurityDescriptorW Allocates and initializes a new security descriptor. (Unicode) |
BuildTrusteeWithNameA Initializes a TRUSTEE structure. The caller specifies the trustee name. The function sets other members of the structure to default values. (ANSI) |
BuildTrusteeWithNameW Initializes a TRUSTEE structure. The caller specifies the trustee name. The function sets other members of the structure to default values. (Unicode) |
BuildTrusteeWithObjectsAndNameA Initializes a TRUSTEE structure with the object-specific access control entry (ACE) information and initializes the remaining members of the structure to default values. The caller also specifies the name of the trustee. (ANSI) |
BuildTrusteeWithObjectsAndNameW Initializes a TRUSTEE structure with the object-specific access control entry (ACE) information and initializes the remaining members of the structure to default values. The caller also specifies the name of the trustee. (Unicode) |
BuildTrusteeWithObjectsAndSidA Initializes a TRUSTEE structure with the object-specific access control entry (ACE) information and initializes the remaining members of the structure to default values. (ANSI) |
BuildTrusteeWithObjectsAndSidW Initializes a TRUSTEE structure with the object-specific access control entry (ACE) information and initializes the remaining members of the structure to default values. (Unicode) |
BuildTrusteeWithSidA Initializes a TRUSTEE structure. The caller specifies the security identifier (SID) of the trustee. The function sets other members of the structure to default values and does not look up the name associated with the SID. (ANSI) |
BuildTrusteeWithSidW Initializes a TRUSTEE structure. The caller specifies the security identifier (SID) of the trustee. The function sets other members of the structure to default values and does not look up the name associated with the SID. (Unicode) |
CAImportPFX Imports a certification authority (CA) certificate and its associated private key into the local computer store. |
CancelConnectNotify Calls CancelConnectNotify before and after each cancel connection operation (WNetCancelConnection and WNetCancelConnection2). |
CertAddCertificateContextToStore Adds a certificate context to the certificate store. |
CertAddCertificateLinkToStore Adds a link in a certificate store to a certificate context in a different store. |
CertAddCRLContextToStore Adds a certificate revocation list (CRL) context to the specified certificate store. |
CertAddCRLLinkToStore Adds a link in a store to a certificate revocation list (CRL) context in a different store. |
CertAddCTLContextToStore Adds a certificate trust list (CTL) context to a certificate store. |
CertAddCTLLinkToStore The CertAddCTLLinkToStore function adds a link in a store to a certificate trust list (CTL) context in a different store. Instead of creating and adding a duplicate of a CTL context, this function adds a link to the original CTL context. |
CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore Creates a certificate context from an encoded certificate and adds it to the certificate store. |
CertAddEncodedCertificateToSystemStoreA Opens the specified system store and adds the encoded certificate to it. (ANSI) |
CertAddEncodedCertificateToSystemStoreW Opens the specified system store and adds the encoded certificate to it. (Unicode) |
CertAddEncodedCRLToStore Creates a certificate revocation list (CRL) context from an encoded CRL and adds it to the certificate store. |
CertAddEncodedCTLToStore Creates a certificate trust list (CTL) context from an encoded CTL and adds it to the certificate store. |
CertAddEnhancedKeyUsageIdentifier The CertAddEnhancedKeyUsageIdentifier function adds a usage identifier object identifier (OID) to the enhanced key usage (EKU) extended property of the certificate. |
CertAddRefServerOcspResponse Increments the reference count for an HCERT_SERVER_OCSP_RESPONSE handle. |
CertAddRefServerOcspResponseContext Increments the reference count for a CERT_SERVER_OCSP_RESPONSE_CONTEXT structure. |
CertAddSerializedElementToStore Adds a serialized certificate, certificate revocation list (CRL), or certificate trust list (CTL) element to the store. |
CertAddStoreToCollection The CertAddStoreToCollection function adds a sibling certificate store to a collection certificate store. |
CertAlgIdToOID Converts a CryptoAPI algorithm identifier (ALG_ID) to an Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) object identifier (OID) string. |
CertCloseServerOcspResponse Closes an online certificate status protocol (OCSP) server response handle. |
CertCloseStore Closes a certificate store handle and reduces the reference count on the store. |
CertCompareCertificate Determines whether two certificates are identical by comparing the issuer name and serial number of the certificates. |
CertCompareCertificateName The CertCompareCertificateName function compares two certificate CERT_NAME_BLOB structures to determine whether they are identical. The CERT_NAME_BLOB structures are used for the subject and the issuer of certificates. |
CertCompareIntegerBlob The CertCompareIntegerBlob function compares two integer BLOBs to determine whether they represent equal numeric values. |
CertComparePublicKeyInfo The CertComparePublicKeyInfo function compares two encoded public keys to determine whether they are identical. |
CertControlStore Allows an application to be notified when there is a difference between the contents of a cached store in use and the contents of that store as it is persisted to storage. |
CertCreateCertificateChainEngine The CertCreateCertificateChainEngine function creates a new, nondefault chain engine for an application. |
CertCreateCertificateContext Creates a certificate context from an encoded certificate. The created context is not persisted to a certificate store. The function makes a copy of the encoded certificate within the created context. |
CertCreateContext Creates the specified context from the encoded bytes. The context created does not include any extended properties. |
CertCreateCRLContext The CertCreateCRLContext function creates a certificate revocation list (CRL) context from an encoded CRL. The created context is not persisted to a certificate store. It makes a copy of the encoded CRL within the created context. |
CertCreateCTLContext The CertCreateCTLContext function creates a certificate trust list (CTL) context from an encoded CTL. The created context is not persisted to a certificate store. The function makes a copy of the encoded CTL within the created context. |
CertCreateCTLEntryFromCertificateContextProperties The CertCreateCTLEntryFromCertificateContextProperties function creates a certificate trust list (CTL) entry whose attributes are the properties of the certificate context. The SubjectIdentifier in the CTL entry is the SHA1 hash of the certificate. |
CertCreateSelfSignCertificate Builds a self-signed certificate and returns a pointer to a CERT_CONTEXT structure that represents the certificate. |
CertDeleteCertificateFromStore The CertDeleteCertificateFromStore function deletes the specified certificate context from the certificate store. |
CertDeleteCRLFromStore The CertDeleteCRLFromStore function deletes the specified certificate revocation list (CRL) context from the certificate store. |
CertDeleteCTLFromStore The CertDeleteCTLFromStore function deletes the specified certificate trust list (CTL) context from a certificate store. |
CertDuplicateCertificateChain The CertDuplicateCertificateChain function duplicates a pointer to a certificate chain by incrementing the chain's reference count. |
CertDuplicateCertificateContext Duplicates a certificate context by incrementing its reference count. |
CertDuplicateCRLContext The CertDuplicateCRLContext function duplicates a certificate revocation list (CRL) context by incrementing its reference count. |
CertDuplicateCTLContext The CertDuplicateCTLContext function duplicates a certificate trust list (CTL) context by incrementing its reference count. |
CertDuplicateStore Duplicates a store handle by incrementing the store's reference count. |
CertEnumCertificateContextProperties The CertEnumCertificateContextProperties function retrieves the first or next extended property associated with a certificate context. |
CertEnumCertificatesInStore Retrieves the first or next certificate in a certificate store. Used in a loop, this function can retrieve in sequence all certificates in a certificate store. |
CertEnumCRLContextProperties The CertEnumCRLContextProperties function retrieves the first or next extended property associated with a certificate revocation list (CRL) context. |
CertEnumCRLsInStore The CertEnumCRLsInStore function retrieves the first or next certificate revocation list (CRL) context in a certificate store. Used in a loop, this function can retrieve in sequence all CRL contexts in a certificate store. |
CertEnumCTLContextProperties The CertEnumCTLContextProperties function retrieves the first or next extended property associated with a certificate trust list (CTL) context. Used in a loop, this function can retrieve in sequence all extended properties associated with a CTL context. |
CertEnumCTLsInStore The CertEnumCTLsInStore function retrieves the first or next certificate trust list (CTL) context in a certificate store. Used in a loop, this function can retrieve in sequence all CTL contexts in a certificate store. |
CertEnumPhysicalStore The CertEnumPhysicalStore function retrieves the physical stores on a computer. The function calls the provided callback function for each physical store found. |
CertEnumSubjectInSortedCTL Retrieves the first or next TrustedSubject in a sorted certificate trust list (CTL). |
CertEnumSystemStore The CertEnumSystemStore function retrieves the system stores available. The function calls the provided callback function for each system store found. |
CertEnumSystemStoreLocation The CertEnumSystemStoreLocation function retrieves all of the system store locations. The function calls the provided callback function for each system store location found. |
CertFindAttribute The CertFindAttribute function finds the first attribute in the CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE array, as identified by its object identifier (OID). |
CertFindCertificateInCRL The CertFindCertificateInCRL function searches the certificate revocation list (CRL) for the specified certificate. |
CertFindCertificateInStore Finds the first or next certificate context in a certificate store that matches a search criteria established by the dwFindType and its associated pvFindPara. |
CertFindChainInStore Finds the first or next certificate in a store that meets the specified criteria. |
CertFindCRLInStore Finds the first or next certificate revocation list (CRL) context in a certificate store that matches a search criterion established by the dwFindType parameter and the associated pvFindPara parameter. |
CertFindCTLInStore Finds the first or next certificate trust list (CTL) context that matches search criteria established by the dwFindType and its associated pvFindPara. |
CertFindExtension The CertFindExtension function finds the first extension in the CERT_EXTENSION array, as identified by its object identifier (OID). |
CertFindRDNAttr The CertFindRDNAttr function finds the first RDN attribute identified by its object identifier (OID) in a list of the Relative Distinguished Names (RDN). |
CertFindSubjectInCTL The CertFindSubjectInCTL function attempts to find the specified subject in a certificate trust list (CTL). |
CertFindSubjectInSortedCTL The CertFindSubjectInSortedCTL function attempts to find the specified subject in a sorted certificate trust list (CTL). |
CertFreeCertificateChain The CertFreeCertificateChain function frees a certificate chain by reducing its reference count. If the reference count becomes zero, memory allocated for the chain is released. |
CertFreeCertificateChainEngine The CertFreeCertificateChainEngine function frees a certificate trust engine. |
CertFreeCertificateChainList Frees the array of pointers to chain contexts. |
CertFreeCertificateContext Frees a certificate context by decrementing its reference count. When the reference count goes to zero, CertFreeCertificateContext frees the memory used by a certificate context. |
CertFreeCRLContext Frees a certificate revocation list (CRL) context by decrementing its reference count. |
CertFreeCTLContext Frees a certificate trust list (CTL) context by decrementing its reference count. |
CertFreeServerOcspResponseContext Decrements the reference count for a CERT_SERVER_OCSP_RESPONSE_CONTEXT structure. |
CertGetCertificateChain Builds a certificate chain context starting from an end certificate and going back, if possible, to a trusted root certificate. |
CertGetCertificateContextProperty Retrieves the information contained in an extended property of a certificate context. |
CertGetCRLContextProperty Gets an extended property for the specified certificate revocation list (CRL) context. |
CertGetCRLFromStore Gets the first or next certificate revocation list (CRL) context from the certificate store for the specified issuer. |
CertGetCTLContextProperty Retrieves an extended property of a certificate trust list (CTL) context. |
CertGetEnhancedKeyUsage Returns information from the enhanced key usage (EKU) extension or the EKU extended property of a certificate. |
CertGetIntendedKeyUsage Acquires the intended key usage bytes from a certificate. |
CertGetIssuerCertificateFromStore Retrieves the certificate context from the certificate store for the first or next issuer of the specified subject certificate. The new Certificate Chain Verification Functions are recommended instead of the use of this function. |
CertGetNameStringA Obtains the subject or issuer name from a certificate CERT_CONTEXT structure and converts it to a null-terminated character string. (ANSI) |
CertGetNameStringW Obtains the subject or issuer name from a certificate CERT_CONTEXT structure and converts it to a null-terminated character string. (Unicode) |
CertGetPublicKeyLength The CertGetPublicKeyLength function acquires the bit length of public/private keys from a public key BLOB. |
CertGetServerOcspResponseContext Retrieves a non-blocking, time valid online certificate status protocol (OCSP) response context for the specified handle. |
CertGetStoreProperty Retrieves a store property. |
CertGetSubjectCertificateFromStore Returns from a certificate store a subject certificate context uniquely identified by its issuer and serial number. |
CertGetValidUsages Returns an array of usages that consist of the intersection of the valid usages for all certificates in an array of certificates. |
CertIsRDNAttrsInCertificateName The CertIsRDNAttrsInCertificateName function compares the attributes in the certificate name with the specified CERT_RDN to determine whether all attributes are included there. |
CertIsStrongHashToSign Determines whether the specified hash algorithm and the public key in the signing certificate can be used to perform strong signing. |
CertIsValidCRLForCertificate The CertIsValidCRLForCertificate function checks a CRL to find out if it is a CRL that would include a specific certificate if that certificate were revoked. |
CertModifyCertificatesToTrust Modifies the set of certificates in a certificate trust list (CTL) for a given purpose. |
CertNameToStrA Converts an encoded name in a CERT_NAME_BLOB structure to a null-terminated character string. (ANSI) |
CertNameToStrW Converts an encoded name in a CERT_NAME_BLOB structure to a null-terminated character string. (Unicode) |
CertOIDToAlgId Use the CryptFindOIDInfo function instead of this function because ALG_ID identifiers are no longer supported in CNG. |
CertOpenServerOcspResponse Opens a handle to an online certificate status protocol (OCSP) response associated with a server certificate chain. |
CertOpenStore Opens a certificate store by using a specified store provider type. |
CertOpenSystemStoreA Opens the most common system certificate store. To open certificate stores with more complex requirements, such as file-based or memory-based stores, use CertOpenStore. (ANSI) |
CertOpenSystemStoreW Opens the most common system certificate store. To open certificate stores with more complex requirements, such as file-based or memory-based stores, use CertOpenStore. (Unicode) |
CertRDNValueToStrA The CertRDNValueToStr function converts a name in a CERT_RDN_VALUE_BLOB to a null-terminated character string. (ANSI) |
CertRDNValueToStrW The CertRDNValueToStr function converts a name in a CERT_RDN_VALUE_BLOB to a null-terminated character string. (Unicode) |
CertRegisterPhysicalStore Adds a physical store to a registry system store collection. |
CertRegisterSystemStore Registers a system store. |
CertRemoveEnhancedKeyUsageIdentifier The CertRemoveEnhancedKeyUsageIdentifier function removes a usage identifier object identifier (OID) from the enhanced key usage (EKU) extended property of the certificate. |
CertRemoveStoreFromCollection Removes a sibling certificate store from a collection store. |
CertResyncCertificateChainEngine Resyncs the certificate chain engine, which resynchronizes the stores the store's engine and updates the engine caches. |
CertRetrieveLogoOrBiometricInfo Performs a URL retrieval of logo or biometric information specified in either the szOID_LOGOTYPE_EXT or szOID_BIOMETRIC_EXT certificate extension. |
CertSaveStore Saves the certificate store to a file or to a memory BLOB. |
CertSelectCertificateA Presents a dialog box that allows the user to select certificates from a set of certificates that match the given criteria. (ANSI) |
CertSelectCertificateChains Retrieves certificate chains based on specified selection criteria. |
CertSelectCertificateW Presents a dialog box that allows the user to select certificates from a set of certificates that match the given criteria. (Unicode) |
CertSelectionGetSerializedBlob A helper function used to retrieve a serialized certificate BLOB from a CERT_SELECTUI_INPUT structure. |
CertSerializeCertificateStoreElement The CertSerializeCertificateStoreElement function serializes a certificate context's encoded certificate and its encoded properties. The result can be persisted to storage so that the certificate and properties can be retrieved at a later time. |
CertSerializeCRLStoreElement The CertSerializeCRLStoreElement function serializes an encoded certificate revocation list (CRL) context and the encoded representation of its properties. |
CertSerializeCTLStoreElement The CertSerializeCTLStoreElement function serializes an encoded certificate trust list (CTL) context and the encoded representation of its properties. The result can be persisted to storage so that the CTL and properties can be retrieved later. |
CertSetCertificateContextPropertiesFromCTLEntry Sets the properties on the certificate context by using the attributes in the specified certificate trust list (CTL) entry. |
CertSetCertificateContextProperty Sets an extended property for a specified certificate context. |
CertSetCRLContextProperty Sets an extended property for the specified certificate revocation list (CRL) context. |
CertSetCTLContextProperty Sets an extended property for the specified certificate trust list (CTL) context. |
CertSetEnhancedKeyUsage The CertSetEnhancedKeyUsage function sets the enhanced key usage (EKU) property for the certificate. |
CertSetStoreProperty The CertSetStoreProperty function sets a store property. |
CertSrvBackupClose Closes the file opened by the CertSrvBackupOpenFile function. |
CertSrvBackupEnd Ends a Certificate Services backup session. |
CertSrvBackupFree Used to free memory allocated from certain Certificate Services Backup APIs. |
CertSrvBackupGetBackupLogsW Retrieves the list of Certificate Services log file names that need to be backed up for the given backup context. |
CertSrvBackupGetDatabaseNamesW Retrieves the list of Certificate Services database file names that need to be backed up for the given backup context. |
CertSrvBackupGetDynamicFileListW Retrieves the list of Certificate Services dynamic file names that need to be backed up for the given backup context. |
CertSrvBackupOpenFileW Opens a file for backup. |
CertSrvBackupPrepareW Used to prepare a Certificate Services server for backup operations. |
CertSrvBackupRead Reads bytes from a Certificate Services file. |
CertSrvBackupTruncateLogs Eliminates redundant records and reduces the disk storage space used by log files. |
CertSrvIsServerOnlineW Determines if a Certificate Services server is online; if the Certificate Services server is not online, backup operations will not be successful. |
CertSrvRestoreEnd Ends a Certificate Services restore session. |
CertSrvRestoreGetDatabaseLocationsW Used both in backup and restore scenarios and retrieves the list of Certificate Services database location names for all the files being backed up or restored. |
CertSrvRestorePrepareW Prepares a Certificate Services instance for restore operations. |
CertSrvRestoreRegisterComplete Completes a registered Certificate Services restore operation. |
CertSrvRestoreRegisterThroughFile Registers a Certificate Services restore. (CertSrvRestoreRegisterThroughFile) |
CertSrvRestoreRegisterW Registers a Certificate Services restore. (CertSrvRestoreRegisterW) |
CertSrvServerControlW Issues a service control command to programmatically stop Certificate Services. |
CertStrToNameA Converts a null-terminated X.500 string to an encoded certificate name. (ANSI) |
CertStrToNameW Converts a null-terminated X.500 string to an encoded certificate name. (Unicode) |
CertUnregisterPhysicalStore The CertUnregisterPhysicalStore function removes a physical store from a specified system store collection. CertUnregisterPhysicalStore can also be used to delete the physical store. |
CertUnregisterSystemStore The CertUnregisterSystemStore function unregisters a specified system store. |
CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy Checks a certificate chain to verify its validity, including its compliance with any specified validity policy criteria. |
CertVerifyCRLRevocation Check a certificate revocation list (CRL) to determine whether a subject's certificate has or has not been revoked. |
CertVerifyCRLTimeValidity The CertVerifyCRLTimeValidity function verifies the time validity of a CRL. |
CertVerifyCTLUsage Verifies that a subject is trusted for a specified usage by finding a signed and time-valid certificate trust list (CTL) with the usage identifiers that contain the subject. |
CertVerifyRevocation Checks the revocation status of the certificates contained in the rgpvContext array. If a certificate in the list is found to be revoked, no further checking is done. |
CertVerifySubjectCertificateContext The CertVerifySubjectCertificateContext function performs the enabled verification checks on a certificate by checking the validity of the certificate's issuer. The new Certificate Chain Verification Functions are recommended instead of this function. |
CertVerifyTimeValidity The CertVerifyTimeValidity function verifies the time validity of a certificate. |
CertVerifyValidityNesting The CertVerifyValidityNesting function verifies that a subject certificate's time validity nests correctly within its issuer's time validity. |
CertViewPropertiesA The CertViewProperties function displays the properties for a certificate in a user interface (UI) dialog box. This function has no associated import library. You must use the LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress functions to dynamically link to CryptDlg.dll. (ANSI) |
CertViewPropertiesW The CertViewProperties function displays the properties for a certificate in a user interface (UI) dialog box. This function has no associated import library. You must use the LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress functions to dynamically link to CryptDlg.dll. (Unicode) |
ChangeAccountPasswordA Changes the password for a Windows domain account by using the specified Security Support Provider. (ANSI) |
ChangeAccountPasswordW Changes the password for a Windows domain account by using the specified Security Support Provider. (Unicode) |
ChangeCredential Changes the credentials associated with the specified identity. |
ChangeServiceConfig2A Changes the optional configuration parameters of a service. (ANSI) |
ChangeServiceConfig2W Changes the optional configuration parameters of a service. (Unicode) |
CheckCertificateSignature Verifies the signature for a specified signer. |
CheckCertificateSignature Verifies the certificate signature. |
CheckPublicKeySignature Verifies the certificate signature by using the public key of the signing certificate. |
CheckSignature Verifies that the certificate request has been signed and that the signature is valid. (IX509CertificateRequestCmc2.CheckSignature) |
CheckSignature Verifies that the certificate request has been signed and that the signature is valid. (IX509CertificateRequestPkcs10.CheckSignature) |
CheckTokenCapability Checks the capabilities of a given token. |
CheckTokenMembership Determines whether a specified security identifier (SID) is enabled in an access token. |
CheckTokenMembershipEx Determines whether the specified SID is enabled in the specified token. |
Clear Removes all objects from the collection. (IAlternativeNames.Clear) |
Clear Removes all objects from the collection. (ICertificatePolicies.Clear) |
Clear Removes all ICertificationAuthority objects from the collection. |
Clear Removes all properties from the collection. |
Clear Removes all ICryptAttribute objects from the collection. |
Clear Removes all ICspAlgorithm objects from the collection. |
Clear Removes all ICspInformation objects from the collection. |
Clear Removes all ICspStatus objects from the collection. |
Clear Removes all IObjectId objects from the collection. |
Clear Removes all objects from the collection. (IPolicyQualifiers.Clear) |
Clear Removes all ISignerCertificate objects from the collection. |
Clear Removes all objects from the collection. (ISmimeCapabilities.Clear) |
Clear Removes all IX509Attribute objects from the collection. |
Clear Removes all IX509CertificateTemplate objects from the collection. |
Clear Removes all IX509Extension objects from the collection. |
Clear Removes all IX509NameValuePair objects from the collection. |
Clear Removes all IX509PolicyServerUrl objects from the collection. |
Clone Creates a copy of the attribute-enumeration sequence object in its current state. |
Clone Creates a copy of the column-enumeration sequence. |
Clone Creates a copy of the extension-enumeration sequence. |
Close Closes the endorsement key. You can only call the Close method after the Open method has been successfully called. |
Close Releases the handle of the cryptographic service provider (CSP) or the handle of the Cryptography API:_Next Generation (CNG) key storage provider (KSP). |
CloseApplication Unloads a specified IAzApplication object from the cache. |
CloseHandle The CloseHandle method closes a handle opened during a previous call to ISceSvcAttachmentData::Initialize. |
CloseServiceHandle Closes a handle to a service control manager or service object. |
Commit Deletes a template from or saves it to Active Directory. |
CompleteAuthToken Completes an authentication token. (CompleteAuthToken) |
ComputeEffectivePermissionWithSecondarySecurity Computes the effective permissions by using the secondary security for an object. |
ComputeKeyIdentifier Creates an identifier from a 160-bit SHA-1 hash of the public key. |
ComputeSiteCosts Is not currently used. |
Configure Displays the module user interface. |
ConnectIdentity Connects an identity to a domain user. |
ControlService Sends a control code to a service. (ControlService) |
ControlServiceExA Sends a control code to a service. (ControlServiceExA) |
ControlServiceExW Sends a control code to a service. (ControlServiceExW) |
ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptorA Converts a security descriptor to a string format. You can use the string format to store or transmit the security descriptor. (ANSI) |
ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptorW Converts a security descriptor to a string format. You can use the string format to store or transmit the security descriptor. (Unicode) |
ConvertSidToStringSidA Converts a security identifier (SID) to a string format suitable for display, storage, or transmission. (ANSI) |
ConvertSidToStringSidW Converts a security identifier (SID) to a string format suitable for display, storage, or transmission. (Unicode) |
ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorA Converts a string-format security descriptor into a valid, functional security descriptor. (ANSI) |
ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW Converts a string-format security descriptor into a valid, functional security descriptor. (Unicode) |
ConvertStringSidToSidA Converts a string-format security identifier (SID) into a valid, functional SID. You can use this function to retrieve a SID that the ConvertSidToStringSid function converted to string format. (ANSI) |
ConvertStringSidToSidW Converts a string-format security identifier (SID) into a valid, functional SID. You can use this function to retrieve a SID that the ConvertSidToStringSid function converted to string format. (Unicode) |
ConvertToAutoInheritPrivateObjectSecurity Converts a security descriptor and its access control lists (ACLs) to a format that supports automatic propagation of inheritable access control entries (ACEs). |
ConvertToSid Retrieves the security identifier (SID) associated with the specified identity and identity provider. |
CopySid Copies a security identifier (SID) to a buffer. |
Create Creates a new identity associated with the specified user name. |
Create Creates an asymmetric private key. |
CreateApplication Creates an IAzApplication object with the specified name. |
CreateApplication2 Creates an IAzApplication2 object by using the specified name. |
CreateApplicationGroup Creates an IAzApplicationGroup object with the specified name. (IAzApplication.CreateApplicationGroup) |
CreateApplicationGroup Creates an IAzApplicationGroup object with the specified name. (IAzAuthorizationStore.CreateApplicationGroup) |
CreateApplicationGroup Creates an IAzApplicationGroup object with the specified name. (IAzScope.CreateApplicationGroup) |
CreateCAConfiguration Creates a new certification authority (CA) configuration and adds it to the configuration set. |
createFilePFX Saves the accepted certificate chain and private key in a file in Personal Information Exchange (PFX) format. This method was first defined in the ICEnroll4 interface. |
createFilePFXWStr Saves the accepted certificate chain and private key in a file in Personal Information Exchange (PFX) format. |
createFilePKCS10 Creates a base64-encoded PKCS (ICEnroll.createFilePKCS10) |
createFilePKCS10WStr Creates a base64-encoded PKCS (IEnroll.createFilePKCS10WStr) |
createFileRequest Creates a PKCS (ICEnroll4.createFileRequest) |
createFileRequestWStr Creates a PKCS (IEnroll4.createFileRequestWStr) |
CreateObject Can be used to create an object in the user context on a webpage. |
CreateObject Creates an IX509EnrollmentHelper object on a webpage. |
CreateOperation Creates an IAzOperation object with the specified name. |
createPFX Saves the accepted certificate chain and private key in a Personal Information Exchange (PFX) format string. The PFX format is also known as PKCS (ICEnroll4.createPFX) |
CreatePFX Creates a Personal Information Exchange (PFX) message. |
createPFXWStr Saves the accepted certificate chain and private key in a Personal Information Exchange (PFX) format string. The PFX format is also known as PKCS (IEnroll4.createPFXWStr) |
createPKCS10 Creates a base64-encoded PKCS (ICEnroll.createPKCS10) |
createPKCS10WStr Creates a base64-encoded PKCS (IEnroll.createPKCS10WStr) |
CreatePKCS7RequestFromRequest The CreatePKCS7RequestFromRequest method creates a PKCS |
CreatePrivateObjectSecurity Allocates and initializes a self-relative security descriptor for a new private object. A protected server calls this function when it creates a new private object. |
CreatePrivateObjectSecurityEx Allocates and initializes a self-relative security descriptor for a new private object created by the resource manager calling this function. (CreatePrivateObjectSecurityEx) |
CreatePrivateObjectSecurityWithMultipleInheritance Allocates and initializes a self-relative security descriptor for a new private object created by the resource manager calling this function. (CreatePrivateObjectSecurityWithMultipleInheritance) |
CreateProperty Creates a new property and adds it to a property set. |
createRequest Creates a PKCS (ICEnroll4.createRequest) |
CreateRequest Retrieves an encoded certificate request. |
CreateRequestMessage Create a PKCS10 request message with a challenge password. The request message is in an enveloped PKCS7 encrypted with the SCEP server encryption certificate and signed by the server signing certificate. |
createRequestWStr Creates a PKCS (IEnroll4.createRequestWStr) |
CreateRestrictedToken Creates a new access token that is a restricted version of an existing access token. The restricted token can have disabled security identifiers (SIDs), deleted privileges, and a list of restricting SIDs. |
CreateRetrieveCertificateMessage Retrieve a previously issued certificate. |
CreateRetrievePendingMessage Create a message for certificate polling (manual enrollment). |
CreateRole Creates an IAzRole object with the specified name. (IAzApplication.CreateRole) |
CreateRole Creates an IAzRole object with the specified name. (IAzScope.CreateRole) |
CreateRoleAssignment Creates a new IAzRoleAssignment object with the specified name. |
CreateRoleAssignment Creates a new IAzRoleAssignment object with the specified name in this scope. |
CreateRoleDefinition Creates a new IAzRoleDefinition object with the specified name. |
CreateRoleDefinition Creates a new IAzRoleDefinition object with the specified name in this scope. |
CreateScope Creates an IAzScope object with the specified name. |
CreateScope2 Creates a new IAzScope2 object with the specified name. |
CreateSecurityPage Creates a basic security property page that enables the user to view and edit the access rights allowed or denied by the access control entries (ACEs) in an object's discretionary access control list (DACL). |
CreateTask Creates an IAzTask object with the specified name. (IAzApplication.CreateTask) |
CreateTask Creates an IAzTask object with the specified name. (IAzScope.CreateTask) |
CreateVirtualSmartCard Creates a TPM virtual smart card with the given parameters. |
CreateWellKnownSid Creates a SID for predefined aliases. |
CredDeleteA Deletes a credential from the user's credential set. (ANSI) |
CredDeleteW Deletes a credential from the user's credential set. (Unicode) |
CredEnumerateA Enumerates the credentials from the user's credential set. (ANSI) |
CredEnumerateW Enumerates the credentials from the user's credential set. (Unicode) |
CredFindBestCredentialA Searches the Credentials Management (CredMan) database for the set of generic credentials that are associated with the current logon session and that best match the specified target resource. (ANSI) |
CredFindBestCredentialW Searches the Credentials Management (CredMan) database for the set of generic credentials that are associated with the current logon session and that best match the specified target resource. (Unicode) |
CredFree The CredFree function frees a buffer returned by any of the credentials management functions. |
CredFreeCredentialsFn Frees memory used to store credentials used by a security package. |
CredGetSessionTypes The CredGetSessionTypes function returns the maximum persistence supported by the current logon session. A separate maximum persistence is returned for each credential type. |
CredGetTargetInfoA The CredGetTargetInfo function retrieves all known target name information for the named target computer. (ANSI) |
CredGetTargetInfoW The CredGetTargetInfo function retrieves all known target name information for the named target computer. (Unicode) |
CredIsMarshaledCredentialA Determines whether a specified user name string is a marshaled credential previously marshaled by CredMarshalCredential. (ANSI) |
CredIsMarshaledCredentialW Determines whether a specified user name string is a marshaled credential previously marshaled by CredMarshalCredential. (Unicode) |
CredIsProtectedA Specifies whether the specified credentials are encrypted by a previous call to the CredProtect function. (ANSI) |
CredIsProtectedW Specifies whether the specified credentials are encrypted by a previous call to the CredProtect function. (Unicode) |
CrediUnmarshalandDecodeStringFn Transforms a marshaled string back into its original form, and decrypts the unmarshaled string. |
CredMarshalCredentialA The CredMarshalCredential function transforms a credential into a text string. (ANSI) |
CredMarshalCredentialW The CredMarshalCredential function transforms a credential into a text string. (Unicode) |
CredMarshalTargetInfo Serializes the specified target into an array of byte values. |
CredPackAuthenticationBufferA Converts a string user name and password into an authentication buffer. (ANSI) |
CredPackAuthenticationBufferW Converts a string user name and password into an authentication buffer. (Unicode) |
CredProtectA Encrypts the specified credentials so that only the current security context can decrypt them. (ANSI) |
CredProtectW Encrypts the specified credentials so that only the current security context can decrypt them. (Unicode) |
CredReadA Reads a credential from the user's credential set. (ANSI) |
CredReadDomainCredentialsA Reads the domain credentials from the user's credential set. (ANSI) |
CredReadDomainCredentialsFn Reads a domain credential from the Credential Manager. |
CredReadDomainCredentialsW Reads the domain credentials from the user's credential set. (Unicode) |
CredReadFn Reads a credential from the Credential Manager. |
CredReadW Reads a credential from the user's credential set. (Unicode) |
CredRenameA CredRename is no longer supported. (ANSI) |
CredRenameW CredRename is no longer supported. (Unicode) |
CredUICmdLinePromptForCredentialsA Prompts for and accepts credential information from a user working in a command-line (console) application. The name and password typed by the user are passed back to the calling application for verification. (ANSI) |
CredUICmdLinePromptForCredentialsW Prompts for and accepts credential information from a user working in a command-line (console) application. The name and password typed by the user are passed back to the calling application for verification. (Unicode) |
CredUIConfirmCredentialsA Is called after CredUIPromptForCredentials or CredUICmdLinePromptForCredentials, to confirm the validity of the credential harvested. (ANSI) |
CredUIConfirmCredentialsW Is called after CredUIPromptForCredentials or CredUICmdLinePromptForCredentials, to confirm the validity of the credential harvested. (Unicode) |
CredUIParseUserNameA The CredUIParseUserName function extracts the domain and user account name from a fully qualified user name. (ANSI) |
CredUIParseUserNameW The CredUIParseUserName function extracts the domain and user account name from a fully qualified user name. (Unicode) |
CredUIPromptForCredentialsA Creates and displays a configurable dialog box that accepts credentials information from a user. (ANSI) |
CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentialsA Creates and displays a configurable dialog box that allows users to supply credential information by using any credential provider installed on the local computer. (ANSI) |
CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentialsW Creates and displays a configurable dialog box that allows users to supply credential information by using any credential provider installed on the local computer. (Unicode) |
CredUIReadSSOCredW The CredUIReadSSOCredW function retrieves the user name for a single logon credential. |
CredUIStoreSSOCredW The CredUIStoreSSOCredW function stores a single logon credential. |
CredUnmarshalCredentialA The CredUnmarshalCredential function transforms a marshaled credential back into its original form. (ANSI) |
CredUnmarshalCredentialW The CredUnmarshalCredential function transforms a marshaled credential back into its original form. (Unicode) |
CredUnPackAuthenticationBufferA Converts an authentication buffer returned by a call to the CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials function into a string user name and password. (ANSI) |
CredUnPackAuthenticationBufferW Converts an authentication buffer returned by a call to the CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials function into a string user name and password. (Unicode) |
CredUnprotectA Decrypts credentials that were previously encrypted by using the CredProtect function. (ANSI) |
CredUnprotectW Decrypts credentials that were previously encrypted by using the CredProtect function. (Unicode) |
CredWriteA Creates a new credential or modifies an existing credential in the user's credential set. (ANSI) |
CredWriteDomainCredentialsA Writes domain credentials to the user's credential set. (ANSI) |
CredWriteDomainCredentialsW Writes domain credentials to the user's credential set. (Unicode) |
CredWriteFn Writes the specified credential to the Credential Manager. |
CredWriteW Creates a new credential or modifies an existing credential in the user's credential set. (Unicode) |
CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey Obtains the private key for a certificate. |
CryptAcquireContextA Used to acquire a handle to a particular key container within a particular cryptographic service provider (CSP). This returned handle is used in calls to CryptoAPI functions that use the selected CSP. (ANSI) |
CryptAcquireContextW Used to acquire a handle to a particular key container within a particular cryptographic service provider (CSP). This returned handle is used in calls to CryptoAPI functions that use the selected CSP. (Unicode) |
CryptBinaryToStringA Converts an array of bytes into a formatted string. (ANSI) |
CryptBinaryToStringW Converts an array of bytes into a formatted string. (Unicode) |
CryptCATAdminAcquireContext Acquires a handle to a catalog administrator context. |
CryptCATAdminAcquireContext2 Acquires a handle to a catalog administrator context for a given hash algorithm and hash policy. |
CryptCATAdminAddCatalog Adds a catalog to the catalog database. |
CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle Calculates the hash for a file. |
CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle2 Calculates the hash for a file by using the specified algorithm. |
CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash Enumerates the catalogs that contain a specified hash. |
CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext Releases a handle to a catalog context previously returned by the CryptCATAdminAddCatalog function. |
CryptCATAdminReleaseContext Releases the handle previously assigned by the CryptCATAdminAcquireContext function. |
CryptCATAdminRemoveCatalog Deletes a catalog file and removes that catalog's entry from the Windows catalog database. |
CryptCATAdminResolveCatalogPath Retrieves the fully qualified path of the specified catalog. |
CryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext Retrieves catalog information from a specified catalog context. |
CryptCATCDFClose Closes a catalog definition file (CDF) and frees the memory for the corresponding CRYPTCATCDF structure. |
CryptCATCDFEnumCatAttributes Enumerates catalog-level attributes within the CatalogHeader section of a catalog definition file (CDF). |
CryptCATCDFOpen Opens an existing catalog definition file (CDF) for reading and initializes a CRYPTCATCDF structure. |
CryptCATClose Closes a catalog handle opened previously by the CryptCATOpen function. |
CryptCATEnumerateAttr Enumerates the attributes associated with a member of a catalog. This function has no associated import library. |
CryptCATEnumerateCatAttr Enumerates the attributes associated with a catalog. This function has no associated import library. |
CryptCATEnumerateMember Enumerates the members of a catalog. |
CryptCATGetAttrInfo Retrieves information about an attribute of a member of a catalog. |
CryptCATGetMemberInfo Retrieves member information from the catalog's PKCS |
CryptCATHandleFromStore Retrieves a catalog handle from memory. |
CryptCATOpen Opens a catalog and returns a context handle to the open catalog. |
CryptCATPersistStore Saves the information in the specified catalog store to an unsigned catalog file. |
CryptCATPutAttrInfo Allocates memory for an attribute and adds it to a catalog member. |
CryptCATPutCatAttrInfo Allocates memory for a catalog file attribute and adds it to the catalog. |
CryptCATPutMemberInfo Allocates memory for a catalog member and adds it to the catalog. |
CryptCATStoreFromHandle Retrieves a CRYPTCATSTORE structure from a catalog handle. |
CryptContextAddRef Adds one to the reference count of an HCRYPTPROV cryptographic service provider (CSP) handle. |
CryptCreateHash Initiates the hashing of a stream of data. It creates and returns to the calling application a handle to a cryptographic service provider (CSP) hash object. |
CryptCreateKeyIdentifierFromCSP Important This API is deprecated. (CryptCreateKeyIdentifierFromCSP) |
CryptDecodeMessage Decodes, decrypts, and verifies a cryptographic message. |
CryptDecodeObject The CryptDecodeObject function decodes a structure of the type indicated by the lpszStructType parameter. The use of CryptDecodeObjectEx is recommended as an API that performs the same function with significant performance improvements. |
CryptDecodeObjectEx Decodes a structure of the type indicated by the lpszStructType parameter. |
CryptDecrypt Decrypts data previously encrypted by using the CryptEncrypt function. |
CryptDecryptAndVerifyMessageSignature The CryptDecryptAndVerifyMessageSignature function decrypts a message and verifies its signature. |
CryptDecryptMessage The CryptDecryptMessage function decodes and decrypts a message. |
CryptDeriveKey Generates cryptographic session keys derived from a base data value. |
CryptDestroyHash Destroys the hash object referenced by the hHash parameter. |
CryptDestroyKey Releases the handle referenced by the hKey parameter. |
CryptDuplicateHash Makes an exact copy of a hash to the point when the duplication is done. |
CryptDuplicateKey Makes an exact copy of a key and the state of the key. |
CryptEncodeObject The CryptEncodeObject function encodes a structure of the type indicated by the value of the lpszStructType parameter. The use of CryptEncodeObjectEx is recommended as an API that performs the same function with significant performance improvements. |
CryptEncodeObjectEx Encodes a structure of the type indicated by the value of the lpszStructType parameter. |
CryptEncrypt Encrypts data. The algorithm used to encrypt the data is designated by the key held by the CSP module and is referenced by the hKey parameter. |
CryptEncryptMessage The CryptEncryptMessage function encrypts and encodes a message. |
CryptEnumKeyIdentifierProperties The CryptEnumKeyIdentifierProperties function enumerates key identifiers and their properties. |
CryptEnumOIDFunction The CryptEnumOIDFunction function enumerates the registered object identifier (OID) functions. |
CryptEnumOIDInfo Enumerates predefined and registered object identifier (OID) CRYPT_OID_INFO structures. This function enumerates either all of the predefined and registered structures or only structures identified by a selected OID group. |
CryptEnumProvidersA Important This API is deprecated. (CryptEnumProvidersA) |
CryptEnumProvidersW Important This API is deprecated. (CryptEnumProvidersW) |
CryptEnumProviderTypesA Retrieves the first or next types of cryptographic service provider (CSP) supported on the computer. (ANSI) |
CryptEnumProviderTypesW Retrieves the first or next types of cryptographic service provider (CSP) supported on the computer. (Unicode) |
CryptExportKey Exports a cryptographic key or a key pair from a cryptographic service provider (CSP) in a secure manner. |
CryptExportPKCS8 Exports the private key in PKCS (CryptExportPKCS8) |
CryptExportPKCS8Ex Exports the private key in PKCS (CryptExportPKCS8Ex) |
CryptExportPublicKeyInfo The CryptExportPublicKeyInfo function exports the public key information associated with the corresponding private key of the provider. For an updated version of this function, see CryptExportPublicKeyInfoEx. |
CryptExportPublicKeyInfoEx Exports the public key information associated with the provider's corresponding private key. |
CryptExportPublicKeyInfoFromBCryptKeyHandle Exports the public key information associated with a provider's corresponding private key. |
CryptFindCertificateKeyProvInfo Enumerates the cryptographic providers and their containers to find the private key that corresponds to the certificate's public key. |
CryptFindLocalizedName Finds the localized name for the specified name, such as the localize name of the "Root" system store. |
CryptFindOIDInfo Retrieves the first predefined or registered CRYPT_OID_INFO structure that matches a specified key type and key. The search can be limited to object identifiers (OIDs) within a specified OID group. |
CryptFormatObject The CryptFormatObject function formats the encoded data and returns a Unicode string in the allocated buffer according to the certificate encoding type. |
CryptFreeOIDFunctionAddress The CryptFreeOIDFunctionAddress function releases a handle returned by CryptGetOIDFunctionAddress or CryptGetDefaultOIDFunctionAddress by decrementing the reference count on the function handle. |
CryptGenKey Generates a random cryptographic session key or a public/private key pair. A handle to the key or key pair is returned in phKey. This handle can then be used as needed with any CryptoAPI function that requires a key handle. |
CryptGenRandom Fills a buffer with cryptographically random bytes. |
CryptGetDefaultOIDDllList The CryptGetDefaultOIDDllList function acquires the list of the names of DLL files that contain registered default object identifier (OID) functions for a specified function set and encoding type. |
CryptGetDefaultOIDFunctionAddress The CryptGetDefaultOIDFunctionAddress function loads the DLL that contains a default function address. |
CryptGetDefaultProviderA Finds the default cryptographic service provider (CSP) of a specified provider type for the local computer or current user. (ANSI) |
CryptGetDefaultProviderW Finds the default cryptographic service provider (CSP) of a specified provider type for the local computer or current user. (Unicode) |
CryptGetHashParam Retrieves data that governs the operations of a hash object. |
CryptGetKeyIdentifierProperty The CryptGetKeyIdentifierProperty acquires a specific property from a specified key identifier. |
CryptGetKeyParam Retrieves data that governs the operations of a key. |
CryptGetMessageCertificates The CryptGetMessageCertificates function returns the handle of an open certificate store containing the message's certificates and CRLs. This function calls CertOpenStore using provider type CERT_STORE_PROV_PKCS7 as its lpszStoreProvider parameter. |
CryptGetMessageSignerCount The CryptGetMessageSignerCount function returns the number of signers of a signed message. |
CryptGetObjectUrl Acquires the URL of the remote object from a certificate, certificate trust list (CTL), or certificate revocation list (CRL). |
CryptGetOIDFunctionAddress Searches the list of registered and installed functions for an encoding type and object identifier (OID) match. |
CryptGetOIDFunctionValue The CryptGetOIDFunctionValue function queries a value associated with an OID. |
CryptGetProvParam Retrieves parameters that govern the operations of a cryptographic service provider (CSP). |
CryptGetTimeValidObject Retrieves a CRL, an OCSP response, or CTL object that is valid within a given context and time. |
CryptGetUserKey Retrieves a handle of one of a user's two public/private key pairs. |
CryptHashCertificate The CryptHashCertificate function hashes the entire encoded content of a certificate including its signature. |
CryptHashCertificate2 Hashes a block of data by using a CNG hash provider. |
CryptHashData Adds data to a specified hash object. |
CryptHashMessage Creates a hash of the message. |
CryptHashPublicKeyInfo Encodes the public key information in a CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO structure and computes the hash of the encoded bytes. |
CryptHashSessionKey Computes the cryptographic hash of a session key object. |
CryptHashToBeSigned Important This API is deprecated. (CryptHashToBeSigned) |
CryptImportKey Transfers a cryptographic key from a key BLOB into a cryptographic service provider (CSP). |
CryptImportPKCS8 Imports the private key in PKCS |
CryptImportPublicKeyInfo Converts and imports the public key information into the provider and returns a handle of the public key. |
CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx Important This API is deprecated. (CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx) |
CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx2 Imports a public key into the CNG asymmetric provider that corresponds to the public key object identifier (OID) and returns a CNG handle to the key. |
CryptInitOIDFunctionSet The CryptInitOIDFunctionSet initializes and returns the handle of the OID function set identified by a supplied function set name. |
CryptInstallDefaultContext Installs a specific provider to be the default context provider for the specified algorithm. |
CryptInstallOIDFunctionAddress The CryptInstallOIDFunctionAddress function installs a set of callable object identifier (OID) function addresses. |
CryptMemAlloc The CryptMemAlloc function allocates memory for a buffer. It is used by all Crypt32.lib functions that return allocated buffers. |
CryptMemFree The CryptMemFree function frees memory allocated by CryptMemAlloc or CryptMemRealloc. |
CryptMemRealloc The CryptMemRealloc function frees the memory currently allocated for a buffer and allocates memory for a new buffer. |
CryptMsgCalculateEncodedLength Calculates the maximum number of bytes needed for an encoded cryptographic message given the message type, encoding parameters, and total length of the data to be encoded. |
CryptMsgClose The CryptMsgClose function closes a cryptographic message handle. At each call to this function, the reference count on the message is reduced by one. When the reference count reaches zero, the message is fully released. |
CryptMsgControl Performs a control operation after a message has been decoded by a final call to the CryptMsgUpdate function. |
CryptMsgCountersign Countersigns an existing signature in a message. |
CryptMsgCountersignEncoded Countersigns an existing PKCS |
CryptMsgDuplicate The CryptMsgDuplicate function duplicates a cryptographic message handle by incrementing its reference count. |
CryptMsgEncodeAndSignCTL The CryptMsgEncodeAndSignCTL function encodes a CTL and creates a signed message containing the encoded CTL.This function first encodes the CTL pointed to by pCtlInfo and then calls CryptMsgSignCTL to sign the encoded message. |
CryptMsgGetAndVerifySigner The CryptMsgGetAndVerifySigner function verifies a cryptographic message's signature. |
CryptMsgGetParam Acquires a message parameter after a cryptographic message has been encoded or decoded. |
CryptMsgOpenToDecode Opens a cryptographic message for decoding and returns a handle of the opened message. |
CryptMsgOpenToEncode Opens a cryptographic message for encoding and returns a handle of the opened message. |
CryptMsgSignCTL The CryptMsgSignCTL function creates a signed message containing an encoded CTL. |
CryptMsgUpdate Adds contents to a cryptographic message. |
CryptMsgVerifyCountersignatureEncoded Verifies a countersignature in terms of the SignerInfo structure (as defined by PKCS |
CryptMsgVerifyCountersignatureEncodedEx Verifies that the pbSignerInfoCounterSignature parameter contains the encrypted hash of the encryptedDigest field of the pbSignerInfo parameter structure. |
CryptProtectData Performs encryption on the data in a DATA_BLOB structure. |
CryptProtectMemory encrypts memory to prevent others from viewing sensitive information in your process. |
CryptQueryObject Retrieves information about the contents of a cryptography API object, such as a certificate, a certificate revocation list, or a certificate trust list. |
CryptRegisterDefaultOIDFunction The CryptRegisterDefaultOIDFunction registers a DLL containing the default function to be called for the specified encoding type and function name. Unlike CryptRegisterOIDFunction, the function name to be exported by the DLL cannot be overridden. |
CryptRegisterOIDFunction Registers a DLL that contains the function to be called for the specified encoding type, function name, and object identifier (OID). |
CryptRegisterOIDInfo The CryptRegisterOIDInfo function registers the OID information specified in the CRYPT_OID_INFO structure, persisting it to the registry. |
CryptReleaseContext Releases the handle of a cryptographic service provider (CSP) and a key container. |
CryptRetrieveObjectByUrlA Retrieves the public key infrastructure (PKI) object from a location specified by a URL. (ANSI) |
CryptRetrieveObjectByUrlW Retrieves the public key infrastructure (PKI) object from a location specified by a URL. (Unicode) |
CryptRetrieveTimeStamp Encodes a time stamp request and retrieves the time stamp token from a location specified by a URL to a Time Stamping Authority (TSA). |
CryptSetHashParam Customizes the operations of a hash object, including setting up initial hash contents and selecting a specific hashing algorithm. |
CryptSetKeyIdentifierProperty The CryptSetKeyIdentifierProperty function sets the property of a specified key identifier. This function can set the property on the computer identified in pwszComputerName. |
CryptSetKeyParam Customizes various aspects of a session key's operations. |
CryptSetOIDFunctionValue The CryptSetOIDFunctionValue function sets a value for the specified encoding type, function name, OID, and value name. |
CryptSetProviderA Specifies the current user's default cryptographic service provider (CSP). (ANSI) |
CryptSetProviderExA Specifies the default cryptographic service provider (CSP) of a specified provider type for the local computer or current user. (ANSI) |
CryptSetProviderExW Specifies the default cryptographic service provider (CSP) of a specified provider type for the local computer or current user. (Unicode) |
CryptSetProviderW Specifies the current user's default cryptographic service provider (CSP). (Unicode) |
CryptSetProvParam Customizes the operations of a cryptographic service provider (CSP). This function is commonly used to set a security descriptor on the key container associated with a CSP to control access to the private keys in that key container. |
CryptSignAndEncodeCertificate Encodes and signs a certificate, certificate revocation list (CRL), certificate trust list (CTL), or certificate request. |
CryptSignAndEncryptMessage The CryptSignAndEncryptMessage function creates a hash of the specified content, signs the hash, encrypts the content, hashes the encrypted contents and the signed hash, and then encodes both the encrypted content and the signed hash. |
CryptSignCertificate The CryptSignCertificate function signs the "to be signed" information in the encoded signed content. |
CryptSignHashA Signs data. (CryptSignHashA) |
CryptSignHashW Signs data. (CryptSignHashW) |
CryptSignMessage The CryptSignMessage function creates a hash of the specified content, signs the hash, and then encodes both the original message content and the signed hash. |
CryptSignMessageWithKey Signs a message by using a CSP's private key specified in the parameters. |
CryptSIPAddProvider The CryptSIPAddProvider function registers functions that are exported by a given DLL file that implements a Subject Interface Package (SIP). |
CryptSIPCreateIndirectData Returns a SIP_INDIRECT_DATA structure that contains a hash of the supplied SIP_SUBJECTINFO structure, the digest algorithm, and an encoding attribute. The hash can be used as an indirect reference to the data. |
CryptSIPGetCaps Retrieves the capabilities of a subject interface package (SIP). |
CryptSIPGetSignedDataMsg Retrieves an Authenticode signature from the file. |
CryptSIPLoad Loads the dynamic-link library (DLL) that implements a subject interface package (SIP) and assigns appropriate library export functions to a SIP_DISPATCH_INFO structure. |
CryptSIPPutSignedDataMsg Stores an Authenticode signature in the target file. |
CryptSIPRemoveProvider Removes registry details of a Subject Interface Package (SIP) DLL file added by a previous call to the CryptSIPAddProvider function. |
CryptSIPRemoveSignedDataMsg Removes a specified Authenticode signature. |
CryptSIPRetrieveSubjectGuid Retrieves a GUID based on the header information in a specified file. |
CryptSIPRetrieveSubjectGuidForCatalogFile Retrieves the subject GUID associated with the specified file. |
CryptSIPVerifyIndirectData Validates the indirect hashed data against the supplied subject. |
CryptStringToBinaryA Converts a formatted string into an array of bytes. (ANSI) |
CryptStringToBinaryW Converts a formatted string into an array of bytes. (Unicode) |
CryptUIDlgCertMgr Displays a dialog box that allows the user to manage certificates. |
CryptUIDlgSelectCertificateFromStore Displays a dialog box that allows the selection of a certificate from a specified store. |
CryptUIDlgViewCertificateA Presents a dialog box that displays a specified certificate. (ANSI) |
CryptUIDlgViewCertificateW Presents a dialog box that displays a specified certificate. (Unicode) |
CryptUIDlgViewContext Displays a certificate, CTL, or CRL context. |
CryptUIWizDigitalSign Digitally signs a document or BLOB. |
CryptUIWizExport Exports a certificate, a certificate trust list (CTL), a certificate revocation list (CRL), or a certificate store to a file. |
CryptUIWizFreeDigitalSignContext Frees the CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_CONTEXT structure allocated by the CryptUIWizDigitalSign function. |
CryptUIWizImport Imports a certificate, a certificate trust list (CTL), a certificate revocation list (CRL), or a certificate store to a certificate store. |
CryptUninstallDefaultContext Important This API is deprecated. (CryptUninstallDefaultContext) |
CryptUnprotectData Decrypts and does an integrity check of the data in a DATA_BLOB structure. |
CryptUnprotectMemory Decrypts memory that was encrypted using the CryptProtectMemory function. |
CryptUnregisterDefaultOIDFunction The CryptUnregisterDefaultOIDFunction removes the registration of a DLL containing the default function to be called for the specified encoding type and function name. |
CryptUnregisterOIDFunction Removes the registration of a DLL that contains the function to be called for the specified encoding type, function name, and OID. |
CryptUnregisterOIDInfo The CryptUnregisterOIDInfo function removes the registration of a specified CRYPT_OID_INFO OID information structure. The structure to be unregistered is identified by the structure's pszOID and dwGroupId members. |
CryptUpdateProtectedState Migrates the current user's master keys after the user's security identifier (SID) has changed. |
CryptVerifyCertificateSignature Verifies the signature of a certificate, certificate revocation list (CRL), or certificate request by using the public key in a CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO structure. |
CryptVerifyCertificateSignatureEx Verifies the signature of a subject certificate, certificate revocation list, certificate request, or keygen request by using the issuer's public key. |
CryptVerifyDetachedMessageHash The CryptVerifyDetachedMessageHash function verifies a detached hash. |
CryptVerifyDetachedMessageSignature The CryptVerifyDetachedMessageSignature function verifies a signed message containing a detached signature or signatures. |
CryptVerifyMessageHash The CryptVerifyMessageHash function verifies the hash of specified content. |
CryptVerifyMessageSignature Verifies a signed message's signature. |
CryptVerifyMessageSignatureWithKey Verifies a signed message's signature by using specified public key information. |
CryptVerifySignatureA Verifies the signature of a hash object. (ANSI) |
CryptVerifySignatureW Verifies the signature of a hash object. (Unicode) |
CryptVerifyTimeStampSignature Validates the time stamp signature on a specified array of bytes. |
CryptXmlAddObject Adds the Object element to the Signature in the Document Context opened for encoding. |
CryptXmlClose Closes a cryptographic XML object handle. |
CryptXmlCreateReference Creates a reference to an XML signature. |
CryptXmlDigestReference Is used by an application to digest the resolved reference. This function applies transforms before updating the digest. |
CryptXmlDllCloseDigest Frees the CRYPT_XML_DIGEST allocated by the CryptXmlDllCreateDigest function. |
CryptXmlDllCreateDigest Creates a digest object for the specified method. |
CryptXmlDllCreateKey Parses the KeyValue element and creates a Cryptography API:_Next Generation (CNG) BCrypt key handle to verify a signature. |
CryptXmlDllDigestData Puts data into the digest. |
CryptXmlDllEncodeAlgorithm Encodes SignatureMethod or DigestMethod elements for agile algorithms with default parameters. |
CryptXmlDllEncodeKeyValue Encodes a KeyValue element. |
CryptXmlDllFinalizeDigest Retrieves the digest value. |
CryptXmlDllGetAlgorithmInfo Decodes the XML algorithm and returns information about the algorithm. |
CryptXmlDllGetInterface Retrieves a pointer to the cryptographic extension functions for the specified algorithm. |
CryptXmlDllSignData Signs data. (CryptXmlDllSignData) |
CryptXmlDllVerifySignature Verifies a signature. |
CryptXmlEncode Encodes signature data by using the supplied XML writer callback function. |
CryptXmlGetAlgorithmInfo Decodes the CRYPT_XML_ALGORITHM structure and returns information about the algorithm. |
CryptXmlGetDocContext Returns the document context specified by the supplied handle. |
CryptXmlGetReference Returns the Reference element specified by the supplied handle. |
CryptXmlGetSignature Returns an XML Signature element. |
CryptXmlGetStatus Returns a CRYPT_XML_STATUS structure that contains status information about the object specified by the supplied handle. |
CryptXmlGetTransforms Returns information about the default transform chain engine. |
CryptXmlImportPublicKey Imports the public key specified by the supplied handle. |
CryptXmlOpenToDecode Opens an XML digital signature to decode and returns the handle of the document context that encapsulates a CRYPT_XML_SIGNATURE structure. The document context can include one or more Signature elements. |
CryptXmlOpenToEncode Opens an XML digital signature to encode and returns a handle of the opened Signature element. The handle encapsulates a document context with a single CRYPT_XML_SIGNATURE structure and remains open until the CryptXmlClose function is called. |
CryptXmlSetHMACSecret Sets the HMAC secret on the handle before calling the CryptXmlSign or CryptXmlVerify function. |
CryptXmlSign Creates a cryptographic signature of a SignedInfo element. |
CryptXmlVerifySignature Performs a cryptographic signature validation of a SignedInfo element. |
DdqCancelDiagnosticRecordOperation Cancels all outstanding Diagnostic Data Query API internal query operations for this session. This can be called from another thread to interrupt long running Query APIs. |
DdqCloseSession Closes a Diagnostic Data Query session handle. |
DdqCreateSession Creates a Diagnostic Data Query API session handle to be used to uniquely identify a Diagnostic Data Query session. |
DdqExtractDiagnosticReport Used for retrieving Windows Error Reporting reports, this API extracts cabs to destination path specified. If the error report does not contain any cabs, no work is performed. |
DdqFreeDiagnosticRecordLocaleTags Frees memory allocated for tag information referenced by HDIAGNOSTIC_EVENT_TAG_DESCRIPTION handle. |
DdqFreeDiagnosticRecordPage Frees memory allocated for the diagnostic record page referenced by HDIAGNOSTIC_RECORD handle. |
DdqFreeDiagnosticRecordProducerCategories Frees memory allocated for set of categories and the text representation of the categories referenced by HDIAGNOSTIC_EVENT_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION handle. |
DdqFreeDiagnosticRecordProducers Frees memory allocated for the set of producers referenced by HDIAGNOSTIC_EVENT_PRODUCER_DESCRIPTION handle. |
DdqFreeDiagnosticReport Frees memory allocated for error reports referenced by HDIAGNOSTIC_REPORT_DATA handle. |
DdqGetDiagnosticDataAccessLevelAllowed Returns the highest available data access level for the API caller. This can be NoData, CurrentUserData or AllUserData. |
DdqGetDiagnosticRecordAtIndex Fetches diagnostic data record information at the specified index in the resource pointed to by the HDIAGNOSTIC_DATA_RECORD handle. |
DdqGetDiagnosticRecordBinaryDistribution Fetches binary name and associated estimated total upload of Diagnostic Data Events volume in bytes for top N noisiest binaries based on total estimated upload size, where N is the value passed in for topNBinaries. |
DdqGetDiagnosticRecordCategoryAtIndex Fetches a diagnostic record category at the specified index in the resource pointed to by the HDIAGNOSTIC_DATA_EVENT_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION handle. |
DdqGetDiagnosticRecordCategoryCount Fetches the number (size) of diagnostic record categories in the resource pointed by the HDIAGNOSTIC_EVENT_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION handle. |
DdqGetDiagnosticRecordCount Fetches number (size) of elements in the resource pointed to by the HDIAGNOSTIC_DATA_RECORD handle. |
DdqGetDiagnosticRecordLocaleTagAtIndex Fetches tag description at the specified index in the resource pointed to by the HDIAGNOSTIC_DATA_EVENT_TAG_DESCRIPTION handle. |
DdqGetDiagnosticRecordLocaleTagCount Fetches the number (size) of tags in the resource pointed to by the HDIAGNOSTIC_DATA_EVENT_TAG_DESCRIPTION handle. |
DdqGetDiagnosticRecordLocaleTags Fetches information for all known tags under the specified locale and provides a handle, HDIAGNOSTIC_EVENT_TAG_DESCRIPTION, to the data. An example locale would be “en-US”. An example return value is a DIAGNOSTIC_EVENT_TAG_DESCRIPTION resource that contains the following data: tag: 11, name: “Device Connectivity and Configuration” and description: “Data that describes the connections and configuration of the devices connected to the service and the network, including device identifiers (e.g IP addresses) configuration, setting and performance”. |
DdqGetDiagnosticRecordPage Fetches a page (batch) of filtered records. The filtering on records returned is performed internally using the input parameters DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_SEARCH_CRITERIA searchCriteria, pageRecordCount, offset and baseRowId. |
DdqGetDiagnosticRecordPayload Fetches the payload text for the event record specified by rowId. |
DdqGetDiagnosticRecordProducerAtIndex Fetches the description of a producer at the specified index in the resource pointed to by the HDIAGNOSTIC_EVENT_PRODUCER_DESCRIPTION handle. |
DdqGetDiagnosticRecordProducerCategories Producers and categories have a hierarchical relationship--that is, categories belong to producers. This function fetches the available Category IDs and text representation of categories for a given diagnostic Producer Name. |
DdqGetDiagnosticRecordProducerCount Fetches the number (size) of producers in the resource pointed to by the HDIAGNOSTIC_EVENT_PRODUCER_DESCRIPTION. |
DdqGetDiagnosticRecordProducers Fetches Diagnostic Data Producers available for a Diagnostic Data Query session. |
DdqGetDiagnosticRecordStats Fetches the filtered event transcript Diagnostic Data record stats. The filtering on statistics returned is performed using the input parameter, DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_SEARCH_CRITERIA filter. The record state describes how many records matching the search criteria are available, and returns parameters used for further querying of data. One of the uses of this API is to check if there have been changes since the last time data was queried for. A change in the output parameters indicate a change in state of the event transcript record state. |
DdqGetDiagnosticRecordSummary Fetches general statistics about the diagnostic data records, filterable by producer. |
DdqGetDiagnosticRecordTagDistribution Fetches Diagnostic Data Events per privacy tag event distribution statistics based on the specified producer names. |
DdqGetDiagnosticReport Fetches error reports uploaded or enqueued for upload from this PC via HDIAGNOSTIC_REPORT_DATA handle. |
DdqGetDiagnosticReportAtIndex Fetches an error report and its information at the specified index in the resource pointed to by the HDIAGNOSTIC_REPORT_DATA handle. |
DdqGetDiagnosticReportCount Fetches the number (size) of error reports in the resource pointed to by HDIAGNOSTIC_REPORT_DATA handle. |
DdqGetDiagnosticReportStoreReportCount Fetches the number (size) of reports stored in the requested store. |
DdqGetSessionAccessLevel Returns the data access level of the current Diagnostic Data Query session. |
DdqGetTranscriptConfiguration Gets event transcript configuration, such as maximum storage size and hours of data history. |
DdqIsDiagnosticRecordSampledIn Fetches the sampled-in state of the device for an event. |
DdqSetTranscriptConfiguration Sets event transcript configuration, such as maximum storage size and hours of data history. Note that setting the configuration will fail if the user is not elevated. |
Decode Initializes the object from a Unicode-encoded distinguished name. |
Decode Decodes an Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)-encoded alternate name extension and stores the resulting array of strings in the CertEncodeAltName object. |
Decode Decodes an Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)-encoded bit string and stores the resulting bit string in this object. |
Decode Decodes an Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)-encoded certificate revocation list (CRL) distribution information extension and stores the resulting array in the COM object. |
Decode Decodes an Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)-encoded date array and stores the resulting array of date values in the CertEncodeDateArray object. |
Decode Decodes an Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)-encoded Long array and stores the resulting array of Long values in the CertEncodeLongArray object. |
Decode Decodes an Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)-encoded string array and stores the resulting array of strings in the CertEncodeStringArray object. |
DecryptChallenge Decrypts the challenge from the Certificate Management over CMS (CMC) response and creates a re-encrypted response to send to the CA. |
DecryptMessage Decrypts a message by using Digest. |
DelegateSecurityContext Delegates the security context to the specified server. |
Delete Removes the specified identity from the identity store or the specified properties from the identity. |
Delete Deletes the policy store currently in use by the AzAuthorizationStore object. |
Delete Releases the handle of the cryptographic service provider (CSP) or the handle of the Cryptography API:_Next Generation (CNG) key storage provider (KSP) and deletes the key from disk or smart card. |
DeleteAce Deletes an access control entry (ACE) from an access control list (ACL). |
DeleteApplication Removes the IAzApplication object with the specified name from the AzAuthorizationStore object. |
DeleteApplicationGroup Removes the IAzApplicationGroup object with the specified name from the IAzApplication object. |
DeleteApplicationGroup Removes the IAzApplicationGroup object with the specified name from the AzAuthorizationStore object. |
DeleteApplicationGroup Removes the IAzApplicationGroup object with the specified name from the IAzScope object. |
DeleteAppMember Removes the specified IAzApplicationGroup object from the list of application groups that belong to this application group. |
DeleteAppMember Removes the specified IAzApplicationGroup object from the list of application groups that belong to the role. |
DeleteAppNonMember Removes the specified IAzApplicationGroup object from the list of application groups that are refused membership in this application group. |
DeleteCAConfiguration Removes a named certification authority (CA) configuration from the configuration set. |
DeleteDelegatedPolicyUser The IAzApplication::DeleteDelegatedPolicyUser method removes the specified security identifier in text form from the list of principals that act as delegated policy users. |
DeleteDelegatedPolicyUser Removes the specified security identifier (SID) in text form from the list of principals that act as delegated policy users. |
DeleteDelegatedPolicyUserName Removes the specified account name from the list of principals that act as delegated policy users. (IAzApplication.DeleteDelegatedPolicyUserName) |
DeleteDelegatedPolicyUserName Removes the specified account name from the list of principals that act as delegated policy users. (IAzAuthorizationStore.DeleteDelegatedPolicyUserName) |
DeleteMember Removes the specified security identifier (SID) in text form from the list of accounts that belong to the application group. |
DeleteMember Removes the specified security identifier (SID) in text form from the list of Windows accounts that belong to the role. |
DeleteMemberName Removes the specified account name from the list of accounts that belong to the application group. |
DeleteMemberName Removes the specified account name from the list of accounts that belong to the role. |
DeleteNonMember Removes the specified security identifier (SID) in text form from the list of accounts that are refused membership in the application group. |
DeleteNonMemberName Removes the specified account name from the list of accounts that are refused membership in the application group. |
DeleteOperation Removes the IAzOperation object with the specified name from the IAzApplication object. |
DeleteOperation Removes the IAzOperation object with the specified name from the role. |
DeleteOperation Removes the IAzOperation object with the specified name from the task. |
DeletePolicyAdministrator The DeletePolicyAdministrator method of IAzApplication removes the specified security identifier in text form from the list of principals that act as policy administrators. |
DeletePolicyAdministrator Removes the specified security identifier (SID) in text form from the list of principals that act as policy administrators. |
DeletePolicyAdministrator The DeletePolicyAdministrator method of IAzScope removes the specified security identifier in text form from the list of principals that act as policy administrators. |
DeletePolicyAdministratorName Removes the specified account name from the list of principals that act as policy administrators. (IAzApplication.DeletePolicyAdministratorName) |
DeletePolicyAdministratorName Removes the specified account name from the list of principals that act as policy administrators. (IAzAuthorizationStore.DeletePolicyAdministratorName) |
DeletePolicyAdministratorName The DeletePolicyAdministratorName method of IAzScope removes the specified account name from the list of principals that act as policy administrators. |
DeletePolicyReader The DeletePolicyReader method of IAzApplication removes the specified security identifier in text form from the list of principals that act as policy readers. |
DeletePolicyReader Removes the specified security identifier (SID) in text form from the list of principals that act as policy readers. |
DeletePolicyReader The DeletePolicyReader method of IAzScope removes the specified security identifier in text form from the list of principals that act as policy readers. |
DeletePolicyReaderName Removes the specified account name from the list of principals that act as policy readers. (IAzApplication.DeletePolicyReaderName) |
DeletePolicyReaderName Removes the specified account name from the list of principals that act as policy readers. (IAzAuthorizationStore.DeletePolicyReaderName) |
DeletePolicyReaderName The DeletePolicyReaderName method of IAzScope removes the specified account name from the list of principals that act as policy readers. |
DeleteProperty Removes a named property from a property set. |
DeletePropertyItem Removes the specified principal from the specified list of principals. (IAzApplication.DeletePropertyItem) |
DeletePropertyItem Removes the specified entity from the specified list. (IAzApplicationGroup.DeletePropertyItem) |
DeletePropertyItem Removes the specified principal from the specified list of principals. (IAzAuthorizationStore.DeletePropertyItem) |
DeletePropertyItem Removes the specified entity from the specified list. (IAzRole.DeletePropertyItem) |
DeletePropertyItem Removes the specified principal from the specified list of principals. (IAzScope.DeletePropertyItem) |
DeletePropertyItem Removes the specified entity from the specified list. (IAzTask.DeletePropertyItem) |
DeleteRequest Delete any certificates or keys created for the request. |
DeleteRole Removes the IAzRole object with the specified name from the IAzApplication object. |
DeleteRole Removes the IAzRole object with the specified name from the IAzScope object. |
DeleteRoleAssignment Removes the specified IAzRoleAssignment object from the IAzApplication3 object. |
DeleteRoleAssignment Removes the specified IAzRoleAssignment object from this scope. |
DeleteRoleDefinition Removes the specified IAzRoleDefinition object from the IAzApplication3 object. |
DeleteRoleDefinition Removes the IAzRoleDefinition object with the specified name from this IAzRoleAssignment object. |
DeleteRoleDefinition Removes the IAzRoleDefinition object with the specified name from this IAzRoleDefinition object. |
DeleteRoleDefinition Removes the specified IAzRoleDefinition object from this scope. |
DeleteRow The DeleteRow method deletes a row or set of rows from a database table. The caller specifies a database table and either a row ID or an ending date. |
DeleteScope Removes the IAzScope object with the specified name from the IAzApplication object. |
DeleteScope2 Removes the specified IAzScope2 object from the IAzApplication3 object. |
DeleteSecurityContext Deletes the local data structures associated with the specified security context initiated by a previous call to the InitializeSecurityContext (General) function or the AcceptSecurityContext (General) function. |
DeleteSecurityPackageA Deletes a security support provider from the list of providers supported by Microsoft Negotiate. (ANSI) |
DeleteSecurityPackageW Deletes a security support provider from the list of providers supported by Microsoft Negotiate. (Unicode) |
DeleteService Marks the specified service for deletion from the service control manager database. |
DeleteTask Removes the IAzTask object with the specified name from the IAzApplication object. |
DeleteTask Removes the IAzTask object with the specified name from the role. |
DeleteTask Removes the IAzTask object with the specified name from the IAzScope object. |
DeleteTask Removes the IAzTask object with the specified name from the task. |
DenyRequest Denies a specified certificate request that is pending. |
DeriveCapabilitySidsFromName This function constructs two arrays of SIDs out of a capability name. One is an array group SID with NT Authority, and the other is an array of capability SIDs with AppAuthority. |
DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity Deletes a private object's security descriptor. |
DestroyVirtualSmartCard Destroys the TPM virtual smart card that has the given instance ID. |
DisassociateIdentity Disassociates the specified identity from a local user account. |
DisconnectIdentity Disconnects an online identity from the current domain user. |
DSCreateISecurityInfoObject Creates an instance of the ISecurityInformation interface associated with the specified directory service (DS) object. |
DSCreateISecurityInfoObjectEx Creates an instance of the ISecurityInformation interface associated with the specified directory service (DS) object on the specified server. |
DSCreateSecurityPage Creates a security property page for an Active Directory object. |
DSEditSecurity Displays a modal dialog box for editing security on a Directory Services (DS) object. |
DuplicateToken Creates a new access token that duplicates one already in existence. |
DuplicateTokenEx Creates a new access token that duplicates an existing token. This function can create either a primary token or an impersonation token. |
EditSecurity Displays a property sheet that contains a basic security property page. This property page enables the user to view and edit the access rights allowed or denied by the ACEs in an object's DACL. |
EditSecurityAdvanced Extends the EditSecurity function to include the security page type when displaying the property sheet that contains a basic security property page. |
Encode Initializes the object from a string that contains a distinguished name. |
Encode Signs and encodes a certificate request and creates a key pair if one does not exist. |
Encode Returns an ASN.1-encoded string of the alternate name array stored in this object. The names in the object are not encoded. |
Encode Performs Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) encoding on a given bit string. |
Encode Performs Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) encoding on a certificate revocation list (CRL) distribution information array stored in the COM object and returns the ASN.1-encoded extension. |
Encode Returns an Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)-encoded string of the date array stored in this object. |
Encode Returns an ASN.1-encoded string of the LONG array stored in this object. |
Encode Returns an ASN.1-encoded string of the string array stored in this object. |
EncryptMessage Encrypts a message to provide privacy by using Digest. |
Enroll Encodes a request, submits it to an appropriate certification authority (CA), and installs the response. |
Enroll Enrolls a certificate request and retrieves the issued certificate. |
EnumAlgs The ICEnroll4::EnumAlgs method retrieves the IDs of cryptographic algorithms in a given algorithm class that are supported by the current cryptographic service provider (CSP). |
EnumAlgs Retrieves the IDs of cryptographic algorithms in a given algorithm class that are supported by the current cryptographic service provider (CSP). |
EnumCertViewAttribute Obtains an instance of an attribute-enumeration sequence for the current row of the row-enumeration sequence. |
EnumCertViewColumn Obtains an instance of a column-enumeration sequence for the database schema. |
EnumCertViewColumn Obtains an instance of a column-enumeration sequence for the current row of the row-enumeration sequence. |
EnumCertViewExtension Obtains an instance of an extension-enumeration sequence for the current row of the row-enumeration sequence. |
enumContainers Retrieves the names of containers for the cryptographic service provider (CSP) specified by the ProviderName property. This method was first defined in the ICEnroll interface. |
enumContainersWStr Retrieves the names of containers for the cryptographic service provider (CSP) specified by the ProviderNameWStr property. |
EnumDependentServicesA Retrieves the name and status of each service that depends on the specified service. (ANSI) |
EnumDependentServicesW Retrieves the name and status of each service that depends on the specified service. (Unicode) |
EnumerateAttributes Returns the name of the next request attribute within the current context, then increments the internal pointer to the following attribute. |
EnumerateAttributes Retrieves the name of the current attribute and moves the internal enumeration pointer to the next attribute. |
EnumerateAttributesClose Frees any resources connected with attribute enumeration. |
EnumerateAttributesClose Frees the resources connected with attribute enumeration. |
EnumerateAttributesSetup Initializes the internal enumeration pointer to the first request attribute associated with the current context. (ICertServerExit.EnumerateAttributesSetup) |
EnumerateAttributesSetup Initializes the internal enumeration pointer to the first request attribute associated with the current context. (ICertServerPolicy.EnumerateAttributesSetup) |
EnumerateExtensions Returns the object identifier (OID) string (also known as the extension name) of the next certificate extension to be enumerated, then increments the internal pointer to the following extension. |
EnumerateExtensions Retrieves the object identifier (OID) of the current extension and moves the internal enumeration pointer to the next extension. |
EnumerateExtensionsClose Frees any resources connected with extension enumeration. |
EnumerateExtensionsClose Frees the resources connected with extension enumeration. |
EnumerateExtensionsSetup Initializes the internal enumeration pointer to the first certificate extension associated with the current context. (ICertServerExit.EnumerateExtensionsSetup) |
EnumerateExtensionsSetup Initializes the internal enumeration pointer to the first certificate extension associated with the current context. (ICertServerPolicy.EnumerateExtensionsSetup) |
EnumerateIdentities Gets a pointer to an IEnumUnknown interface pointer that can be used to enumerate identities across identity providers. |
EnumerateSecurityPackagesA Returns an array of SecPkgInfo structures that provide information about the security packages available to the client. (ANSI) |
EnumerateSecurityPackagesW Returns an array of SecPkgInfo structures that provide information about the security packages available to the client. (Unicode) |
enumPendingRequest Enumerates pending certificate requests and retrieves a specified property from each. This method was first defined in the ICEnroll4 interface. |
enumPendingRequestWStr Enumerates pending certificate requests and retrieves a specified property from each. |
enumProviders Retrieves the names of the available cryptographic service providers (CSPs) specified by the ProviderType property. This method was first defined in the ICEnroll interface. |
enumProvidersWStr The IEnroll4::enumProvidersWStr method retrieves the names of the available cryptographic service providers (CSPs) specified by the ProviderType property. |
EnumServicesStatusA Enumerates services in the specified service control manager database. The name and status of each service are provided. (ANSI) |
EnumServicesStatusExA Enumerates services in the specified service control manager database. The name and status of each service are provided, along with additional data based on the specified information level. (ANSI) |
EnumServicesStatusExW Enumerates services in the specified service control manager database. The name and status of each service are provided, along with additional data based on the specified information level. (Unicode) |
EnumServicesStatusW Enumerates services in the specified service control manager database. The name and status of each service are provided. (Unicode) |
EqualDomainSid Determines whether two SIDs are from the same domain. |
EqualPrefixSid Tests two security-identifier (SID) prefix values for equality. A SID prefix is the entire SID except for the last subauthority value. |
EqualSid Tests two security identifier (SID) values for equality. Two SIDs must match exactly to be considered equal. |
Export Exports templates and object identifiers associated with the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server to a buffer. |
Export Copies the private key to a byte array. |
ExportPublicKey Exports the endorsement public key. |
ExportPublicKey Exports the public key portion of the asymmetric key pair. |
ExportSecurityContext The ExportSecurityContext function creates a serialized representation of a security context that can later be imported into a different process by calling ImportSecurityContext. |
Find Retrieves the index number of an ISignerCertificate object. |
FindByUniqueID Retrieves a pointer to the IPropertyStore interface instance associated with the specified identity. |
FindFirstFreeAce Retrieves a pointer to the first free byte in an access control list (ACL). |
FreeBuffer The FreeBuffer method frees memory allocated by the Security Configuration snap-in. |
FreeBuffer The FreeBuffer method frees memory allocated by the attachment snap-in extension. |
FreeContextBuffer Enables callers of security package functions to free memory buffers allocated by the security package. |
FreeCredentialsHandle Notifies the security system that the credentials are no longer needed. |
FreeInheritedFromArray Frees memory allocated by the GetInheritanceSource function. |
freeRequestInfo Releases session identifiers when they are no longer needed. |
freeRequestInfoBlob The freeRequestInfoBlob method deletes a certificate context. This method was first defined in the IEnroll interface. |
FreeSid Frees a security identifier (SID) previously allocated by using the AllocateAndInitializeSid function. |
GenerateChallenge Performs the policy decision whether to issue a challenge password to the SCEP client. |
get__NewEnum Retrieves an IEnumVARIANT interface on an object that can be used to enumerate the collection. This property is hidden within Visual Basic and Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript). (IAzApplicationGroups.get__NewEnum) |
get__NewEnum Retrieves an IEnumVARIANT interface on an object that can be used to enumerate the collection. This property is hidden within Visual Basic and Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript). (IAzApplications.get__NewEnum) |
get__NewEnum The _NewEnum property of IAzOperations retrieves an IEnumVARIANT interface on an object that can be used to enumerate the collection. This property is hidden within Visual Basic and Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript). |
get__NewEnum Retrieves an IEnumVARIANT interface on an object that can be used to enumerate the IAzRoleAssignments collection. This property is hidden within Visual Basic and Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript). |
get__NewEnum Retrieves an IEnumVARIANT interface on an object that can be used to enumerate the IAzRoleDefinitions collection. This property is hidden within Visual Basic and Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript). |
get__NewEnum The _NewEnum property of IAzRoles retrieves an IEnumVARIANT interface on an object that can be used to enumerate the collection. This property is hidden within Visual Basic and Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript). |
get__NewEnum The _NewEnum property of IAzScopes retrieves an IEnumVARIANT interface on an object that can be used to enumerate the collection. This property is hidden within Visual Basic and Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript). |
get__NewEnum The _NewEnum property of IAzTasks retrieves an IEnumVARIANT interface on an object that can be used to enumerate the collection. This property is hidden within Visual Basic and Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript). |
get__NewEnum Retrieves the enumerator for the collection. (IAlternativeNames.get__NewEnum) |
get__NewEnum Retrieves the enumerator for the collection. (ICertificatePolicies.get__NewEnum) |
get__NewEnum Retrieves the enumerator for the collection. (ICertificationAuthorities.get__NewEnum) |
get__NewEnum Retrieves the enumerator for the collection. (ICertProperties.get__NewEnum) |
get__NewEnum Retrieves the enumerator for the collection. (ICryptAttributes.get__NewEnum) |
get__NewEnum Retrieves the enumerator for the collection. (ICspAlgorithms.get__NewEnum) |
get__NewEnum Retrieves the enumerator for the collection. (ICspInformations.get__NewEnum) |
get__NewEnum Retrieves the enumerator for the collection. (ICspStatuses.get__NewEnum) |
get__NewEnum Retrieves the enumerator for the collection. (IObjectIds.get__NewEnum) |
get__NewEnum Retrieves the enumerator for the collection. (IPolicyQualifiers.get__NewEnum) |
get__NewEnum Retrieves the enumerator for the collection. (ISignerCertificates.get__NewEnum) |
get__NewEnum Retrieves the enumerator for the collection. (ISmimeCapabilities.get__NewEnum) |
get__NewEnum Retrieves the enumerator for the collection. (IX509Attributes.get__NewEnum) |
get__NewEnum Retrieves the enumerator for the collection. (IX509CertificateTemplates.get__NewEnum) |
get__NewEnum Retrieves the enumerator for the collection. (IX509Extensions.get__NewEnum) |
get__NewEnum Retrieves the enumerator for the collection. (IX509NameValuePairs.get__NewEnum) |
get__NewEnum Retrieves the enumerator for the collection. (IX509PolicyServerListManager.get__NewEnum) |
get__NewEnum Gets an enumerator for the information set. |
get__NewEnum Gets an enumerator for the configuration set. |
get__NewEnum Gets an enumerator for a property set. |
get_Algorithm Specifies or retrieves an object identifier (OID) for the public key algorithm. (Get) |
get_Algorithm Retrieves an object identifier (OID) for the public key algorithm. |
get_AlternateSignatureAlgorithm Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the signature algorithm object identifier (OID) for a PKCS (Get) |
get_AlternateSignatureAlgorithm Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value that specifies whether the GetSignatureAlgorithm method should retrieve a discrete or combined algorithm object identifier (OID) for a PKCS (Get) |
get_AlternateSignatureAlgorithmSet Retrieves a Boolean value that specifies whether the AlternateSignatureAlgorithm property has been explicitly set by a caller. |
get_AlternativeNames Retrieves a collection of subject alternative names. |
get_ApplicationData Sets or retrieves an opaque field that can be used by the application to store information. (IAzApplication.get_ApplicationData) |
get_ApplicationData Sets or retrieves an opaque field that can be used by the application to store information. (IAzAuthorizationStore.get_ApplicationData) |
get_ApplicationData The ApplicationData property of IAzOperation sets or retrieves an opaque field that can be used by the application to store information. (Get) |
get_ApplicationData The ApplicationData property of IAzRole sets or retrieves an opaque field that can be used by the application to store information. (Get) |
get_ApplicationData The ApplicationData property of IAzScope sets or retrieves an opaque field that can be used by the application to store information. (Get) |
get_ApplicationData The ApplicationData property of IAzTask sets or retrieves an opaque field that can be used by the application to store information. (Get) |
get_ApplicationGroups Retrieves an IAzApplicationGroups object that is used to enumerate IAzApplicationGroup objects from the policy data. (IAzApplication.get_ApplicationGroups) |
get_ApplicationGroups Retrieves an IAzApplicationGroups object that is used to enumerate IAzApplicationGroup objects from the policy data. (IAzAuthorizationStore.get_ApplicationGroups) |
get_ApplicationGroups Retrieves an IAzApplicationGroups object that is used to enumerate IAzApplicationGroup objects from the policy data. (IAzScope.get_ApplicationGroups) |
get_Applications Retrieves an IAzApplications object that is used to enumerate IAzApplication objects from the policy store. |
get_ApplyStoreSacl Sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether policy audits should be generated when the authorization store is modified. (IAzApplication.get_ApplyStoreSacl) |
get_ApplyStoreSacl Sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether policy audits should be generated when the authorization store is modified. (IAzAuthorizationStore.get_ApplyStoreSacl) |
get_AppMembers Retrieves the application groups that belong to this application group. |
get_AppMembers Retrieves the application groups that belong to the role. |
get_AppNonMembers Retrieves the application groups that are refused membership in this application group. |
get_Archived Retrieves a Boolean value that specifies whether the certificate has been archived. |
get_ArchivedKeyHash Retrieves a SHA-1 hash of the private key. |
get_ArchivePrivateKey Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether to archive a private key on the certification authority (CA). (Get) |
get_AttestationEncryptionCertificate The certificate used to encrypt the EKPUB and EKCERT values from the client. This property must be set to a valid certificate that chains to a trusted machine root. (Get) |
get_AttestPrivateKey True if the created private key needs to be attested; otherwise false. If true, it is expected that the AttestationEncryptionCertificate property has been set. (Get) |
get_AuthFlags Specifies and retrieves a value that indicates the authentication type used by the client to authenticate itself to the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. (Get) |
get_AuthorityKeyIdentifier Retrieves a byte array that contains the extension value. (IX509ExtensionAuthorityKeyIdentifier.get_AuthorityKeyIdentifier) |
get_AuthzInterfaceClsid Sets or retrieves the class identifier (CLSID) of the interface that the user interface (UI) uses to perform application-specific operations. (Get) |
get_BackedUpTime Retrieves the date and time at which the certificate was backed up. |
get_BackedUpValue Retrieves a Boolean value that identifies whether the certificate was backed up. |
get_BitCount Retrieves the length, in bits, of the encryption key. |
get_BizRule Gets or sets the script that determines membership for this application group. (Get) |
get_BizRule Sets or retrieves the text of the script that implements the business rule (BizRule). (Get) |
get_BizRuleImportedPath Gets or sets the path of the file that contains the business rule script associated with this application group. (Get) |
get_BizRuleImportedPath Sets or retrieves the path to the file from which the business rule (BizRule) is imported. (Get) |
get_BizRuleInterfaces Gets the collection of IDispatch interfaces that can be called by the business rule (BizRule) script associated with this client context. |
get_BizRuleLanguage Gets or sets the programming language of the business rule script associated with this application group. (Get) |
get_BizRuleLanguage Sets or retrieves the scripting language in which the business rule (BizRule) is implemented. (Get) |
get_BizRuleParameters Gets the collection of parameters that can be passed by the business rule (BizRule) script associated with this client context. |
get_BizRulesEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether business rules are enabled for this application. (Get) |
get_BizrulesWritable Retrieves a value that indicates whether a non-delegated scope is writable. |
get_BusinessRuleString Sets or retrieves an application-specific string for the Business Rule (BizRule). (Get) |
get_CACertificate Gets an X.509 certificate that has been encoded by using Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) and that is for a certification authority (CA). |
get_CAConfig Gets or sets a certification authority (CA) name with which a signing certificate must be signed. (Get) |
get_CAConfigString Retrieves the configuration string that identifies the certification authority (CA) to which the certificate request was submitted. |
get_CADnsName Retrieves the Domain Naming System (DNS) name of the certification authority (CA). |
get_CAErrorId Gets the ID for additional error information related to a failed certification authority (CA) specification. |
get_CAErrorString Gets the string data for additional error information related to a failed certification authority (CA) specification. |
get_CAName Retrieves the common name (CN) of the certification authority (CA). |
get_CanBeDelegated Retrieves a value that indicates whether the scope can be delegated. |
get_CAStoreFlags Sets or retrieves a flag that controls the certification authority (CA) store when the store is opened. (Get) |
get_CAStoreFlags The CAStoreFlags property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves a flag that controls the certification authority (CA) store when the store is opened. (Get) |
get_CAStoreName Sets or retrieves the name of the store where all non-"ROOT" and non-"MY" certificates are kept. (Get) |
get_CAStoreNameWStr The CAStoreNameWStr property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves the name of the store where all non-"ROOT" and non-"MY" certificates are kept. (Get) |
get_CAStoreType Sets or retrieves the type of store to use for the store specified by the CAStoreName property. (Get) |
get_CAStoreTypeWStr Sets or retrieves the type of store to use for the store specified by the CAStoreNameWStr property. (Get) |
get_Certificate Retrieves a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array that contains the certificate. |
get_Certificate Retrieves the installed certificate. |
get_Certificate Specifies or retrieves a byte array that contains the certificate associated with the private key. (Get) |
get_Certificate Gets the certificate for the request. |
get_CertificateDescription Specifies or retrieves a string that contains a description of the certificate. (Get) |
get_CertificateFriendlyName Specifies or retrieves the display name of a certificate. (Get) |
get_CertificateFriendlyName Gets or sets the friendly name for the certificate. (Get) |
get_ChallengePassword The password to use when creating a request with a challenge. To create a request without a challenge, do not set the ChallengePassword property. (Get) |
get_ClientId Retrieves the type of client application that generated the request. |
get_ClientId Specifies and retrieves a value that identifies the executable that created the request. (Get) |
get_ClientId Sets or retrieves a client ID request attribute. The client ID request attribute indicates the source of the certificate request. This property was first defined in the ICEnroll4 interface. (Get) |
get_ClientId The ClientId property sets or retrieves a client ID request attribute. The client ID request attribute indicates the source of the certificate request. This property was first defined in the IEnroll4 interface. (Get) |
get_ContainerName Specifies or retrieves the name of the key container. (Get) |
get_ContainerName Gets or sets the name used by the cryptographic service provider (CSP) to generate, store, or access the key. (Get) |
get_ContainerName The ContainerName property of ICEnroll4 sets or retrieves the name of the key container to use. (Get) |
get_ContainerNamePrefix Specifies or retrieves a prefix added to the name of the key container. (Get) |
get_ContainerNameWStr Sets or retrieves the name of the key container to use. (Get) |
get_Cost Specifies and retrieves an arbitrary cost for contacting the certificate enrollment policy server. (IX509EnrollmentPolicyServer.get_Cost) |
get_Cost Specifies and retrieves an arbitrary cost for contacting the certificate enrollment policy server. (IX509PolicyServerUrl.get_Cost) |
get_Count Retrieves the number of IAzApplicationGroup objects in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of IAzApplication objects in the collection. |
get_Count Specifies the number of interfaces that can be called by business rule (BizRule) scripts. |
get_Count Gets the number of parameters available to business rule (BizRule) scripts. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of IAzOperation objects in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of IAzRoleAssignments objects in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of IAzRoleDefinitions objects in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of IAzRole objects in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of IAzScope objects in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of IAzTask objects in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of objects in the collection. (IAlternativeNames.get_Count) |
get_Count Retrieves the number of objects in the collection. (ICertificatePolicies.get_Count) |
get_Count Retrieves the number of ICertificationAuthority objects in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of properties in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of ICryptAttribute objects in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of ICspAlgorithm objects in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of ICspInformation objects in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of ICspStatus objects in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of objects in the collection. (IObjectIds.get_Count) |
get_Count Retrieves the number of objects in the collection. (IPolicyQualifiers.get_Count) |
get_Count Retrieves the number of ISignerCertificate objects in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of objects in the collection. (ISmimeCapabilities.get_Count) |
get_Count Retrieves the number of IX509Attribute objects in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of IX509CertificateTemplate objects in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of IX509Extension objects in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of IX509NameValuePair objects in the collection. |
get_Count Retrieves the number of IX509PolicyServerUrl objects in the collection. |
get_Count Gets the number of ICertSrvSetupKeyInformation objects in the collection. |
get_Count Gets the number of certification authority (CA) configurations in the configuration set. |
get_Count Gets the number of properties in a property set. |
get_Critical Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value that identifies whether the certificate extension is critical. (Get) |
get_CriticalExtensions Retrieves an IObjectIds collection that identifies the version 3 certificate extensions marked as critical. (IX509CertificateRequestCmc.get_CriticalExtensions) |
get_CriticalExtensions Retrieves an IObjectIds collection that identifies the version 3 certificate extensions marked as critical. (IX509CertificateRequestPkcs10.get_CriticalExtensions) |
get_CryptAttributes Retrieves an ICryptAttributes collection of optional certificate attributes. (IX509CertificateRequestCmc.get_CryptAttributes) |
get_CryptAttributes Retrieves an ICryptAttributes collection of optional certificate attributes. (IX509CertificateRequestPkcs10.get_CryptAttributes) |
get_CspAlgorithm Retrieves an ICspAlgorithm object that contains information about an algorithm supported by the provider. |
get_CspAlgorithms Retrieves a collection of ICspAlgorithm interfaces that contain information about the algorithms supported by the provider. |
get_CspInformation Retrieves an ICspInformation object that contains general information about the provider. |
get_CspInformations Specifies and retrieves a collection of cryptographic providers available for use by the request object. (Get) |
get_CspInformations Specifies or retrieves a collection of ICspInformation objects that contain information about the available cryptographic providers that support the public key algorithm associated with the private key. (Get) |
get_CSPName Gets a cryptographic service provider (CSP) or key storage provider (KSP) name. |
get_CspStatus Specifies or retrieves an ICspStatus object that contains information about the cryptographic provider and algorithm pair associated with the private key. (Get) |
get_CspStatuses Retrieves a collection of ICspStatus objects that matches the intended use of the private key associated with the certificate request. |
get_Default Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether this is the default certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. (Get) |
get_DefaultContainer Retrieves a Boolean value that specifies whether the private key represents the default key container. |
get_DefaultLength Retrieves the default length of a key. |
get_DelegatedPolicyUsers Retrieves the security identifiers (SIDs), in text form, of principals that act as delegated policy users. |
get_DelegatedPolicyUsers Retrieves the security identifiers (SIDs) of principals that act as delegated policy users in text form. |
get_DelegatedPolicyUsersName The DelegatedPolicyUsersName property of IAzApplication retrieves the account names of principals that act as delegated policy users. |
get_DelegatedPolicyUsersName Retrieves the account names of principals that act as delegated policy users. |
get_DeleteRequestCert Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether dummy certificates in the request store are deleted. (Get) |
get_DeleteRequestCert The DeleteRequestCert property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether dummy certificates in the request store are deleted. (Get) |
get_Description Sets or retrieves a comment that describes the application. (Get) |
get_Description Sets or retrieves a comment that describes the application group. (Get) |
get_Description Sets or retrieves a comment that describes the operation. (Get) |
get_Description The Description property of IAzOperation sets or retrieves a comment that describes the operation. (Get) |
get_Description Sets or retrieves a comment that describes the role. (Get) |
get_Description Sets or retrieves a comment that describes the scope. (Get) |
get_Description Sets or retrieves a comment that describes the task. (Get) |
get_Description Retrieves a description of the certificate. |
get_Description Specifies or retrieves a string that contains a description of the private key. (Get) |
get_Display Specifies or retrieves a value that indicates whether to display the status information in a user interface. (Get) |
get_DisplayName Retrieves a string that contains the name of the provider, the algorithm name, and the operations that can be performed by the algorithm. |
get_DomainTimeout Sets or retrieves the time in milliseconds after which a domain is determined to be unreachable. (Get) |
get_EnableSMIMECapabilities The ICEnroll4::EnableSMIMECapabilities property controls whether the PKCS (Get) |
get_EnableSMIMECapabilities Controls whether the PKCS (Get) |
get_EnableT61DNEncoding The EnableT61DNEncoding property of ICEnroll4 sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether the distinguished name in the request is encoded as a T61 string instead of as a Unicode string. (Get) |
get_EnableT61DNEncoding Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether the distinguished name in the request is encoded as a T61 string instead of as a Unicode string. (Get) |
get_EncodedKey Retrieves a byte array that contains the public key. |
get_EncodedName Retrieves a Unicode-encoded distinguished name. |
get_EncodedParameters Retrieves a byte array that contains the parameters associated with the public key algorithm. |
get_EncryptedKeyBlob Retrieves a byte array that contains the encrypted key. |
get_EncryptedKeyHash Retrieves a hash of the private key to be archived. |
get_EncryptedKeyHashBlob Retrieves a string that contains a hash of the encrypted private key. |
get_EncryptionAlgorithm Retrieves the object identifier (OID) of the symmetric encryption algorithm used to encrypt the private key. |
get_EncryptionAlgorithm Specifies or retrieves an object identifier (OID) of the algorithm used to encrypt the private key to be archived. (Get) |
get_EncryptionAlgorithm The encryption algorithm used to encrypt the EKPUB and EKCERT values from the client. (Get) |
get_EncryptionStrength Retrieves an integer that contains the encryption strength of the symmetric algorithm used to encrypt the key. |
get_EncryptionStrength Specifies or retrieves the relative encryption level applied to the private key to be archived. (Get) |
get_EncryptionStrength Identifies the bit length for the EncryptionAlgorithm to use for encryption. If the EncryptionAlgorithm only supports one bit length, then you do not need to specify a value for the EncryptionStrength property. (Get) |
get_EnhancedKeyUsage Retrieves a collection of key usage object identifiers (OIDs). |
get_EnrollmentContext Retrieves a value that specifies whether the certificate is intended for a computer or a user. |
get_EnrollmentContext Retrieves an enrollment context that identifies whether the certificate is intended for a computer or an end-user. |
get_EnrollmentStatus Retrieves an IX509EnrollmentStatus object that contains information about the certificate enrollment. |
get_Error Specifies and retrieves a value that identifies the error status of the certificate enrollment process. (Get) |
get_ErrorCode Gets a code that identifies an error condition in a CA configuration. |
get_ErrorString Retrieves a string that contains additional information about Certificate Enrollment Policy (CEP) Web Service setup failure. |
get_ErrorString Retrieves a string that contains additional information about Certificate Enrollment Web Service (CES) setup failure. |
get_ErrorText Retrieves a string that contains the message associated with the error result code returned by the Error property. |
get_Existing Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the private key has been created or imported. (Get) |
get_Existing Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the private key already exists. (Get) |
get_ExistingCACertificate Gets or sets the binary value that has been encoded by using Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) and that is the binary value of the certification authority (CA) certificate that corresponds to an existing key. (Get) |
get_ExportPolicy Specifies or retrieves export constraints for a private key. (Get) |
get_FailInfo Gets information when the ProcessResponseMessage method detects a failed environment. |
get_Flags Specifies or retrieves a value that indicates whether the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server policy information can be loaded from group policy, from the registry, or both. (Get) |
get_FriendlyName Retrieves the display name of the certificate. (ICertPropertyEnrollment.get_FriendlyName) |
get_FriendlyName Retrieves the display name of the certificate. (ICertPropertyFriendlyName.get_FriendlyName) |
get_FriendlyName Specifies and retrieves a display name for the object identifier. (Get) |
get_FriendlyName Specifies or retrieves a display name for the private key. (Get) |
get_GenerateAudits The GenerateAudits property of IAzApplication sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether run-time audits should be generated. (Get) |
get_GenerateAudits Sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether run-time audits should be generated. (Get) |
get_GenKeyFlags Sets or retrieves the values passed to the CryptGenKey function when the certificate request is generated. (Get) |
get_GenKeyFlags Sets or retrieves the values passed to CryptGenKey when the certificate request is generated. (Get) |
get_HashAlgID Sets or retrieves the hash algorithm used when signing a PKCS (Get) |
get_HashAlgID The HashAlgID property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves the hash algorithm used when signing a PKCS (Get) |
get_HashAlgorithm Specifies and retrieves the object identifier (OID) of the hash algorithm used to sign the certificate request. (Get) |
get_HashAlgorithm Specifies and retrieves an object identifier (OID) for the hashing algorithm used in the GetSignatureAlgorithm method. (Get) |
get_HashAlgorithm Gets or sets the name of the hashing algorithm used to sign or verify the certification authority (CA) certificate for the key. (Get) |
get_HashAlgorithm Sets or retrieves only the signature hashing algorithm used to sign the PKCS (ICEnroll.get_HashAlgorithm) |
get_HashAlgorithm Gets or sets an identifier for the hash algorithm used to sign a certificate. (Get) |
get_HashAlgorithmWStr Sets or retrieves only the signature hashing algorithm used to sign the PKCS (IEnroll.get_HashAlgorithmWStr) |
get_HasHardwareRandomNumberGenerator Retrieves a Boolean value that specifies whether the provider supports a hardware random number generator that can be used to create random bytes for cryptographic operations. |
get_Identifier Gets a name for the certification authority (CA) configuration. |
get_IncludeSubjectKeyID Determines whether the subject key ID extension is added to the certificate request that is generated. (Get) |
get_IncludeSubjectKeyID The IncludeSubjectKeyID property of IEnroll4 determines whether the subject key ID extension is added to the certificate request that is generated. (Get) |
get_IncrementLength Retrieves a value, in bits, that can be used to determine valid incremental key lengths for algorithms that support multiple key sizes. |
get_IndexByObjectId Retrieves the index of an attribute by object identifier (OID). |
get_IndexByObjectId Retrieves the index of an ICspAlgorithm object by object identifier (OID). |
get_IndexByObjectId Retrieves the index of an extension in the collection by object identifier (OID). |
get_IsCA Retrieves a Boolean value that identifies whether the subject of the certificate is a certification authority (CA). |
get_IsHardwareDevice Retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether the provider is implemented in a hardware device. |
get_IsRemovable Retrieves a Boolean value that specifies whether the token that contains the key can be removed. |
get_IsRoleDefinition Sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether the task is a role definition. (Get) |
get_IsSmartCard Retrieves a Boolean value that specifies whether the provider is a smart card provider. |
get_IsSoftwareDevice Retrieves a Boolean value that specifies whether the provider is implemented in software. |
get_Issuer Specifies or retrieves the name of the certificate issuer. (Get) |
get_Item Retrieves the IAzApplicationGroup object at the specified index into the IAzApplicationGroups collection. |
get_Item Retrieves the IAzApplication object at the specified index into the IAzApplications collection. |
get_Item Retrieves the IAzOperation object at the specified index into the IAzOperations collection. |
get_Item Retrieves the IAzRoleAssignment object at the specified index in the IAzRoleAssignments collection. |
get_Item Retrieves the IAzRoleDefinition object at the specified index in the IAzRoleDefinitions collection. |
get_Item Retrieves the IAzRole object at the specified index into the IAzRoles collection. |
get_Item Retrieves the IAzScope object at the specified index into the IAzScopes collection. |
get_Item Retrieves the IAzTask object at the specified index into the IAzTasks collection. |
get_Item Gets an ICertSrvSetupKeyInformation object that is identified by index in the collection. |
get_Item Gets a certification authority (CA) configuration identified by index in the configuration set. |
get_Item Gets the property identified by index in a property set. |
get_ItemByName Retrieves an ICertificationAuthority object from the collection by certification authority name. |
get_ItemByName Retrieves an ICspAlgorithm object from the collection by name. |
get_ItemByName Retrieves an ICspInformation object from the collection by name. |
get_ItemByName Retrieves an ICspStatus object from the collection by provider and algorithm name. |
get_ItemByName Retrieves an IX509CertificateTemplate object from the collection by name. |
get_ItemByName Gets a certification authority (CA) configuration identified by name in the configuration set. |
get_ItemByName Gets the property identified by name in a property set. |
get_ItemByOid Retrieves an IX509CertificateTemplate object from the collection by object identifier. |
get_ItemByOperations Retrieves an ICspStatus object that has the same name as the provider specified on input and the same algorithm but identifies a different cryptographic operation. |
get_ItemByOrdinal Retrieves an ICspStatus object from the collection by ordinal number. |
get_ItemByProvider Retrieves an ICspStatus object that has the same name as the provider specified on input but identifies an algorithm that supports a different intended key use. |
get_KeyArchivalCertificate Specifies or retrieves a certification authority (CA) encryption certificate. (Get) |
get_KeyContainerNamePrefix Specifies or retrieves a prefix used to create the container name for a new private key. (Get) |
get_KeyProtection Specifies or retrieves a value that indicates how a private key is protected before use. (Get) |
get_KeySpec Retrieves a value that specifies the intended use of the algorithms supported by the provider. |
get_KeySpec Retrieves a value that identifies whether the key pair stored by the provider or key container is used for encryption or for signing content. |
get_KeySpec Specifies or retrieves a value that identifies whether a private key can be used for signing, or encryption, or both. (Get) |
get_KeySpec The KeySpec property of ICEnroll4 sets or retrieves the type of key generated. (Get) |
get_KeySpec Sets or retrieves the type of key generated. (Get) |
get_KeySpec Gets a value that indicates whether the key bound to the configuration is used for encryption or for signing content. |
get_KeyUsage Retrieves the restrictions placed on the public key. |
get_KeyUsage Specifies or retrieves a value that identifies the specific purpose for which a private key can be used. (Get) |
get_LdapQuery Sets or retrieves the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) query used to define membership for an LDAP query application group. (Get) |
get_LDAPQueryDN Retrieves or sets the domain name of the directory object to be used during evaluation of LDAP query groups. (Get) |
get_LegacyCsp Retrieves a Boolean value that specifies whether the provider is a Cryptography API:_Next Generation (CNG) provider or a CryptoAPI (legacy) CSP. |
get_LegacyCsp Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the provider is a CryptoAPI (legacy) cryptographic service provider (CSP). (Get) |
get_Length The bit length of the endorsement key. You can only access this property after the Open method has been called. |
get_Length Specifies or retrieves the length, in bits, of the private key. (Get) |
get_Length Retrieves the length of the public key. |
get_Length Gets or sets the strength of the key to one of the values supported by the cryptographic service provider (CSP). (Get) |
get_LimitExchangeKeyToEncipherment Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether an AT_KEYEXCHANGE request contains digital signature and nonrepudiation key usages. (Get) |
get_LimitExchangeKeyToEncipherment The LimitExchangeKeyToEncipherment property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether an AT_KEYEXCHANGE request contains digital signature and nonrepudiation key usages. (Get) |
get_LocalRevocationInformation Gets or sets the certificate revocation list (CRL) of the local machine. (Get) |
get_LongName Retrieves the full name of the algorithm. |
get_MachineContext Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that identifies the local certificate store context. (Get) |
get_MachineDnsName Retrieves the Domain Name System (DNS) name of the computer that generated the request. |
get_MajorVersion Retrieves the minimum major version number of the certificate template. |
get_MaxKeyContainerNameLength Retrieves the maximum supported length for the name of the private key container associated with the provider. |
get_MaxLength Retrieves the maximum permitted length for a key. |
get_MaxScriptEngines Sets or retrieves the maximum number of Business Rule (BizRule) script engines that will be cached. (Get) |
get_Members Retrieves the security identifiers (SIDs), in text form, of accounts that belong to the application group. |
get_Members Retrieves the security identifiers (SIDs), in text form, of Windows accounts that belong to the role. |
get_MembersName Retrieves the account names of accounts that belong to the application group. |
get_MembersName Retrieves the account names of accounts that belong to the role. |
get_MinLength Retrieves the minimum permitted length for a key. |
get_MinorVersion Retrieves the minimum minor version number of the certificate template. |
get_Modified Gets a value that indicates whether an OCSPCAConfiguration object has been modified since it was created. |
get_Modified Gets a value that indicates whether an OCSPProperty object has been modified since it was instantiated. |
get_MSCEPErrorId Gets the ID for additional error information related to a failed Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) specification. Any method call on the parent object resets this property. |
get_MSCEPErrorString Contains the string data for additional error information related to a failed Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) specification. Any method call on the parent object resets this property. |
get_MyStoreFlags Sets or retrieves the registry location used for MY store. (Get) |
get_MyStoreFlags Sets or retrieves the registry location used for the MY store. (Get) |
get_MyStoreName Sets or retrieves the name of the store where certificates with linked private keys are kept. (Get) |
get_MyStoreNameWStr The MyStoreNameWStr property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves the name of the store where certificates with linked private keys are kept. (Get) |
get_MyStoreType Sets or retrieves the type of store specified by the MyStoreName property. (Get) |
get_MyStoreTypeWStr Sets or retrieves the type of store specified by the MyStoreTypeWStr property. (Get) |
get_Name Sets or retrieves the name of the application. (Get) |
get_Name Sets or retrieves the name of the application group. (Get) |
get_Name Gets the name of the IAzObjectPicker object. |
get_Name Sets or retrieves the name of the operation. (Get) |
get_Name Sets or retrieves the name of the role. (Get) |
get_Name Sets or retrieves the name of the scope. (Get) |
get_Name Sets or retrieves the name of the task. (Get) |
get_Name Retrieves the abbreviated algorithm name. |
get_Name Retrieves the name. |
get_Name Retrieves a CERTENROLL_OBJECTID value that contains an object identifier. |
get_Name Retrieves a distinguished name. |
get_Name Retrieves the name portion of the name-value pair. |
get_Name Gets the identifier part of the name-value pair represented by an OCSPProperty object. |
get_NameResolver Gets a pointer to the IAzNameResolver interface associated with this IAzPrincipalLocator object. |
get_NameValuePairs Retrieves an IX509NameValuePairs collection associated with a certificate request. |
get_NameValuePairs A collection of name/value pairs of additional certificate property values. |
get_NameValuePairs Retrieves a collection of name-value pairs associated with the enrollment object. |
get_NonMembers Retrieves the security identifiers (SIDs), in text form, of accounts that are refused membership in the application group. |
get_NonMembersName Retrieves the account names of accounts that are refused membership in the application group. |
get_NotAfter Specifies or retrieves the date and time after which the certificate is no longer valid. (Get) |
get_NotBefore Specifies or retrieves the date and time before which the certificate is not valid. (Get) |
get_NullSigned Retrieves a Boolean value that specifies whether the primary signature on the certificate request is null-signed. |
get_NullSigned Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the certificate request is null-signed. |
get_NullSigned Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the certificate request is null-signed. (Get) |
get_ObjectId Retrieves the object identifier (OID), if any, associated with the name. |
get_ObjectId Retrieves an object identifier (OID) for the policy object. |
get_ObjectId Retrieves the object identifier (OID) for the attribute. (ICryptAttribute.get_ObjectId) |
get_ObjectId Retrieves the object identifier (OID) for the qualifier. |
get_ObjectId Retrieves the object identifier (OID) of the symmetric encryption algorithm. |
get_ObjectId Retrieves the object identifier (OID) for the attribute. (IX509Attribute.get_ObjectId) |
get_ObjectId Retrieves the object identifier (OID) for the extension. |
get_ObjectPicker Gets a pointer to the IAzObjectPicker interface associated with this IAzPrincipalLocator object. |
get_OCSPCAConfigurationCollection Gets an instance of an OCSPCAConfigurationCollection object. This object represents the set of certification authority (CA) certificates for which an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responder service can handle status requests. |
get_OCSPServiceProperties Gets an instance of an OCSPPropertyCollection object. This object represents the attributes of an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responder service. |
get_OldCertificate Retrieves the certificate passed to the InitializeFromCertificate method. |
get_OldCertificate Gets or sets an old certificate that a request is intended to replace. (Get) |
get_Opened Indicates whether the Open method has been successfully called. |
get_Opened Retrieves a Boolean value that specifies whether the private key is open. |
get_OperationID Sets or retrieves an application-specific value that uniquely identifies the operation within the application. (Get) |
get_Operations Retrieves an IAzOperations object that is used to enumerate IAzOperation objects from the policy data. |
get_Operations Retrieves the operations associated with the role. |
get_Operations Retrieves the operations associated with the task. |
get_Operations Retrieves the operations that can be performed by the algorithm. |
get_Ordinal Specifies or retrieves the position of the ICspStatus object in the ICspStatuses collection. (Get) |
get_OSVersion Retrieves the client operating system version information. |
get_Parameters Retrieves a byte array that contains the parameters associated with the signature algorithm. (Get) |
get_ParentWindow Specifies or retrieves the ID of the window used to display signing certificate information. (Get) |
get_ParentWindow Specifies and retrieves the ID of the window used by key-related user interface dialogs. (Get) |
get_ParentWindow Specifies or retrieves the ID of the window used to display the enrollment information. (Get) |
get_ParentWindow Specifies or retrieves the ID of the window used to display key information. (Get) |
get_PathLenConstraint Retrieves the depth of the subordinate certification authority chain. |
get_Policies Retrieves a collection of certificate policies. |
get_Policies Retrieves a collection of application policies. |
get_PolicyAdministrators Retrieves the security identifiers (SIDs), in text form, of principals that act as policy administrators. |
get_PolicyAdministrators Retrieves the security identifiers (SIDs) of principals that act as policy administrators in text form. |
get_PolicyAdministrators The PolicyAdministrators property of IAzScope retrieves the security identifiers (SIDs), in text form, of principals that act as policy administrators. |
get_PolicyAdministratorsName The IAzApplication::PolicyAdministratorsName property retrieves the account names of principals that act as policy administrators. |
get_PolicyAdministratorsName Retrieves the account names of principals that act as policy administrators. (IAzAuthorizationStore.get_PolicyAdministratorsName) |
get_PolicyAdministratorsName Retrieves the account names of principals that act as policy administrators. (IAzScope.get_PolicyAdministratorsName) |
get_PolicyQualifiers Retrieves a collection of optional policy qualifiers that can be applied to a certificate policy. |
get_PolicyReaders Retrieves the security identifiers (SIDs), in text form, of principals that act as policy readers. |
get_PolicyReaders Retrieves the security identifiers (SIDs) of principals that act as policy readers in text form. |
get_PolicyReaders The PolicyReaders property of IAzScope retrieves the security identifiers (SIDs), in text form, of principals that act as policy readers. |
get_PolicyReadersName The IAzApplication::PolicyReadersName property retrieves the account names of principals that act as policy readers. |
get_PolicyReadersName Retrieves the account names of principals that act as policy readers. (IAzAuthorizationStore.get_PolicyReadersName) |
get_PolicyReadersName Retrieves the account names of principals that act as policy readers. (IAzScope.get_PolicyReadersName) |
get_PolicyServer Retrieves the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server that contains the template used during initialization. (IX509CertificateRequestCertificate2.get_PolicyServer) |
get_PolicyServer Retrieves the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server that contains the template used during initialization. (IX509CertificateRequestCmc2.get_PolicyServer) |
get_PolicyServer Retrieves the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server that contains the template used during initialization. (IX509CertificateRequestPkcs10V2.get_PolicyServer) |
get_PolicyServer Retrieves the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server that contains the template used during initialization. (IX509CertificateRequestPkcs7V2.get_PolicyServer) |
get_PolicyServer Retrieves the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server that contains the template used during initialization. (IX509Enrollment2.get_PolicyServer) |
get_PrivateKey Retrieves the private key associated with the certificate. |
get_PrivateKey Retrieves the private key associated with the ISignerCertificate object. |
get_PrivateKey Retrieves an IX509PrivateKey object that contains the private key used to sign the certificate request. |
get_PrivateKeyArchiveCertificate Sets or retrieves the certificate that is used to archive a private key with a PKCS (Get) |
get_ProcessName Retrieves the name of the application that generated the request. |
get_Property Retrieves a certification authority property value. |
get_Property Retrieves a template property value. |
get_Property Specifies or retrieves a property value for the IX509CertificateTemplateWritable object. (Get) |
get_PropertyId Specifies or retrieves a value of the CERTENROLL_PROPERTYID enumeration that identifies an external certificate property. (Get) |
get_ProviderCLSID Gets or sets the CLSID of the revocation information provider used by the CA configuration. (Get) |
get_ProviderFlags Sets or retrieves the provider type. (Get) |
get_ProviderFlags The ProviderFlags property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves the provider type. (Get) |
get_ProviderName Retrieves the provider name. |
get_ProviderName The name of the encryption provider. The default is the Microsoft Platform Crypto Provider. You must set the ProviderName property before you call the Open method. You cannot change the ProviderName property after you have called the Open method. (Get) |
get_ProviderName Specifies or retrieves the name of the cryptographic provider. (Get) |
get_ProviderName Gets or sets the name of the cryptographic service provider (CSP) or key storage provider (KSP) that is used to generate or store the private key. (Get) |
get_ProviderName The ProviderName property of ICEnroll4 sets or retrieves the name of the cryptographic service provider (CSP) to use. (Get) |
get_ProviderNameWStr Sets or retrieves the name of the cryptographic service provider (CSP) to use. (Get) |
get_ProviderProperties Gets or sets information that provides certificate status responses. (Get) |
get_ProviderType Specifies or retrieves the type of cryptographic provider associated with the private key. (Get) |
get_ProviderType The ProviderType property of ICEnroll4 sets or retrieves the type of provider. (Get) |
get_ProviderType Sets or retrieves the type of provider. (Get) |
get_PublicKey Retrieves the IX509PublicKey object that contains the public key included in the certificate request. |
get_PublicKeyAlgorithm Specifies and retrieves an object identifier (OID) for the public key algorithm used in the GetSignatureAlgorithm method. (Get) |
get_PVKFileName The PVKFileName property of ICEnroll4 sets or retrieves the name of the file that will contain exported keys. (Get) |
get_PVKFileNameWStr Sets or retrieves the name of the file that will contain exported keys. (Get) |
get_Qualifier Retrieves a string that contains the qualifier used to initialize the object. |
get_RawData Retrieves the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array that contains the name. |
get_RawData Retrieves the value of the certificate property. |
get_RawData Retrieves the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded qualifier object. |
get_RawData Retrieves the attribute value. |
get_RawData Retrieves a byte array that contains the signed, Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded certificate request. |
get_RawData Retrieves a byte array that contains the extension value. (IX509Extension.get_RawData) |
get_RawDataToBeSigned Retrieves the unsigned certificate request created by the Encode method. |
get_ReaderName Specifies or retrieves the name of a smart card reader. (Get) |
get_ReminderDuration Gets or sets the percentage of a signing certificate lifetime after which a warning event is logged. (Get) |
get_Renewal Retrieves the SHA-1 hash of the new certificate. |
get_RenewalCertificate Retrieves the certificate to be renewed. |
get_RenewalCertificate Specifies or retrieves a byte array that contains the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded certificate that is being renewed. (Get) |
get_RenewalCertificate Specifies the certificate context for the renewal certificate. (Get) |
get_Request Retrieves the certificate request associated with the enrollment object. |
get_Request Gets the inner PKCS10 request. |
get_RequesterName Specifies or retrieves a string that contains the Security Account Manager (SAM) name of the end-entity requesting the certificate. (Get) |
get_RequestId Retrieves a unique certificate request identifier. |
get_RequestId Retrieves a unique identifier for the certificate request sent to the certification authority by the Enroll method. |
get_RequestID Gets the request ID from the Certificate Management over CMS (CMC) response. |
get_RequestIdString Retrieves a string that contains a unique identifier for the certificate request sent to the certification enrollment server (CES). |
get_RequestOriginator Retrieves a string that contains the DNS name of the originating computer. |
get_RequestStoreFlags Sets or retrieves the registry location used for the request store. (Get) |
get_RequestStoreFlags The RequestStoreFlags property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves the registry location used for the request store. (Get) |
get_RequestStoreName Sets or retrievesICEnroll the name of the store that contains the dummy certificate. (Get) |
get_RequestStoreNameWStr The RequestStoreNameWStr property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves the name of the store that contains the dummy certificate. (Get) |
get_RequestStoreType Sets or retrieves the type of store to use for the store specified by the RequestStoreName property. This store type is passed directly to the CertOpenStore function. (Get) |
get_RequestStoreTypeWStr Sets or retrieves the type of store to use for the store specified by the RequestStoreNameWStr property. This store type is passed directly to the CertOpenStore function. (Get) |
get_Response Retrieves the certificate response returned from a certification authority. |
get_ReuseHardwareKeyIfUnableToGenNew Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines the action taken by the certificate enrollment control object if an error is encountered when generating a new key. (Get) |
get_ReuseHardwareKeyIfUnableToGenNew The ReuseHardwareKeyIfUnableToGenNew property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines the action taken by the certificate enrollment control object if an error is encountered when generating a new key. (Get) |
get_ReuseKey Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether an existing private key was used to sign the request. |
get_RoleAssignments Gets an IAzRoleAssignments object that represents the collection of IAzRoleAssignment objects associated with the current IAzApplication3 object. |
get_RoleAssignments Retrieves an IAzRoleAssignments object that represents the collection of IAzRoleAssignment objects associated with this scope. |
get_RoleDefinitions Gets an IAzRoleDefinitions object that represents the collection of IAzRoleDefinition objects associated with the current IAzApplication3 object. |
get_RoleDefinitions Retrieves a collection of the IAzRoleDefinition objects associated with this IAzRoleAssignment object. |
get_RoleDefinitions Retrieves a collection of the IAzRoleDefinition objects associated with this IAzRoleDefinition object. |
get_RoleDefinitions Retrieves an IAzRoleDefinitions object that represents the collection of IAzRoleDefinition objects associated with this scope. |
get_RoleForAccessCheck Sets or retrieves the role that is used to perform the access check. (Get) |
get_Roles The Roles property of IAzApplication retrieves an IAzRoles object that is used to enumerate IAzRole objects from the policy data. |
get_Roles Retrieves an IAzRoles object that is used to enumerate IAzRole objects from the policy data. |
get_RootStoreFlags The RootStoreFlags property of ICEnroll4 sets or retrieves the registry location used for the root store. (Get) |
get_RootStoreFlags Sets or retrieves the registry location used for the root store. (Get) |
get_RootStoreName Sets or retrieves the name of the root store where all intrinsically trusted, self-signed root certificates are kept. (Get) |
get_RootStoreNameWStr The RootStoreNameWStr property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves the name of the root store where all intrinsically trusted, self-signed root certificates are kept. (Get) |
get_RootStoreType Sets or retrieves the type of store to use for the store specified by the RootStoreName property. (Get) |
get_RootStoreTypeWStr Sets or retrieves the type of store to use for the store specified by the RootStoreNameWStr property. (Get) |
get_Scope Retrieves the IAzScope object that represents the scope in which this IAzRoleAssignment object is defined. |
get_Scopes Retrieves an IAzScopes object that is used to enumerate IAzScope objects from the policy data. |
get_ScriptEngineTimeout Sets or retrieves the time in milliseconds that the IAzClientContext::AccessCheck method will wait for a Business Rule (BizRule) to complete execution before canceling it. (Get) |
get_SecurityDescriptor Specifies or retrieves the security descriptor for the private key. (Get) |
get_Selected Specifies or retrieves a value that indicates whether an item can be used during the enrollment process. (Get) |
get_SenderNonce Specifies or retrieves a byte array that contains a nonce. (Get) |
get_SerialNumber Specifies and retrieves the certificate serial number. (Get) |
get_SHA1Hash Retrieves the SHA-1 hash of a certificate. |
get_Sids Gets an array of the security identifiers (SIDs) associated with this client context. |
get_Signature Retrieves the digital signature on the provider. |
get_Signature Retrieves the request signature created by the Encode method. |
get_SignatureInformation Retrieves an IX509SignatureInformation object that contains information about the certificate signature. |
get_SignatureInformation Retrieves the IX509SignatureInformation object that contains information about the primary signature used to sign the certificate request. |
get_SignatureInformation Retrieves the IX509SignatureInformation object that contains information about the certificate request signature. |
get_SignerCertificate Specifies or retrieves the ISignerCertificate object used to sign the certificate. (Get) |
get_SignerCertificate Specifies or retrieves a certificate used to sign the certificate request. (Get) |
get_SignerCertificate Gets or sets the signer certificate for the request. (Get) |
get_SignerCertificates Retrieves a collection of certificates used to sign the request. |
get_SigningCertificate Gets or sets a signing certificate that has been encoded by using Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER). An Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responder service uses this certificate to sign its responses to certificate status requests. (Get) |
get_SigningCertificateTemplate Gets or sets the template name for a signing certificate. (Get) |
get_SigningFlags Gets or sets a combination of flag values. These values specify the management of signing certificates that belong to a certification authority (CA) configuration. (Get) |
get_Silent Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the user is notified when the private key is used to sign a certificate request. (Get) |
get_Silent Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether any of the key-related modal dialogs are displayed during the certificate enrollment process. (Get) |
get_Silent Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether a user interface is displayed during the certificate enrollment process. (Get) |
get_Silent Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the Certificate Enrollment Control is allowed to display a dialog box when the private key is accessed. (Get) |
get_SmimeCapabilities Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that tells the Encode method whether to create an IX509ExtensionSmimeCapabilities collection that identifies the encryption capabilities supported by the computer. (Get) |
get_SmimeCapabilities Retrieves a collection of ISmimeCapability objects. |
get_SPCFileName Sets or retrieves the name of the file to which to write the base64-encoded PKCS (Get) |
get_SPCFileNameWStr The SPCFileNameWStr property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves the name of the file to which to write the base64-encoded PKCS (Get) |
get_Status Retrieves an IX509EnrollmentStatus object that can be used to monitor the status of the enrollment process and retrieve error information. |
get_Status Specifies or retrieves a value that indicates the status of the enrollment process. (Get) |
get_Status Gets the status of the request. |
get_StrValue Retrieves a string that contains an email address, a Domain Name System (DNS) name, a URL, a registered object identifier (OID), or a user principal name (UPN). |
get_Subject Specifies or retrieves the X.500 distinguished name of the entity requesting the certificate. (Get) |
get_SubjectKeyIdentifier Retrieves a byte array that contains the key identifier. |
get_SuppressDefaults Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the default extensions and attributes are included in the request. (Get) |
get_SuppressOids Retrieves a collection of extension or attribute object identifiers (OIDs) to be suppressed from the certificate during the encoding process. |
get_SuppressOids Retrieves a collection of the default extension and attribute object identifiers (OIDs) that were not added to the request when the request was encoded. |
get_TargetMachine Retrieves the name of the computer on which account resolution should occur. |
get_Tasks The Tasks property of IAzApplication retrieves an IAzTasks object that is used to enumerate IAzTask objects from the policy data. |
get_Tasks Retrieves the tasks associated with the role. |
get_Tasks Retrieves an IAzTasks object that is used to enumerate IAzTask objects from the policy data. |
get_Tasks Retrieves the tasks associated with the task. |
get_Template Retrieves the certificate request template used during initialization. (IX509CertificateRequestCertificate2.get_Template) |
get_Template Retrieves the certificate request template used during initialization. (IX509CertificateRequestCmc2.get_Template) |
get_Template Retrieves the certificate request template used during initialization. (IX509CertificateRequestPkcs10V2.get_Template) |
get_Template Retrieves the certificate request template used during initialization. (IX509CertificateRequestPkcs7V2.get_Template) |
get_Template Retrieves a copy of the IX509CertificateTemplate object that was used to initialize this IX509CertificateTemplateWritable instance. |
get_Template Retrieves the certificate request template used during initialization. (IX509Enrollment2.get_Template) |
get_TemplateName Retrieves a string that contains the name of the template that the certificate can use for autoenrollment. |
get_TemplateName Retrieves the name of the template. |
get_TemplateObjectId Retrieves the object identifier (OID) of the template used to create the certificate request. (IX509CertificateRequestCmc.get_TemplateObjectId) |
get_TemplateObjectId Retrieves the object identifier (OID) of the template used to create the certificate request. (IX509CertificateRequestPkcs10.get_TemplateObjectId) |
get_TemplateOid Retrieves the template object identifier (OID). |
get_Text Specifies or retrieves a string that contains a message associated with the status of the enrollment process. (Get) |
get_ThumbPrint Sets or retrieves a hash of the certificate data. (Get) |
get_ThumbPrintWStr Sets or retrieves a hash of the certificate data. The thumbprint is used to point to the pending certificate. (Get) |
get_TransactionId Specifies or retrieves a transaction identifier that can be used to track a certificate request or response. (Get) |
get_TransactionId Gets or sets the transaction id for the request. (Get) |
get_Type Sets or retrieves the group type of the application group. (Get) |
get_Type Retrieves the alternative name type. |
get_Type Retrieves the algorithm type. |
get_Type Retrieves the type of the provider. |
get_Type Retrieves the qualifier type. |
get_Type Retrieves a value that specifies the type of the request object. |
get_UIContextMessage Specifies or retrieves a string that contains user interface text associated with the signing certificate. (Get) |
get_UIContextMessage Specifies or retrieves a context string to display in the user interface. (Get) |
get_UIContextMessage Specifies or retrieves a string that contains user interface text associated with the private key. (Get) |
get_UniqueContainerName Retrieves a unique name for the key container. |
get_Url Specifies or retrieves the URL for the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. (Get) |
get_UseExistingKeySet Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether the existing keys should be used. (Get) |
get_UseExistingKeySet The UseExistingKeySet property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether the existing keys should be used. (Get) |
get_UserCanonical Retrieves the name of the current client in canonical format. |
get_UserDisplay Retrieves the name of the current client in user display name format. |
get_UserDn Retrieves the name of the current client in distinguished name (DN) format. |
get_UserDnsSamCompat Retrieves the name of the current client in a DNS format compatible with Windows�Security�Account�Manager (SAM). |
get_UserGuid Retrieves the name of the current client in GUID format. |
get_UserSamCompat Retrieves the name of the current client in a format compatible with Windows�Security�Account�Manager (SAM). |
get_UserSamName Retrieves the Security Accounts Manager (SAM) name of the user. |
get_UserUpn Retrieves the name of the current client in user principal name (UPN) format. |
get_Valid Retrieves a Boolean value that specifies whether the algorithm object is valid. |
get_Valid Retrieves a Boolean value that specifies whether the provider is installed on the client computer. |
get_Value Retrieves a string that contains the dotted decimal object identifier (OID). |
get_Value Retrieves the value portion of the name-value pair. |
get_Value Gets or sets the data part of the name-value pair represented by an OCSPProperty object. (Get) |
get_Values Retrieves an IX509Attributes object that contains a collection of attributes. |
get_Version Sets or retrieves the version of the application. (Get) |
get_Version Retrieves the version number of the provider. |
get_Writable Retrieves a value that indicates whether the object can be modified by the user context that initialized it. |
get_Writable Retrieves a value that indicates whether the application group can be modified by the user context that initialized it. |
get_Writable Retrieves a value that indicates whether the object can be modified by the user context that called the Initialize method. |
get_Writable Retrieves a value that indicates whether the operation can be modified by the user context that initialized it. |
get_Writable Retrieves a value that indicates whether the role can be modified by the user context that initialized it. |
get_Writable Retrieves a value that indicates whether the scope can be modified by the user context that initialized it. |
get_Writable Retrieves a value that indicates whether the task can be modified by the user context that initialized it. |
get_WriteCertToCSP The WriteCertToCSP property of ICEnroll4 sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether a certificate should be written to the cryptographic service provider (CSP). (Get) |
get_WriteCertToCSP Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether a certificate should be written to the cryptographic service provider (CSP). (Get) |
get_WriteCertToUserDS Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether the certificate is written to the user's Active Directory store. (Get) |
get_WriteCertToUserDS The WriteCertToUserDS property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether the certificate is written to the user's Active Directory store. (Get) |
get_X509Extensions Retrieves the certificate extensions. |
get_X509Extensions Retrieves a collection of the extensions included in the certificate request. (IX509CertificateRequestCmc.get_X509Extensions) |
get_X509Extensions Retrieves a collection of the extensions included in the certificate request. (IX509CertificateRequestPkcs10.get_X509Extensions) |
GetAccessRights The GetAccessRights method requests information about the access rights that can be controlled for a securable object. |
GetAce Obtains a pointer to an access control entry (ACE) in an access control list (ACL). |
GetAclInformation Retrieves information about an access control list (ACL). |
GetAlgName Retrieves the name of a cryptographic algorithm given its ID. The values retrieved by this method depend on the current cryptographic service provider (CSP). This method was first defined in the ICEnroll3 interface. |
GetAlgNameWStr Retrieves the name of a cryptographic algorithm given its ID. The values retrieved by this method depend on the current cryptographic service provider (CSP). |
GetAlgorithmName Retrieves the display name associated with an algorithm object identifier (OID). |
GetAlgorithmOid Retrieves the algorithm object identifier (OID). This method is web enabled. |
GetAllowUnTrustedCA Retrieves a value that specifies whether to allow an untrusted certification authority certificate. |
GetAllProperties Gets all properties in a property set. |
GetAppContainerAce Retrieves a value that indicates whether a package or capability SID is present. |
GetAppContainerNamedObjectPath Retrieves the named object path for the app container. |
GetArchivedKey Retrieves an archived key recovery BLOB. |
GetAssignedScopesPage Retrieves a list of the scopes in which the client represented by the current IAzClientContext2 object is assigned to at least one role. |
GetAt Retrieves an IIdentityProvider interface pointer for the specified identity provider. |
GetAuditedPermissionsFromAclA Retrieves the audited access rights for a specified trustee. (ANSI) |
GetAuditedPermissionsFromAclW Retrieves the audited access rights for a specified trustee. (Unicode) |
GetAuthentication The GetAuthentication method retrieves a value that specifies the type of authentication used by the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server to authenticate a client. This value is set by the Initialize method. |
GetAuthFlags Retrieves a value that specifies the authentication type used by the client to authenticate itself to the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. |
GetBitCount Returns the number of bits in a bit string that belongs to the CertEncodeBitString object and has been initialized by an earlier call to ICertEncodeBitString::Decode. |
GetBitString Returns the string of bits in the object's bit string. |
GetBusinessRuleString Returns the application-specific string for the business rule (BizRule). |
GetCACertificate Returns the certification authority (CA) certificate for the Certificate Services server. |
GetCacheDir Retrieves the name of the directory on the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server that contains the policy cache file. |
GetCachedSigningLevel Retrieves the cached signing level. |
GetCachePath Retrieves the path of the policy cache file on the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. |
GetCAProperty Retrieves a property value for the certification authority (CA). (ICertRequest2.GetCAProperty) |
GetCAProperty Retrieves a property value for the certification authority (CA). (ICertAdmin2.GetCAProperty) |
GetCAPropertyDisplayName Retrieves the property display name for a certification authority (CA) property. |
GetCAPropertyDisplayName The ICertAdmin2::GetCAPropertyDisplayName method retrieves the property display name for a certification authority (CA) property. |
GetCAPropertyFlags Retrieves the property flags for a certification authority (CA) property. |
GetCAPropertyFlags The ICertAdmin2::GetCAPropertyFlags method retrieves the property flags for a certification authority (CA) property. |
GetCAs Retrieves a collection of certification enrollment servers included in the policy. |
GetCASetupProperty Gets a property value for a certification authority (CA) configuration. |
GetCAsForTemplate Retrieves a collection of certificate enrollment servers that support a specified template. |
getCAStore The getCAStore method is not implemented. |
getCertContextFromFileResponseWStr Retrieves the certificate from a file containing a response from a certification authority. |
getCertContextFromPKCS7 Retrieves a certificate context based on a PKCS |
getCertContextFromResponseBlob Retrieves the certificate from a certification authority's response. |
getCertFromFileResponse Retrieves the certificate from a file containing a response from a certification authority. This method was first defined in the ICEnroll4 interface. |
getCertFromPKCS7 Retrieves the certificate, contained in a PKCS |
getCertFromResponse Retrieves the certificate from a certification authority's response. This method was first defined by the ICEnroll4 interface. |
GetCertificate Returns the certificate issued for the request as an X.509 certificate, or optionally packaged in a Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) |
GetCertificateCount Gets the count of the endorsement certificates in the key storage provider. |
GetCertificateExtension Gets a specified certificate extension. |
GetCertificateExtension Retrieves a specific certificate extension. |
GetCertificateExtensionFlags Gets the flags from the extension acquired by the most recent call to ICertServerExit::GetCertificateExtension. |
GetCertificateExtensionFlags Retrieves the flags associated with the extension acquired by the most recent call to GetCertificateExtension. |
GetCertificateProperty Returns a named property from a certificate. (ICertServerExit.GetCertificateProperty) |
GetCertificateProperty Returns a named property from a certificate. (ICertServerPolicy.GetCertificateProperty) |
GetColumnCount Retrieves the number of columns in the view of the Certificate Services database. |
GetConfig Retrieves the configuration string for a Certificate Services server. This method was first defined in the ICertConfig interface. |
GetConfigEntry Retrieves configuration information for a certification authority (CA). |
GetConfiguration Connects to an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responder server and initializes an OCSPAdmin object with the configuration information from the server. |
GetCount Gets the number of identity providers registered on the system. |
GetCount Returns the number of DATE values in the object's DATE array. |
GetCount Returns the number of Long values in the object's Long array. |
GetCount Returns the number of string values in the string array. |
GetCRL Retrieves the current certificate revocation list (CRL) for the Certificate Services certification authority (CA). |
GetCspStatuses Retrieves an ICspStatuses collection that contains all provider/algorithm pairs consistent with the intended use of the private key as specified by the caller. |
GetCspStatusesFromOperations Retrieves an ICspStatuses collection by supported key operations and optional provider information. |
GetCspStatusFromOperations Creates an ICspStatus object for the first supported algorithm that is consistent with the specified signature, encryption, hashing, or cipher operation. |
GetCspStatusFromProviderName Retrieves an ICspStatus object for a legacy provider by provider name and supported key operations. |
GetCustomOids Is not implemented. |
GetData The GetData method retrieves configuration information from the Security Configuration snap-in. |
GetDefaultSecurityDescriptor Retrieves the default private key security descriptor. |
GetDescription Returns a human-readable description of the policy module and its function. |
GetDescription Returns a human-readable description of the exit module and its function. |
GetDisplayName Retrieves the localized name of the current column in the column-enumeration sequence. |
GetDispositionMessage Gets a human-readable message that gives the current disposition of the certificate request. |
GetDistPointCount Returns the number of certificate revocation list (CRL) distribution points in a CRL distribution information array. |
GetEffectivePermission Returns the effective permission for an object type. |
GetEffectiveRightsFromAclA Retrieves the effective access rights that an ACL structure grants to a specified trustee. The trustee's effective access rights are the access rights that the ACL grants to the trustee or to any groups of which the trustee is a member. (ANSI) |
GetEffectiveRightsFromAclW Retrieves the effective access rights that an ACL structure grants to a specified trustee. The trustee's effective access rights are the access rights that the ACL grants to the trustee or to any groups of which the trustee is a member. (Unicode) |
GetEncryptionCspAlgorithms Retrieves the collection of encryption algorithms supported by a provider. |
GetEncSChannel This function is unavailable. |
GetEnrollmentServerAuthentication The GetEnrollmentServerAuthentication method retrieves a value that specifies the type of authentication used by the certificate enrollment server (CES) to authenticate a client. This value is set by the Initialize method. |
GetEnrollmentServerUrl Retrieves a string that contains the URL for the certificate enrollment server. |
GetErrorMessageText Retrieves the error message text for an HRESULT error code. |
GetExistingCACertificates Gets the collection of CertSrvSetupKeyInformation objects that represent valid certification authority (CA) certificates currently installed on the computer. |
GetExplicitEntriesFromAclA Retrieves an array of structures that describe the access control entries (ACEs) in an access control list (ACL). (ANSI) |
GetExplicitEntriesFromAclW Retrieves an array of structures that describe the access control entries (ACEs) in an access control list (ACL). (Unicode) |
GetField Gets a specific field from the current record of the configuration database. This method was first defined in the ICertConfig interface. |
GetFileSecurityA Obtains specified information about the security of a file or directory. The information obtained is constrained by the caller's access rights and privileges. (GetFileSecurityA) |
GetFileSecurityW Obtains specified information about the security of a file or directory. The information obtained is constrained by the caller's access rights and privileges. (GetFileSecurityW) |
GetFlags Retrieves the policy and origin flags of the current extension in the extension-enumeration sequence. |
GetFriendlyName Retrieves a display name for the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. |
GetFriendlyNameOfCertA Retrieves the display name for a certificate. (ANSI) |
GetFriendlyNameOfCertW Retrieves the display name for a certificate. (Unicode) |
GetFullResourceName Retrieves the full path and file name of the object associated with the access control editor that is displayed by calling the OpenElevatedEditor method. |
GetFullResponseProperty Retrieves the cached response data returned by the server. |
GetGroups Returns an array of the application groups associated with this client context. |
GetHashAlgorithmList Gets the list of hash algorithms supported by the specified cryptographic service provider (CSP) for an asymmetric signature key algorithm. |
GetHashAlgorithms Retrieves the collection of hash algorithms supported by a provider. |
GetHashAlgorithms Gets a list of hash-algorithm names. The Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responder server uses these names to sign OCSP responses for a given certification authority (CA) configuration. |
GetIdentityEnum Retrieves an IEnumUnknown interface pointer that can be used to enumerate identities. |
GetInheritanceSourceA Returns information about the source of inherited access control entries (ACEs) in an access control list (ACL). (ANSI) |
GetInheritanceSourceW Returns information about the source of inherited access control entries (ACEs) in an access control list (ACL). (Unicode) |
GetInheritSource The ISecurityObjectTypeInfo::GetInheritSource method provides a means of determining the source of inherited access control entries in discretionary access control lists and system access control lists. |
GetInheritTypes The GetInheritTypes method requests information about how ACEs can be inherited by child objects. For more information, see ACE Inheritance. |
GetInnerRequest Retrieves a nested request object. |
GetInterfaceValue Gets the ID and flags of the interface that corresponds to the specified interface name. |
GetIsDefaultCEP Retrieves a Boolean value that specifies whether this is the default certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. |
GetIssuedCertificate Retrieves a certificate's disposition by specifying either the request ID or the certificate serial number. |
GetIssuedCertificate2 Retrieves a certificate's disposition by specifying either the request ID string or the certificate serial number. |
GetKernelObjectSecurity Retrieves a copy of the security descriptor that protects a kernel object. |
GetKeyLen Retrieves the minimum and maximum key lengths for the signature and exchange keys. |
GetKeyLen The IEnroll4::GetKeyLen method retrieves the minimum and maximum key lengths for the signature and exchange keys. |
GetKeyLenEx Retrieves size information for the signature and exchange keys. This method was first defined in the ICEnroll4 interface. |
GetKeyLenEx Retrieves size information for the signature and exchange keys. |
GetKeyLengthList Gets the list of key lengths supported by the specified cryptographic service provider (CSP). (ICertSrvSetup.GetKeyLengthList) |
GetKeyLengthList Gets the list of key lengths supported by the specified cryptographic service provider (CSP). (IMSCEPSetup.GetKeyLengthList) |
GetLastStatus Gets the last return code for this request. This returns the error code information, rather than the disposition of the request. |
GetLastUpdateTime Retrieves the date and time at which the policy was last downloaded. |
GetLengthSid Returns the length, in bytes, of a valid security identifier (SID). |
GetManageModule Retrieves the ICertManageModule interface associated with the ICertPolicy2 interface by calling GetManageModule and passing in the address of a pointer to an ICertManageModule. |
GetManageModule Retrieves the ICertManageModule interface associated with the ICertExit2 interface by calling GetManageModule and passing in the address of a pointer to an ICertManageModule. |
GetMaxLength Retrieves the maximum allowable length, in bytes, for the column data. |
GetMSCEPSetupProperty Gets a property value for a Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) configuration. |
GetMyRoles Retrieves the certification authority (CA) roles of the caller. |
GetMyRoles Gets the access mask of privilege roles for a user on a given Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responder server. |
getMyStore The getMyStore method is not implemented. |
GetName Returns the specified name from the alternate name array. |
GetName Returns the name at a specified index of a certificate revocation list (CRL) distribution information point. |
GetName Retrieves the name of the current attribute in the attribute-enumeration sequence. |
GetName Retrieves the nonlocalized name of the current column in the column-enumeration sequence. |
GetName Retrieves the name of the current extension in the extension-enumeration sequence. |
GetNameChoice Returns the name choice at a specified index of an alternate name array. |
GetNameChoice Returns the name choice at a specified index of a certificate revocation list (CRL) distribution information point. |
GetNameCount Returns the number of names in the alternate name array. |
GetNameCount Returns the number of names in a certificate revocation list (CRL) distribution point. |
GetNamedSecurityInfoA Retrieves a copy of the security descriptor for an object specified by name. (ANSI) |
GetNamedSecurityInfoW Retrieves a copy of the security descriptor for an object specified by name. (Unicode) |
GetNextUpdateTime Retrieves the date and time at which the policy expires and should be refreshed. |
GetObjectInformation The GetObjectInformation method requests information that the access control editor uses to initialize its pages and to determine the editing options available to the user. |
GetOpenCardNameA The GetOpenCardName function displays the smart card "select card" dialog box. (ANSI) |
GetOpenCardNameW The GetOpenCardName function displays the smart card "select card" dialog box. (Unicode) |
GetOperations Returns a collection of the operations, within the specified scope, that the principal represented by the current client context has permission to perform. |
GetParameter Gets the specified value from the varParameterValues parameter of the IAzClientContext::AccessCheck method. |
GetParameterValue Gets the value type of the business rule (BizRule) parameter with the specified name. |
GetPasswordCredentials Returns credentials to authenticate a non-domain joined container with Active Directory. |
GetPolicyServerId Retrieves a string that uniquely identifies the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. |
GetPolicyServerId Retrieves a string value that uniquely identifies the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. |
GetPolicyServerUrl Retrieves a string that contains the URL for the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. |
GetPolicyServerUrl Retrieves a string value that contains the URL for the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. |
GetPrincipals Displays a dialog box from which users can choose one or more principals, and then returns the chosen list of principals and their corresponding security identifiers (SIDs). |
GetPrivateKeyArchiveCertificate The GetPrivateKeyArchiveCertificate method retrieves the certificate used to archive the private key. This method was first defined in the IEnroll4 interface. |
GetPrivateKeyContainerList Gets the list of key container names stored by the specified cryptographic service provider (CSP) for asymmetric signature key algorithms. |
GetPrivateObjectSecurity Retrieves information from a private object's security descriptor. |
GetProperty Returns the IAzApplication object property with the specified property ID. |
GetProperty Returns the IAzApplicationGroup object property with the specified property ID. |
GetProperty Returns the AzAuthorizationStore object property with the specified property ID. |
GetProperty Returns the IAzClientContext object property with the specified property ID. |
GetProperty Returns the IAzOperation object property with the specified property ID. |
GetProperty Returns the IAzRole object property with the specified property ID. |
GetProperty Returns the IAzScope object property with the specified property ID. |
GetProperty Returns the IAzTask object property with the specified property ID. |
GetProperty Retrieves a CEPSetupProperty enumeration value for the Certificate Enrollment Policy (CEP) Web Service configuration. |
GetProperty Retrieves a CESSetupProperty enumeration value for the Certificate Enrollment Web Service (CES) configuration. |
GetProperty Retrieves a module's property value. |
GetPropertyFlags Retrieves a value that specifies the default policy server URL. |
GetProviderNameList Gets the list of cryptographic service providers (CSPs) that provide asymmetric key signature algorithms on the computer. |
GetProviderNameList Gets the list of cryptographic service providers (CSPs) that provide asymmetric key signature and exchange algorithms on the computer. |
GetProviderPropertyStore Retrieves a pointer to the IPropertyStore interface associated with the identity provider. |
getProviderType Retrieves the type of the specified cryptographic service provider (CSP). This method was first defined in the ICEnroll4 interface. |
getProviderTypeWStr Retrieves the type of the specified cryptographic service provider (CSP). |
GetRefreshPolicy Returns a value that indicates whether a client's cached certificate enrollment policy is out of date and needs to be refreshed. |
GetRequestAttribute Returns a named attribute value from a request. |
GetRequestAttribute Returns a named attribute from a request. |
GetRequestId Gets the current internal request number for the request and subsequent certificate. |
GetRequestIdString Retrieves a unique string identifier for the certificate request sent to the certification authority during enrollment. |
GetRequestIdString Gets the current internal request number, formatted as a string, for the request and subsequent certificate. |
GetRequestProperty Returns a named property from a request. |
GetRequestProperty Retrieves a specific property from a request. |
GetRevocationReason Returns the reason a certificate was revoked. This method was first defined in the ICertAdmin interface. |
GetRoles Returns the roles for the client context. |
getROOTHStore The getROOTHStore method is not implemented. |
GetSchemaVersion Gets the version number of this authorization store. |
GetSecondarySecurity Returns additional security contexts that may impact access to the resource. |
GetSecurity The GetSecurity method requests a security descriptor for the securable object whose security descriptor is being edited. The access control editor calls this method to retrieve the object's current or default security descriptor. |
GetSecurity Gets security descriptor information for an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responder server. |
GetSecurityDescriptorControl Retrieves a security descriptor control and revision information. |
GetSecurityDescriptorDacl Retrieves a pointer to the discretionary access control list (DACL) in a specified security descriptor. |
GetSecurityDescriptorGroup Retrieves the primary group information from a security descriptor. |
GetSecurityDescriptorLength Returns the length, in bytes, of a structurally valid security descriptor. The length includes the length of all associated structures. |
GetSecurityDescriptorOwner Retrieves the owner information from a security descriptor. |
GetSecurityDescriptorRMControl Retrieves the resource manager control bits. |
GetSecurityDescriptorSacl Retrieves a pointer to the system access control list (SACL) in a specified security descriptor. |
GetSecurityInfo Retrieves a copy of the security descriptor for an object specified by a handle. |
GetServiceDirectory Returns a path for a per-service filesystem location for a service to read and/or write state to. |
GetServiceDisplayNameA Retrieves the display name of the specified service. (ANSI) |
GetServiceDisplayNameW Retrieves the display name of the specified service. (Unicode) |
GetServiceKeyNameA Retrieves the service name of the specified service. (ANSI) |
GetServiceKeyNameW Retrieves the service name of the specified service. (Unicode) |
GetServiceRegistryStateKey Returns a handle for a registry key for a service to read and/or write state to. |
GetSharedServiceDirectory Returns a path for a per-service filesystem location for a service and associated programs to read and/or write state to. |
GetSharedServiceRegistryStateKey Returns a handle for a registry key for a service and associated programs to read and/or write state to. |
GetSidIdentifierAuthority Returns a pointer to the SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY structure in a specified security identifier (SID). |
GetSidLengthRequired Returns the length, in bytes, of the buffer required to store a SID with a specified number of subauthorities. |
GetSidSubAuthority Returns a pointer to a specified subauthority in a security identifier (SID). The subauthority value is a relative identifier (RID). |
GetSidSubAuthorityCount Returns a pointer to the member in a security identifier (SID) structure that contains the subauthority count. |
GetSignatureAlgorithm Retrieves the signing algorithm object identifier (OID). |
GetSigningCertificates Gets the signing certificates that are available on a responder server for a given certification authority (CA) certificate. |
GetStringProperty Retrieves the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server ID or the display name of the CEP server. |
GetStringType Returns the type of string values that the string array contains. |
GetSupportedCATypes Gets the types of certification authorities (CAs) that can be installed on a computer under the caller context. |
GetSupportedKeySpec Retrieves information regarding the current cryptographic service provider (CSP) support for signature and/or exchange operations. This method was first defined in the ICEnroll3 interface. |
GetSupportedKeySpec Retrieves information regarding the current cryptographic service provider (CSP) support for signature and/or exchange operations. |
GetTasks Returns a collection of the tasks, within the specified scope, that the principal represented by the current client context has permission to perform. |
GetTemplates Retrieves a collection of the templates supported by the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. |
GetTokenInformation Retrieves a specified type of information about an access token. The calling process must have appropriate access rights to obtain the information. |
GetTrusteeFormA Retrieves the trustee name from the specified TRUSTEE structure. This value indicates whether the structure uses a name string or a security identifier (SID) to identify the trustee. (ANSI) |
GetTrusteeFormW Retrieves the trustee name from the specified TRUSTEE structure. This value indicates whether the structure uses a name string or a security identifier (SID) to identify the trustee. (Unicode) |
GetTrusteeNameA Retrieves the trustee name from the specified TRUSTEE structure. (ANSI) |
GetTrusteeNameW Retrieves the trustee name from the specified TRUSTEE structure. (Unicode) |
GetTrusteeTypeA Retrieves the trustee type from the specified TRUSTEE structure. This value indicates whether the trustee is a user, a group, or the trustee type is unknown. (ANSI) |
GetTrusteeTypeW Retrieves the trustee type from the specified TRUSTEE structure. This value indicates whether the trustee is a user, a group, or the trustee type is unknown. (Unicode) |
GetType Retrieves the data type of the current column in the column-enumeration sequence. |
GetUrl Returns the URL string for the specified wizard or webpage. |
GetUrlFlags Retrieves a set of flags that contain miscellaneous policy information about the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. |
GetUseClientId Retrieves a value that specifies whether the ClientId attribute is set in the policy server flags of the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. |
GetUserObjectSecurity Retrieves security information for the specified user object. |
GetValue Returns the specified date from the DATE array. |
GetValue Returns the specified Long value from the Long array. |
GetValue Returns the specified string from the string array. |
GetValue Retrieves the value of the current attribute in the attribute-enumeration sequence. |
GetValue Retrieves the data value contained in the current column in the column-enumeration sequence. |
GetValue Retrieves the value of the current extension in the extension-enumeration sequence. |
GetWindowsAccountDomainSid Receives a security identifier (SID) and returns a SID representing the domain of that SID. |
IdentityUpdated Is called by an identity provider to notify a calling application that an identity event occurred. |
ImpersonateAnonymousToken Enables the specified thread to impersonate the system's anonymous logon token. |
ImpersonateLoggedOnUser Lets the calling thread impersonate the security context of a logged-on user. The user is represented by a token handle. |
ImpersonateNamedPipeClient Impersonates a named-pipe client application. |
ImpersonateSecurityContext Allows a server to impersonate a client by using a token previously obtained by a call to AcceptSecurityContext (General) or QuerySecurityContextToken. |
ImpersonateSelf Obtains an access token that impersonates the security context of the calling process. The token is assigned to the calling thread. |
Import Imports an identity to the system. |
Import Imports an existing private key into a key container within a cryptographic provider. |
ImportCertificate Takes a previously issued certificate and imports it to the certification authority's (CA) database. This method was first defined in the ICertAdmin interface. |
ImportKey Adds an encrypted key set to an item in the Certificate Services database. The key set is encrypted to one or several key recovery agent (KRA) certificates. |
ImportPFXToProvider Imports a PFX certificate. |
ImportPFXToProviderFreeData Frees PFX certificate context(s). |
ImportSecurityContextA Imports a security context. The security context must have been exported to the process calling ImportSecurityContext by a previous call to ExportSecurityContext. (ANSI) |
ImportSecurityContextW Imports a security context. The security context must have been exported to the process calling ImportSecurityContext by a previous call to ExportSecurityContext. (Unicode) |
Initialize Initializes the authorization manager. |
Initialize Initialize using the full Certificate Management over CMS (CMC) response returned from the CA. |
Initialize Initializes the object from an object identifier (OID). |
Initialize Initializes the object from a Boolean value that specifies whether the certificate has been archived. |
Initialize Initializes the object from a byte array that contains the hash. |
Initialize Initializes the object by specifying the name of the template to be used for autoenrollment. |
Initialize Initializes the object from a Boolean value and a date. |
Initialize Initializes the object from a string that contains descriptive information about the certificate. |
Initialize Initializes the property from the certificate request ID, the certification authority (CA) configuration string, and an optional certificate display name. |
Initialize Initializes an ICertPropertyEnrollmentPolicyServer object. |
Initialize Initializes the object from the certificate display name. |
Initialize Initializes the object from a private key. |
Initialize Initializes the object from a SHA-1 hash of the new certificate. |
Initialize Initializes the object from a string that contains the DNS name of the originating computer. |
Initialize Initializes the object from the SHA-1 hash of a certificate. |
Initialize Initializes the object from a cryptographic provider and an associated algorithm. |
Initialize Initializes the object from a signing certificate. |
Initialize Initializes the object from a symmetric encryption algorithm object identifier (OID) and an optional key length. |
Initialize Initializes the object from an object identifier (OID) and a value. |
Initialize Initializes the request object for a user or a computer. |
Initialize Initializes an IX509CertificateTemplateWritable object from a template. |
Initialize Initializes the enrollment object and creates a default PKCS |
Initialize Initializes an IX509EnrollmentHelper object. |
Initialize Initializes an IX509EnrollmentPolicyServer object. |
Initialize Initializes an IX509Extension object by using an object identifier (OID) and a byte array that contains the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded extension. |
Initialize Initializes the object from strings that contain the name and associated value. |
Initialize Initializes an IX509PolicyServerListManager object. |
Initialize Initializes an IX509PolicyServerUrl object for a computer or user context. |
Initialize Initializes the object from a public key algorithm object identifier (OID) and from byte arrays that contain a public key and the associated parameters, if any. |
Initialize Initialize the instance in preparation for a new request. |
Initialize Called by the server engine to allow the policy module to perform initialization tasks. |
Initialize Initializes the NDES policy module. |
Initialize Called by the server engine when it initializes itself. |
Initialize The Initialize method informs the Security Configuration snap-in that the snap-in extension is loaded, and it establishes a context for communications. |
InitializeAcl Initializes a new ACL structure. |
InitializeClientContext2 Retrieves an IAzClientContext2 object pointer. |
InitializeClientContextFromName Gets an IAzClientContext object pointer from the client identity as a (domain name, client name) pair. |
InitializeClientContextFromStringSid Gets an IAzClientContext object pointer from the specified security identifier (SID) in text form. |
InitializeClientContextFromToken Gets an IAzClientContext object pointer from the specified client token. |
InitializeClientContextFromToken2 Retrieves an IAzClientContext2 object pointer from the specified client token. |
InitializeDecode Initializes the object from a byte array that contains the property value. |
InitializeDecode Initializes the object from a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array that contains the encrypted private key. |
InitializeDecode Initializes the object from a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array that contains a SHA-1 hash of the encrypted private key. |
InitializeDecode Initializes the object from a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array that contains the attribute value. (IX509AttributeClientId.InitializeDecode) |
InitializeDecode Initializes the object from a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array that contains information about the provider. |
InitializeDecode Initializes the object from a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array that contains the attribute value. (IX509AttributeExtensions.InitializeDecode) |
InitializeDecode Initializes the object from a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array that contains the operating system version information. |
InitializeDecode Initializes the object from a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array that contains the certificate to be renewed. |
InitializeDecode Decodes an existing signed or unsigned PKCS (IX509CertificateRequestPkcs10.InitializeDecode) |
InitializeDecode Decodes an existing signed or unsigned PKCS (IX509CertificateRequestPkcs7.InitializeDecode) |
InitializeDecode Initializes the extension from a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array that contains the extension value. (IX509ExtensionAlternativeNames.InitializeDecode) |
InitializeDecode Initializes the extension from a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array that contains the extension value. (IX509ExtensionAuthorityKeyIdentifier.InitializeDecode) |
InitializeDecode Initializes the extension from a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array that contains the extension value. (IX509ExtensionBasicConstraints.InitializeDecode) |
InitializeDecode Initializes the object from a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array that contains the extension value. |
InitializeDecode Initializes the extension from a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array that contains the extension value. (IX509ExtensionEnhancedKeyUsage.InitializeDecode) |
InitializeDecode Initializes the extension from a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array that contains the extension value. (IX509ExtensionKeyUsage.InitializeDecode) |
InitializeDecode Initializes the extension from a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array that contains the extension value. (IX509ExtensionMSApplicationPolicies.InitializeDecode) |
InitializeDecode Initializes the extension from a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array that contains the extension value. (IX509ExtensionSmimeCapabilities.InitializeDecode) |
InitializeDecode Initializes the extension from a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array that contains the extension value. (IX509ExtensionSubjectKeyIdentifier.InitializeDecode) |
InitializeDecode Initializes the extension from a DER-encoded byte array that contains the extension value. |
InitializeDecode Initializes the extension from a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array that contains the extension value. (IX509ExtensionTemplateName.InitializeDecode) |
InitializeDefaults Initializes a CCertSrvSetup object with default values to enable installation of the Certification Authority role. |
InitializeDefaults Initializes a CMSCEPSetup object with default values to enable installation of a Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) role. |
InitializeEncode Initializes the object from a string and a value that identifies the qualifier type. |
InitializeEncode Initializes the attribute from an IX509PrivateKey object, the certification authority encryption certificate, and the symmetric encryption algorithm object identifier (OID). |
InitializeEncode Initializes the attribute from information about the user, client computer, and application that submitted the certificate request. |
InitializeEncode Initializes the attribute from information about the provider. |
InitializeEncode Initializes the object from an IX509Extensions collection. |
InitializeEncode Initializes the attribute from operating system version information. |
InitializeEncode Initializes the attribute by using the certificate to be renewed. |
InitializeEncode Initializes the extension from an IAlternativeNames collection. |
InitializeEncode Initializes the extension from a byte array. |
InitializeEncode Initializes the extension from a Boolean value that indicates whether the certificate subject is a certification authority (CA) and an integer that contains the depth of the subordinate CA chain. |
InitializeEncode Initializes the object from an ICertificatePolicies collection. |
InitializeEncode Initializes the extension from a collection of IObjectId object identifiers (OIDs) that specify the intended uses of the public key. |
InitializeEncode Initializes the extension by using the X509KeyUsageFlags enumeration. |
InitializeEncode Initializes the extension from an ICertificatePolicies collection. |
InitializeEncode Initializes the extension from an ISmimeCapabilities collection. |
InitializeEncode Initializes the extension from a byte array that contains the key identifier. |
InitializeEncode Initializes the extension from a template object identifier (OID) and from major and minor version numbers. |
InitializeEncode Initializes the extension from a string that contains the template name. |
InitializeEncodeFromEncryptedKeyBlob Initializes the attribute from an encrypted private key. |
InitializeForPending Initialize the instance to prepare to generate a message to either retrieve an issued certificate, or install a response for a previous request by the issuer. |
InitializeFromAlgorithmName Initializes the object from an algorithm name or an object identifier. |
InitializeFromCertificate Initializes the collection from the properties contained in a certificate. |
InitializeFromCertificate Initializes the object by using a property value associated with an existing certificate. |
InitializeFromCertificate Initializes the certificate request by using an existing certificate. (IX509CertificateRequestPkcs10.InitializeFromCertificate) |
InitializeFromCertificate Initializes the certificate request by using an existing certificate. (IX509CertificateRequestPkcs7.InitializeFromCertificate) |
InitializeFromCertificateHash Initializes the object from the new certificate. |
InitializeFromCurrentTime Initializes the property from a Boolean value and the current system date and time. |
InitializeFromEncodedPublicKeyInfo Initializes the object from a byte array that contains a public key. |
InitializeFromInnerRequest Initializes the certificate request from the inner PKCS |
InitializeFromInnerRequestTemplate Initializes the certificate request from an inner request object and a template. |
InitializeFromInnerRequestTemplateName The InitializeFromInnerRequestTemplateName method initializes the certificate request from an inner request object and a template. |
InitializeFromLocalRequestOriginator Initializes the object from the DNS name of the local computer. |
InitializeFromName Initializes the object from a string that contains a provider name. |
InitializeFromName Initializes the object from a CERTENROLL_OBJECTID enumeration value. |
InitializeFromObjectId Initializes a cryptographic attribute by using an object identifier. |
InitializeFromOtherName Initializes the object from an object identifier (OID) and the associated raw data (byte array). |
InitializeFromPrivateKey Initializes the certificate request by using an IX509PrivateKey object and, optionally, a template. |
InitializeFromPrivateKeyTemplate Initializes the certificate request by using an IX509PrivateKey object and a certificate template. (IX509CertificateRequestCertificate2.InitializeFromPrivateKeyTemplate) |
InitializeFromPrivateKeyTemplate Initializes the certificate request by using an IX509PrivateKey object and a certificate template. (IX509CertificateRequestPkcs10V2.InitializeFromPrivateKeyTemplate) |
InitializeFromProperties Creates a property set from the properties contained in an existing server configuration. |
InitializeFromPublicKey Initializes a null-signed certificate request by using an IX509PublicKey object and, optionally, a template. |
InitializeFromPublicKeyTemplate Initializes a null-signed certificate request by using an IX509PublicKey object and a template. |
InitializeFromRawData Initializes the object from a Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) GUID, an X.500 directory name, or an Internet Protocol (IP) address contained in a Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded byte array. |
InitializeFromRequest Initializes the enrollment object from an existing IX509CertificateRequest object. |
InitializeFromString Initializes the object from a string that contains an email address, a Domain Name System (DNS) name, a URL, a registered object identifier (OID), or a user principal name (UPN). |
InitializeFromTemplate Initializes the certificate request by using a template. (IX509CertificateRequestCertificate2.InitializeFromTemplate) |
InitializeFromTemplate Initializes the certificate request by using a template. (IX509CertificateRequestCmc2.InitializeFromTemplate) |
InitializeFromTemplate Initializes the certificate request by using a template. (IX509CertificateRequestPkcs10V2.InitializeFromTemplate) |
InitializeFromTemplate Initializes the certificate request by using a template. (IX509CertificateRequestPkcs7V2.InitializeFromTemplate) |
InitializeFromTemplate Initializes the enrollment object by using a template. |
InitializeFromTemplateName . (IX509CertificateRequestPkcs10.InitializeFromTemplateName) |
InitializeFromTemplateName Initializes the certificate request by using a template. (IX509CertificateRequestPkcs7.InitializeFromTemplateName) |
InitializeFromTemplateName Initializes the enrollment object from a template common name (CN). |
InitializeFromType Initializes the object from the default cryptographic provider. |
InitializeFromValue Initializes the object from a string that contains a dotted decimal object identifier (OID). |
InitializeFromValues Initializes a cryptographic attribute by using an IX509Attributes object. |
InitializeImport Initializes the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server from a collection of templates and object identifiers. |
InitializeInstallDefaults Initializes the ICertificateEnrollmentPolicyServerSetup object with a default configuration. |
InitializeInstallDefaults Initializes the ICertificateEnrollmentServerSetup object with a default configuration. |
InitializeSecurityContextA Initiates the client side, outbound security context from a credential handle. (ANSI) |
InitializeSecurityContextW Initiates the client side, outbound security context from a credential handle. (Unicode) |
InitializeSecurityDescriptor Initializes a new security descriptor. |
InitializeSid Initializes a security identifier (SID). |
InitSecurityInterfaceA The InitSecurityInterface function returns a pointer to an SSPI dispatch table. This function enables clients to use SSPI without binding directly to an implementation of the interface. (ANSI) |
InitSecurityInterfaceW The InitSecurityInterface function returns a pointer to an SSPI dispatch table. This function enables clients to use SSPI without binding directly to an implementation of the interface. (Unicode) |
Install Installs the Certificate Enrollment Policy (CEP) Web Service configured by the ICertificateEnrollmentPolicyServerSetup object. |
Install Installs the Certificate Enrollment Web Service (CES) configured by the ICertificateEnrollmentServerSetup object. |
Install Installs a role as configured in the CCertSrvSetup object. |
Install Installs a Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) role as configured in a CMSCEPSetup object. |
InstallPKCS7 Processes a certificate or chain of certificates, placing them into the appropriate certificate stores. This method differs from the acceptPKCS7 method in that InstallPKCS7 does not receive a request certificate. |
InstallPKCS7Blob Processes a certificate or chain of certificates, placing them into the appropriate certificate stores. This method differs from the acceptPKCS7Blob method in that InstallPKCS7Blob does not receive a request certificate. |
InstallPKCS7BlobEx The same as InstallPKCS7Blob except that it returns the number of certificates actually installed in local stores. |
InstallPKCS7Ex Processes a certificate or chain of certificates, placing them into the appropriate certificate stores.InstallPKCS7 except that it returns the number of certificates actually installed in local stores. |
InstallResponse Installs a certificate chain on the end-entity computer. (IX509Enrollment.InstallResponse) |
InstallResponse2 Installs a certificate chain on the end-entity computer. (IX509Enrollment2.InstallResponse2) |
IsCatalogFile Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified file is a catalog file. |
IsCrossIsolatedEnvironmentClipboardContent IsCrossIsolatedEnvironmentClipboardContent is called after an app detects a paste failure to determine if the content being pasted came from the other side of a Microsoft Defender Application Guard (MDAG) boundary. |
IsDaclCanonical The IsDaclCanonical method determines whether the ACEs contained in the specified DACL structure are ordered according to the definition of DACL ordering implemented by the client. |
IsDirty The IsDirty method returns a value indicating whether data in the attachment snap-in has been modified since it was last saved. |
IsFunctionalLevelUpgradeSupported Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the version of this authorization store can be upgraded. |
IsIndexed Reports whether the data in the column is indexed. |
IsInRoleAssignment Checks whether the principal represented by the current client context is a member of the specified role in the specified scope. |
IsMSCEPStoreEmpty Always returns VARIANT_TRUE. It should not be used. |
IsProcessInIsolatedWindowsEnvironment Determines in which execution environment the application is running. |
IsPropertyEditable Indicates to the caller whether a specified property can be edited. |
IsSmartCard Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether any of the cryptographic providers associated with the request object is a smart card provider. |
IsTokenRestricted Indicates whether a token contains a list of restricted security identifiers (SIDs). |
IsUpdateNeeded Checks whether the persisted version of this authorization store is newer than the cached version. |
IsValidAcl Validates an access control list (ACL). |
IsValidCertificate Verifies the certificate against the certification authority (CA) key and checks that the certificate has not been revoked. This method was first defined in the ICertAdmin interface. |
IsValidSecurityDescriptor Determines whether the components of a security descriptor are valid. |
IsValidSid Validates a security identifier (SID) by verifying that the revision number is within a known range, and that the number of subauthorities is less than the maximum. |
IsWellKnownSid Compares a SID to a well-known SID and returns TRUE if they match. |
KeyCredentialManagerFreeInformation API to free the KeyCredentialManagerInfo pointer variable from the KeyCredentialManagerGetInformation call. |
KeyCredentialManagerGetInformation API to get a unique identifier of the users enrollment. |
KeyCredentialManagerGetOperationErrorStates Prerequisite API to call to determine if the operation will be successful prior. |
KeyCredentialManagerShowUIOperation API to perform the requested WHFB operation. |
KspDeleteContextFn Deletes a security context. |
KspMakeSignatureFn Generates a signature based on the specified message and security context. |
KspVerifySignatureFn Verifies that the message received is correct according to the signature. |
LoadPolicy Retrieves policy information from the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. |
LockServiceDatabase Requests ownership of the service control manager (SCM) database lock. Only one process can own the lock at any specified time. |
LogonUserA The Win32 LogonUser function attempts to log a user on to the local computer. LogonUser returns a handle to a user token that you can use to impersonate user. (ANSI) |
LogonUserExA The LogonUserEx function attempts to log a user on to the local computer. (ANSI) |
LogonUserExW The LogonUserEx function attempts to log a user on to the local computer. (Unicode) |
LogonUserW The Win32 LogonUser function attempts to log a user on to the local computer. LogonUser returns a handle to a user token that you can use to impersonate user. (Unicode) |
LookupAccountNameA Accepts the name of a system and an account as input. It retrieves a security identifier (SID) for the account and the name of the domain on which the account was found. (ANSI) |
LookupAccountNameW Accepts the name of a system and an account as input. It retrieves a security identifier (SID) for the account and the name of the domain on which the account was found. (Unicode) |
LookupAccountSidA Accepts a security identifier (SID) as input. It retrieves the name of the account for this SID and the name of the first domain on which this SID is found. (ANSI) |
LookupAccountSidLocalA Retrieves the name of the account for the specified SID on the local machine. (ANSI) |
LookupAccountSidLocalW Retrieves the name of the account for the specified SID on the local machine. (Unicode) |
LookupAccountSidW Accepts a security identifier (SID) as input. It retrieves the name of the account for this SID and the name of the first domain on which this SID is found. (Unicode) |
LookupPrivilegeDisplayNameA Retrieves the display name that represents a specified privilege. (ANSI) |
LookupPrivilegeDisplayNameW Retrieves the display name that represents a specified privilege. (Unicode) |
LookupPrivilegeNameA Retrieves the name that corresponds to the privilege represented on a specific system by a specified locally unique identifier (LUID). (ANSI) |
LookupPrivilegeNameW Retrieves the name that corresponds to the privilege represented on a specific system by a specified locally unique identifier (LUID). (Unicode) |
LookupPrivilegeValueA Retrieves the locally unique identifier (LUID) used on a specified system to locally represent the specified privilege name. (ANSI) |
LookupPrivilegeValueW Retrieves the locally unique identifier (LUID) used on a specified system to locally represent the specified privilege name. (Unicode) |
LookupSecurityDescriptorPartsA Retrieves security information from a self-relative security descriptor. (ANSI) |
LookupSecurityDescriptorPartsW Retrieves security information from a self-relative security descriptor. (Unicode) |
LookupSids The LookupSids method returns the common names corresponding to each of the elements in the specified list of SIDs. |
LPHANDLER_FUNCTION An application-defined callback function used with the RegisterServiceCtrlHandler function. A service program can use it as the control handler function of a particular service. |
LPHANDLER_FUNCTION_EX An application-defined callback function used with the RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerEx function. A service program can use it as the control handler function of a particular service. |
LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTIONA The entry point for a service. (ANSI) |
LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTIONW The entry point for a service. (Unicode) |
LSA_ADD_CREDENTIAL Adds credentials to a logon session. |
LSA_ALLOCATE_CLIENT_BUFFER Allocates a buffer in the client's address space. |
LSA_ALLOCATE_LSA_HEAP Allocates memory on the heap. Some information passed back to the LSA is expected to be allocated using this function. |
LSA_ALLOCATE_PRIVATE_HEAP Allocates memory on the private heap. |
LSA_ALLOCATE_SHARED_MEMORY The AllocateSharedMemory function allocates a block of shared memory from a section of memory previously reserved by a call to the CreateSharedMemory function. |
LSA_AP_CALL_PACKAGE Called by the Local Security Authority (LSA) when a logon application with a trusted connection to the LSA calls the LsaCallAuthenticationPackage function and specifies the authentication package's identifier. |
LSA_AP_CALL_PACKAGE_PASSTHROUGH The dispatch function for pass-through logon requests sent to the LsaCallAuthenticationPackage function. |
LSA_AP_INITIALIZE_PACKAGE Called once by the Local Security Authority (LSA) during system initialization to provide the authentication package a chance to initialize itself. |
LSA_AP_LOGON_TERMINATED Used to notify an authentication package when a logon session terminates. A logon session terminates when the last token referencing the logon session is deleted. |
LSA_AP_LOGON_USER The LSA_AP_LOGON_USER (ntsecpkg.h) callback function authenticates a user's logon credentials. |
LSA_AP_LOGON_USER_EX The LSA_AP_LOGON_USER_EX (ntsecpkg.h) callback function authenticates a user's logon credentials. |
LSA_AP_LOGON_USER_EX2 Used to authenticate a user logon attempt on the user's initial logon. A new logon session is established for the user, and validation information for the user is returned. |
LSA_AUDIT_ACCOUNT_LOGON The AuditAccountLogon function produces an audit record that represents the mapping of a foreign principal name onto a Windows account. |
LSA_AUDIT_LOGON The AuditLogon function is used to audit a logon attempt. |
LSA_CALL_PACKAGE The CallPackage function is used to call another security package to access its services. |
LSA_CALL_PACKAGE_PASSTHROUGH The CallPackagePassthrough function is used to call another security package to access its services. |
LSA_CALL_PACKAGEEX The CallPackageEx function is used to call another security package to access its services. |
LSA_CANCEL_NOTIFICATION The CancelNotification function cancels a previously registered notification. |
LSA_CLIENT_CALLBACK Allows a Local Security Authority (LSA)-mode security package to call back to its user-mode package and invoke a function in its DLL there. |
LSA_CLOSE_SAM_USER Closes a handle to a Security Accounts Manager (SAM) user account. |
LSA_CONVERT_AUTH_DATA_TO_TOKEN The ConvertAuthDataToToken function creates an access token from the authorization data returned from the GetAuthDataForUser or GetUserAuthData functions. |
LSA_COPY_FROM_CLIENT_BUFFER Copies information from the address space of a client process into a buffer in the current process. |
LSA_COPY_TO_CLIENT_BUFFER Copies information from a buffer in the current process into a client process's address space. |
LSA_CRACK_SINGLE_NAME The CrackSingleName function converts a name from one format to another. |
LSA_CREATE_LOGON_SESSION Creates logon sessions. |
LSA_CREATE_SHARED_MEMORY The CreateSharedMemory function creates a section of memory that is shared by client processes and the security package. |
LSA_CREATE_THREAD A wrapper for the Windows CreateThread function that should be used by the Local Security Authority (LSA). |
LSA_CREATE_TOKEN The CreateToken function is used by SSP/APs to create tokens while processing calls to SpAcceptLsaModeContext. |
LSA_CREATE_TOKEN_EX Creates tokens while processing calls to SpAcceptLsaModeContext. |
LSA_DELETE_CREDENTIAL Deletes an existing credential. |
LSA_DELETE_LOGON_SESSION Cleans up any logon sessions created while determining whether a user's authentication information is legitimate. |
LSA_DELETE_SHARED_MEMORY The DeleteSharedMemory function releases a section of memory that is shared by clients and a security package. |
LSA_DUPLICATE_HANDLE The DuplicateHandle function creates a duplicate handle. The returned duplicate is in the caller's process space. |
LSA_EXPAND_AUTH_DATA_FOR_DOMAIN Expands the domain groups in the specified user authentication data. |
LSA_FREE_CLIENT_BUFFER Frees a client buffer previously allocated with the AllocateClientBuffer function. |
LSA_FREE_LSA_HEAP The FreeReturnBuffer function is used to free buffers allocated by the Local Security Authority (LSA) and returned to the security package. The package calls this function when the information in the returned buffer is no longer needed. |
LSA_FREE_LSA_HEAP Deallocates heap memory previously allocated by AllocateLsaHeap. |
LSA_FREE_PRIVATE_HEAP Frees memory that was allocated by using the AllocatePrivateHeap function. |
LSA_FREE_SHARED_MEMORY The FreeSharedMemory function frees a block of shared memory previously allocated by the AllocateSharedMemory function. |
LSA_GET_AUTH_DATA_FOR_USER The GetAuthDataForUser function retrieves authentication information for a user from the Security Accounts Manager (SAM) database and puts it into a format suitable for the ConvertAuthDataToToken function. |
LSA_GET_CALL_INFO The GetCallInfo function retrieves information about the most recent function call. |
LSA_GET_CLIENT_INFO The GetClientInfo function gets information about the client process, such as thread and process ID, and flags indicating the client's state and privileges. |
LSA_GET_CREDENTIALS Retrieves credentials associated with a logon session. |
LSA_GET_USER_AUTH_DATA The GetUserAuthData function returns the authorization data for the user in a single buffer. |
LSA_MAP_BUFFER Maps a SecBuffer structure into the address space of the security support provider/authentication package (SSP/AP). |
LSA_OPEN_SAM_USER Retrieves a handle to a user account in the Security Accounts Manager (SAM) database. |
LSA_OPEN_TOKEN_BY_LOGON_ID Opens the user access token associated with the specified user logon. |
LSA_PROTECT_MEMORY Encrypts the specified memory buffer. |
LSA_REGISTER_NOTIFICATION Provides a mechanism whereby the security package is notified. Notification can occur at fixed intervals, when an event object is signaled, or during certain system events. |
LSA_UPDATE_PRIMARY_CREDENTIALS Provides a mechanism for one security package to notify other packages that the credentials for a logon session have changed. |
LsaAddAccountRights Assigns one or more privileges to an account. |
LsaCallAuthenticationPackage Used by a logon application to communicate with an authentication package. |
LsaClose The LsaClose function closes a handle to a Policy or TrustedDomain object. |
LsaConnectUntrusted Establishes an untrusted connection to the LSA server. |
LsaCreateTrustedDomainEx The LsaCreateTrustedDomainEx function establishes a new trusted domain by creating a new TrustedDomain object. |
LsaDeleteTrustedDomain The LsaDeleteTrustedDomain function removes a trusted domain from the list of trusted domains for a system and deletes the associated TrustedDomain object. |
LsaDeregisterLogonProcess Deletes the caller's logon application context and closes the connection to the LSA server. |
LsaEnumerateAccountRights The LsaEnumerateAccountRights function enumerates the privileges assigned to an account. |
LsaEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight Returns the accounts in the database of a Local Security Authority (LSA) Policy object that hold a specified privilege. |
LsaEnumerateLogonSessions Retrieves the set of existing logon session identifiers (LUIDs) and the number of sessions. |
LsaEnumerateTrustedDomains The LsaEnumerateTrustedDomains function retrieves the names and SIDs of domains trusted to authenticate logon credentials. |
LsaEnumerateTrustedDomainsEx Returns information about the domains trusted by the local system. |
LsaFreeMemory The LsaFreeMemory function frees memory allocated for an output buffer by an LSA function call. |
LsaFreeReturnBuffer Frees the memory used by a buffer previously allocated by the LSA. |
LsaGetAppliedCAPIDs Returns an array of central access policies (CAPs) identifiers (CAPIDs) of all the CAPs applied on a specific computer. |
LsaGetLogonSessionData Retrieves information about a specified logon session. |
LsaLogonUser Authenticates a security principal's logon data by using stored credentials information. |
LsaLookupAuthenticationPackage Obtains the unique identifier of an authentication package. |
LsaLookupNames Retrieves the security identifiers (SIDs) that correspond to an array of user, group, or local group names. |
LsaLookupPrivilegeValue Retrieves the locally unique identifier (LUID) used by the Local Security Authority (LSA) to represent the specified privilege name. |
LsaLookupSids Looks up the names that correspond to an array of security identifiers (SIDs). If LsaLookupSids cannot find a name that corresponds to a SID, the function returns the SID in character form. |
LsaLookupSids2 Looks up the names that correspond to an array of security identifiers (SIDs) and supports Internet provider identities. If LsaLookupSids2 cannot find a name that corresponds to a SID, the function returns the SID in character form. |
LsaNtStatusToWinError The LsaNtStatusToWinError function converts an NTSTATUS code returned by an LSA function to a Windows error code. |
LsaOpenPolicy Opens a handle to the Policy object on a local or remote system. |
LsaOpenTrustedDomainByName The LsaOpenTrustedDomainByName function opens the LSA policy handle of a remote trusted domain. You can pass this handle into LSA function calls in order to set or query the LSA policy of the remote machine. |
LsaQueryCAPs Returns the Central Access Policies (CAPs) for the specified IDs. |
LsaQueryDomainInformationPolicy Retrieves domain information from the Policyobject. |
LsaQueryForestTrustInformation Retrieves forest trust information for the specified Local Security Authority�TrustedDomain object. |
LsaQueryInformationPolicy Retrieves information about a Policy object. |
LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfo The LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfo function retrieves information about a trusted domain. |
LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfoByName The LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfoByName function returns information about a trusted domain. |
LsaRegisterLogonProcess Establishes a connection to the LSA server and verifies that the caller is a logon application. |
LsaRegisterPolicyChangeNotification The LsaRegisterPolicyChangeNotification function registers an event handle with the local security authority (LSA). This event handle is signaled whenever the indicated LSA policy is modified. |
LsaRemoveAccountRights Removes one or more privileges from an account. |
LsaRetrievePrivateData Do not use the LSA private data functions for generic data encryption and decryption. Instead, use the CryptProtectData and CryptUnprotectData functions. (LsaRetrievePrivateData) |
LsaSetDomainInformationPolicy Sets domain information to the Policyobject. |
LsaSetForestTrustInformation Sets the forest trust information for a specified Local Security Authority�TrustedDomain object. |
LsaSetInformationPolicy Modifies information in a Policy object. |
LsaSetTrustedDomainInfoByName The LsaSetTrustedDomainInfoByName function sets values for a TrustedDomain object. |
LsaSetTrustedDomainInformation The LsaSetTrustedDomainInformation function modifies a Policy object's information about a trusted domain. |
LsaStorePrivateData Do not use the LSA private data functions for generic data encryption and decryption. Instead, use the CryptProtectData and CryptUnprotectData functions. Only use the LSA private data functions when it is necessary to manipulate LSA secrets (LsaStorePrivateData) |
LsaUnregisterPolicyChangeNotification The LsaUnregisterPolicyChangeNotification function disables a previously registered notification event. |
MakeAbsoluteSD Creates a security descriptor in absolute format by using a security descriptor in self-relative format as a template. |
MakeSelfRelativeSD Creates a security descriptor in self-relative format by using a security descriptor in absolute format as a template. |
MakeSignature Generates a cryptographic checksum of the message, and also includes sequencing information to prevent message loss or insertion. |
MapGeneric The MapGeneric method requests that the generic access rights in an access mask be mapped to their corresponding standard and specific access rights. |
MapGenericMask Maps the generic access rights in an access mask to specific and standard access rights. The function applies a mapping supplied in a GENERIC_MAPPING structure. |
Msv1_0SubAuthenticationFilter Performs user logon authentication that is specific to domain controllers. |
Msv1_0SubAuthenticationRoutine Performs client/server-specific authentication. |
Msv1_0SubAuthenticationRoutineEx Performs Remote Access Service authentication when subauthentication is requested by calling the LogonUser function. |
Msv1_0SubAuthenticationRoutineGeneric Performs Remote Access Service authentication when subauthentication is requested by calling the LsaCallAuthenticationPackage function. |
NameFromSid Gets the display name that corresponds to the specified security identifier (SID). |
NamesFromSids Gets the display names that correspond to the specified security identifiers (SIDs). |
NCryptCloseProtectionDescriptor Zeros and frees a protection descriptor object and releases its handle. |
NCryptCreateClaim Creates a key attestation claim. |
NCryptCreatePersistedKey Creates a new key and stores it in the specified key storage provider. |
NCryptCreateProtectionDescriptor Retrieves a handle to a protection descriptor object. |
NCryptDecrypt Decrypts a block of encrypted data. |
NCryptDeleteKey Deletes a CNG key from storage. |
NCryptDeriveKey Derives a key from a secret agreement value. (NCryptDeriveKey) |
NCryptEncrypt Encrypts a block of data. (NCryptEncrypt) |
NCryptEnumAlgorithms Obtains the names of the algorithms that are supported by the specified key storage provider. |
NCryptEnumKeys Obtains the names of the keys that are stored by the provider. |
NCryptEnumStorageProviders Obtains the names of the registered key storage providers. |
NCryptExportKey Exports a CNG key to a memory BLOB. |
NCryptFinalizeKey Completes a CNG key storage key. |
NCryptFreeBuffer Releases a block of memory allocated by a CNG key storage provider. |
NCryptFreeObject Frees a CNG key storage object. |
NCryptGetProperty Retrieves the value of a named property for a key storage object. |
NCryptGetProtectionDescriptorInfo Retrieves a protection descriptor rule string. |
NCryptImportKey Imports a Cryptography API:_Next Generation (CNG) key from a memory BLOB. |
NCryptIsAlgSupported Determines if a CNG key storage provider supports a specific cryptographic algorithm. |
NCryptIsKeyHandle Determines if the specified handle is a CNG key handle. |
NCryptKeyDerivation Creates a key from another key by using the specified key derivation function. |
NCryptNotifyChangeKey Creates or removes a key change notification. |
NCryptOpenKey Opens a key that exists in the specified CNG key storage provider. |
NCryptOpenStorageProvider Loads and initializes a CNG key storage provider. |
NCryptProtectSecret Encrypts data to a specified protection descriptor. |
NCryptQueryProtectionDescriptorName Retrieves the protection descriptor rule string associated with a registered descriptor display name. |
NCryptRegisterProtectionDescriptorName Registers the display name and the associated rule string for a protection descriptor. |
NCryptSecretAgreement Creates a secret agreement value from a private and a public key. (NCryptSecretAgreement) |
NCryptSetProperty Sets the value for a named property for a CNG key storage object. |
NCryptSignHash Creates a signature of a hash value. (NCryptSignHash) |
NCryptStreamClose Closes a data protection stream object opened by using the NCryptStreamOpenToProtect or NCryptStreamOpenToUnprotect functions. |
NCryptStreamOpenToProtect Opens a stream object that can be used to encrypt large amounts of data to a given protection descriptor. |
NCryptStreamOpenToUnprotect Opens a stream object that can be used to decrypt large amounts of data to the same protection descriptor used for encryption. (NCryptStreamOpenToUnprotect) |
NCryptStreamOpenToUnprotectEx Opens a stream object that can be used to decrypt large amounts of data to the same protection descriptor used for encryption. (NCryptStreamOpenToUnprotectEx) |
NCryptStreamUpdate Encrypts and decrypts blocks of data. |
NCryptTranslateHandle Translates a CryptoAPI handle into a CNG key handle. |
NCryptUnprotectSecret Decrypts data to a specified protection descriptor. |
NCryptVerifyClaim Verifies a key attestation claim. |
NCryptVerifySignature Verifies that the specified signature matches the specified hash. (NCryptVerifySignature) |
NetAddServiceAccount Creates a standalone managed service account (sMSA) or retrieves the credentials for a group managed service account (gMSA) and stores the account information on the local computer. |
NetEnumerateServiceAccounts Enumerates the standalone managed service accounts (sMSA) on the specified server. |
NetIsServiceAccount Tests whether the specified standalone managed service account (sMSA) or group managed service account (gMSA) exists in the Netlogon store on the specified server. |
NetQueryServiceAccount Gets information about the specified managed service account. |
NetRemoveServiceAccount Deletes the specified service account from the Active Directory database if the account is a standalone managed service account (sMSA). |
Next Retrieves the index of the next available Certificate Services server configuration in the configuration point. This method was first defined in the ICertConfig interface. |
Next Moves to the next attribute in the attribute-enumeration sequence. |
Next Moves to the next column in the column-enumeration sequence. |
Next Moves to the next extension in the extension-enumeration sequence. |
Next Moves to the next row in the row-enumeration sequence. |
Notify Notifies the plug-in of the transaction status of the SCEP certificate request. |
Notify Called by the server engine to notify an exit module that an event has occurred. |
NotifyBootConfigStatus Reports the boot status to the service control manager. It is used by boot verification programs. |
NotifyServiceStatusChangeA Enables an application to receive notification when the specified service is created or deleted or when its status changes. (ANSI) |
NotifyServiceStatusChangeW Enables an application to receive notification when the specified service is created or deleted or when its status changes. (Unicode) |
NPAddConnection Connects a local device to a network resource. (NPAddConnection) |
NPAddConnection3 Connects a local device to a network resource. (NPAddConnection3) |
NPCancelConnection Disconnects a network connection. |
NPCloseEnum Closes an enumeration. |
NPDeviceMode Specifies the parent window of a device. This window owns any dialog boxes that originate from the device. |
NPDirectoryNotify Notifies the network provider of certain directory operations. |
NPEnumResource Performs an enumeration based on a handle returned by NPOpenEnum. |
NPFMXEditPerm Enables network vendors to supply their own permission editor dialog boxes. |
NPFMXGetPermCaps Retrieves the capabilities of the permission editor. The return value is a bitmask that indicates which of the Security menu items in File Manager are to be enabled. |
NPFMXGetPermHelp Retrieves the help file and help context of the permission editor dialog boxes when a menu item in the Security menu of File Manager is selected and F1 is pressed. |
NPFormatNetworkName Formats a network name in a provider-specific format for display in a control. |
NPGetCaps Returns information about which services are supported on the network. |
NPGetConnection Retrieves information about a connection. |
NPGetConnection3 Retrieves information about a network connection, even if it is currently disconnected. |
NPGetConnectionPerformance Returns information about the expected performance of a connection used to access a network resource. The request can only be for a network resource that is currently connected. |
NPGetDirectoryType Determines the type of a network directory. |
NPGetPropertyText Retrieves the names of buttons to add to a property dialog box for a network resource. |
NPGetResourceInformation Separates the part of a network resource accessed through the WNet API from the part accessed through APIs specific to the resource type. |
NPGetResourceParent Retrieves the parent of a specified network resource in the browse hierarchy. |
NPGetUniversalName Retrieves the universal name of a network resource. The NPGetUniversalName function can retrieve this universal name in UNC format or in the older, remote-name format. |
NPGetUser Retrieves the value of the current default user name or the user name used to establish a network connection. |
NPLogonNotify MPR calls this function to notify the credential manager that a logon event has occurred, allowing the credential manager to return a logon script. |
NPOpenEnum Opens an enumeration of network resources or existing connections. The NPOpenEnum function must be called to obtain a valid handle for an enumeration. |
NPPasswordChangeNotify MPR calls this function to notify the credential manager of a password change event. |
NPPropertyDialog Called when the user clicks a button added by using the NPPropertyDialog function. The NPPropertyDialog function is called only for file and directory network properties. |
NPSearchDialog Enables network vendors to supply their own form of browsing and search, beyond the hierarchical view presented in the Connection dialog box. |
ObjectCloseAuditAlarmA Generates an audit message in the security event log when a handle to a private object is deleted. (ObjectCloseAuditAlarmA) |
ObjectCloseAuditAlarmW Generates an audit message in the security event log when a handle to a private object is deleted. (ObjectCloseAuditAlarmW) |
ObjectDeleteAuditAlarmA The ObjectDeleteAuditAlarmA (ANSI) function (winbase.h) generates audit messages when an object is deleted. |
ObjectDeleteAuditAlarmW The ObjectDeleteAuditAlarmW (Unicode) function (securitybaseapi.h) generates audit messages when an object is deleted. |
ObjectOpenAuditAlarmA Generates audit messages when a client application attempts to gain access to an object or to create a new one. (ObjectOpenAuditAlarmA) |
ObjectOpenAuditAlarmW Generates audit messages when a client application attempts to gain access to an object or to create a new one. (ObjectOpenAuditAlarmW) |
ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmA Generates an audit message in the security event log. (ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmA) |
ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmW Generates an audit message in the security event log. (ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmW) |
Open Opens the endorsement key. The endorsement key must be open before you can retrieve an information from the endorsement key, add or remove certificates, or export the endorsement key. |
Open Opens an existing private key. |
OpenApplication Opens the IAzApplication object with the specified name. |
OpenApplication2 Opens the IAzApplication2 object with the specified name. |
OpenApplicationGroup Opens an IAzApplicationGroup object by specifying its name. (IAzApplication.OpenApplicationGroup) |
OpenApplicationGroup Opens an IAzApplicationGroup object by specifying its name. (IAzAuthorizationStore.OpenApplicationGroup) |
OpenApplicationGroup Opens an IAzApplicationGroup object by specifying its name. (IAzScope.OpenApplicationGroup) |
OpenConnection Establishes a connection with a Certificate Services server. |
OpenElevatedEditor Opens an access control editor when a user clicks the Edit button on an access control editor page that displays an image of a shield on that Edit button. |
OpenOperation Opens an IAzOperation object with the specified name. |
OpenPersonalTrustDBDialog Displays the Certificates dialog box. (OpenPersonalTrustDBDialog) |
OpenPersonalTrustDBDialogEx Displays the Certificates dialog box. (OpenPersonalTrustDBDialogEx) |
OpenRole Opens an IAzRole object with the specified name. (IAzApplication.OpenRole) |
OpenRole Opens an IAzRole object with the specified name. (IAzScope.OpenRole) |
OpenRoleAssignment Opens an IAzRoleAssignment object with the specified name. |
OpenRoleAssignment Opens an IAzRoleAssignment object with the specified name in this scope. |
OpenRoleDefinition Opens an IAzRoleDefinition object with the specified name. |
OpenRoleDefinition Opens an IAzRoleDefinition object with the specified name in this scope. |
OpenSCManagerA Establishes a connection to the service control manager on the specified computer and opens the specified service control manager database. (ANSI) |
OpenSCManagerW Establishes a connection to the service control manager on the specified computer and opens the specified service control manager database. (Unicode) |
OpenScope Opens an IAzScope object with the specified name. |
OpenScope2 Opens an IAzScope2 object with the specified name. |
OpenServiceA Opens an existing service. (ANSI) |
OpenServiceW Opens an existing service. (Unicode) |
OpenTask Opens an IAzTask object with the specified name. (IAzApplication.OpenTask) |
OpenTask Opens an IAzTask object with the specified name. (IAzScope.OpenTask) |
OpenView Opens a view to a Certificate Services database and instantiates an instance of an IEnumCERTVIEWROW object. |
PCRYPT_DECRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY_FUNC Decrypts the private key and returns the decrypted key in the pbClearTextKey parameter. |
PCRYPT_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY_FUNC Encrypts the private key and returns the encrypted contents in the pbEncryptedKey parameter. |
PCRYPT_RESOLVE_HCRYPTPROV_FUNC Returns a handle to a cryptographic service provider (CSP) by using the phCryptProv parameter to receive the key being imported. |
pCryptSIPGetCaps Is implemented by a subject interface package (SIP) to report capabilities. |
PFN_CDF_PARSE_ERROR_CALLBACK Called for Catalog Definition Function errors while parsing a catalog definition file (CDF). |
PFN_CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_CALLBACK An application-defined callback function that allows the application to filter certificates that might be added to the certificate chain. |
PFN_CERT_CREATE_CONTEXT_SORT_FUNC Called for each sorted context entry when a context is created. |
PFN_CERT_DLL_OPEN_STORE_PROV_FUNC Implemented by a store-provider and is used to open a store. |
PFN_CERT_ENUM_PHYSICAL_STORE The CertEnumPhysicalStoreCallback callback function formats and presents information on each physical store found by a call to CertEnumPhysicalStore. |
PFN_CERT_ENUM_SYSTEM_STORE The CertEnumSystemStoreCallback callback function formats and presents information on each system store found by a call to CertEnumSystemStore. |
PFN_CERT_ENUM_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCATION The CertEnumSystemStoreLocationCallback callback function formats and presents information on each system store location found by a call to CertEnumSystemStoreLocation. |
PFN_CERT_STORE_PROV_CLOSE An application-defined callback function that is called by CertCloseStore when the store's reference count is decremented to zero. |
PFN_CERT_STORE_PROV_CONTROL The CertStoreProvControl callback function supports the CertControlStore API. All of the API's parameters are passed straight through to the callback. For details, see CertControlStore. |
PFN_CERT_STORE_PROV_DELETE_CERT An application-defined callback function that is called by CertDeleteCertificateFromStore before deleting a certificate from the store. |
PFN_CERT_STORE_PROV_DELETE_CRL An application-defined callback function that is called by CertDeleteCRLFromStore before deleting the CRL from the store. |
PFN_CERT_STORE_PROV_READ_CERT An application-defined callback function that reads the provider's copy of the certificate context. |
PFN_CERT_STORE_PROV_READ_CRL An application-defined callback function that reads the provider's copy of the CRL context. |
PFN_CERT_STORE_PROV_READ_CTL The CertStoreProvReadCTL callback function is called to read the provider's copy of the CTL context and, if it exists, to create a new CTL context. |
PFN_CERT_STORE_PROV_SET_CERT_PROPERTY An application-defined callback function that is called by CertSetCertificateContextProperty before setting the certificate's property. |
PFN_CERT_STORE_PROV_SET_CRL_PROPERTY An application-defined callback function that is called by CertSetCRLContextProperty before setting the CRL's property. |
PFN_CERT_STORE_PROV_SET_CTL_PROPERTY The CertStoreProvSetCTLProperty callback function determines whether a property can be set on a CTL. |
PFN_CERT_STORE_PROV_WRITE_CERT An application-defined callback function that is called by CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore, CertAddCertificateContextToStore and CertAddSerializedElementToStore before adding to the store. |
PFN_CERT_STORE_PROV_WRITE_CRL An application-defined callback function that is called by CertAddEncodedCRLToStore, CertAddCRLContextToStore and CertAddSerializedElementToStore before adding to the store. |
PFN_CERT_STORE_PROV_WRITE_CTL The CertStoreProvWriteCTL callback function can be called by CertAddEncodedCTLToStore, CertAddCTLContextToStore or CertAddSerializedElementToStore before a CTL is added to the store. |
PFN_CMSG_CNG_IMPORT_CONTENT_ENCRYPT_KEY Imports an already decrypted content encryption key (CEK). |
PFN_CMSG_CNG_IMPORT_KEY_AGREE Decrypts a content encryption key (CEK) that is intended for a key agreement recipient. |
PFN_CMSG_CNG_IMPORT_KEY_TRANS Imports and decrypts a content encryption key (CEK) that is intended for a key transport recipient. |
PFN_CMSG_EXPORT_KEY_AGREE Encrypts and exports the content encryption key for a key agreement recipient of an enveloped message. |
PFN_CMSG_EXPORT_KEY_TRANS Encrypts and exports the content encryption key for a key transport recipient of an enveloped message. |
PFN_CMSG_EXPORT_MAIL_LIST Encrypts and exports the content encryption key for a mailing list recipient of an enveloped message. |
PFN_CMSG_GEN_CONTENT_ENCRYPT_KEY Generates the symmetric key used to encrypt content for an enveloped message. |
PFN_CMSG_IMPORT_KEY_AGREE Imports a content encryption key for a key transport recipient of an enveloped message. (PFN_CMSG_IMPORT_KEY_AGREE) |
PFN_CMSG_IMPORT_KEY_TRANS Imports a content encryption key for a key transport recipient of an enveloped message. (PFN_CMSG_IMPORT_KEY_TRANS) |
PFN_CMSG_IMPORT_MAIL_LIST Imports a content encryption key for a key transport recipient of an enveloped message. (PFN_CMSG_IMPORT_MAIL_LIST) |
PFN_CRYPT_ENUM_KEYID_PROP The CRYPT_ENUM_KEYID_PROP callback function is used with the CryptEnumKeyIdentifierProperties function. |
PFN_CRYPT_ENUM_OID_FUNC The CRYPT_ENUM_OID_FUNCTION callback function is used with the CryptEnumOIDFunction function. |
PFN_CRYPT_ENUM_OID_INFO The CRYPT_ENUM_OID_INFO callback function is used with the CryptEnumOIDInfo function. |
PFN_CRYPT_EXPORT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO_EX2_FUNC Called by CryptExportPublicKeyInfoEx to export a public key BLOB and encode it. |
PFN_CRYPT_EXTRACT_ENCODED_SIGNATURE_PARAMETERS_FUNC Called to decode and return the hash algorithm identifier and optionally the signature parameters. |
PFN_CRYPT_GET_SIGNER_CERTIFICATE The CryptGetSignerCertificateCallback user supplied callback function is used with the CRYPT_VERIFY_MESSAGE_PARA structure to get and verify a message signer's certificate. |
PFN_CRYPT_OBJECT_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_FLUSH Specifies that an object has changed. |
PFN_CRYPT_OBJECT_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_FREE Releases the object returned by the provider. |
PFN_CRYPT_OBJECT_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_FREE_IDENTIFIER Releases memory for an object identifier. |
PFN_CRYPT_OBJECT_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_FREE_PASSWORD Releases the password used to encrypt a personal information exchange (PFX) byte array. |
PFN_CRYPT_SIGN_AND_ENCODE_HASH_FUNC Called to sign and encode a computed hash. |
PFN_CRYPT_VERIFY_ENCODED_SIGNATURE_FUNC Called to decrypt an encoded signature and compare it to a computed hash. |
PFN_CRYPT_XML_CREATE_TRANSFORM Creates a transform for a specified data provider. |
PFN_CRYPT_XML_DATA_PROVIDER_CLOSE Releases the data provider. |
PFN_CRYPT_XML_ENUM_ALG_INFO Enumerates predefined and registered CRYPT_XML_ALGORITHM_INFO entries. |
PFN_IMPORT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO_EX2_FUNC Called by CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx2 to decode the public key algorithm identifier, load the algorithm provider, and import the key pair. |
PFNCFILTERPROC An application-defined callback function that filters the certificates that appear in the digital signature wizard that are displayed by the CryptUIWizDigitalSign function. |
PFNCMFILTERPROC Filters each certificate to determine whether it will appear in the certificate selection dialog box that is displayed by the CertSelectCertificate function. |
PFNCMHOOKPROC Called before messages are processed by the certificate selection dialog box produced by the CertSelectCertificate function. |
PFNCryptStreamOutputCallback Receives encrypted or decrypted data from tasks started by using the NCryptStreamOpenToProtect or NCryptStreamOpenToUnprotect functions. |
pfnIsFileSupported Queries the subject interface packages (SIPs) listed in the registry to determine which SIP handles the file type. (pfnIsFileSupported) |
pfnIsFileSupportedName Queries the subject interface packages (SIPs) listed in the registry to determine which SIP handles the file type. (pfnIsFileSupportedName) |
PFSCE_FREE_INFO Frees the memory for buffers allocated by the Security Configuration tool set when it calls PFSCE_QUERY_INFO. |
PFSCE_LOG_INFO Logs messages to the configuration log file or analysis log file. |
PFSCE_QUERY_INFO Queries service-specific information from the Security Configuration file or analysis database. |
PFSCE_SET_INFO Sets or overwrites service-specific configuration and analysis information. |
PFXExportCertStore Exports the certificates and, if available, the associated private keys from the referenced certificate store. |
PFXExportCertStoreEx Exports the certificates and, if available, their associated private keys from the referenced certificate store. |
PFXImportCertStore Imports a PFX BLOB and returns the handle of a store that contains certificates and any associated private keys. |
PFXIsPFXBlob The PFXIsPFXBlob function attempts to decode the outer layer of a BLOB as a PFX packet. |
PFXVerifyPassword The PFXVerifyPassword function attempts to decode the outer layer of a BLOB as a Personal Information Exchange (PFX) packet and to decrypt it with the given password. No data from the BLOB is imported. |
Ping Tests a DCOM connection with an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responder service. |
PostUnInstall Is not implemented and is reserved for future use. |
PostUnInstall Is not implemented. It is reserved for future use. |
PreUnInstall Temporarily saves role-specific state information and then it uninstalls the role. |
PreUnInstall Removes registry and IIS settings for the Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) role. |
PrivilegeCheck Determines whether a specified set of privileges are enabled in an access token. |
PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmA Generates an audit message in the security event log. (PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmA) |
PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmW Generates an audit message in the security event log. (PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmW) |
ProcessResponseMessage Process a response message and return the disposition of the message. |
PropertySheetPageCallback The PropertySheetPageCallback method notifies an EditSecurity or CreateSecurityPage caller that an access control editor property page is being created or destroyed. |
PSAM_INIT_NOTIFICATION_ROUTINE The InitializeChangeNotify function is implemented by a password filter DLL. This function initializes the DLL. |
PSAM_PASSWORD_FILTER_ROUTINE Implemented by a password filter DLL. The value returned by this function determines whether the new password is accepted by the system. |
PSAM_PASSWORD_NOTIFICATION_ROUTINE Is implemented by a password filter DLL. It notifies the DLL that a password was changed. |
PstAcquirePrivateKey Associates the caller's private key with the specified certificate. |
PstGetCertificates Retrieves certificate chains that specify certificates that can be used to authenticate a user on the specified server. |
PstGetTrustAnchors Retrieves a list of certification authorities (CAs) trusted by the specified server. |
PstGetUserNameForCertificate Retrieves the user name associated with the specified certificate. |
PstMapCertificate Retrieves a structure that specifies information that can be used to create a user token associated with the specified certificate. |
PstValidate Validates the specified certificate. |
PublishCRL Sends a request to the Certificate Services certification authority (CA) to publish a new certificate revocation list (CRL). This method was first introduced in the ICertAdmin interface. |
PublishCRLs Publishes certificate revocation lists (CRLs) for a certification authority (CA). |
put_Algorithm Specifies or retrieves an object identifier (OID) for the public key algorithm. (Put) |
put_AlternateSignatureAlgorithm Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the signature algorithm object identifier (OID) for a PKCS (Put) |
put_AlternateSignatureAlgorithm Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value that specifies whether the GetSignatureAlgorithm method should retrieve a discrete or combined algorithm object identifier (OID) for a PKCS (Put) |
put_ApplicationData Sets or retrieves an opaque field that can be used by the application to store information. (IAzApplication.put_ApplicationData) |
put_ApplicationData Sets or retrieves an opaque field that can be used by the application to store information. (IAzAuthorizationStore.put_ApplicationData) |
put_ApplicationData The ApplicationData property of IAzOperation sets or retrieves an opaque field that can be used by the application to store information. (Put) |
put_ApplicationData The ApplicationData property of IAzRole sets or retrieves an opaque field that can be used by the application to store information. (Put) |
put_ApplicationData The ApplicationData property of IAzScope sets or retrieves an opaque field that can be used by the application to store information. (Put) |
put_ApplicationData The ApplicationData property of IAzTask sets or retrieves an opaque field that can be used by the application to store information. (Put) |
put_ApplyStoreSacl Sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether policy audits should be generated when the authorization store is modified. (IAzApplication.put_ApplyStoreSacl) |
put_ApplyStoreSacl Sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether policy audits should be generated when the authorization store is modified. (IAzAuthorizationStore.put_ApplyStoreSacl) |
put_ArchivePrivateKey Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether to archive a private key on the certification authority (CA). (Put) |
put_AttestationEncryptionCertificate The certificate used to encrypt the EKPUB and EKCERT values from the client. This property must be set to a valid certificate that chains to a trusted machine root. (Put) |
put_AttestPrivateKey True if the created private key needs to be attested; otherwise false. If true, it is expected that the AttestationEncryptionCertificate property has been set. (Put) |
put_AuthFlags Specifies and retrieves a value that indicates the authentication type used by the client to authenticate itself to the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. (Put) |
put_AuthzInterfaceClsid Sets or retrieves the class identifier (CLSID) of the interface that the user interface (UI) uses to perform application-specific operations. (Put) |
put_BizRule Gets or sets the script that determines membership for this application group. (Put) |
put_BizRule Sets or retrieves the text of the script that implements the business rule (BizRule). (Put) |
put_BizRuleImportedPath Gets or sets the path of the file that contains the business rule script associated with this application group. (Put) |
put_BizRuleImportedPath Sets or retrieves the path to the file from which the business rule (BizRule) is imported. (Put) |
put_BizRuleLanguage Gets or sets the programming language of the business rule script associated with this application group. (Put) |
put_BizRuleLanguage Sets or retrieves the scripting language in which the business rule (BizRule) is implemented. (Put) |
put_BizRulesEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether business rules are enabled for this application. (Put) |
put_BusinessRuleResult Sets a value that indicates whether the Business Rule (BizRule) allows the user to perform the requested task. |
put_BusinessRuleString Sets or retrieves an application-specific string for the Business Rule (BizRule). (Put) |
put_CAConfig Gets or sets a certification authority (CA) name with which a signing certificate must be signed. (Put) |
put_CAStoreFlags Sets or retrieves a flag that controls the certification authority (CA) store when the store is opened. (Put) |
put_CAStoreFlags The CAStoreFlags property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves a flag that controls the certification authority (CA) store when the store is opened. (Put) |
put_CAStoreName Sets or retrieves the name of the store where all non-"ROOT" and non-"MY" certificates are kept. (Put) |
put_CAStoreNameWStr The CAStoreNameWStr property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves the name of the store where all non-"ROOT" and non-"MY" certificates are kept. (Put) |
put_CAStoreType Sets or retrieves the type of store to use for the store specified by the CAStoreName property. (Put) |
put_CAStoreTypeWStr Sets or retrieves the type of store to use for the store specified by the CAStoreNameWStr property. (Put) |
put_Certificate Specifies or retrieves a byte array that contains the certificate associated with the private key. (Put) |
put_CertificateDescription Specifies or retrieves a string that contains a description of the certificate. (Put) |
put_CertificateFriendlyName Specifies or retrieves the display name of a certificate. (Put) |
put_CertificateFriendlyName Gets or sets the friendly name for the certificate. (Put) |
put_ChallengePassword The password to use when creating a request with a challenge. To create a request without a challenge, do not set the ChallengePassword property. (Put) |
put_ClientId Specifies and retrieves a value that identifies the executable that created the request. (Put) |
put_ClientId Sets or retrieves a client ID request attribute. The client ID request attribute indicates the source of the certificate request. This property was first defined in the ICEnroll4 interface. (Put) |
put_ClientId The ClientId property sets or retrieves a client ID request attribute. The client ID request attribute indicates the source of the certificate request. This property was first defined in the IEnroll4 interface. (Put) |
put_ContainerName Specifies or retrieves the name of the key container. (Put) |
put_ContainerName Gets or sets the name used by the cryptographic service provider (CSP) to generate, store, or access the key. (Put) |
put_ContainerName The ContainerName property of ICEnroll4 sets or retrieves the name of the key container to use. (Put) |
put_ContainerNamePrefix Specifies or retrieves a prefix added to the name of the key container. (Put) |
put_ContainerNameWStr Sets or retrieves the name of the key container to use. (Put) |
put_Cost Specifies and retrieves an arbitrary cost for contacting the certificate enrollment policy server. (IX509EnrollmentPolicyServer.put_Cost) |
put_Cost Specifies and retrieves an arbitrary cost for contacting the certificate enrollment policy server. (IX509PolicyServerUrl.put_Cost) |
put_Critical Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value that identifies whether the certificate extension is critical. (Put) |
put_CspInformations Specifies and retrieves a collection of cryptographic providers available for use by the request object. (Put) |
put_CspInformations Specifies or retrieves a collection of ICspInformation objects that contain information about the available cryptographic providers that support the public key algorithm associated with the private key. (Put) |
put_CspStatus Specifies or retrieves an ICspStatus object that contains information about the cryptographic provider and algorithm pair associated with the private key. (Put) |
put_Default Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether this is the default certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. (Put) |
put_DeleteRequestCert Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether dummy certificates in the request store are deleted. (Put) |
put_DeleteRequestCert The DeleteRequestCert property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether dummy certificates in the request store are deleted. (Put) |
put_Description Sets or retrieves a comment that describes the application. (Put) |
put_Description Sets or retrieves a comment that describes the application group. (Put) |
put_Description Sets or retrieves a comment that describes the operation. (Put) |
put_Description The Description property of IAzOperation sets or retrieves a comment that describes the operation. (Put) |
put_Description Sets or retrieves a comment that describes the role. (Put) |
put_Description Sets or retrieves a comment that describes the scope. (Put) |
put_Description Sets or retrieves a comment that describes the task. (Put) |
put_Description Specifies or retrieves a string that contains a description of the private key. (Put) |
put_Display Specifies or retrieves a value that indicates whether to display the status information in a user interface. (Put) |
put_DomainTimeout Sets or retrieves the time in milliseconds after which a domain is determined to be unreachable. (Put) |
put_EnableSMIMECapabilities The ICEnroll4::EnableSMIMECapabilities property controls whether the PKCS (Put) |
put_EnableSMIMECapabilities Controls whether the PKCS (Put) |
put_EnableT61DNEncoding The EnableT61DNEncoding property of ICEnroll4 sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether the distinguished name in the request is encoded as a T61 string instead of as a Unicode string. (Put) |
put_EnableT61DNEncoding Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether the distinguished name in the request is encoded as a T61 string instead of as a Unicode string. (Put) |
put_EncryptionAlgorithm Specifies or retrieves an object identifier (OID) of the algorithm used to encrypt the private key to be archived. (Put) |
put_EncryptionAlgorithm The encryption algorithm used to encrypt the EKPUB and EKCERT values from the client. (Put) |
put_EncryptionStrength Specifies or retrieves the relative encryption level applied to the private key to be archived. (Put) |
put_EncryptionStrength Identifies the bit length for the EncryptionAlgorithm to use for encryption. If the EncryptionAlgorithm only supports one bit length, then you do not need to specify a value for the EncryptionStrength property. (Put) |
put_Error Specifies and retrieves a value that identifies the error status of the certificate enrollment process. (Put) |
put_Existing Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the private key has been created or imported. (Put) |
put_Existing Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the private key already exists. (Put) |
put_ExistingCACertificate Gets or sets the binary value that has been encoded by using Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) and that is the binary value of the certification authority (CA) certificate that corresponds to an existing key. (Put) |
put_ExportPolicy Specifies or retrieves export constraints for a private key. (Put) |
put_Flags Specifies or retrieves a value that indicates whether the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server policy information can be loaded from group policy, from the registry, or both. (Put) |
put_FriendlyName Specifies and retrieves a display name for the object identifier. (Put) |
put_FriendlyName Specifies or retrieves a display name for the private key. (Put) |
put_GenerateAudits The GenerateAudits property of IAzApplication sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether run-time audits should be generated. (Put) |
put_GenerateAudits Sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether run-time audits should be generated. (Put) |
put_GenKeyFlags Sets or retrieves the values passed to the CryptGenKey function when the certificate request is generated. (Put) |
put_GenKeyFlags Sets or retrieves the values passed to CryptGenKey when the certificate request is generated. (Put) |
put_HashAlgID Sets or retrieves the hash algorithm used when signing a PKCS (Put) |
put_HashAlgID The HashAlgID property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves the hash algorithm used when signing a PKCS (Put) |
put_HashAlgorithm Specifies and retrieves the object identifier (OID) of the hash algorithm used to sign the certificate request. (Put) |
put_HashAlgorithm Specifies and retrieves an object identifier (OID) for the hashing algorithm used in the GetSignatureAlgorithm method. (Put) |
put_HashAlgorithm Gets or sets the name of the hashing algorithm used to sign or verify the certification authority (CA) certificate for the key. (Put) |
put_HashAlgorithm Sets or retrieves only the signature hashing algorithm used to sign the PKCS (ICEnroll.put_HashAlgorithm) |
put_HashAlgorithm Gets or sets an identifier for the hash algorithm used to sign a certificate. (Put) |
put_HashAlgorithmWStr Sets or retrieves only the signature hashing algorithm used to sign the PKCS (IEnroll.put_HashAlgorithmWStr) |
put_IncludeSubjectKeyID Determines whether the subject key ID extension is added to the certificate request that is generated. (Put) |
put_IncludeSubjectKeyID The IncludeSubjectKeyID property of IEnroll4 determines whether the subject key ID extension is added to the certificate request that is generated. (Put) |
put_IsRoleDefinition Sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether the task is a role definition. (Put) |
put_Issuer Specifies or retrieves the name of the certificate issuer. (Put) |
put_KeyArchivalCertificate Specifies or retrieves a certification authority (CA) encryption certificate. (Put) |
put_KeyContainerNamePrefix Specifies or retrieves a prefix used to create the container name for a new private key. (Put) |
put_KeyProtection Specifies or retrieves a value that indicates how a private key is protected before use. (Put) |
put_KeySpec Specifies or retrieves a value that identifies whether a private key can be used for signing, or encryption, or both. (Put) |
put_KeySpec The KeySpec property of ICEnroll4 sets or retrieves the type of key generated. (Put) |
put_KeySpec Sets or retrieves the type of key generated. (Put) |
put_KeyUsage Specifies or retrieves a value that identifies the specific purpose for which a private key can be used. (Put) |
put_LdapQuery Sets or retrieves the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) query used to define membership for an LDAP query application group. (Put) |
put_LDAPQueryDN Retrieves or sets the domain name of the directory object to be used during evaluation of LDAP query groups. (Put) |
put_LegacyCsp Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the provider is a CryptoAPI (legacy) cryptographic service provider (CSP). (Put) |
put_Length Specifies or retrieves the length, in bits, of the private key. (Put) |
put_Length Gets or sets the strength of the key to one of the values supported by the cryptographic service provider (CSP). (Put) |
put_LimitExchangeKeyToEncipherment Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether an AT_KEYEXCHANGE request contains digital signature and nonrepudiation key usages. (Put) |
put_LimitExchangeKeyToEncipherment The LimitExchangeKeyToEncipherment property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether an AT_KEYEXCHANGE request contains digital signature and nonrepudiation key usages. (Put) |
put_LocalRevocationInformation Gets or sets the certificate revocation list (CRL) of the local machine. (Put) |
put_MachineContext Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that identifies the local certificate store context. (Put) |
put_MaxScriptEngines Sets or retrieves the maximum number of Business Rule (BizRule) script engines that will be cached. (Put) |
put_MyStoreFlags Sets or retrieves the registry location used for MY store. (Put) |
put_MyStoreFlags Sets or retrieves the registry location used for the MY store. (Put) |
put_MyStoreName Sets or retrieves the name of the store where certificates with linked private keys are kept. (Put) |
put_MyStoreNameWStr The MyStoreNameWStr property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves the name of the store where certificates with linked private keys are kept. (Put) |
put_MyStoreType Sets or retrieves the type of store specified by the MyStoreName property. (Put) |
put_MyStoreTypeWStr Sets or retrieves the type of store specified by the MyStoreTypeWStr property. (Put) |
put_Name Sets or retrieves the name of the application. (Put) |
put_Name Sets or retrieves the name of the application group. (Put) |
put_Name Sets or retrieves the name of the operation. (Put) |
put_Name Sets or retrieves the name of the role. (Put) |
put_Name Sets or retrieves the name of the scope. (Put) |
put_Name Sets or retrieves the name of the task. (Put) |
put_NotAfter Specifies or retrieves the date and time after which the certificate is no longer valid. (Put) |
put_NotBefore Specifies or retrieves the date and time before which the certificate is not valid. (Put) |
put_NullSigned Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the certificate request is null-signed. (Put) |
put_OldCertificate Gets or sets an old certificate that a request is intended to replace. (Put) |
put_OperationID Sets or retrieves an application-specific value that uniquely identifies the operation within the application. (Put) |
put_Ordinal Specifies or retrieves the position of the ICspStatus object in the ICspStatuses collection. (Put) |
put_Parameters Retrieves a byte array that contains the parameters associated with the signature algorithm. (Put) |
put_ParentWindow Specifies or retrieves the ID of the window used to display signing certificate information. (Put) |
put_ParentWindow Specifies and retrieves the ID of the window used by key-related user interface dialogs. (Put) |
put_ParentWindow Specifies or retrieves the ID of the window used to display the enrollment information. (Put) |
put_ParentWindow Specifies or retrieves the ID of the window used to display key information. (Put) |
put_Pin Specifies a personal identification number (PIN) used to authenticate a smart card user. |
put_Pin Specifies a personal identification number (PIN) that is used to authenticate users prior to accessing a private key container on a smart card. |
put_PrivateKeyArchiveCertificate Sets or retrieves the certificate that is used to archive a private key with a PKCS (Put) |
put_Property Specifies or retrieves a property value for the IX509CertificateTemplateWritable object. (Put) |
put_PropertyId Specifies or retrieves a value of the CERTENROLL_PROPERTYID enumeration that identifies an external certificate property. (Put) |
put_ProviderCLSID Gets or sets the CLSID of the revocation information provider used by the CA configuration. (Put) |
put_ProviderFlags Sets or retrieves the provider type. (Put) |
put_ProviderFlags The ProviderFlags property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves the provider type. (Put) |
put_ProviderName The name of the encryption provider. The default is the Microsoft Platform Crypto Provider. You must set the ProviderName property before you call the Open method. You cannot change the ProviderName property after you have called the Open method. (Put) |
put_ProviderName Specifies or retrieves the name of the cryptographic provider. (Put) |
put_ProviderName Gets or sets the name of the cryptographic service provider (CSP) or key storage provider (KSP) that is used to generate or store the private key. (Put) |
put_ProviderName The ProviderName property of ICEnroll4 sets or retrieves the name of the cryptographic service provider (CSP) to use. (Put) |
put_ProviderNameWStr Sets or retrieves the name of the cryptographic service provider (CSP) to use. (Put) |
put_ProviderProperties Gets or sets information that provides certificate status responses. (Put) |
put_ProviderType Specifies or retrieves the type of cryptographic provider associated with the private key. (Put) |
put_ProviderType The ProviderType property of ICEnroll4 sets or retrieves the type of provider. (Put) |
put_ProviderType Sets or retrieves the type of provider. (Put) |
put_PublicKeyAlgorithm Specifies and retrieves an object identifier (OID) for the public key algorithm used in the GetSignatureAlgorithm method. (Put) |
put_PVKFileName The PVKFileName property of ICEnroll4 sets or retrieves the name of the file that will contain exported keys. (Put) |
put_PVKFileNameWStr Sets or retrieves the name of the file that will contain exported keys. (Put) |
put_ReaderName Specifies or retrieves the name of a smart card reader. (Put) |
put_ReminderDuration Gets or sets the percentage of a signing certificate lifetime after which a warning event is logged. (Put) |
put_RenewalCertificate Specifies or retrieves a byte array that contains the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded certificate that is being renewed. (Put) |
put_RenewalCertificate Specifies the certificate context for the renewal certificate. (Put) |
put_RequesterName Specifies or retrieves a string that contains the Security Account Manager (SAM) name of the end-entity requesting the certificate. (Put) |
put_RequestStoreFlags Sets or retrieves the registry location used for the request store. (Put) |
put_RequestStoreFlags The RequestStoreFlags property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves the registry location used for the request store. (Put) |
put_RequestStoreName Sets or retrievesICEnroll the name of the store that contains the dummy certificate. (Put) |
put_RequestStoreNameWStr The RequestStoreNameWStr property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves the name of the store that contains the dummy certificate. (Put) |
put_RequestStoreType Sets or retrieves the type of store to use for the store specified by the RequestStoreName property. This store type is passed directly to the CertOpenStore function. (Put) |
put_RequestStoreTypeWStr Sets or retrieves the type of store to use for the store specified by the RequestStoreNameWStr property. This store type is passed directly to the CertOpenStore function. (Put) |
put_ReuseHardwareKeyIfUnableToGenNew Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines the action taken by the certificate enrollment control object if an error is encountered when generating a new key. (Put) |
put_ReuseHardwareKeyIfUnableToGenNew The ReuseHardwareKeyIfUnableToGenNew property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines the action taken by the certificate enrollment control object if an error is encountered when generating a new key. (Put) |
put_RoleForAccessCheck Sets or retrieves the role that is used to perform the access check. (Put) |
put_RootStoreFlags The RootStoreFlags property of ICEnroll4 sets or retrieves the registry location used for the root store. (Put) |
put_RootStoreFlags Sets or retrieves the registry location used for the root store. (Put) |
put_RootStoreName Sets or retrieves the name of the root store where all intrinsically trusted, self-signed root certificates are kept. (Put) |
put_RootStoreNameWStr The RootStoreNameWStr property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves the name of the root store where all intrinsically trusted, self-signed root certificates are kept. (Put) |
put_RootStoreType Sets or retrieves the type of store to use for the store specified by the RootStoreName property. (Put) |
put_RootStoreTypeWStr Sets or retrieves the type of store to use for the store specified by the RootStoreNameWStr property. (Put) |
put_ScriptEngineTimeout Sets or retrieves the time in milliseconds that the IAzClientContext::AccessCheck method will wait for a Business Rule (BizRule) to complete execution before canceling it. (Put) |
put_SecurityDescriptor Specifies or retrieves the security descriptor for the private key. (Put) |
put_Selected Specifies or retrieves a value that indicates whether an item can be used during the enrollment process. (Put) |
put_SenderNonce Specifies or retrieves a byte array that contains a nonce. (Put) |
put_SerialNumber Specifies and retrieves the certificate serial number. (Put) |
put_ServerCapabilities Sets the preferred hash and encryption algorithms for the request. |
put_SignerCertificate Specifies or retrieves the ISignerCertificate object used to sign the certificate. (Put) |
put_SignerCertificate Specifies or retrieves a certificate used to sign the certificate request. (Put) |
put_SignerCertificate Gets or sets the signer certificate for the request. (Put) |
put_SignerCertificate Sets the signer's certificate. |
put_SigningCertificate Gets or sets a signing certificate that has been encoded by using Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER). An Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responder service uses this certificate to sign its responses to certificate status requests. (Put) |
put_SigningCertificateTemplate Gets or sets the template name for a signing certificate. (Put) |
put_SigningFlags Gets or sets a combination of flag values. These values specify the management of signing certificates that belong to a certification authority (CA) configuration. (Put) |
put_Silent Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the user is notified when the private key is used to sign a certificate request. (Put) |
put_Silent Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether any of the key-related modal dialogs are displayed during the certificate enrollment process. (Put) |
put_Silent Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether a user interface is displayed during the certificate enrollment process. (Put) |
put_Silent Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the Certificate Enrollment Control is allowed to display a dialog box when the private key is accessed. (Put) |
put_Silent Gets or sets whether to allow UI during the request. |
put_SmimeCapabilities Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that tells the Encode method whether to create an IX509ExtensionSmimeCapabilities collection that identifies the encryption capabilities supported by the computer. (Put) |
put_SPCFileName Sets or retrieves the name of the file to which to write the base64-encoded PKCS (Put) |
put_SPCFileNameWStr The SPCFileNameWStr property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves the name of the file to which to write the base64-encoded PKCS (Put) |
put_Status Specifies or retrieves a value that indicates the status of the enrollment process. (Put) |
put_Subject Specifies or retrieves the X.500 distinguished name of the entity requesting the certificate. (Put) |
put_SuppressDefaults Specifies or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the default extensions and attributes are included in the request. (Put) |
put_Text Specifies or retrieves a string that contains a message associated with the status of the enrollment process. (Put) |
put_ThumbPrint Sets or retrieves a hash of the certificate data. (Put) |
put_ThumbPrintWStr Sets or retrieves a hash of the certificate data. The thumbprint is used to point to the pending certificate. (Put) |
put_TransactionId Specifies or retrieves a transaction identifier that can be used to track a certificate request or response. (Put) |
put_TransactionId Gets or sets the transaction id for the request. (Put) |
put_Type Sets or retrieves the group type of the application group. (Put) |
put_UIContextMessage Specifies or retrieves a string that contains user interface text associated with the signing certificate. (Put) |
put_UIContextMessage Specifies or retrieves a context string to display in the user interface. (Put) |
put_UIContextMessage Specifies or retrieves a string that contains user interface text associated with the private key. (Put) |
put_Url Specifies or retrieves the URL for the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. (Put) |
put_UseExistingKeySet Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether the existing keys should be used. (Put) |
put_UseExistingKeySet The UseExistingKeySet property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether the existing keys should be used. (Put) |
put_Value Gets or sets the data part of the name-value pair represented by an OCSPProperty object. (Put) |
put_Version Sets or retrieves the version of the application. (Put) |
put_WriteCertToCSP The WriteCertToCSP property of ICEnroll4 sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether a certificate should be written to the cryptographic service provider (CSP). (Put) |
put_WriteCertToCSP Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether a certificate should be written to the cryptographic service provider (CSP). (Put) |
put_WriteCertToUserDS Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether the certificate is written to the user's Active Directory store. (Put) |
put_WriteCertToUserDS The WriteCertToUserDS property of IEnroll4 sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether the certificate is written to the user's Active Directory store. (Put) |
PWLX_ASSIGN_SHELL_PROTECTION Called by GINA to assign protection to the shell program of a newly logged-on user. |
PWLX_CHANGE_PASSWORD_NOTIFY Called by GINA to indicate it has changed a password. |
PWLX_CHANGE_PASSWORD_NOTIFY_EX Called by GINA to tell a specific network provider (or all network providers) that a password has changed. |
PWLX_CLOSE_USER_DESKTOP Called by GINA to close an alternate user desktop and clean up after the desktop is closed. |
PWLX_CREATE_USER_DESKTOP Called by GINA to create alternate application desktops for the user. |
PWLX_DIALOG_BOX Called by the GINA to create a modal dialog box from a dialog box template. |
PWLX_DIALOG_BOX_INDIRECT Called by GINA to create a modal dialog box from a dialog box template in memory. |
PWLX_DIALOG_BOX_INDIRECT_PARAM Called by GINA to initialize dialog box controls and then create a modal dialog box from a dialog box template in memory. |
PWLX_DIALOG_BOX_PARAM Called by GINA to initialize dialog box controls and then create a modal dialog box from a dialog box template resource. |
PWLX_DISCONNECT Called by a replacement GINA DLL if Terminal Services is enabled. GINA calls this function to disconnect from a Terminal Services network session. |
PWLX_GET_OPTION Called by GINA to retrieve the current value of an option. |
PWLX_GET_SOURCE_DESKTOP Called by GINA to determine the name and handle of the desktop that was current before Winlogon switched to the Winlogon desktop. |
PWLX_MESSAGE_BOX Called by GINA to create, display, and operate a message box. |
PWLX_QUERY_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS Called by a replacement GINA DLL if Terminal Services is enabled. GINA calls this function to retrieve the credentials of remote Terminal Services clients that are not using an Internet connector license. |
PWLX_QUERY_CONSOLESWITCH_CREDENTIALS Called by GINA to read the credentials transferred from the Winlogon of the temporary session to the Winlogon of the destination session. |
PWLX_QUERY_IC_CREDENTIALS Called by a replacement GINA DLL if Terminal Services is enabled. GINA calls this function to determine whether the terminal server is using Internet connector licensing and to retrieve credentials information. |
PWLX_QUERY_TERMINAL_SERVICES_DATA Called by GINA to retrieve Terminal Services user configuration information after a user has logged on. |
PWLX_QUERY_TS_LOGON_CREDENTIALS Called by a replacement GINA DLL to retrieve credentials information if Terminal Services is enabled. The GINA DLL can then use this information to fill in a logon box automatically and attempt to log the user in. |
PWLX_SAS_NOTIFY Called by GINA to notify Winlogon of a secure attention sequence (SAS) event. |
PWLX_SET_CONTEXT_POINTER Called by GINA to specify the context pointer passed by Winlogon as the first parameter to all future calls to GINA functions. |
PWLX_SET_OPTION Called by GINA to set the value of an option. |
PWLX_SET_RETURN_DESKTOP Called by GINA to specify the alternate application desktop that Winlogon will switch to when the current secure attention sequence (SAS) event processing function is complete. |
PWLX_SET_TIMEOUT Called by GINA to change the time-out associated with a dialog box. The default time-out is two minutes. |
PWLX_SWITCH_DESKTOP_TO_USER Called by GINA to switch to the application desktop. |
PWLX_SWITCH_DESKTOP_TO_WINLOGON Allows the GINA DLL switch to the Winlogon desktop. |
PWLX_USE_CTRL_ALT_DEL Called by GINA to tell Winlogon to use the standard CTRL+ALT+DEL key combination as a secure attention sequence (SAS). |
PWLX_WIN31_MIGRATE Called by a replacement GINA DLL if Terminal Services is enabled. GINA calls this function to complete the setup of the Terminal Services client. |
QueryChanges Retrieves a value that specifies whether the template or certification authority collections have changed in Active Directory. |
QueryContextAttributesA Lets a transport application query the Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) security package for certain attributes of a security context. (ANSI) |
QueryContextAttributesExA The QueryContextAttributesExA (ANSI) function (sspi.h) enables a transport application to query a security package for certain attributes of a security context. |
QueryContextAttributesExW The QueryContextAttributesExW (Unicode) function (sspi.h) enables a transport application to query a security package for certain attributes of a security context. |
QueryContextAttributesW Lets a transport application query the Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) security package for certain attributes of a security context. (Unicode) |
QueryCredentialsAttributesA Retrieves the attributes of a credential, such as the name associated with the credential. (ANSI) |
QueryCredentialsAttributesExA Query the attributes of a security context. |
QueryCredentialsAttributesExW Query the attributes of a security context. |
QueryCredentialsAttributesW Retrieves the attributes of a credential, such as the name associated with the credential. (Unicode) |
QuerySecurityAccessMask Creates an access mask that represents the access permissions necessary to query the specified object security information. |
QuerySecurityContextToken Obtains the access token for a client security context and uses it directly. |
QuerySecurityPackageInfoA Retrieves information about a specified security package. This information includes the bounds on sizes of authentication information, credentials, and contexts. (ANSI) |
QuerySecurityPackageInfoW Retrieves information about a specified security package. This information includes the bounds on sizes of authentication information, credentials, and contexts. (Unicode) |
QueryServiceConfig2A Retrieves the optional configuration parameters of the specified service. (ANSI) |
QueryServiceConfig2W Retrieves the optional configuration parameters of the specified service. (Unicode) |
QueryServiceConfigA Retrieves the configuration parameters of the specified service. (ANSI) |
QueryServiceConfigW Retrieves the configuration parameters of the specified service. (Unicode) |
QueryServiceDynamicInformation Retrieves dynamic information related to the current service start. |
QueryServiceLockStatusA Retrieves the lock status of the specified service control manager database. (ANSI) |
QueryServiceLockStatusW Retrieves the lock status of the specified service control manager database. (Unicode) |
QueryServiceObjectSecurity Retrieves a copy of the security descriptor associated with a service object. |
QueryServiceStatus Retrieves the current status of the specified service. |
QueryServiceStatusEx Retrieves the current status of the specified service based on the specified information level. |
RegGetKeySecurity Retrieves a copy of the security descriptor protecting the specified open registry key. |
RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerA Registers a function to handle service control requests. (ANSI) |
RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExA Registers a function to handle extended service control requests. (ANSI) |
RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExW Registers a function to handle extended service control requests. (Unicode) |
RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerW Registers a function to handle service control requests. (Unicode) |
RegSetKeySecurity Sets the security of an open registry key. |
Remove Removes the specified interface from the list of interfaces The number of interfaces in the list of interfaces that can be called by BizRule scripts. |
Remove Removes the specified parameter from the list of parameters available to business rule (BizRule) scripts. |
Remove Removes an object from the collection by index number. (IAlternativeNames.Remove) |
Remove Removes an object from the collection by index number. (ICertificatePolicies.Remove) |
Remove Removes an ICertificationAuthority object from the collection by index number. |
Remove Removes a property from the collection by index value. |
Remove Removes an ICryptAttribute object from the collection by index number. |
Remove Removes an ICspAlgorithm object from the collection by index number. |
Remove Removes an ICspInformation object from the collection by index number. |
Remove Removes an ICspStatus object from the collection by index number. |
Remove Removes an IObjectId object from the collection by index value. |
Remove Removes an object from the collection by index value. (IPolicyQualifiers.Remove) |
Remove Removes an ISignerCertificate object from the collection by index number. |
Remove Removes an object from the collection by index value. (ISmimeCapabilities.Remove) |
Remove Removes an IX509Attribute object from the collection by index number. |
Remove Removes an IX509CertificateTemplate object from the collection by index number. |
Remove Removes an IX509Extension object from the collection by index number. |
Remove Removes an IX509NameValuePair object from the collection by index number. |
Remove Removes an IX509PolicyServerUrl object from the collection by index number. |
RemoveAll Removes all interfaces from the list of interfaces that can be called by business rule (BizRule) scripts. |
RemoveAll Removes all parameters from the list of parameters available to business rule (BizRule) scripts. |
RemoveCertificate Removes an endorsement certificate related to the endorsement key from the key storage provider. You can only call the RemoveCertificate method after the Open method has been successfully called. |
RemoveFromCertificate Disassociates a property from a certificate. |
RemoveFromRegistry Unregisters a certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. |
removePendingRequest Removes a pending request from the client's request store. This method was first defined in the ICEnroll4 interface. |
removePendingRequestWStr Removes a pending request from the client's request store. |
ReportError Reports any errors from the requested operation. |
ReportProgress Reports the progress of the current operation. |
Reset Sets the current index of the identity enumeration to zero. |
Reset Resets the configuration query state to point at the Certificate Services server configuration indexed on the specified configuration point. This method was first defined in the ICertConfig interface. |
Reset Returns the certificate enrollment control object to its initial state and thereby allow reuse of the control. This method was first defined in the ICEnroll3 interface. |
Reset Returns the certificate enrollment control object to its initial state and thereby allows reuse of the control. |
Reset Specifies the size of the alternate name array in this object. The value of all elements in the array are set to zero. |
Reset Resets a certificate revocation list (CRL) distribution information array to a specified number of distribution point structures. |
Reset Specifies the size of DATE array in this object. |
Reset Specifies the size of the array in this object. |
Reset Specifies the size of the string array and the type of strings the array will contain. |
Reset Moves to the beginning of the attribute-enumeration sequence. |
Reset Moves to the beginning of the column-enumeration sequence. |
Reset Moves to the beginning of the extension-enumeration sequence. |
Reset Moves to the beginning of the row-enumeration sequence. |
resetAttributes Removes all attributes from the request. This method was first defined in the ICEnroll4 interface. |
resetAttributes Removes all attributes from the request. |
resetBlobProperties Resets the properties of a BLOB. |
resetExtensions Removes all extensions from the request. This method was first defined in the ICEnroll4 interface. |
resetExtensions Removes all extensions from the request. |
ResetForEncode Restores the state of the request object to that which existed before the Encode method was called. |
ResubmitRequest Submits the specified certificate request to the policy module for the specified certification authority. This method was first introduced in the ICertAdmin interface. |
RetrievePending Retrieves a certificate's disposition status from an earlier request that may have previously returned CR_DISP_INCOMPLETE or CR_DISP_UNDER_SUBMISSION. |
RevertSecurityContext Allows a security package to discontinue the impersonation of the caller and restore its own security context. |
RevertToSelf Terminates the impersonation of a client application. |
RevokeCertificate Revokes a certificate either on a specified date or immediately. This method was first defined in the ICertAdmin interface. |
RoleAssignments Gets a collection of IAzRoleAssignment objects associated with this application group. |
RoleAssignments Returns a collection of the role assignments associated with this operation. |
RoleAssignments Retrieves a collection of IAzRoleAssignment objects that represent the role assignments associated with this IAzRoleDefinition object. |
RoleAssignments Returns a collection of the role assignments associated with this task. |
RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString Converts a security identifier (SID) to its Unicode character representation. |
RtlDecryptMemory Decrypts memory contents previously encrypted by the RtlEncryptMemory function. |
RtlEncryptMemory Encrypts memory contents. |
RtlGenRandom Generates a pseudo-random number. |
SaferCloseLevel Closes a SAFER_LEVEL_HANDLE that was opened by using the SaferIdentifyLevel function or the SaferCreateLevel function. |
SaferComputeTokenFromLevel Restricts a token using restrictions specified by a SAFER_LEVEL_HANDLE. |
SaferCreateLevel Opens a SAFER_LEVEL_HANDLE. |
SaferGetLevelInformation Retrieves information about a policy level. |
SaferGetPolicyInformation Gets information about a policy. |
SaferIdentifyLevel Retrieves information about a level. |
SaferiIsExecutableFileType Determines whether a specified file is an executable file. |
SaferRecordEventLogEntry Saves messages to an event log. |
SaferSetLevelInformation Sets the information about a policy level. |
SaferSetPolicyInformation Sets the global policy controls. |
SaslAcceptSecurityContext Wraps a standard call to the Security Support Provider Interface AcceptSecurityContext (General) function and includes creation of SASL server cookies. |
SaslEnumerateProfilesA Lists the packages that provide a SASL interface. (ANSI) |
SaslEnumerateProfilesW Lists the packages that provide a SASL interface. (Unicode) |
SaslGetContextOption Retrieves the specified property of the specified SASL context. |
SaslGetProfilePackageA Returns the package information for the specified package. (ANSI) |
SaslGetProfilePackageW Returns the package information for the specified package. (Unicode) |
SaslIdentifyPackageA Returns the negotiate prefix that matches the specified SASL negotiation buffer. (ANSI) |
SaslIdentifyPackageW Returns the negotiate prefix that matches the specified SASL negotiation buffer. (Unicode) |
SaslInitializeSecurityContextA Wraps a standard call to the Security Support Provider Interface InitializeSecurityContext (General) function and processes SASL server cookies from the server. (ANSI) |
SaslInitializeSecurityContextW Wraps a standard call to the Security Support Provider Interface InitializeSecurityContext (General) function and processes SASL server cookies from the server. (Unicode) |
SaslSetContextOption Sets the value of the specified property for the specified SASL context. |
Save The Save method causes the snap-in extension to return information about the data that needs to be saved. The caller is responsible for saving the data. |
SCardAccessStartedEvent Returns an event handle when an event signals that the smart card resource manager is started. |
SCardAddReaderToGroupA Adds a reader to a reader group. (ANSI) |
SCardAddReaderToGroupW Adds a reader to a reader group. (Unicode) |
SCardAudit Writes event messages to the Windows application log Microsoft-Windows-SmartCard-Audit/Authentication. |
SCardBeginTransaction Starts a transaction. |
SCardCancel Terminates all outstanding actions within a specific resource manager context. |
SCardConnectA Establishes a connection (using a specific resource manager context) between the calling application and a smart card contained by a specific reader. If no card exists in the specified reader, an error is returned. (ANSI) |
SCardConnectW Establishes a connection (using a specific resource manager context) between the calling application and a smart card contained by a specific reader. If no card exists in the specified reader, an error is returned. (Unicode) |
SCardControl Gives you direct control of the reader. You can call it any time after a successful call to SCardConnect and before a successful call to SCardDisconnect. |
SCardDisconnect Terminates a connection previously opened between the calling application and a smart card in the target reader. |
SCardEndTransaction Completes a previously declared transaction, allowing other applications to resume interactions with the card. |
SCardEstablishContext Establishes the resource manager context (the scope) within which database operations are performed. |
SCardForgetCardTypeA Removes an introduced smart card from the smart card subsystem. (ANSI) |
SCardForgetCardTypeW Removes an introduced smart card from the smart card subsystem. (Unicode) |
SCardForgetReaderA Removes a previously introduced reader from control by the smart card subsystem. It is removed from the smart card database, including from any reader group that it may have been added to. (ANSI) |
SCardForgetReaderGroupA Removes a previously introduced smart card reader group from the smart card subsystem. Although this function automatically clears all readers from the group, it does not affect the existence of the individual readers in the database. (ANSI) |
SCardForgetReaderGroupW Removes a previously introduced smart card reader group from the smart card subsystem. Although this function automatically clears all readers from the group, it does not affect the existence of the individual readers in the database. (Unicode) |
SCardForgetReaderW Removes a previously introduced reader from control by the smart card subsystem. It is removed from the smart card database, including from any reader group that it may have been added to. (Unicode) |
SCardFreeMemory Releases memory that has been returned from the resource manager using the SCARD_AUTOALLOCATE length designator. |
SCardGetAttrib Retrieves the current reader attributes for the given handle. It does not affect the state of the reader, driver, or card. |
SCardGetCardTypeProviderNameA Returns the name of the module (dynamic link library) that contains the provider for a given card name and provider type. (ANSI) |
SCardGetCardTypeProviderNameW Returns the name of the module (dynamic link library) that contains the provider for a given card name and provider type. (Unicode) |
SCardGetDeviceTypeIdA Gets the device type identifier of the card reader for the given reader name. This function does not affect the state of the reader. (ANSI) |
SCardGetDeviceTypeIdW Gets the device type identifier of the card reader for the given reader name. This function does not affect the state of the reader. (Unicode) |
SCardGetProviderIdA Returns the identifier (GUID) of the primary service provider for a given card. (ANSI) |
SCardGetProviderIdW Returns the identifier (GUID) of the primary service provider for a given card. (Unicode) |
SCardGetReaderDeviceInstanceIdA Gets the device instance identifier of the card reader for the given reader name. This function does not affect the state of the reader. (ANSI) |
SCardGetReaderDeviceInstanceIdW Gets the device instance identifier of the card reader for the given reader name. This function does not affect the state of the reader. (Unicode) |
SCardGetReaderIconA Gets an icon of the smart card reader for a given reader's name. (ANSI) |
SCardGetReaderIconW Gets an icon of the smart card reader for a given reader's name. (Unicode) |
SCardGetStatusChangeA Blocks execution until the current availability of the cards in a specific set of readers changes. (ANSI) |
SCardGetStatusChangeW Blocks execution until the current availability of the cards in a specific set of readers changes. (Unicode) |
SCardGetTransmitCount Retrieves the number of transmit operations that have completed since the specified card reader was inserted. |
SCardIntroduceCardTypeA Introduces a smart card to the smart card subsystem (for the active user) by adding it to the smart card database. (ANSI) |
SCardIntroduceCardTypeW Introduces a smart card to the smart card subsystem (for the active user) by adding it to the smart card database. (Unicode) |
SCardIntroduceReaderA Introduces a new name for an existing smart card reader. (ANSI) |
SCardIntroduceReaderGroupA Introduces a reader group to the smart card subsystem. However, the reader group is not created until the group is specified when adding a reader to the smart card database. (ANSI) |
SCardIntroduceReaderGroupW Introduces a reader group to the smart card subsystem. However, the reader group is not created until the group is specified when adding a reader to the smart card database. (Unicode) |
SCardIntroduceReaderW Introduces a new name for an existing smart card reader. (Unicode) |
SCardIsValidContext Determines whether a smart card context handle is valid. |
SCardListCardsA Searches the smart card database and provides a list of named cards previously introduced to the system by the user. (ANSI) |
SCardListCardsW Searches the smart card database and provides a list of named cards previously introduced to the system by the user. (Unicode) |
SCardListInterfacesA Provides a list of interfaces supplied by a given card. (ANSI) |
SCardListInterfacesW Provides a list of interfaces supplied by a given card. (Unicode) |
SCardListReaderGroupsA Provides the list of reader groups that have previously been introduced to the system. (ANSI) |
SCardListReaderGroupsW Provides the list of reader groups that have previously been introduced to the system. (Unicode) |
SCardListReadersA Provides the list of readers within a set of named reader groups, eliminating duplicates. (ANSI) |
SCardListReadersW Provides the list of readers within a set of named reader groups, eliminating duplicates. (Unicode) |
SCardListReadersWithDeviceInstanceIdA Gets the list of readers that have provided a device instance identifier. This function does not affect the state of the reader. (ANSI) |
SCardListReadersWithDeviceInstanceIdW Gets the list of readers that have provided a device instance identifier. This function does not affect the state of the reader. (Unicode) |
SCardLocateCardsA Searches the readers listed in the rgReaderStates parameter for a card with an ATR string that matches one of the card names specified in mszCards, returning immediately with the result. (ANSI) |
SCardLocateCardsByATRA Searches the readers listed in the rgReaderStates parameter for a card with a name that matches one of the card names contained in one of the SCARD_ATRMASK structures specified by the rgAtrMasks parameter. (ANSI) |
SCardLocateCardsByATRW Searches the readers listed in the rgReaderStates parameter for a card with a name that matches one of the card names contained in one of the SCARD_ATRMASK structures specified by the rgAtrMasks parameter. (Unicode) |
SCardLocateCardsW Searches the readers listed in the rgReaderStates parameter for a card with an ATR string that matches one of the card names specified in mszCards, returning immediately with the result. (Unicode) |
SCardReadCacheA Retrieves the value portion of a name-value pair from the global cache maintained by the Smart Card Resource Manager. (ANSI) |
SCardReadCacheW Retrieves the value portion of a name-value pair from the global cache maintained by the Smart Card Resource Manager. (Unicode) |
SCardReconnect Reestablishes an existing connection between the calling application and a smart card. |
SCardReleaseContext Closes an established resource manager context, freeing any resources allocated under that context, including SCARDHANDLE objects and memory allocated using the SCARD_AUTOALLOCATE length designator. |
SCardReleaseStartedEvent Decrements the reference count for a handle acquired by a previous call to the SCardAccessStartedEvent function. |
SCardRemoveReaderFromGroupA Removes a reader from an existing reader group. This function has no effect on the reader. (ANSI) |
SCardRemoveReaderFromGroupW Removes a reader from an existing reader group. This function has no effect on the reader. (Unicode) |
SCardSetAttrib Sets the given reader attribute for the given handle. |
SCardSetCardTypeProviderNameA Specifies the name of the module (dynamic link library) containing the provider for a given card name and provider type. (ANSI) |
SCardSetCardTypeProviderNameW Specifies the name of the module (dynamic link library) containing the provider for a given card name and provider type. (Unicode) |
SCardStatusA Provides the current status of a smart card in a reader. (ANSI) |
SCardStatusW Provides the current status of a smart card in a reader. (Unicode) |
SCardTransmit Sends a service request to the smart card and expects to receive data back from the card. |
SCardUIDlgSelectCardA Displays the smart card Select Card dialog box. (ANSI) |
SCardUIDlgSelectCardW Displays the smart card Select Card dialog box. (Unicode) |
SCardWriteCacheA Writes a name-value pair from a smart card to the global cache maintained by the Smart Card Resource Manager. (ANSI) |
SCardWriteCacheW Writes a name-value pair from a smart card to the global cache maintained by the Smart Card Resource Manager. (Unicode) |
ScopeExists Indicates whether the specified scope exists in this IAzApplication3 object. |
SendSAS Simulates a secure attention sequence (SAS). |
SetAccountInformation Sets the user account information used by the IIS Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) extension to perform enrollment on behalf of network devices. |
SetAclInformation Sets information about an access control list (ACL). |
SetApplicationPoolCredentials Specifies user account information for the application pool in which the Certificate Enrollment Web Service (CES) runs. |
SetCachedSigningLevel Sets the cached signing level. |
SetCADistinguishedName Sets a certification authority (CA) common name and an optional distinguished name suffix. |
SetCAProperty Sets a property value for the certification authority (CA). |
SetCASetupProperty Sets a property value for a certification authority (CA) configuration. |
SetCertificateExtension Adds a new extension to the certificate issued in response to a certificate request. This method was first defined by the ICertAdmin interface. |
SetCertificateExtension Adds a new extension to the certificate. |
SetCertificateProperty To set a property associated with a certificate. |
SetConfigEntry Sets configuration information for a certification authority (CA). |
SetConfiguration Updates a responder service with configuration changes. |
SetContext Causes the current instantiation of the interface to operate on the request referenced by Context. |
SetContext Specifies the request to be used as the context for subsequent calls to Certificate Services. |
SetContextAttributesA Enables a transport application to set attributes of a security context for a security package. This function is supported only by the Schannel security package. (ANSI) |
SetContextAttributesW Enables a transport application to set attributes of a security context for a security package. This function is supported only by the Schannel security package. (Unicode) |
SetCredential Sets the credential used to contact the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. |
SetCredential Sets the credential used to contact the Certificate Enrollment Web Service. |
SetCredentialsAttributesA Sets the attributes of a credential, such as the name associated with the credential. (ANSI) |
SetCredentialsAttributesW Sets the attributes of a credential, such as the name associated with the credential. (Unicode) |
SetDatabaseInformation Sets the database related information for the certification authority (CA) role. |
SetDefaultValues Specifies a default hashing algorithm used to create a digest of the certificate request prior to signing. |
SetEntriesInAclA Creates a new access control list (ACL) by merging new access control or audit control information into an existing ACL structure. (ANSI) |
SetEntriesInAclW Creates a new access control list (ACL) by merging new access control or audit control information into an existing ACL structure. (Unicode) |
SetFileSecurityA The SetFileSecurityA (ANSI) function (winbase.h) sets the security of a file or directory object. |
SetFileSecurityW The SetFileSecurityW (Unicode) function (securitybaseapi.h) sets the security of a file or directory object. |
SetHStoreCA The SetHStoreCA method specifies the handle to use for the CA store. This method was first defined in the IEnroll2 interface. |
SetHStoreMy The SetHStoreMy method specifies the handle to use for the MY store. This method was first defined in the IEnroll2 interface. |
SetHStoreRequest The SetHStoreRequest method specifies the handle to use for the request store. This method was first defined in the IEnroll2 interface. |
SetHStoreROOT The SetHStoreROOT method specifies the handle to use for the Root store. This method was first defined in the IEnroll2 interface. |
SetKernelObjectSecurity Sets the security of a kernel object. |
SetMSCEPSetupProperty Sets a property value for a Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) configuration. |
SetNameCount Sets a name count for the specified distribution point in a certificate revocation list (CRL) distribution information array. |
SetNamedSecurityInfoA Sets specified security information in the security descriptor of a specified object. (ANSI) |
SetNamedSecurityInfoW Sets specified security information in the security descriptor of a specified object. (Unicode) |
SetNameEntry Sets a name at a specified index of the alternate name array. |
SetNameEntry Sets a name at a specified index of a distribution point in a certificate revocation list (CRL) distribution information array. |
SetParentCAInformation Sets the parent certification authority (CA) information for a subordinate CA configuration. |
setPendingRequestInfo Sets properties for a pending request. This method was first defined in the ICEnroll4 interface. |
setPendingRequestInfoWStr Sets properties for a pending request. |
SetPrivateKeyArchiveCertificate The SetPrivateKeyArchiveCertificate method specifies the certificate used to archive the private key. This method was first defined in the IEnroll4 interface. |
SetPrivateObjectSecurity Modifies a private object's security descriptor. |
SetPrivateObjectSecurityEx Modifies the security descriptor of a private object maintained by the resource manager calling this function. |
SetProperty Sets the specified value to the IAzApplication object property with the specified property ID. |
SetProperty Sets the specified value to the IAzApplicationGroup object property with the specified property ID. |
SetProperty Sets the specified value to the AzAuthorizationStore object property with the specified property ID. |
SetProperty Sets the specified value to the IAzOperation object property with the specified property ID. |
SetProperty Sets the specified value to the IAzRole object property with the specified property ID. |
SetProperty Sets the specified value to the IAzScope object property with the specified property ID. |
SetProperty Sets the specified value to the IAzTask object property with the specified property ID. |
SetProperty Specifies a CEPSetupProperty enumeration value for the Certificate Enrollment Policy (CEP) Web Service configuration. |
SetProperty Specifies a CESSetupProperty enumeration value for the Certificate Enrollment Web Service (CES) configuration. |
SetProperty Allows a module to set a property value. |
SetRequestAttributes Sets attributes in the specified pending certificate request. This method was first defined in the ICertAdmin interface. |
SetRestriction Sets the sorting and qualifying restrictions on a column. |
SetResultColumn Specifies a column for the result set of a customized view of the Certificate Services database. |
SetResultColumnCount Specifies the maximum number of columns for the result set of a customized view of the Certificate Services database. |
SetSecurity The SetSecurity method provides a security descriptor containing the security information the user wants to apply to the securable object. The access control editor calls this method when the user clicks Okay or Apply. |
SetSecurity Updates security descriptor information for an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responder server. |
SetSecurityAccessMask Creates an access mask that represents the access permissions necessary to set the specified object security information. |
SetSecurityDescriptorControl Sets the control bits of a security descriptor. The function can set only the control bits that relate to automatic inheritance of ACEs. |
SetSecurityDescriptorDacl Sets information in a discretionary access control list (DACL). If a DACL is already present in the security descriptor, the DACL is replaced. |
SetSecurityDescriptorGroup Sets the primary group information of an absolute-format security descriptor, replacing any primary group information already present in the security descriptor. |
SetSecurityDescriptorOwner Sets the owner information of an absolute-format security descriptor. It replaces any owner information already present in the security descriptor. |
SetSecurityDescriptorRMControl Sets the resource manager control bits in the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure. |
SetSecurityDescriptorSacl Sets information in a system access control list (SACL). If there is already a SACL present in the security descriptor, it is replaced. |
SetSecurityInfo Sets specified security information in the security descriptor of a specified object. The caller identifies the object by a handle. |
SetServiceObjectSecurity Sets the security descriptor of a service object. |
SetServiceStatus Updates the service control manager's status information for the calling service. |
SetSharedFolder Specifies the path to be used as the certification authority's (CA) shared folder. |
SetSignerCertificate The SetSignerCertificate method specifies the signer's certificate. This method was first defined in the IEnroll4 interface. |
SetStringProperty Specifies the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server ID or the display name of the CEP server. |
SetTable Specifies which Certificate Services database table is used for subsequent calls to the methods of the ICertView2 interface. |
SetThreadToken Assigns an impersonation token to a thread. The function can also cause a thread to stop using an impersonation token. |
SetTokenInformation Sets various types of information for a specified access token. |
SetUserObjectSecurity Sets the security of a user object. This can be, for example, a window or a DDE conversation. |
SetValue Sets a DATE value at the specified index of the DATE array. |
SetValue Sets a Long value at the specified index of the Long array. |
SetValue Sets a string value at the specified index of the string array. |
SetValueOnCertificate Associates a property value with an existing certificate. |
SetWebCAInformation Sets the certification authority (CA) information for the Certification Authority Web Enrollment role. |
ShutDown Called by the server engine before the server is terminated. |
Skip Skips a specified number of attributes in the attribute-enumeration sequence. |
Skip Skips a specified number of columns in the column-enumeration sequence. |
Skip Skips a specified number of extensions in the extension-enumeration sequence. |
Skip Skips a specified number of rows in the row enumeration sequence. |
SLAcquireGenuineTicket Gets a XrML genuine ticket acquired from the Software Licensing Server (SLS). |
SLActivateProduct Acquires a use license from the Software License Server (SLS). |
SLClose Closes the Software Licensing Client (SLC) context handle. |
SLConsumeRight Let an application to exercise rights on a locally-stored licenses. |
SLDepositMigrationBlob Deposits licensing information previously collected and gathered using the SLGatherMigrationBlob function. |
SLDepositOfflineConfirmationId Deposits Installation ID (IID) and Confirmation ID (CID) for offline activation. (SLDepositOfflineConfirmationId) |
SLDepositOfflineConfirmationIdEx Deposits Installation ID (IID) and Confirmation ID (CID) for offline activation. (SLDepositOfflineConfirmationIdEx) |
SLFireEvent Sends a specified event to a registered listener. |
SLGatherMigrationBlob Gathers licensing information for the provided file handle. This licensing information can later be applied or deposited using the SLDepositMigrationBlob function. |
SLGenerateOfflineInstallationId Generates the Installation ID (IID). |
SLGenerateOfflineInstallationIdEx Generates Installation ID (IID). |
SLGetApplicationInformation Gets information about the specified application. |
SLGetApplicationPolicy Queries a policy from the set stored with the SLPersistApplicationPolicies function and loaded using the SLLoadApplicationPolicies function. |
SLGetAuthenticationResult Gets the authentication results. |
SLGetGenuineInformation Gets information about the genuine state of a Windows computer. |
SLGetGenuineInformationEx Specifies information about the genuine status of a Windows computer. (SLGetGenuineInformationEx) |
SLGetInstalledProductKeyIds This function returns a list of product key IDs associated with the specified Product SKU ID. |
SLGetLicense Returns the license file BLOB. |
SLGetLicenseFileId Checks if the license BLOB has been installed already. |
SLGetLicenseInformation Gets the specified license information. |
SLGetLicensingStatusInformation Gets the licensing status of the specified application or SKU. |
SLGetPKeyId Gets the registered product key ID associated with the product. |
SLGetPKeyInformation Gets the information of the specified product key. |
SLGetPolicyInformation Gets the policy information after right has been consumed successfully. (SLGetPolicyInformation) |
SLGetPolicyInformationDWORD Gets the policy information after right has been consumed successfully. (SLGetPolicyInformationDWORD) |
SLGetProductSkuInformation Gets information about the specified product SKU. |
SLGetReferralInformation Gets referral information for the specified product. |
SLGetServerStatus Checks the server status according to the specified URL and RequestType. |
SLGetServiceInformation Gets global data information. |
SLGetSLIDList Gets a list of SLIDs according to the input query ID type and the ID value. |
SLGetWindowsInformation Retrieves the value portion of a name-value pair from the licensing policy of a software component. |
SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD Retrieves the DWORD value portion of a name-value pair from the licensing policy of a software component. |
SLInstallLicense Stores the specified license and returns a license file ID. |
SLInstallProofOfPurchase Registers the product key with SL. |
SLInstallProofOfPurchaseEx Register the product key with SL. |
SLIsGenuineLocal Checks whether the specified application is a genuine Windows installation. |
SLIsGenuineLocalEx Checks whether the specified application installation is genuine. |
SLLoadApplicationPolicies Loads the application policies set with the SLPersistApplicationPolicies function for use by the SLGetApplicationPolicy function. |
SLOpen Initializes the Software Licensing Client (SLC) and connects SLC to the Software Licensing Service (SLS). |
SLPersistApplicationPolicies Stores the current consumed policies to disk for fast policy access. |
SLPersistRTSPayloadOverride Associates information with the specified product for both online and phone activation. |
SLQueryLicenseValueFromApp Gets the value for the specified component policy. |
SLReArm This function is rearm application activation. |
SLRegisterEvent Registers an event in the SL service. |
SLSetAuthenticationData Sets authentication data. |
SLSetCurrentProductKey Sets the current product key to the previously installed product key. |
SLSetGenuineInformation Specifies information about the genuine status of a Windows computer. (SLSetGenuineInformation) |
SLUninstallLicense Uninstalls the license specified by the license file ID and target user option. |
SLUninstallProofOfPurchase Unregisters the product key information. |
SLUnloadApplicationPolicies Releases the policy context handle returned by the SLLoadApplicationPolicies function. |
SLUnregisterEvent Unregisters a registered event in the SL service. |
SpAcceptCredentialsFn Called by the Local Security Authority (LSA) to pass the security package any credentials stored for the authenticated security principal. |
SpAcceptLsaModeContextFn Server dispatch function used to create a security context shared by a server and client. |
SpAcquireCredentialsHandleFn Called to obtain a handle to a principal's credentials. |
SpAddCredentialsFn Used to add credentials for a security principal. |
SpApplyControlTokenFn Applies a control token to a security context. This function is not currently called by the Local Security Authority (LSA). |
SpCompleteAuthTokenFn Completes an authentication token.S |
SpDeleteCredentialsFn Deletes credentials from a security package's list of primary or supplemental credentials. |
SpExchangeMetaDataFn Sends metadata to a security support provider. |
SpExportSecurityContextFn Exports a security context to another process. |
SpFormatCredentialsFn Formats credentials to be stored in a user object. |
SpFreeCredentialsHandleFn Frees credentials acquired by calling the SpAcquireCredentialsHandle function. |
SpGetContextTokenFn Obtains the token to impersonate. |
SpGetCredentialsFn Retrieves the primary and supplemental credentials from the user object. |
SpGetCredUIContextFn Retrieves context information from a credential provider. (SpGetCredUIContextFn) |
SpGetExtendedInformationFn Provides extended information about a security package. |
SpGetInfoFn Provides general information about the security package, such as its name and capabilities. |
SpGetUserInfoFn Retrieves information about a logon session. |
SpImportSecurityContextFn Imports a security context from another process. |
SpInitializeFn Is called once by the Local Security Authority (LSA) to provide a security package with general security information and a dispatch table of support functions. |
SpInitLsaModeContextFn The client dispatch function used to establish a security context between a server and client. |
SpInitUserModeContextFn Creates a user-mode security context from a packed Local Security Authority (LSA)-mode context. |
SpInstanceInitFn Initializes user-mode security packages in an SSP/AP. |
SpLsaModeInitializeFn Provides the LSA with pointers to the functions implemented by each security package in the SSP/AP DLL. |
SpMarshallSupplementalCredsFn Converts supplemental credentials from a public format into a format suitable for local procedure calls. |
SpQueryContextAttributesFn Retrieves the attributes of a security context. |
SpQueryCredentialsAttributesFn Retrieves the attributes for a credential. |
SpQueryMetaDataFn Gets metadata from a security support provider (SSP) when it is initiating a security context. |
SpSaveCredentialsFn Saves a supplemental credential to the user object. |
SpSealMessageFn Encrypts a message exchanged between a client and server. |
SpSetExtendedInformationFn Sets extended information about the security package. |
SpUnsealMessageFn Decrypts a message that was previously encrypted with the SpSealMessage function. |
SpUpdateCredentialsFn Updates the credentials associated with the specified context. (SpUpdateCredentialsFn) |
SpUserModeInitializeFn Called when a security support provider/authentication package (SSP/AP) DLL is loaded into the process space of a client/server application. This function provides the SECPKG_USER_FUNCTION_TABLE tables for each security package in the SSP/AP DLL. |
SpValidateTargetInfoFn Validates that the specified SECPKG_TARGETINFO structure represents a valid target. |
SslCrackCertificate Returns an X509Certificate structure with the information contained in the specified certificate BLOB. |
SslEmptyCacheA Removes the specified string from the Schannel cache. (ANSI) |
SslEmptyCacheW Removes the specified string from the Schannel cache. (Unicode) |
SslFreeCertificate Frees a certificate that was allocated by a previous call to the SslCrackCertificate function. |
SslGetServerIdentity Gets the identity of the server. |
SspiAcceptSecurityContextAsync Lets the server component of a transport application asynchronously establish a security context between the server and a remote client. |
SspiAcquireCredentialsHandleAsyncA Asynchronously acquires a handle to preexisting credentials of a security principal. (ANSI) |
SspiAcquireCredentialsHandleAsyncW Asynchronously acquires a handle to preexisting credentials of a security principal. (Unicode) |
SspiAsyncContextRequiresNotify Determines whether a given async context requires notification on completion of the call. |
SspiAsyncNotifyCallback Callback used for notifying completion of an async SSPI call. |
SspiCompareAuthIdentities Compares the two specified credentials. |
SspiCopyAuthIdentity Creates a copy of the specified opaque credential structure. |
SspiCreateAsyncContext Creates an instance of SspiAsyncContext which is used to track the async call. |
SspiDecryptAuthIdentity Decrypts the specified encrypted credential. |
SspiDecryptAuthIdentityEx Decrypts a SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_OPAQUE structure. |
SspiDeleteSecurityContextAsync Deletes the local data structures associated with the specified security context initiated by a previous call to the SspiInitializeSecurityContextAsync function or the SspiAcceptSecurityContextAsync function. |
SspiEncodeAuthIdentityAsStrings Encodes the specified authentication identity as three strings. |
SspiEncodeStringsAsAuthIdentity Encodes a set of three credential strings as an authentication identity structure. |
SspiEncryptAuthIdentity Encrypts the specified identity structure. |
SspiEncryptAuthIdentityEx Encrypts a SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_OPAQUE structure. |
SspiExcludePackage Creates a new identity structure that is a copy of the specified identity structure modified to exclude the specified security support provider (SSP). |
SspiFreeAsyncContext Frees up a context created in the call to the SspiCreateAsyncContext function. |
SspiFreeAuthIdentity Frees the memory allocated for the specified identity structure. |
SspiFreeCredentialsHandleAsync Frees up a credential handle. |
SspiGetAsyncCallStatus Gets the current status of an async call associated with the provided context. |
SspiGetCredUIContext Retrieves context information from a credential provider. (SspiGetCredUIContext) |
SspiGetTargetHostName Gets the host name associated with the specified target. |
SspiInitializeSecurityContextAsyncA Initializes an async security context. (ANSI) |
SspiInitializeSecurityContextAsyncW Initializes an async security context. (Unicode) |
SspiIsAuthIdentityEncrypted Indicates whether the specified identity structure is encrypted. |
SspiIsPromptingNeeded Indicates whether an error returned after a call to either the InitializeSecurityContext or the AcceptSecurityContext function requires an additional call to the SspiPromptForCredentials function. |
SspiLocalFree Frees the memory associated with the specified buffer. |
SspiMarshalAuthIdentity Serializes the specified identity structure into a byte array. |
SspiPrepareForCredRead Generates a target name and credential type from the specified identity structure. |
SspiPrepareForCredWrite Generates values from an identity structure that can be passed as the values of parameters in a call to the CredWrite function. |
SspiPromptForCredentialsA Allows a Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) application to prompt a user to enter credentials. (ANSI) |
SspiPromptForCredentialsW Allows a Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) application to prompt a user to enter credentials. (Unicode) |
SspiReinitAsyncContext Marks an async context for reuse. |
SspiSetAsyncNotifyCallback Registers a callback that is notified on async call completion. |
SspiUnmarshalAuthIdentity Deserializes the specified array of byte values into an identity structure. |
SspiUnmarshalCredUIContext Deserializes credential information obtained by a credential provider during a previous call to the ICredentialProvider::SetSerialization method. |
SspiUpdateCredentials Updates the credentials associated with the specified context. (SspiUpdateCredentials) |
SspiValidateAuthIdentity Indicates whether the specified identity structure is valid. |
SspiZeroAuthIdentity Fills the block of memory associated with the specified identity structure with zeros. |
StartServiceA Starts a service. (ANSI) |
StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA Connects the main thread of a service process to the service control manager, which causes the thread to be the service control dispatcher thread for the calling process. (ANSI) |
StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW Connects the main thread of a service process to the service control manager, which causes the thread to be the service control dispatcher thread for the calling process. (Unicode) |
StartServiceW Starts a service. (Unicode) |
stringToBinary Converts an encoded string to a binary data BLOB. This method was first defined in the ICEnroll4 interface. |
stringToBinaryBlob Converts an encoded string to a binary data BLOB. |
StringToString Modifies the type of Unicode encoding applied to a string. |
StringToVariantByteArray Creates a byte array from a Unicode encoded string. |
Submit Persists changes made to the IAzApplication object. |
Submit Persists changes made to the IAzApplicationGroup object. |
Submit Persists changes made to the AzAuthorizationStore object. |
Submit Persists changes made to the IAzOperation object. |
Submit Persists changes made to the IAzRole object. |
Submit Persists changes made to the IAzScope object. |
Submit Persists changes made to the IAzTask object. |
Submit Submits a request to the Certificate Services server. |
TokenBindingDeleteAllBindings Deletes all token binding keys that are associated with the calling user or app container. |
TokenBindingDeleteBinding Deletes the token binding key that is associated with the specified target string. |
TokenBindingGenerateBinding Constructs one token binding that contains the exported public key and signature by using the specified key type for the token binding, a target identifier string for creating and retrieving the token binding key, and the unique data. |
TokenBindingGenerateID Constructs the token binding identifier by extracting the signature algorithm from the key type and copying the exported public key. |
TokenBindingGenerateMessage Assembles the list of token bindings and generates the final message for the client device to the server. |
TokenBindingGetKeyTypesClient Retrieves a list of the key types that the client device supports. |
TokenBindingGetKeyTypesServer Retrieves a list of the key types that the server supports. |
TokenBindingVerifyMessage Validates the token binding message and verifies the token bindings that the message contains. |
TreeResetNamedSecurityInfoA Resets specified security information in the security descriptor of a specified tree of objects. (ANSI) |
TreeResetNamedSecurityInfoW Resets specified security information in the security descriptor of a specified tree of objects. (Unicode) |
TreeSetNamedSecurityInfoA Sets specified security information in the security descriptor of a specified tree of objects. (ANSI) |
TreeSetNamedSecurityInfoW Sets specified security information in the security descriptor of a specified tree of objects. (Unicode) |
UnAdvise Deletes a connection created by calling the Advise method. |
Uninitialize Uninitializes the NDES policy module. |
UnInstall Removes the Certificate Enrollment Policy (CEP) Web Service. |
UnInstall Removes the Certificate Enrollment Web Service (CES). |
UnlockServiceDatabase Unlocks a service control manager database by releasing the specified lock. |
UpdateCache Updates the cache of objects and object attributes to match the underlying policy store. |
UpdateRegistry Registers a certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. |
UpgradeStoresFunctionalLevel Upgrades this authorization store from version 1 to version 2. |
Validate Validates the current policy information. |
VariantByteArrayToString Creates a Unicode encoded string from a byte array. |
Verify Verifies that a private key exists and can be used by the client but does not open the key. |
VerifyRequest Notifies the policy module that a new request has entered the system. |
VerifyRequest Verifies the NDES certificate request for submission to the CA. |
VerifySignature Verifies that a message signed by using the MakeSignature function was received in the correct sequence and has not been modified. |
WintrustAddActionID Adds a trust provider action to the user's system. |
WintrustAddDefaultForUsage Specifies the default usage identifier and callback information for a provider. |
WintrustGetDefaultForUsage Retrieves the default usage identifier and callback information. |
WintrustGetRegPolicyFlags Retrieves policy flags for a policy provider. |
WintrustLoadFunctionPointers Loads function entry points for a specified action GUID. This function has no associated import library. |
WintrustRemoveActionID Removes an action added by the WintrustAddActionID function. This function has no associated import library. |
WintrustSetDefaultIncludePEPageHashes Sets the default setting that determines whether page hashes are included when creating subject interface package (SIP) indirect data for PE files. |
WintrustSetRegPolicyFlags Sets policy flags for a policy provider. |
WinVerifyTrust Performs a trust verification action on a specified object. |
WinVerifyTrustEx Performs a trust verification action on a specified object and takes a pointer to a WINTRUST_DATA structure. |
WlxActivateUserShell Activates the user shell program. |
WlxDisconnectNotify Winlogon calls this function when a Terminal Services network session is disconnected. |
WlxDisplayLockedNotice Allows the GINA to display information about the lock, such as who locked the workstation and when it was locked. |
WlxDisplaySASNotice Winlogon calls this function when no user is logged on. |
WlxDisplayStatusMessage Winlogon calls this function when the GINA DLL should display a message. |
WlxGetConsoleSwitchCredentials Winlogon calls this function to read the currently logged on user's credentials to transparently transfer them to a target session. |
WlxGetStatusMessage Winlogon calls this function to get the status message being displayed by the GINA DLL. |
WlxInitialize Winlogon calls this function once for each window station present on the computer. Currently, the operating system supports one window station per workstation. |
WlxIsLockOk Winlogon calls this function before attempting to lock the workstation. |
WlxIsLogoffOk Winlogon calls this function when the user initiates a logoff operation. |
WlxLoggedOnSAS Winlogon calls this function when it receives a secure attention sequence (SAS) event while the user is logged on and the workstation is not locked. |
WlxLoggedOutSAS Winlogon calls this function when it receives a secure attention sequence (SAS) event while no user is logged on. |
WlxLogoff Winlogon calls this function to notify the GINA of a logoff operation on this workstation, allowing the GINA to perform any logoff operations that may be required. |
WlxNegotiate The WlxNegotiate function must be implemented by a replacement GINA DLL. This is the first call made by Winlogon to the GINA DLL. WlxNegotiate allows the GINA to verify that it supports the installed version of Winlogon. |
WlxNetworkProviderLoad Winlogon calls this function to collect valid authentication and identification information. |
WlxReconnectNotify Winlogon calls this function when a Terminal Services network session is reconnected. |
WlxRemoveStatusMessage Winlogon calls this function to tell the GINA DLL to stop displaying the status message. |
WlxScreenSaverNotify Winlogon calls this function immediately before a screen saver is activated, allowing the GINA to interact with the screen saver program. |
WlxShutdown Winlogon calls this function just before shutting down, allowing the GINA to perform any shutdown tasks, such as ejecting a smart card from a reader. |
WlxStartApplication Winlogon calls this function when the system needs an application to be started in the context of the user. |
WlxWkstaLockedSAS Winlogon calls this function when it receives a secure attention sequence (SAS) and the workstation is locked. |
WNetSetLastErrorA Sets extended error information. Network providers should call this function instead of SetLastError. (ANSI) |
WNetSetLastErrorW Sets extended error information. Network providers should call this function instead of SetLastError. (Unicode) |
WTHelperCertCheckValidSignature Checks whether a signature is valid. |
WTHelperCertIsSelfSigned Checks whether a certificate is self-signed. |
WTHelperGetProvCertFromChain Retrieves a trust provider certificate from the certificate chain. |
WTHelperGetProvPrivateDataFromChain Receives a CRYPT_PROVIDER_PRIVDATA structure from the chain by using the provider ID. |
WTHelperGetProvSignerFromChain Retrieves a signer or countersigner by index from the chain. |
WTHelperProvDataFromStateData Retrieves trust provider information from a specified handle. |
IAlternativeName Is used by an IX509ExtensionAlternativeNames object to represent an instance of an AlternativeNames extension. |
IAlternativeNames Contains methods and properties that enable you to manage a collection of IAlternativeName objects. |
IAssociatedIdentityProvider Allows an identity provider to associate identities with local user accounts. |
IAzApplication Defines an installed instance of an application. An IAzApplication object is created when an application is installed. |
IAzApplication2 Inherits from the IAzApplication interface and implements additional methods to initialize IAzClientContext2 objects. |
IAzApplication3 Provides methods to manage IAzRoleAssignment, IAzRoleDefinition, and IAzScope2 objects. |
IAzApplicationGroup Defines a collection of principals. |
IAzApplicationGroup2 Extends the IAzApplicationGroup interface by adding support for the BizRule group type. |
IAzApplicationGroups Represents a collection of IAzApplicationGroup objects. |
IAzApplications Represents a collection of IAzApplication objects. |
IAzAuthorizationStore Defines the container that is the root of the authorization policy store. |
IAzAuthorizationStore2 Inherits from the AzAuthorizationStore object and implements methods to create and open IAzApplication2 objects. |
IAzAuthorizationStore3 Extends the IAzAuthorizationStore2 interface with methods that manage business rule (BizRule) support and caching. |
IAzBizRuleContext Contains information about a Business Rule (BizRule) operation. |
IAzBizRuleInterfaces Provides methods and properties used to manage a list of IDispatch interfaces that can be called by business rule (BizRule) scripts. |
IAzBizRuleParameters Provides methods and properties used to manage a list of parameters that can be passed to business rule (BizRule) scripts. |
IAzClientContext Maintains the state that describes a particular client. |
IAzClientContext2 Inherits from the IAzClientContext interface and implements new methods that manipulate the client context. |
IAzClientContext3 Extends the IAzClientContext2 interface. |
IAzNameResolver Translates security identifiers (SIDs) into principal display names. |
IAzObjectPicker Displays a dialog box that allows users to select one or more principals from a list. |
IAzOperation Defines a low-level operation supported by an application. |
IAzOperation2 Extends the IAzOperation with a method that returns the role assignments associated with the operation. |
IAzOperations Represents a collection of IAzOperation objects. |
IAzPrincipalLocator Locates and chooses ADAM principals in Authorization Manager. |
IAzRole Defines the set of operations that can be performed by a set of users within a scope. |
IAzRoleAssignment Represents a role to which users and groups can be assigned. |
IAzRoleAssignments Represents a collection of IAzRoleAssignment objects. |
IAzRoleDefinition Represents one or more IAzRoleDefinition, IAzTask, and IAzOperation objects that specify a set of operations. |
IAzRoleDefinitions Represents a collection of IAzRoleDefinition objects. |
IAzRoles Represents a collection of IAzRole objects. |
IAzScope Defines a logical container of resources to which the application manages access. |
IAzScope2 Extends the IAzScope interface to manage IAzRoleAssignment and IAzRoleDefinition objects. |
IAzScopes Represents a collection of IAzScope objects. |
IAzTask Describes a set of operations. |
IAzTask2 Extends the IAzTask interface with a method that returns the role assignments associated with the task. |
IAzTasks Represents a collection of IAzTask objects. |
IBinaryConverter Contains general methods that enable you to create a Unicode-encoded string from a byte array, create a byte array from a Unicode-encoded string, and modify the type of Unicode encoding applied to a string. |
ICcgDomainAuthCredentials A client-implemented interface that allows developers to supply their own credentials dynamically at run time to authenticate non-domain joined containers with Active Directory. |
ICEnroll The ICEnroll interface is one of several interfaces that represent the Certificate Enrollment Control. |
ICEnroll2 The ICEnroll2 interface is one of several interfaces that represent the Certificate Enrollment Control. |
ICEnroll3 One of several interfaces that represent the Certificate Enrollment Control. |
ICEnroll4 The ICEnroll4 interface is one of several interfaces that represent the Certificate Enrollment Control. |
ICertAdmin Provides administration functionality for properly authorized clients. |
ICertAdmin2 Provide administration functionality for properly authorized clients. |
ICertConfig The ICertConfig interface provides functionality for retrieving the public configuration data (specified during client setup) for a Certificate Services server. |
ICertConfig2 Provide functionality for retrieving the public configuration data (specified during client setup) for a Certificate Services server. |
ICertEncodeAltName Provides methods for handling alternate names used in certificate extensions. |
ICertEncodeBitString Provides methods for handling bit strings used in certificate extensions. |
ICertEncodeCRLDistInfo Provides methods for handling certificate revocation list (CRL) distribution information arrays used in certificate extensions. |
ICertEncodeDateArray Provides methods for handling Date arrays used in certificate extensions. |
ICertEncodeLongArray Provides methods for handling Long arrays used in certificate extensions. |
ICertEncodeStringArray Provides methods for handling string arrays used in certificate extensions. |
ICertExit Provides communications between the Certificate Services server and an exit module. |
ICertExit2 Provide communications between the Certificate Services server and an exit module. |
ICertGetConfig Provides functionality for retrieving the public configuration data (specified during client setup) for a Certificate Services server. |
ICertificateAttestationChallenge Allows applications to decrypt a key attestation challenge received from a server. |
ICertificateEnrollmentPolicyServerSetup The ICertificateEnrollmentPolicyServerSetup interface represents the Certificate Enrollment Policy (CEP) Web Service within Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS). |
ICertificateEnrollmentServerSetup The ICertificateEnrollmentServerSetup interface represents the Certificate Enrollment Web Service (CES) within Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS). |
ICertificatePolicies Contains methods and properties that enable you to manage a collection of ICertificatePolicy objects. |
ICertificatePolicy Can be used to specify a certificate policy that identifies a purpose for which the certificate can be used. |
ICertificationAuthorities The ICertificationAuthorities interface defines the following methods and properties that manage a collection of ICertificationAuthority objects. |
ICertificationAuthority The ICertificationAuthority interface represents a single certification authority. A collection of certification authorities is represented by the ICertificationAuthorities interface. |
ICertManageModule Provided to retrieve information about a Certificate Services Policy or Exit module. |
ICertPolicy Provides communications between the Certificate Services server engine and the policy module. |
ICertPolicy2 Provide communications between the Certificate Services server engine and the policy module. |
ICertProperties Contains methods and properties that enable you to manage a collection of certificate properties. |
ICertProperty Can be used to associate an external property with a certificate. |
ICertPropertyArchived Represents a certificate property that identifies whether a certificate has been archived. |
ICertPropertyArchivedKeyHash Represents a SHA-1 hash of an encrypted private key submitted to a certification authority for archival. |
ICertPropertyAutoEnroll Represents a certificate property that identifies a template that has been configured to enable autoenrollment of the certificate. |
ICertPropertyBackedUp Represents an external certificate property that identifies whether a certificate has been backed up and, if so, the date and time that it was saved. |
ICertPropertyDescription Enables you to specify and retrieve a string that contains descriptive information for a certificate. |
ICertPropertyEnrollment Represents a certificate property that contains certificate and certification authority (CA) information created when the client calls the Enroll method on the IX509Enrollment interface. |
ICertPropertyEnrollmentPolicyServer Represents an external certificate property that contains information about a certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server and a certificate enrollment server (CES). |
ICertPropertyFriendlyName Enables you to specify and retrieve a string that contains the display name of a certificate. |
ICertPropertyKeyProvInfo Represents a certificate property that contains information about a private key. |
ICertPropertyRenewal Represents a certificate property that contains a SHA-1 hash of the new certificate created when an existing certificate is renewed. |
ICertPropertyRequestOriginator Represents a certificate property that contains the Domain Naming System (DNS) name of the computer on which the request was created. |
ICertPropertySHA1Hash Represents a certificate property that contains a SHA-1 hash of the certificate. |
ICertRequest Provides communications between a client or intermediary application and Certificate services. |
ICertRequest2 Provide communications between a client or intermediary application and Certificate Services. (ICertRequest2) |
ICertRequest3 Provide communications between a client or intermediary application and Certificate Services. (ICertRequest3) |
ICertServerExit Exported by the server engine and is called by exit modules. |
ICertServerPolicy Allows the policy module to communicate with Certificate Services. |
ICertSrvSetup Defines functionality to install and uninstall Certification Authority (CA) and Certification Authority Web Enrollment roles on a Certificate Services computer. |
ICertSrvSetupKeyInformation Defines a set of private key properties that are used for setup of certification authority (CA) or Microsoft Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) roles. |
ICertSrvSetupKeyInformationCollection Defines functionality to populate and enumerate a collection of ICertSrvSetupKeyInformation objects. |
ICertView Allows properly authorized clients to create a customized or complete view of the Certificate Services database. |
ICertView2 Allow properly authorized clients to create a customized or complete view of the Certificate Services database. |
IConnectedIdentityProvider Provides methods of interaction with a connected identity provider. |
ICryptAttribute The ICryptAttribute interface represents a cryptographic attribute in a certificate request. A collection of these attributes is contained in the CertificateRequestInfo structure of a PKCS |
ICryptAttributes The ICryptAttributes interface contains methods and properties that enable you to manage a collection of ICryptAttribute objects. |
ICspAlgorithm Represents an algorithm implemented by a cryptographic provider. |
ICspAlgorithms The ICspAlgorithms interface defines the following methods and properties that manage a collection of ICspAlgorithm objects. |
ICspInformation Provides access to general information about a cryptographic provider. |
ICspInformations The ICspInformations interface defines the following methods and properties to manage a collection of ICspInformation objects. |
ICspStatus Contains information about a cryptographic provider/algorithm pair. (ICspStatus) |
ICspStatuses Contains information about a cryptographic provider/algorithm pair. (ICspStatuses) |
IEffectivePermission Provides a means to determine effective permission for a security principal on an object. |
IEffectivePermission2 Provides a way to determine effective permission for a security principal on an object. |
IEnroll Represents the Certificate Enrollment Control and is used primarily to generate certificate requests. (IEnroll) |
IEnroll2 Represents the Certificate Enrollment Control and is used primarily to generate certificate requests. (IEnroll2) |
IEnroll4 The IEnroll4 interface represents the Certificate Enrollment Control and is used primarily to generate certificate requests. |
IEnumCERTVIEWATTRIBUTE Represents an attribute-enumeration sequence that contains the certificate attributes for the current row of the row-enumeration sequence. |
IEnumCERTVIEWCOLUMN Represents a column-enumeration sequence that contains the column data for the current row of the enumeration sequence. |
IEnumCERTVIEWEXTENSION Represents an extension-enumeration sequence that contains the certificate extension data for the current row of the row-enumeration sequence. |
IEnumCERTVIEWROW Represents a row-enumeration sequence that contains the data in the rows of the Certificate Services view, allowing further access to the columns, attributes, and extensions associated with each row. |
IIdentityAdvise Allows an identity provider to notify a calling application when an identity is updated. |
IIdentityProvider Represents an identity provider. |
IIdentityStore Provides methods to enumerate and manage identities and identity providers. |
IMSCEPSetup Defines functionality to install and uninstall a Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) role on a Certificate Services computer. |
INDESPolicy The NDES Policy Module Interface. When installed against an enterprise CA, NDES generates a password after checking that the user has enrollment permission on the configured NDES templates, both user and machine templates. |
IObjectId Represents an object identifier (OID). |
IObjectIds The IObjectIds interface defines methods and properties that enable you to manage a collection of IObjectId objects. |
IOCSPAdmin Provides functionality to manage an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responder server. |
IOCSPCAConfiguration Represents a set of definitions that enable an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) service to respond to a certificate status request for a specific certification authority (CA). |
IOCSPCAConfigurationCollection Represents a set of certificates for which an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) service has been configured to provide certificate status responses. |
IOCSPProperty Represents a name-value pair for OCSPServiceProperties or ProviderProperties. |
IOCSPPropertyCollection Represents a set of configurable attribute properties (name-value pairs) for an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) service. |
IPolicyQualifier Represents a qualifier that can be associated with a certificate policy. |
IPolicyQualifiers Defines methods and properties that enable you to manage a collection of IPolicyQualifier objects. |
ISceSvcAttachmentData The ISceSvcAttachmentData interface retrieves configuration and analysis data about a specified security service from the Security Configuration snap-ins. |
ISceSvcAttachmentPersistInfo The ISceSvcAttachmentPersistInfo interface retrieves any modified configuration or analysis information from an attachment snap-in. |
ISecurityInformation Enables the access control editor to communicate with the caller of the CreateSecurityPage and EditSecurity functions. |
ISecurityInformation2 Enables the access control editor to obtain information from the client that is not provided by the ISecurityInformation interface. |
ISecurityInformation3 Provides methods necessary for displaying an elevated access control editor when a user clicks the Edit button on an access control editor page that displays an image of a shield on that Edit button. |
ISecurityInformation4 Enables the access control editor (ACE) to obtain the share's security descriptor to initialize the share page. |
ISecurityObjectTypeInfo Provides a means of determining the source of inherited access control entries (ACEs) in discretionary access control lists (DACLs) and system access control lists (SACLs). |
ISignerCertificate Represents a signing certificate that enables you to sign a certificate request. |
ISignerCertificates The ISignerCertificates interface defines the following methods and properties to manage a collection of ISignerCertificate objects. |
ISmimeCapabilities Defines the following methods and properties to manage a collection of ISmimeCapability objects. |
ISmimeCapability Represents an SMIMECapabilities extension that identifies the decryption capabilities of an email recipient. |
ITpmVirtualSmartCardManager Manages the TPM virtual smart cards. |
ITpmVirtualSmartCardManagerStatusCallback Notifies the caller of the progress of the requested operation or any resulting errors. |
IX500DistinguishedName Represents an X.500 distinguished name (DN). |
IX509Attribute Can be used to represent an attribute in a PKCS |
IX509AttributeArchiveKey Represents an attribute that contains an encrypted private key to be archived by a certification authority. |
IX509AttributeArchiveKeyHash Represents an attribute that contains a SHA-1 hash of the encrypted private key to be archived by a certification authority. |
IX509AttributeClientId Represents an attribute that can be used to identify the client that generated a certificate request. |
IX509AttributeCspProvider Represents an attribute that identifies the cryptographic provider used by the entity requesting the certificate. |
IX509AttributeExtensions Defines methods and properties that initialize and retrieve certificate extensions in a certificate request. |
IX509AttributeOSVersion Represents an attribute that contains version information about the client operating system on which the certificate request was generated. |
IX509AttributeRenewalCertificate Represents an attribute that contains the certificate being renewed. This attribute is automatically placed in the PKCS |
IX509Attributes The IX509Attributes interface defines the following methods and properties that enable you to manage a collection of IX509Attribute objects. |
IX509CertificateRequest The IX509CertificateRequest interface represents an abstract base certificate request that identifies methods and properties common to and inherited by each of the request objects implemented by the Certificate Enrollment API. |
IX509CertificateRequestCertificate The IX509CertificateRequestCertificate interface represents a request object for a self-generated certificate, enabling you to create a certificate directly without going through a registration or certification authority. |
IX509CertificateRequestCertificate2 The IX509CertificateRequestCertificate2 interface represents a request object for a self-generated certificate, enabling you to create a certificate directly without going through a registration or certification authority. |
IX509CertificateRequestCmc Represents a CMC (Certificate Management Message over CMS) certificate request. |
IX509CertificateRequestCmc2 The IX509CertificateRequestCmc2 interface represents a CMC (Certificate Management Message over CMS) certificate request. |
IX509CertificateRequestPkcs10 The IX509CertificateRequestPkcs10 interface represents a PKCS |
IX509CertificateRequestPkcs10V2 The IX509CertificateRequestPkcs10V2 interface represents a PKCS |
IX509CertificateRequestPkcs10V3 The IX509CertificateRequestPkcs10V3 interface represents a PKCS |
IX509CertificateRequestPkcs7 The IX509CertificateRequestPkcs7 interface represents a PKCS |
IX509CertificateRequestPkcs7V2 The IX509CertificateRequestPkcs7V2 interface represents a PKCS |
IX509CertificateTemplate The IX509CertificateTemplate interface represents a certificate request template. It can be used to initialize an IX509CertificateTemplateWritable interface. |
IX509CertificateTemplates The IX509CertificateTemplates interface defines the following methods and properties that manage a collection of IX509CertificateTemplate objects. |
IX509CertificateTemplateWritable The IX509CertificateTemplateWritable interface enables you to add a template to or delete it from a template store. Currently, Active Directory is the only available store. |
IX509EndorsementKey X.509 Endorsement Key Interface |
IX509Enrollment Represents the top level object and enables you to enroll in a certificate hierarchy and install a certificate response. |
IX509Enrollment2 The IX509Enrollment2 interface enables you to enroll in a certificate hierarchy and install a certificate response. |
IX509EnrollmentHelper The IX509EnrollmentHelper interface defines methods that enable a web application to enroll a certificate, store policy server credentials in the credential cache, and register policy servers and enrollment servers. |
IX509EnrollmentPolicyServer The IX509EnrollmentPolicyServer interface represents a certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server. |
IX509EnrollmentStatus The IX509EnrollmentStatus interface can be used to specify or retrieve detailed error information about a certificate enrollment transaction. |
IX509EnrollmentWebClassFactory Can be used to create any of the following objects on a webpage. |
IX509Extension Can be used to define an extension for a certificate request. |
IX509ExtensionAlternativeNames Enables you to specify one or more alternative name forms for the subject of a certificate. A certification authority processes the extension by binding the names to the certified public key. |
IX509ExtensionAuthorityKeyIdentifier Enables you to specify an AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension. |
IX509ExtensionBasicConstraints Enables you to specify whether the certificate subject is a certification authority and, if so, the depth of the subordinate certification authority chain that can exist beneath the certification authority for which this extension ID is defined. |
IX509ExtensionCertificatePolicies Enables you to specify a collection of policy information terms, each of which consists of an object identifier (OID) and optional policy qualifiers. A single policy term is defined by an ICertificatePolicy object. |
IX509ExtensionEnhancedKeyUsage Can be used to define a collection of object identifiers (OIDs) that identify the intended uses of the public key contained in the certificate. |
IX509ExtensionKeyUsage Can be used to define restrictions on the operations that can be performed by the public key contained in the certificate. |
IX509ExtensionMSApplicationPolicies Enables you to specify a collection of object identifiers (OIDs) that indicate how a certificate can be used by an application. |
IX509Extensions The IX509Extensions interface defines the following methods and properties to manage a collection of IX509Extension objects. |
IX509ExtensionSmimeCapabilities Can be used to report the decryption capabilities of an email recipient to an email sender so that the sender can choose the most secure algorithm supported by both parties. |
IX509ExtensionSubjectKeyIdentifier Enables you to specify a SubjectKeyIdentifier extension. |
IX509ExtensionTemplate Defines methods and properties that can be used to initialize or retrieve a CertificateTemplate extension. |
IX509ExtensionTemplateName Defines methods and properties that can be used to initialize or retrieve a template name extension. |
IX509MachineEnrollmentFactory Can be used to create an IX509EnrollmentHelper object on a webpage. |
IX509NameValuePair Represents a generic name-value pair. |
IX509NameValuePairs The IX509NameValuePairs interface defines the following methods and properties to manage a collection of IX509NameValuePair objects. |
IX509PolicyServerListManager The IX509PolicyServerListManager interface defines the following methods and properties that enable you to manage a collection of IX509PolicyServerUrl objects. |
IX509PolicyServerUrl The IX509PolicyServerUrl interface can be used to set or retrieve property values associated with the certificate enrollment policy (CEP) server and to update associated registry values. |
IX509PrivateKey Represents an asymmetric private key that can be used for encryption, signing, and key agreement. |
IX509PublicKey Represents a public key in a public/private key pair. |
IX509SCEPEnrollment X.509 Simple Computer Enrollment Protocol Interface |
IX509SignatureInformation Represents information used to sign a certificate request. |
ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE Defines an access control entry (ACE) for the discretionary access control list (DACL) that controls access to an object. An access-allowed ACE allows access to an object for a specific trustee identified by a security identifier (SID). |
ACCESS_ALLOWED_CALLBACK_ACE The ACCESS_ALLOWED_CALLBACK_ACE structure defines an access control entry for the discretionary access control list that controls access to an object. |
ACCESS_ALLOWED_CALLBACK_OBJECT_ACE Defines an access control entry (ACE) that controls allowed access to an object, property set, or property. |
ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE Defines an access control entry (ACE) that controls allowed access to an object, a property set, or property. |
ACCESS_DENIED_ACE Defines an access control entry (ACE) for the discretionary access control list (DACL) that controls access to an object. An access-denied ACE denies access to an object for a specific trustee identified by a security identifier (SID). |
ACCESS_DENIED_CALLBACK_ACE The ACCESS_DENIED_CALLBACK_ACE structure defines an access control entry for the discretionary access control list that controls access to an object. |
ACCESS_DENIED_CALLBACK_OBJECT_ACE The ACCESS_DENIED_CALLBACK_OBJECT_ACE structure defines an access control entry that controls denied access to an object, a property set, or property. |
ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT_ACE Defines an access control entry (ACE) that controls denied access to an object, a property set, or property. |
ACE_HEADER Defines the type and size of an access control entry (ACE). |
ACL Header of an access control list (ACL). |
ACL_REVISION_INFORMATION Contains revision information about an ACL structure. |
ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION Contains information about the size of an ACL structure. |
AUDIT_POLICY_INFORMATION Specifies a security event type and when to audit that type. |
AUTHENTICODE_EXTRA_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA Holds policy information used in the verification of certificate chains for files. |
AUTHENTICODE_EXTRA_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_STATUS The AUTHENTICODE_EXTRA_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_STATUS structure holds additional Authenticode policy information for chain verification of files. |
AUTHENTICODE_TS_EXTRA_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA The AUTHENTICODE_TS_EXTRA_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA structure contains time stamp policy information that can be used in certificate chain verification of files. |
AUTHZ_ACCESS_REPLY Defines an access check reply. |
AUTHZ_ACCESS_REQUEST Defines an access check request. |
AUTHZ_INIT_INFO Defines the initialization information for the resource manager. |
AUTHZ_REGISTRATION_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME_OFFSET Specifies the offset of a registration object type name. |
AUTHZ_RPC_INIT_INFO_CLIENT Initializes a remote resource manager for a client. |
AUTHZ_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FQBN_VALUE Specifies a fully qualified binary name value associated with a security attribute. |
AUTHZ_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OCTET_STRING_VALUE Specifies an octet string value for a security attribute. |
AUTHZ_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_V1 Defines a security attribute that can be associated with an authorization context. |
AUTHZ_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_INFORMATION Specifies one or more security attributes and values. |
AUTHZ_SOURCE_SCHEMA_REGISTRATION Specifies information about source schema registration. |
BCRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER Is used with the BCryptEnumAlgorithms function to contain a cryptographic algorithm identifier. |
BCRYPT_AUTHENTICATED_CIPHER_MODE_INFO Used with the BCryptEncrypt and BCryptDecrypt functions to contain additional information related to authenticated cipher modes. |
BCRYPT_DH_KEY_BLOB Used as a header for a Diffie-Hellman public key or private key BLOB in memory. |
BCRYPT_DH_PARAMETER_HEADER Used to contain parameter header information for a Diffie-Hellman key. |
BCRYPT_DSA_KEY_BLOB Used as a header for a Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) public key or private key BLOB in memory. (BCRYPT_DSA_KEY_BLOB) |
BCRYPT_DSA_KEY_BLOB_V2 Used as a header for a Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) public key or private key BLOB in memory. (BCRYPT_DSA_KEY_BLOB_V2) |
BCRYPT_DSA_PARAMETER_HEADER Used to contain parameter header information for a Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) key. |
BCRYPT_DSA_PARAMETER_HEADER_V2 Contains parameter header information for a Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) key. |
BCRYPT_ECCKEY_BLOB Used as a header for an elliptic curve public key or private key BLOB in memory. |
BCRYPT_INTERFACE_VERSION Contains version information for a programmatic interface for a CNG provider. |
BCRYPT_KEY_BLOB Is the base structure for all CNG key BLOBs. |
BCRYPT_KEY_DATA_BLOB_HEADER Used to contain information about a key data BLOB. |
BCRYPT_KEY_LENGTHS_STRUCT Defines the range of key sizes that are supported by the provider. |
BCRYPT_MULTI_HASH_OPERATION A BCRYPT_MULTI_HASH_OPERATION structure defines a single operation in a multi-hash operation. |
BCRYPT_MULTI_OBJECT_LENGTH_STRUCT The BCRYPT_MULTI_OBJECT_LENGTH_STRUCT structure contains information to determine the size of the pbHashObject buffer for the BCryptCreateMultiHash function. |
BCRYPT_OAEP_PADDING_INFO Used to provide options for the Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) scheme. |
BCRYPT_OID Contains information about a DER-encoded object identifier (OID). |
BCRYPT_OID_LIST Used to contain a collection of BCRYPT_OID structures. Use this structure with the BCRYPT_HASH_OID_LIST property to retrieve the list of hashing object identifiers (OIDs) that have been encoded by using Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoding. |
BCRYPT_PKCS1_PADDING_INFO Used to provide options for the PKCS |
BCRYPT_PROVIDER_NAME Contains the name of a CNG provider. |
BCRYPT_PSS_PADDING_INFO Used to provide options for the Probabilistic Signature Scheme (PSS) padding scheme. |
BCRYPT_RSAKEY_BLOB Used as a header for an RSA public key or private key BLOB in memory. |
BCryptBuffer Describes how the BCryptBuffer structure represents a generic Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG) buffer. |
BCryptBufferDesc Describes how the BCryptBufferDesc structure contains a set of generic Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG) buffers. |
BLOBHEADER Indicates a key's BLOB type and the algorithm that the key uses. |
CATALOG_INFO The CATALOG_INFO structure contains the name of a catalog file. This structure is used by the CryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext function. |
CENTRAL_ACCESS_POLICY Represents a central access policy that contains a set of central access policy entries. |
CENTRAL_ACCESS_POLICY_ENTRY Represents a central access policy entry containing a list of security descriptors and staged security descriptors. |
CERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY Contains an alternative name in one of a variety of name forms. |
CERT_ALT_NAME_INFO The CERT_ALT_NAME_INFO structure is used in encoding and decoding extensions for subject or issuer certificates, Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs), and Certificate Trust Lists (CTLs). |
CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESS Represents authority information access and subject information access certificate extensions and specifies how to access additional information and services for the subject or the issuer of a certificate. |
CERT_AUTHORITY_KEY_ID_INFO Identifies the key used to sign a certificate or certificate revocation list (CRL). |
CERT_AUTHORITY_KEY_ID2_INFO The CERT_AUTHORITY_KEY_ID2_INFO structure identifies the key used to sign a certificate or CRL. |
CERT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_INFO The CERT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_INFO structure contains information that indicates whether the certified subject can act as a certification authority (CA), an end entity, or both. |
CERT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2_INFO The CERT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2_INFO structure contains information indicating whether the certified subject can act as a CA or an end entity. If the subject can act as a CA, a certification path length constraint can also be specified. |
CERT_BIOMETRIC_DATA Contains information about biometric data. |
CERT_BIOMETRIC_EXT_INFO Contains a set of biometric information. |
CERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT Contains an array of simple certificate chains and a trust status structure that indicates summary validity data on all of the connected simple chains. |
CERT_CHAIN_ELEMENT The CERT_CHAIN_ELEMENT structure is a single element in a simple certificate chain. |
CERT_CHAIN_ENGINE_CONFIG Sets parameters for building a non-default certificate chain engine. The engine used determines the ways that certificate chains are built. |
CERT_CHAIN_FIND_ISSUER_PARA Contains information used in the CertFindChainInStore function to build certificate chains. |
CERT_CHAIN_PARA The CERT_CHAIN_PARA structure establishes the searching and matching criteria to be used in building a certificate chain. |
CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA Contains information used in CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy to establish policy criteria for the verification of certificate chains. |
CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_STATUS Holds certificate chain status information returned by the CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy function when the certificate chains are validated. |
CERT_CONTEXT Contains both the encoded and decoded representations of a certificate. |
CERT_CREATE_CONTEXT_PARA Defines additional values that can be used when calling the CertCreateContext function. |
CERT_CREDENTIAL_INFO The CERT_CREDENTIAL_INFO structure contains a reference to a certificate. |
CERT_CRL_CONTEXT_PAIR The CERT_CRL_CONTEXT_PAIR structure contains a certificate context and an associated CRL context. |
CERT_DH_PARAMETERS Contains parameters associated with a Diffie/Hellman public key algorithm. |
CERT_DSS_PARAMETERS Contains parameters associated with a Digital Signature Standard (DSS) public key algorithm. |
CERT_ECC_SIGNATURE Contains the r and s values for an Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) signature. |
CERT_EXTENSION The CERT_EXTENSION structure contains the extension information for a certificate, Certificate Revocation List (CRL) or Certificate Trust List (CTL). |
CERT_EXTENSIONS The CERT_EXTENSIONS structure contains an array of extensions. |
CERT_GENERAL_SUBTREE The CERT_GENERAL_SUBTREE structure is used in CERT_NAME_CONSTRAINTS_INFO structure. This structure provides the identity of a certificate that can be included or excluded. |
CERT_HASHED_URL Contains a hashed URL. |
CERT_ID Is used as a flexible means of uniquely identifying a certificate. |
CERT_INFO Contains the information of a certificate. |
CERT_ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER Acts as a unique identifier of a certificate containing the issuer and issuer's serial number for a certificate. |
CERT_KEY_ATTRIBUTES_INFO The CERT_KEY_ATTRIBUTES_INFO structure contains optional additional information about the public key being certified. |
CERT_KEY_CONTEXT Contains data associated with a CERT_KEY_CONTEXT_PROP_ID property. |
CERT_KEY_USAGE_RESTRICTION_INFO The CERT_KEY_USAGE_RESTRICTION_INFO structure contains restrictions imposed on the usage of a certificate's public key. This includes purposes for use of the key and policies under which the key can be used. |
CERT_KEYGEN_REQUEST_INFO Contains information stored in the Netscape key generation request. The subject and subject public key BLOBs are encoded. |
CERT_LDAP_STORE_OPENED_PARA Used with the CertOpenStore function when the CERT_STORE_PROV_LDAP provider is specified by using the CERT_LDAP_STORE_OPENED_FLAG flag to specify both the existing LDAP session to use to perform the query as well as the LDAP query string. |
CERT_LOGOTYPE_AUDIO Contains information about an audio logotype. |
CERT_LOGOTYPE_AUDIO_INFO Contains more detailed information about an audio logotype. |
CERT_LOGOTYPE_DATA Contains logotype data. |
CERT_LOGOTYPE_DETAILS Contains additional information about a logotype. |
CERT_LOGOTYPE_EXT_INFO Contains a set of logotype information. |
CERT_LOGOTYPE_IMAGE Contains information about an image logotype. |
CERT_LOGOTYPE_IMAGE_INFO Contains more detailed information about an image logotype. |
CERT_LOGOTYPE_INFO Contains information about logotype data. |
CERT_LOGOTYPE_REFERENCE Contains logotype reference information. |
CERT_NAME_CONSTRAINTS_INFO The CERT_NAME_CONSTRAINTS_INFO structure contains information about certificates that are specifically permitted or excluded from trust. |
CERT_NAME_INFO Contains subject or issuer names. |
CERT_NAME_VALUE Contains a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute value. |
CERT_OR_CRL_BLOB Encapsulates certificates for use with Internet Key Exchange messages. |
CERT_OR_CRL_BUNDLE Encapsulates an array of certificates for use with Internet Key Exchange messages. |
CERT_OTHER_LOGOTYPE_INFO Contains information about logo types that are not predefined. |
CERT_PAIR The CERT_PAIR structure contains a certificate and its pair cross certificate. |
CERT_PHYSICAL_STORE_INFO Contains information on physical certificate stores. |
CERT_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS_INFO The CERT_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS_INFO structure contains established policies for accepting certificates as trusted. |
CERT_POLICY_ID The CERT_POLICY_ID structure contains a list of certificate policies that the certificate expressly supports, together with optional qualifier information pertaining to these policies. |
CERT_POLICY_INFO The CERT_POLICY_INFO structure contains an object identifier (OID) specifying a policy and an optional array of policy qualifiers. |
CERT_POLICY_MAPPING Contains a mapping between issuer domain and subject domain policy OIDs. |
CERT_POLICY_MAPPINGS_INFO The CERT_POLICY_MAPPINGS_INFO structure provides mapping between the policy OIDs of two domains. |
CERT_POLICY_QUALIFIER_INFO The CERT_POLICY_QUALIFIER_INFO structure contains an object identifier (OID) specifying the qualifier and qualifier-specific supplemental information. |
CERT_PRIVATE_KEY_VALIDITY The CERT_PRIVATE_KEY_VALIDITY structure indicates a valid time span for the private key corresponding to a certificate's public key. |
CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO Contains a public key and its algorithm. |
CERT_QC_STATEMENT Represents a single statement in a sequence of one or more statements for inclusion in a Qualified Certificate (QC) statements extension. |
CERT_QC_STATEMENTS_EXT_INFO Contains a sequence of one or more statements that make up the Qualified Certificate (QC) statements extension for a QC. |
CERT_RDN The CERT_RDN structure contains a relative distinguished name (RDN) consisting of an array of CERT_RDN_ATTR structures. |
CERT_RDN_ATTR Contains a single attribute of a relative distinguished name (RDN). A whole RDN is expressed in a CERT_RDN structure that contains an array of CERT_RDN_ATTR structures. |
CERT_REQUEST_INFO The CERT_REQUEST_INFO structure contains information for a certificate request. The subject, subject public key, and attribute BLOBs are encoded. |
CERT_REVOCATION_CHAIN_PARA Contains parameters used for building a chain for an independent online certificate status protocol (OCSP) response signer certificate. |
CERT_REVOCATION_CRL_INFO Contains information updated by a certificate revocation list (CRL) revocation type handler. |
CERT_REVOCATION_INFO Indicates the revocation status of a certificate in a CERT_CHAIN_ELEMENT. |
CERT_REVOCATION_PARA Is passed in calls to the CertVerifyRevocation function to assist in finding the issuer of the context to be verified. |
CERT_REVOCATION_STATUS Contains information on the revocation status of the certificate. |
CERT_SELECT_CHAIN_PARA Contains the parameters used for building and selecting chains. |
CERT_SELECT_CRITERIA Specifies selection criteria that is passed to the CertSelectCertificateChains function. |
CERT_SELECT_STRUCT_A Contains criteria upon which to select certificates that are presented in a certificate selection dialog box. This structure is used in the CertSelectCertificate function. (ANSI) |
CERT_SELECT_STRUCT_W Contains criteria upon which to select certificates that are presented in a certificate selection dialog box. This structure is used in the CertSelectCertificate function. (Unicode) |
CERT_SELECTUI_INPUT Used by the CertSelectionGetSerializedBlob function to serialize the certificates contained in a store or an array of certificate chains. The returned serialized BLOB can be passed to the CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials function. |
CERT_SERVER_OCSP_RESPONSE_CONTEXT Contains an encoded OCSP response. |
CERT_SIGNED_CONTENT_INFO The CERT_SIGNED_CONTENT_INFO structure contains encoded content to be signed and a BLOB to hold the signature. The ToBeSigned member is an encoded CERT_INFO, CRL_INFO, CTL_INFO or CERT_REQUEST_INFO. |
CERT_SIMPLE_CHAIN The CERT_SIMPLE_CHAIN structure contains an array of chain elements and a summary trust status for the chain that the array represents. |
CERT_STORE_PROV_FIND_INFO Used by many of the store provider callback functions. |
CERT_STORE_PROV_INFO Contains information returned by the installed CertDllOpenStoreProv function when a store is opened by using the CertOpenStore function. |
CERT_STRONG_SIGN_PARA Contains parameters used to check for strong signatures on certificates, certificate revocation lists (CRLs), online certificate status protocol (OCSP) responses, and PKCS |
CERT_STRONG_SIGN_SERIALIZED_INFO Contains the signature algorithm/hash algorithm and public key algorithm/bit length pairs that can be used for strong signing. |
CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_INFO The CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_INFO structure contains information used by functions that work with system stores. Currently, no essential information is contained in this structure. |
CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_PARA The CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_PARA structure contains data to be passed to CertOpenStore when that function's dwFlags parameter is set to CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_FLAG. |
CERT_TEMPLATE_EXT A certificate template. |
CERT_TRUST_LIST_INFO The CERT_TRUST_LIST_INFO structure that indicates valid usage of a CTL. |
CERT_TRUST_STATUS Contains trust information about a certificate in a certificate chain, summary trust information about a simple chain of certificates, or summary information about an array of simple chains. |
CERT_USAGE_MATCH Provides criteria for identifying issuer certificates to be used to build a certificate chain. |
CERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT_A The CERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT structure defines information used when the CertViewProperties function is called to display a certificate's properties. (ANSI) |
CERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT_W The CERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT structure defines information used when the CertViewProperties function is called to display a certificate's properties. (Unicode) |
CERT_X942_DH_PARAMETERS Contains parameters associated with a Diffie-Hellman public key algorithm. |
CERT_X942_DH_VALIDATION_PARAMS Optionally pointed to by a member of the CERT_X942_DH_PARAMETERS structure and contains additional seed information. |
CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FQBN_VALUE Specifies the fully qualified binary name. |
CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OCTET_STRING_VALUE Specifies the OCTET_STRING value type of the claim security attribute. |
CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_RELATIVE_V1 Defines a resource attribute that is defined in continuous memory for persistence within a serialized security descriptor. |
CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_V1 Defines a security attribute that can be associated with a token or authorization context. |
CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_INFORMATION Defines the security attributes for the claim. |
CMC_ADD_ATTRIBUTES_INFO Contains certificate attributes to be added to a certificate. |
CMC_ADD_EXTENSIONS_INFO Contains certificate extension control attributes to be added to a certificate. |
CMC_DATA_INFO Provides a means of communicating different pieces of tagged information. (CMC_DATA_INFO) |
CMC_PEND_INFO A possible member of a CMC_STATUS_INFO structure. |
CMC_RESPONSE_INFO Provides a means of communicating different pieces of tagged information. (CMC_RESPONSE_INFO) |
CMC_STATUS_INFO Contains status information about Certificate Management Messages over CMS. |
CMC_TAGGED_REQUEST Used in the CMC_DATA_INFO structures to request a certificate. |
CMS_DH_KEY_INFO Used with the KP_CMS_DH_KEY_INFO parameter in the CryptSetKeyParam function to contain Diffie-Hellman key information. |
CMS_KEY_INFO Not used. |
CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INFO Used with the CryptMsgGetParam function to get information on a key transport, key agreement, or mail list envelope message recipient. |
CMSG_CMS_SIGNER_INFO Contains the content of the defined SignerInfo in signed or signed and enveloped messages. |
CMSG_CNG_CONTENT_DECRYPT_INFO Contains all the relevant information passed between CryptMsgControl and object identifier (OID) installable functions for the import and decryption of a Cryptography API:_Next Generation (CNG) content encryption key (CEK). |
CMSG_CTRL_ADD_SIGNER_UNAUTH_ATTR_PARA Used to add an unauthenticated attribute to a signer of a signed message. |
CMSG_CTRL_DECRYPT_PARA Contains information used to decrypt an enveloped message for a key transport recipient. This structure is passed to CryptMsgControl if the dwCtrlType parameter is CMSG_CTRL_DECRYPT. |
CMSG_CTRL_DEL_SIGNER_UNAUTH_ATTR_PARA Used to delete an unauthenticated attribute of a signer of a signed message. |
CMSG_CTRL_KEY_AGREE_DECRYPT_PARA Contains information about a key agreement recipient. |
CMSG_CTRL_KEY_TRANS_DECRYPT_PARA Contains information about a key transport message recipient. |
CMSG_CTRL_MAIL_LIST_DECRYPT_PARA Contains information on a mail list message recipient. |
CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_EX_PARA Contains information used to verify a message signature. It contains the signer index and signer public key. |
CMSG_ENVELOPED_ENCODE_INFO Contains information needed to encode an enveloped message. It is passed to CryptMsgOpenToEncode if the dwMsgType parameter is CMSG_ENVELOPED. |
CMSG_HASHED_ENCODE_INFO Used with hashed messages. It is passed to the CryptMsgOpenToEncode function if the CryptMsgOpenToEncode function's dwMsgType parameter is CMSG_ENVELOPED. |
CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ENCRYPT_INFO Contains encryption information applicable to all key agreement recipients of an enveloped message. |
CMSG_KEY_AGREE_KEY_ENCRYPT_INFO Contains the encrypted key for a key agreement recipient of an enveloped message. |
CMSG_KEY_AGREE_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO Contains information about a message recipient that is using key agreement key management. |
CMSG_KEY_AGREE_RECIPIENT_INFO Contains information used for key agreement algorithms. |
CMSG_KEY_TRANS_ENCRYPT_INFO Contains encryption information for a key transport recipient of enveloped data. |
CMSG_KEY_TRANS_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO Contains encoded key transport information for a message recipient. |
CMSG_KEY_TRANS_RECIPIENT_INFO The CMSG_KEY_TRANS_RECIPIENT_INFO structure contains information used in key transport algorithms. |
CMSG_MAIL_LIST_ENCRYPT_INFO Contains encryption information for a mailing list recipient of enveloped data. |
CMSG_MAIL_LIST_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO The CMSG_MAIL_LIST_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO structure is used with previously distributed symmetric keys for decrypting the content key encryption key (KEK). |
CMSG_MAIL_LIST_RECIPIENT_INFO Contains information used for previously distributed symmetric key-encryption keys (KEK). |
CMSG_RC2_AUX_INFO Contains the bit length of the key for RC2 encryption algorithms. |
CMSG_RC4_AUX_INFO The CMSG_RC4_AUX_INFO structure contains the bit length of the key for RC4 encryption algorithms. The pvEncryptionAuxInfo member in CMSG_ENVELOPED_ENCODE_INFO can be set to point to an instance of this structure. |
CMSG_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO Contains information a message recipient's content encryption key management type. |
CMSG_RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY_ENCODE_INFO Contains information on a message receiver used to decrypt the session key needed to decrypt the message contents. |
CMSG_RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY_INFO The CMSG_RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY_INFO structure contains information used for an individual key agreement recipient. |
CMSG_SIGNED_ENCODE_INFO Contains information to be passed to CryptMsgOpenToEncode if dwMsgType is CMSG_SIGNED. |
CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO Contains signer information. It is passed to CryptMsgCountersign, CryptMsgCountersignEncoded, and optionally to CryptMsgOpenToEncode as a member of the CMSG_SIGNED_ENCODE_INFO structure, if the dwMsgType parameter is CMSG_SIGNED. |
CMSG_SIGNER_INFO The CMSG_SIGNER_INFO structure contains the content of the PKCS |
CMSG_SP3_COMPATIBLE_AUX_INFO Contains information needed for SP3 compatible encryption. |
CMSG_STREAM_INFO Used to enable stream processing of data rather than single block processing. |
CREDENTIAL_ATTRIBUTEA The CREDENTIAL_ATTRIBUTE structure contains an application-defined attribute of the credential. An attribute is a keyword-value pair. It is up to the application to define the meaning of the attribute. (ANSI) |
CREDENTIAL_ATTRIBUTEW The CREDENTIAL_ATTRIBUTE structure contains an application-defined attribute of the credential. An attribute is a keyword-value pair. It is up to the application to define the meaning of the attribute. (Unicode) |
CREDENTIAL_TARGET_INFORMATIONA The CREDENTIAL_TARGET_INFORMATION structure contains the target computer's name, domain, and tree. (ANSI) |
CREDENTIAL_TARGET_INFORMATIONW The CREDENTIAL_TARGET_INFORMATION structure contains the target computer's name, domain, and tree. (Unicode) |
CREDENTIALA The CREDENTIAL structure contains an individual credential. (ANSI) |
CREDENTIALW The CREDENTIAL structure contains an individual credential. (Unicode) |
CREDSSP_CRED Specifies authentication data for both Schannel and Negotiate security packages. |
CREDUI_INFOA The CREDUI_INFO structure is used to pass information to the CredUIPromptForCredentials function that creates a dialog box used to obtain credentials information. (ANSI) |
CREDUI_INFOW The CREDUI_INFO structure is used to pass information to the CredUIPromptForCredentials function that creates a dialog box used to obtain credentials information. (Unicode) |
CREDUIWIN_MARSHALED_CONTEXT Specifies credential information that has been serialized by using the ICredentialProvider::SetSerialization method. |
CRL_CONTEXT The CRL_CONTEXT structure contains both the encoded and decoded representations of a certificate revocation list (CRL). CRL contexts returned by any CryptoAPI function must be freed by calling the CertFreeCRLContext function. |
CRL_DIST_POINT Identifies a single certificate revocation list (CRL) distribution point that a certificate user can reference to determine whether certificates have been revoked. |
CRL_DIST_POINT_NAME Identifies a location from which the CRL can be obtained. |
CRL_DIST_POINTS_INFO Contains a list of certificate revocation list (CRL) distribution points a certificate user can reference to determine whether the certificate has been revoked. |
CRL_ENTRY Contains information about a single revoked certificate. It is a member of a CRL_INFO structure. |
CRL_FIND_ISSUED_FOR_PARA Contains the certificate contexts of both a subject and a certificate issuer. |
CRL_INFO Contains the information of a certificate revocation list (CRL). |
CRL_ISSUING_DIST_POINT Contains information about the kinds of certificates listed in a certificate revocation list (CRL). |
CROSS_CERT_DIST_POINTS_INFO Provides information used to update dynamic cross certificates. |
CRYPT_AES_128_KEY_STATE Specifies the 128-bit symmetric key information for an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cipher. |
CRYPT_AES_256_KEY_STATE Specifies the 256-bit symmetric key information for an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cipher. |
CRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER Specifies an algorithm used to encrypt a private key. |
CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE The CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE structure specifies an attribute that has one or more values. |
CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_VALUE Contains a single attribute value. The Value member's CRYPT_OBJID_BLOB is encoded. |
CRYPT_ATTRIBUTES Contains an array of attributes. |
CRYPT_BIT_BLOB Contains a set of bits represented by an array of bytes. |
CRYPT_BLOB_ARRAY Contains an array of CRYPT_DATA_BLOB structures. |
CRYPT_CONTENT_INFO Contains data encoded in the PKCS |
CRYPT_CONTENT_INFO_SEQUENCE_OF_ANY Contains information representing the Netscape certificate sequence of certificates. |
CRYPT_CONTEXT_CONFIG Contains configuration information for a CNG context. |
CRYPT_CONTEXT_FUNCTION_CONFIG Contains configuration information for a cryptographic function of a CNG context. |
CRYPT_CONTEXT_FUNCTION_PROVIDERS Contains a set of cryptographic function providers for a CNG configuration context. |
CRYPT_CONTEXT_FUNCTIONS Contains a set of cryptographic functions for a CNG configuration context. |
CRYPT_CONTEXTS Contains a set of CNG configuration context identifiers. |
CRYPT_CREDENTIALS Contains information about credentials that can be passed as optional input to a remote object retrieval function such as CryptRetrieveObjectByUrl or CryptGetTimeValidObject. |
CRYPT_DECODE_PARA Used by the CryptDecodeObjectEx function to provide access to memory allocation and memory freeing callback functions. |
CRYPT_DECRYPT_MESSAGE_PARA The CRYPT_DECRYPT_MESSAGE_PARA structure contains information for decrypting messages. |
CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_MULTI_OID_PARA Used with the CryptInstallDefaultContext function to contain an array of object identifier strings. |
CRYPT_ECC_CMS_SHARED_INFO Represents key-encryption key information when using Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) in the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) EnvelopedData content type. |
CRYPT_ENCODE_PARA Used by the CryptEncodeObjectEx function to provide access to memory allocation and memory freeing callback functions. |
CRYPT_ENCRYPT_MESSAGE_PARA Contains information used to encrypt messages. |
CRYPT_ENCRYPTED_PRIVATE_KEY_INFO Contains the information in a PKCS |
CRYPT_ENROLLMENT_NAME_VALUE_PAIR Used to create certificate requests on behalf of a user. |
CRYPT_GET_TIME_VALID_OBJECT_EXTRA_INFO Contains optional extra information that can be passed to the CryptGetTimeValidObject function in the pExtraInfo parameter. |
CRYPT_HASH_MESSAGE_PARA Contains data for hashing messages. |
CRYPT_IMAGE_REF Contains information about a CNG provider module. |
CRYPT_IMAGE_REG Contains image registration information about a CNG provider. |
CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB The CryptoAPI CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB structure (wincrypt.h) is used for an arbitrary array of bytes and gives flexibility to objects that can contain data types. |
CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB The CryptoAPI CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB (dpapi.h) structure is used for an arbitrary array of bytes. It is declared in Wincrypt.h and provides flexibility for objects that can contain various data types. (CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB) |
CRYPT_INTERFACE_REG Used to contain information about the type of interface supported by a CNG provider. |
CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO The CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO structure contains information about a key container within a cryptographic service provider (CSP). |
CRYPT_KEY_PROV_PARAM Contains information about a key container parameter. |
CRYPT_KEY_SIGN_MESSAGE_PARA Contains information about the cryptographic service provider (CSP) and algorithms used to sign a message. |
CRYPT_KEY_VERIFY_MESSAGE_PARA Contains information needed to verify signed messages without a certificate for the signer. |
CRYPT_MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM Identifies the algorithm used to generate an RSA PKCS |
CRYPT_OBJECT_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_TABLE Contains pointers to functions implemented by an object location provider. |
CRYPT_OID_FUNC_ENTRY Contains an object identifier (OID) and a pointer to its related function. |
CRYPT_OID_INFO Contains information about an object identifier (OID). |
CRYPT_PASSWORD_CREDENTIALSA Contains the user name and password credentials to be used in the CRYPT_CREDENTIALS structure as optional input to a remote object retrieval function such as CryptRetrieveObjectByUrl or CryptGetTimeValidObject. (ANSI) |
CRYPT_PASSWORD_CREDENTIALSW Contains the user name and password credentials to be used in the CRYPT_CREDENTIALS structure as optional input to a remote object retrieval function such as CryptRetrieveObjectByUrl or CryptGetTimeValidObject. (Unicode) |
CRYPT_PKCS12_PBE_PARAMS Contains parameters used to create an encryption key, initialization vector (IV), or Message Authentication Code (MAC) key for a PKCS |
CRYPT_PKCS8_EXPORT_PARAMS Identifies the private key and a callback function to encrypt the private key. CRYPT_PKCS8_EXPORT_PARAMS is used as a parameter to the CryptExportPKCS8Ex function, which exports a private key in PKCS |
CRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY_INFO Contains a clear-text private key in the PrivateKey field (DER encoded). CRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY_INFO contains the information in a PKCS |
CRYPT_PROPERTY_REF Contains information about a CNG context property. |
CRYPT_PROVIDER_CERT Provides information about a provider certificate. |
CRYPT_PROVIDER_DATA Used to pass data between WinVerifyTrust and trust providers. |
CRYPT_PROVIDER_DEFUSAGE Used by the WintrustGetDefaultForUsage function to retrieve callback information for a provider's default usage. |
CRYPT_PROVIDER_FUNCTIONS Defines the functions used by a cryptographic service provider (CSP) for WinTrust operations. |
CRYPT_PROVIDER_PRIVDATA Contains private data to be used by a provider. |
CRYPT_PROVIDER_REF Contains information about a cryptographic interface that a provider supports. |
CRYPT_PROVIDER_REFS Contains a collection of provider references. |
CRYPT_PROVIDER_REG Used to contain registration information for a CNG provider. |
CRYPT_PROVIDER_REGDEFUSAGE Used by the WintrustAddDefaultForUsage function to register callback information about a provider's default usage. |
CRYPT_PROVIDER_SGNR Provides information about a signer or countersigner. |
CRYPT_PROVIDER_SIGSTATE Is used to communicate between policy providers and Wintrust. |
CRYPT_PROVIDERS Contains information about the registered CNG providers. |
CRYPT_PROVUI_DATA Provides user interface (UI) data for a provider. This structure is used by the CRYPT_PROVUI_FUNCS structure. |
CRYPT_PROVUI_FUNCS Provides information about the user interface (UI) functions of a provider. This structure is used by the CRYPT_PROVIDER_FUNCTIONS structure. |
CRYPT_PSOURCE_ALGORITHM Identifies the algorithm and (optionally) the value of the label for an RSAES-OAEP key encryption. |
CRYPT_RC2_CBC_PARAMETERS Contains information used with szOID_RSA_RC2CBC encryption. |
CRYPT_REGISTER_ACTIONID Provides information about the functions of a provider. |
CRYPT_RETRIEVE_AUX_INFO Contains optional information to pass to the CryptRetrieveObjectByUrl function. |
CRYPT_RSA_SSA_PSS_PARAMETERS Contains the parameters for an RSA PKCS |
CRYPT_RSAES_OAEP_PARAMETERS Contains the parameters for an RSAES-OAEP key encryption. |
CRYPT_SEQUENCE_OF_ANY Contains an arbitrary list of encoded BLOBs. |
CRYPT_SIGN_MESSAGE_PARA The CRYPT_SIGN_MESSAGE_PARA structure contains information for signing messages using a specified signing certificate context. |
CRYPT_SMART_CARD_ROOT_INFO Contains the smart card and session IDs associated with a certificate context. |
CRYPT_SMIME_CAPABILITIES Contains a prioritized array of supported capabilities. |
CRYPT_SMIME_CAPABILITY The CRYPT_SMIME_CAPABILITY structure specifies a single capability and its associated parameters. Single capabilities are grouped together into a list of CRYPT_SMIME_CAPABILITIES which can specify a prioritized list of capability preferences. |
CRYPT_TIME_STAMP_REQUEST_INFO Used for time stamping. |
CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_ACCURACY Is used by the CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_INFO structure to represent the accuracy of the time deviation around the UTC time at which the time stamp token was created by the Time Stamp Authority (TSA). |
CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_CONTEXT Contains both the encoded and decoded representations of a time stamp token. |
CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_INFO Contains a signed data content type in Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) format. |
CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_PARA Defines additional parameters for the time stamp request. |
CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_REQUEST Defines a time stamp request structure that corresponds to the Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) definition of a TimeStampReq type. |
CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_RESPONSE Is used internally to encapsulate an Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded response. |
CRYPT_TRUST_REG_ENTRY Identifies a provider function by DLL name and function name. |
CRYPT_URL_INFO Contains information about groupings of URLs. |
CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_SIGN_STRONG_PROPERTIES_INFO Contains the length, in bits, of the public key and the names of the signing and hashing algorithms used for strong signing. |
CRYPT_VERIFY_MESSAGE_PARA The CRYPT_VERIFY_MESSAGE_PARA structure contains information needed to verify signed messages. |
CRYPT_X942_OTHER_INFO The CRYPT_X942_OTHER_INFO structure contains additional key generation information. |
CRYPT_XML_ALGORITHM Specifies the algorithm used to sign or transform the message. |
CRYPT_XML_ALGORITHM_INFO Contains algorithm information. |
CRYPT_XML_BLOB Contains an arbitrary array of bytes. |
CRYPT_XML_CRYPTOGRAPHIC_INTERFACE Exposes the implemented CryptXML functions. |
CRYPT_XML_DATA_BLOB Contains XML encoded data. |
CRYPT_XML_DATA_PROVIDER Specifies the interface to the XML data provider. |
CRYPT_XML_DOC_CTXT Defines document context information. |
CRYPT_XML_ISSUER_SERIAL Contains an X.509 issued distinguished name�serial number pair. |
CRYPT_XML_KEY_DSA_KEY_VALUE Defines a Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) key value. The CRYPT_XML_KEY_DSA_KEY_VALUE structure is used as an element of the key value union in the CRYPT_XML_KEY_VALUE structure. |
CRYPT_XML_KEY_ECDSA_KEY_VALUE Defines an Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) key value. The CRYPT_XML_KEY_ECDSA_KEY_VALUE structure is used as an element of the key value union in the CRYPT_XML_KEY_VALUE structure. |
CRYPT_XML_KEY_INFO Encapsulates key information data. |
CRYPT_XML_KEY_INFO_ITEM Encapsulates key information data that corresponds to a KeyInfo element. The KeyInfo element enables the recipient to obtain the key needed to validate the signature. |
CRYPT_XML_KEY_RSA_KEY_VALUE Defines an RSA key value. The CRYPT_XML_KEY_RSA_KEY_VALUE structure is used as element of the key value union in the CRYPT_XML_KEY_VALUE structure. |
CRYPT_XML_KEY_VALUE Contains a single public key that may be useful in validating the signature. |
CRYPT_XML_KEYINFO_PARAM Is used by the CryptXmlSign function to specify the members of the KeyInfo element to be encoded. |
CRYPT_XML_OBJECT Describes an Object element in the signature. |
CRYPT_XML_PROPERTY Contains information about a CryptXML property. |
CRYPT_XML_REFERENCE Contains information used to populate the Reference element. |
CRYPT_XML_REFERENCES Defines an array of CRYPT_XML_REFERENCE structures. |
CRYPT_XML_SIGNATURE Contains information used to populate the Signature element. |
CRYPT_XML_SIGNED_INFO Describes an XML encoded SignedInfo element. |
CRYPT_XML_STATUS Returns information about the signature validation status, summary status information about a SignedInfo element, or summary status information about an array of Reference elements. |
CRYPT_XML_TRANSFORM_CHAIN_CONFIG Contains application defined transforms that are allowed for use in the XML digital signature. |
CRYPT_XML_TRANSFORM_INFO Contains information that is used when applying the data transform. |
CRYPT_XML_X509DATA Represents the sequence of choices in the X509Data element. |
CRYPT_XML_X509DATA_ITEM Represents X.509 data that is to be encoded in an X509Data named element. |
CRYPTCATATTRIBUTE The CRYPTCATATTRIBUTE structure defines a catalog attribute. This structure is used by the CryptCATEnumerateAttr and CryptCATEnumerateCatAttr functions. |
CRYPTCATCDF Contains information used to create a signed catalog file (.cat) from a catalog definition file (CDF). |
CRYPTCATMEMBER The CRYPTCATMEMBER structure provides information about a catalog member. This structure is used by the CryptCATGetMemberInfo and CryptCATEnumerateAttr functions. |
CRYPTCATSTORE Represents a catalog file. |
CRYPTNET_URL_CACHE_FLUSH_INFO Contains expiry information used by the Cryptnet URL Cache (CUC) service to maintain a URL cache entry. |
CRYPTNET_URL_CACHE_PRE_FETCH_INFO Contains update information used by the Cryptnet URL Cache (CUC) service to maintain a URL cache entry. |
CRYPTNET_URL_CACHE_RESPONSE_INFO Contains response information used by the Cryptnet URL Cache (CUC) service to maintain a URL cache entry. |
CRYPTO_SETTINGS Indicates disabled cryptographic settings. |
CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT Provides the text of a prompt and information about when and where that prompt is to be displayed when using the CryptProtectData and CryptUnprotectData functions. |
CRYPTUI_CERT_MGR_STRUCT Contains information about a certificate manager dialog box. |
CRYPTUI_VIEWCERTIFICATE_STRUCTA Contains information about a certificate to view. This structure is used in the CryptUIDlgViewCertificate function. (ANSI) |
CRYPTUI_VIEWCERTIFICATE_STRUCTW Contains information about a certificate to view. This structure is used in the CryptUIDlgViewCertificate function. (Unicode) |
CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_BLOB_INFO Contains information about the public key BLOB used by the CryptUIWizDigitalSign function. |
CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_CERT_PVK_INFO Contains information about the PVK file that contains the certificates used by the CryptUIWizDigitalSign function. |
CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_CONTEXT Used with the CryptUIWizDigitalSign function to contain information about a BLOB. |
CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_EXTENDED_INFO Used with the CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_INFO structure to contain extended information about a signature. |
CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_INFO Contains information about digital signing. |
CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_PVK_FILE_INFO Used with the CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_INFO structure to contain information about the PVK file used by the digital signature wizard. |
CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_STORE_INFO Contains information about the certificate store used by the digital signature wizard. |
CRYPTUI_WIZ_EXPORT_CERTCONTEXT_INFO Contains information that controls the operation of the CryptUIWizExport function when a certificate is the object being exported. |
CRYPTUI_WIZ_EXPORT_INFO Contains information that controls the operation of the CryptUIWizExport function. |
CRYPTUI_WIZ_IMPORT_SRC_INFO Contains the subject to import into the CryptUIWizImport function. |
CTL_ANY_SUBJECT_INFO Contains a SubjectAlgorithm to be matched in the certificate trust list (CTL) and the SubjectIdentifier to be matched in one of the CTL entries in calls to CertFindSubjectInCTL. |
CTL_CONTEXT The CTL_CONTEXT structure contains both the encoded and decoded representations of a CTL. |
CTL_ENTRY An element of a certificate trust list (CTL). |
CTL_FIND_SUBJECT_PARA Contains data used by CertFindCTLInStore with a dwFindType parameter of CTL_FIND_SUBJECT to find a Certificate Trust List (CTL). |
CTL_FIND_USAGE_PARA A member of the CTL_FIND_SUBJECT_PARA structure and it is used by CertFindCTLInStore. |
CTL_INFO Contains the information stored in a Certificate Trust List (CTL). |
CTL_MODIFY_REQUEST Contains a request to modify a certificate trust list (CTL). This structure is used in the CertModifyCertificatesToTrust function. |
CTL_USAGE Contains an array of object identifiers (OIDs) for Certificate Trust List (CTL) extensions. |
CTL_USAGE_MATCH Provides parameters for finding certificate trust lists (CTL) used to build a certificate chain. |
CTL_VERIFY_USAGE_PARA The CTL_VERIFY_USAGE_PARA structure contains parameters used by CertVerifyCTLUsage to establish the validity of a CTL's usage. |
CTL_VERIFY_USAGE_STATUS Contains information about a Certificate Trust List (CTL) returned by CertVerifyCTLUsage. |
DHPRIVKEY_VER3 Contains information specific to the particular private key contained in the key BLOB. |
DHPUBKEY Contains information specific to the particular Diffie-Hellman public key contained in the key BLOB. |
DHPUBKEY_VER3 Contains information specific to the particular public key contained in the key BLOB. |
DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_EVENT_BINARY_STATS A resource that describes this binary and the amount of diagnostic data it has sent. |
DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_EVENT_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION A resource that represents a category, defined by an identifier and a name. A category is an organizational construct to categorize records for a given producer. For example, "Browsing Data" could be a category for the producer "Microsoft Edge". |
DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_EVENT_PRODUCER_DESCRIPTION A resource that represents a producer. A Producer is an OS component, application or service that emits events. For example, “Microsoft Edge” is the Producer ID for the Microsoft Edge browser. |
DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_EVENT_TAG_DESCRIPTION A resource that describes a tag, defined by the tag's name and its description. |
DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_EVENT_TAG_STATS A resource that includes a privacy tag and how many events have this privacy tag. |
DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_EVENT_TRANSCRIPT_CONFIGURATION Event transcript configuration details such as maximum storage size and hours of data history. |
DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_GENERAL_STATS This resource contains general statistics about a set of diagnostic data records. |
DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_RECORD This resource describes an individual diagnostic data record (event). |
DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_SEARCH_CRITERIA This resource contains details of the search criteria when fetching a diagnostic data record. |
DIAGNOSTIC_REPORT_DATA This resource contains information about a diagnostic report. |
DIAGNOSTIC_REPORT_PARAMETER Resource that describes the parameters for an error report. |
DIAGNOSTIC_REPORT_SIGNATURE This resource describes the signature for a diagnostic report. |
DOMAIN_PASSWORD_INFORMATION Contains information about a domain's password policy, such as the minimum length for passwords and how unique passwords must be. |
DSSSEED Holds the seed and counter values that can be used to verify the primes of the DSS public key. |
EFFPERM_RESULT_LIST Lists the effective permissions. |
ENCRYPTED_CREDENTIALW Represents an encrypted credential. |
ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESSA Contains the name of a service in a service control manager database and information about the service. It is used by the EnumServicesStatusEx function. (ANSI) |
ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESSW Contains the name of a service in a service control manager database and information about the service. It is used by the EnumServicesStatusEx function. (Unicode) |
ENUM_SERVICE_STATUSA Contains the name of a service in a service control manager database and information about that service. It is used by the EnumDependentServices and EnumServicesStatus functions. (ANSI) |
ENUM_SERVICE_STATUSW Contains the name of a service in a service control manager database and information about that service. It is used by the EnumDependentServices and EnumServicesStatus functions. (Unicode) |
EV_EXTRA_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA Specifies the parameters that are passed in for EV policy validation. Applications use this structure to pass hints to the API that indicate which of the policy qualifier flags of the extended validation certificates are important to the application. |
EV_EXTRA_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_STATUS Contains policy flags returned from a call to the CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy function. |
EXPLICIT_ACCESS_A Defines access control information for a specified trustee. (ANSI) |
EXPLICIT_ACCESS_W Defines access control information for a specified trustee. (Unicode) |
GENERIC_MAPPING Defines the mapping of generic access rights to specific and standard access rights for an object. |
HMAC_INFO The HMAC_INFO structure specifies the hash algorithm and the inner and outer strings that are to be used to calculate the HMAC hash. |
HTTPSPolicyCallbackData Holds policy information used in the verification of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) client/server certificate chains. |
INHERITED_FROMA Provides information about an object's inherited access control entry (ACE). (ANSI) |
INHERITED_FROMW Provides information about an object's inherited access control entry (ACE). (Unicode) |
KERB_ADD_BINDING_CACHE_ENTRY_EX_REQUEST Allows the user to bind to a specific domain controller (DC), overriding the Kerberos domain binding cache. |
KERB_ADD_BINDING_CACHE_ENTRY_REQUEST Specifies a message to add a binding cache entry. |
KERB_ADD_CREDENTIALS_REQUEST Specifies a message to add, remove, or replace an extra server credential for a logon session. |
KERB_ADD_CREDENTIALS_REQUEST_EX Specifies a message to add, remove, or replace an extra server credential for a logon session, and the service principal names (SPNs) to be associated with that credential. |
KERB_BINDING_CACHE_ENTRY_DATA Specifies the data for the binding cache entry. |
KERB_CERTIFICATE_HASHINFO Provides the payload information of the certificate hash. |
KERB_CERTIFICATE_INFO Contains the certificate information. |
KERB_CERTIFICATE_LOGON Contains information about a smart card logon session. (KERB_CERTIFICATE_LOGON) |
KERB_CERTIFICATE_S4U_LOGON Contains information about the certificate for a service for user (S4U) logon. |
KERB_CERTIFICATE_UNLOCK_LOGON Contains information used to unlock a workstation that has been locked during an interactive smart card logon session. |
KERB_CHANGEPASSWORD_REQUEST Contains information used to change a password. |
KERB_CLEANUP_MACHINE_PKINIT_CREDS_REQUEST Cleans up the PKINIT device credentials from the computer. |
KERB_CRYPTO_KEY Contains information about a Kerberos cryptographic session key. |
KERB_EXTERNAL_NAME Contains information about an external name. |
KERB_EXTERNAL_TICKET Contains information about an external ticket. |
KERB_INTERACTIVE_LOGON Contains information about an interactive logon session. |
KERB_INTERACTIVE_PROFILE The KERB_INTERACTIVE_PROFILE structure contains information about an interactive logon profile. This structure is used by the LsaLogonUser function. |
KERB_INTERACTIVE_UNLOCK_LOGON Contains information used to unlock a workstation that has been locked during an interactive logon session. |
KERB_PURGE_BINDING_CACHE_REQUEST Deletes the request for the binding cache. |
KERB_PURGE_TKT_CACHE_REQUEST Contains information used to delete entries from the ticket cache. |
KERB_QUERY_BINDING_CACHE_REQUEST Contains information used to query the binding cache. |
KERB_QUERY_BINDING_CACHE_RESPONSE Contains the results of querying the binding cache. |
KERB_QUERY_DOMAIN_EXTENDED_POLICIES_REQUEST Contains information used to query the domain for the extended policies. |
KERB_QUERY_DOMAIN_EXTENDED_POLICIES_RESPONSE Contains the results of querying for the extended policies of the specified domain. |
KERB_QUERY_TKT_CACHE_REQUEST Contains information used to query the ticket cache. |
KERB_QUERY_TKT_CACHE_RESPONSE Contains the results of querying the ticket cache. |
KERB_RETRIEVE_TKT_REQUEST Contains information used to retrieve a ticket. |
KERB_RETRIEVE_TKT_RESPONSE Contains the response from retrieving a ticket. |
KERB_S4U_LOGON Contains information about a service for user (S4U) logon. |
KERB_SMART_CARD_LOGON Contains information about a smart card logon session. (KERB_SMART_CARD_LOGON) |
KERB_SMART_CARD_UNLOCK_LOGON Contains information used to unlock a workstation that has been locked during a smart card logon session. |
KERB_TICKET_CACHE_INFO Contains information about a cached Kerberos ticket. The Kerberos ticket is defined in Internet RFC 4120. For more information, see |
KERB_TICKET_LOGON Contains profile information for a network logon. |
KERB_TICKET_PROFILE The KERB_TICKET_PROFILE structure contains information about an interactive logon profile. This structure is returned by LsaLogonUser. |
KERB_TICKET_UNLOCK_LOGON Contains information to unlock a workstation. |
KeyCredentialManagerInfo Data structure returned from KeyCredentialManagerGetInformation. |
LSA_AUTH_INFORMATION The LSA_AUTH_INFORMATION structure contains authentication information for a trusted domain. |
LSA_DISPATCH_TABLE Contains pointers to the Local Security Authority (LSA) functions that Windows authentication packages can call. |
LSA_ENUMERATION_INFORMATION The LSA_ENUMERATION_INFORMATION structure is used with the LsaEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight function to return a pointer to a SID. |
LSA_FOREST_TRUST_BINARY_DATA Contains binary data used in Local Security Authority forest trust operations. |
LSA_FOREST_TRUST_COLLISION_INFORMATION Contains information about Local Security Authority forest trust collisions. |
LSA_FOREST_TRUST_COLLISION_RECORD Contains information about a Local Security Authority forest trust collision. |
LSA_FOREST_TRUST_DOMAIN_INFO Contains identifying information for a domain. |
LSA_FOREST_TRUST_INFORMATION Contains Local Security Authority forest trust information. |
LSA_FOREST_TRUST_RECORD Represents a Local Security Authority forest trust record. |
LSA_LAST_INTER_LOGON_INFO Contains information about a logon session. (LSA_LAST_INTER_LOGON_INFO) |
LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES The LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure is used with the LsaOpenPolicy function to specify the attributes of the connection to the Policy object. |
LSA_REFERENCED_DOMAIN_LIST The LSA_REFERENCED_DOMAIN_LIST structure contains information about the domains referenced in a lookup operation. |
LSA_SECPKG_FUNCTION_TABLE Contains pointers to the LSA functions that a security package can call. The Local Security Authority (LSA) passes this structure to a security package when it calls the package's SpInitialize function. |
LSA_STRING Used by Local Security Authority (LSA) functions to specify an ANSI string. |
LSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_NULL Used in cases where a non-authenticated system access is needed. |
LSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_V1 Contains information an authentication package can place in a Version 2 Windows token object and has superceded LSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_V1. |
LSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_V3 Adds claim support to the LSA token and contains information an authentication package can place in a Version 3 Windows token object and has superceded LSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_V1. |
LSA_TRANSLATED_NAME Used with the LsaLookupSids function to return information about the account identified by a SID. |
LSA_TRANSLATED_SID Used with the LsaLookupNames function to return information about the SID that identifies an account. |
LSA_TRANSLATED_SID2 Contains SIDs that are retrieved based on account names. |
LSA_TRUST_INFORMATION Identifies a domain. |
LSA_UNICODE_STRING The LSA_UNICODE_STRING structure is used by various Local Security Authority (LSA) functions to specify a Unicode string. |
LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES Represents a locally unique identifier (LUID) and its attributes. |
MS_ADDINFO_BLOB Provides additional information for in-memory BLOB subject types. |
MS_ADDINFO_CATALOGMEMBER Provides additional information for catalog member subject types. |
MS_ADDINFO_FLAT Provides additional information about flat or end-to-end subject types. |
MSA_INFO_0 Specifies information about a managed service account. |
MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON Contains information about an interactive logon. |
MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_PROFILE The MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_PROFILE structure contains information about an interactive logon profile. This structure is used by the LsaLogonUser function. |
MSV1_0_LM20_LOGON Contains logon information used in network logons. |
MSV1_0_LM20_LOGON_PROFILE Contains information about a network logon session. |
MSV1_0_SUBAUTH_LOGON Used by subauthentication DLLs. |
MSV1_0_SUBAUTH_REQUEST Contains information to pass to a subauthentication package. |
MSV1_0_SUBAUTH_RESPONSE Contains the response from a subauthentication package. |
MSV1_0_SUPPLEMENTAL_CREDENTIAL The MSV1_0_SUPPLEMENTAL_CREDENTIAL structure is used to pass credentials into MSV1_0 from Kerberos or custom authentication package. |
NCRYPT_ALLOC_PARA Enables you to specify custom functions that can be used to allocate and free data. |
NCRYPT_PROTECT_STREAM_INFO Is used by the NCryptStreamOpenToProtect and NCryptStreamOpenToUnprotect functions to pass blocks of processed data to your application. |
NCRYPT_SUPPORTED_LENGTHS Used with the NCRYPT_LENGTHS_PROPERTY property to contain length information for a key. |
NCRYPT_UI_POLICY Used with the NCRYPT_UI_POLICY_PROPERTY property to contain strong key user interface information for a key. |
NCryptAlgorithmName Used to contain information about a CNG algorithm. |
NCryptKeyName Used to contain information about a CNG key. |
NCryptProviderName Used to contain the name of a CNG key storage provider. |
NETCONNECTINFOSTRUCT The NETCONNECTINFOSTRUCT structure contains information about the performance of a network. It is used by the NPGetConnectionPerformance function. |
NETLOGON_LOGON_IDENTITY_INFO Used to pass information about a user for logon subauthentication. |
NETRESOURCEA The following structure contains information about a network resource. It is used by several of the network provider functions, including NPOpenEnum and NPAddConnection. (ANSI) |
NETRESOURCEW The following structure contains information about a network resource. It is used by several of the network provider functions, including NPOpenEnum and NPAddConnection. (Unicode) |
NOTIFYADD The NOTIFYADD structure contains the details of a network connect operation. It is used by the AddConnectNotify function. |
NOTIFYCANCEL The NOTIFYCANCEL structure contains the details of a network disconnect operation. It is used by the CancelConnectNotify function. |
NOTIFYINFO The NOTIFYINFO structure contains status information about a network connect or disconnect operation. It is used by the AddConnectNotify and CancelConnectNotify functions. |
OBJECT_TYPE_LIST Identifies an object type element in a hierarchy of object types. |
OBJECTS_AND_NAME_A Contains a string that identifies a trustee by name and additional strings that identify the object types of an object-specific access control entry (ACE). (ANSI) |
OBJECTS_AND_NAME_W Contains a string that identifies a trustee by name and additional strings that identify the object types of an object-specific access control entry (ACE). (Unicode) |
OBJECTS_AND_SID Contains a security identifier (SID) that identifies a trustee and GUIDs that identify the object types of an object-specific access control entry (ACE). |
OCSP_BASIC_RESPONSE_ENTRY Contains the current certificate status for a single certificate. |
OCSP_BASIC_RESPONSE_INFO Contains a basic online certificate status protocol (OCSP) response as specified by RFC 2560. |
OCSP_BASIC_REVOKED_INFO Contains the reason a certificate was revoked. |
OCSP_BASIC_SIGNED_RESPONSE_INFO Contains a basic online certificate status protocol (OCSP) response with a signature. |
OCSP_CERT_ID Contains information to identify a certificate in an online certificate status protocol (OCSP) request or response. |
OCSP_REQUEST_ENTRY Contains information about a single certificate in an online certificate status protocol (OCSP) request. |
OCSP_REQUEST_INFO Contains information for an online certificate status protocol (OCSP) request as specified by RFC 2560. |
OCSP_RESPONSE_INFO Indicates the success or failure of the corresponding online certificate status protocol (OCSP) request. For successful requests, it contains the type and value of response information. |
OCSP_SIGNATURE_INFO Contains a signature for an online certificate status protocol (OCSP) request or response. |
OCSP_SIGNED_REQUEST_INFO Contains information for an online certificate status protocol (OCSP) request with optional signature information. |
OLD_LARGE_INTEGER Is used to represent a 64-bit signed integer value as two 32-bit integers. |
OPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIAA The OPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIA structure is used by the SCardUIDlgSelectCard function in order to recognize cards that meet the requirements set forth by the caller. You can, however, call SCardUIDlgSelectCard without using this structure. (ANSI) |
OPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIAW The OPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIA structure is used by the SCardUIDlgSelectCard function in order to recognize cards that meet the requirements set forth by the caller. You can, however, call SCardUIDlgSelectCard without using this structure. (Unicode) |
OPENCARDNAME_EXA The OPENCARDNAME_EX structure contains the information that the SCardUIDlgSelectCard function uses to initialize a smart card Select Card dialog box. (ANSI) |
OPENCARDNAME_EXW The OPENCARDNAME_EX structure contains the information that the SCardUIDlgSelectCard function uses to initialize a smart card Select Card dialog box. (Unicode) |
OPENCARDNAMEA Contains the information that the GetOpenCardName function uses to initialize a smart card Select Card dialog box. (ANSI) |
OPENCARDNAMEW Contains the information that the GetOpenCardName function uses to initialize a smart card Select Card dialog box. (Unicode) |
PKCS12_PBES2_EXPORT_PARAMS Passed to the PFXExportCertStoreEx function as pvPara when the PKCS12_EXPORT_PBES2_PARAMS flag is set for dwFlags to provide information about the encryption algorithm to use. |
PKU2U_CERT_BLOB Specifies PKU2U certificate data. |
PKU2U_CERTIFICATE_S4U_LOGON Specifies a certificate used for S4U logon. |
PKU2U_CREDUI_CONTEXT Specifies a PKU2U client context. |
POLICY_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN_INFO Used to set and query the name and SID of the system's account domain. |
POLICY_AUDIT_EVENTS_INFO The POLICY_AUDIT_EVENTS_INFO structure is used to set and query the system's auditing rules. |
POLICY_AUDIT_SID_ARRAY Specifies an array of SID structures that represent Windows users or groups. |
POLICY_DNS_DOMAIN_INFO The POLICY_DNS_DOMAIN_INFO structure is used to set and query Domain Name System (DNS) information about the primary domain associated with a Policy object. |
POLICY_LSA_SERVER_ROLE_INFO Used to set and query the role of an LSA server. |
POLICY_MODIFICATION_INFO The POLICY_MODIFICATION_INFO structure is used to query information about the creation time and last modification of the LSA database. |
POLICY_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO The PolicyPrimaryDomainInformation value and POLICY_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO structure are obsolete. Use the PolicyDnsDomainInformation and POLICY_DNS_DOMAIN_INFO structure instead. |
PRIVILEGE_SET Specifies a set of privileges. |
PROCESS_MACHINE_INFORMATION Specifies the architecture of a process and if that architecture of code can run in user mode, kernel mode, and/or under WoW64 on the host operating system. |
PROV_ENUMALGS Used with the CryptGetProvParam function when the PP_ENUMALGS parameter is retrieved to contain information about an algorithm supported by a cryptographic service provider (CSP). |
PROV_ENUMALGS_EX Used with the CryptGetProvParam function when the PP_ENUMALGS_EX parameter is retrieved to contain information about an algorithm supported by a cryptographic service provider (CSP). |
QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGA Contains configuration information for an installed service. It is used by the QueryServiceConfig function. (ANSI) |
QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW Contains configuration information for an installed service. It is used by the QueryServiceConfig function. (Unicode) |
QUERY_SERVICE_LOCK_STATUSA Contains information about the lock status of a service control manager database. It is used by the QueryServiceLockStatus function. (ANSI) |
QUERY_SERVICE_LOCK_STATUSW Contains information about the lock status of a service control manager database. It is used by the QueryServiceLockStatus function. (Unicode) |
QUOTA_LIMITS Describes the amount of system resources available to a user. |
REMOTE_NAME_INFOA The REMOTE_NAME_INFO structure contains information about the remote form of a universal name. It is used by the NPGetUniversalName function. (ANSI) |
REMOTE_NAME_INFOW The REMOTE_NAME_INFO structure contains information about the remote form of a universal name. It is used by the NPGetUniversalName function. (Unicode) |
ROOT_INFO_LUID Contains a locally unique identifier (LUID) for Cryptographic Smart Card Root Information. |
RSAPUBKEY The RSAPUBKEY structure contains information specific to the particular public key contained in the key BLOB. |
SAFER_CODE_PROPERTIES_V1 Contains code image information and criteria to be checked on the code image. (SAFER_CODE_PROPERTIES_V1) |
SAFER_CODE_PROPERTIES_V2 Contains code image information and criteria to be checked on the code image.S |
SAFER_HASH_IDENTIFICATION Represents a hash identification rule. |
SAFER_PATHNAME_IDENTIFICATION Represents a path identification rule. |
SAFER_URLZONE_IDENTIFICATION Represents a URL zone identification rule. |
SC_ACTION Represents an action that the service control manager can perform. |
SCARD_ATRMASK Used by the SCardLocateCardsByATR function to locate cards. |
SCARD_READERSTATEA Used by functions for tracking smart cards within readers. (ANSI) |
SCARD_READERSTATEW Used by functions for tracking smart cards within readers. (Unicode) |
SCESVC_ANALYSIS_INFO Contains the analysis information. |
SCESVC_ANALYSIS_LINE The SCESVC_ANALYSIS_LINE structure contains the key, value, and value length for a specific line specified by an SCESVC_ANALYSIS_INFO structure. |
SCESVC_CALLBACK_INFO The SCESVC_CALLBACK_INFO structure contains an opaque database handle and callback function pointers to query, set, and free information. |
SCESVC_CONFIGURATION_INFO The SCESVC_CONFIGURATION_INFO structure provides configuration information for a service. This structure is used by the PFSCE_QUERY_INFO and PFSCE_SET_INFO functions when the configuration information is specified. |
SCESVC_CONFIGURATION_LINE The SCESVC_CONFIGURATION_LINE structure contains information about a line of configuration data. It is used by the SCESVC_CONFIGURATION_INFO structure. |
SCH_CRED_PUBLIC_CERTCHAIN The SCH_CRED_PUBLIC_CERTCHAIN structure contains a single certificate. A certification chain can be built from this certificate. |
SCH_CRED_SECRET_PRIVKEY Contains private key information needed to authenticate a client or server. |
SCH_CREDENTIALS Contains the data for an Schannel credential. (SCH_CREDENTIALS) |
SCHANNEL_ALERT_TOKEN Generates a Secure Sockets Layer Protocol (SSL) or Transport Layer Security Protocol (TLS) alert to be sent to the target of a call to either the InitializeSecurityContext (Schannel) function or the AcceptSecurityContext (Schannel) function. |
SCHANNEL_ALG The SCHANNEL_ALG structure contains algorithm and key size information. It is used as the structure passed as pbData in CryptSetKeyParam when dwParam is set to KP_SCHANNEL_ALG. |
SCHANNEL_CERT_HASH Contains the hash store data for the certificate that Schannel uses. |
SCHANNEL_CERT_HASH_STORE Contains the hash store data for the certificate that Schannel uses in kernel-mode. |
SCHANNEL_CLIENT_SIGNATURE Specifies a client signature when a call to the InitializeSecurityContext (Schannel) function cannot access the private key for a client certificate (in this case, the function returns SEC_I_SIGNATURE_NEEDED). |
SCHANNEL_CRED Contains the data for an Schannel credential. (SCHANNEL_CRED) |
SCHANNEL_SESSION_TOKEN Specifies whether reconnections are enabled for an authentication session created by calling either the InitializeSecurityContext (Schannel) function or the AcceptSecurityContext (Schannel) function. |
SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_LIST Stores a list of application protocols. |
SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOLS Stores an array of application protocol lists. |
SEC_CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_CONTEXT Stores the certificate request context. |
SEC_CHANNEL_BINDINGS Specifies channel binding information for a security context. |
SEC_FLAGS Contains the security flags. |
SEC_NEGOTIATION_INFO Stores the security negotiation information. |
SEC_PRESHAREDKEY Contains the pre-shared key information. |
SEC_PRESHAREDKEY_IDENTITY Contains the identity for a pre-shared key. |
SEC_SRTP_MASTER_KEY_IDENTIFIER Stores the SRTP master key identifier. |
SEC_SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILES Stores the SRTP protection profiles. |
SEC_TOKEN_BINDING Stores the token binding information. |
SEC_TRAFFIC_SECRETS Contains the traffic secrets for a connection. |
SEC_WINNT_AUTH_BYTE_VECTOR Specifies the byte offset and array length of the data in an authentication structure. |
SEC_WINNT_AUTH_CERTIFICATE_DATA Specifies serialized certificate information. |
SEC_WINNT_AUTH_DATA Specifies authentication data. |
SEC_WINNT_AUTH_DATA_PASSWORD Specifies a serialized password. |
SEC_WINNT_AUTH_DATA_TYPE_SMARTCARD_CONTEXTS_DATA Contains the authentication data for a smartcard context. |
SEC_WINNT_AUTH_FIDO_DATA Contains data for FIDO authentication. |
SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_A Allows you to pass a particular user name and password to the run-time library for the purpose of authentication. (ANSI) |
SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EX2 Contains information about an authentication identity. |
SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EXA The SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EXA (ANSI) structure contains information about a user. |
SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EXW The SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EXW (Unicode) structure contains information about a user. |
SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_INFO Contains the identity information for authentication. |
SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_W Allows you to pass a particular user name and password to the run-time library for the purpose of authentication. (Unicode) |
SEC_WINNT_AUTH_NGC_DATA Contains the NGC data for authentication. |
SEC_WINNT_AUTH_PACKED_CREDENTIALS Specifies serialized credentials. |
SEC_WINNT_AUTH_PACKED_CREDENTIALS_EX Specifies serialized credentials and a list of security packages that support the credentials. |
SEC_WINNT_AUTH_SHORT_VECTOR Specifies the offset and number of characters in an array of USHORT values. |
SEC_WINNT_CREDUI_CONTEXT Specifies unserialized credential information. |
SEC_WINNT_CREDUI_CONTEXT_VECTOR Specifies the offset and size of the credential context data in a SEC_WINNT_CREDUI_CONTEXT structure. |
SecBuffer Describes a buffer allocated by a transport application to pass to a security package. |
SecBufferDesc The SecBufferDesc structure describes an array of SecBuffer structures to pass from a transport application to a security package. |
SecHandle Represents a security handle. |
SECPKG_BYTE_VECTOR Specifies the byte vector information. |
SECPKG_CALL_INFO Contains information about a currently executing call. |
SECPKG_CLIENT_INFO The SECPKG_CLIENT_INFO structure holds information about a security package's client. This structure is used by the GetClientInfo function. |
SECPKG_CONTEXT_THUNKS The SECPKG_CONTEXT_THUNKS structure contains information about QueryContextAttributes (General) calls to be executed in LSA mode.This structure is used by the SpGetExtendedInformation and SpSetExtendedInformation functions. |
SECPKG_CREDENTIAL Specifies the credentials. |
SECPKG_DLL_FUNCTIONS The SECPKG_DLL_FUNCTIONS structure contains pointers to the LSA functions that a security package can call while executing in-process with a client/server application. |
SECPKG_EVENT_NOTIFY The SECPKG_EVENT_NOTIFY structure contains information about security events. This structure is passed to a function registered to receive event notifications. Event notification functions are registered by calling the RegisterNotification function. |
SECPKG_EVENT_PACKAGE_CHANGE The SECPKG_EVENT_PACKAGE_CHANGE structure contains information about changes in security package availability. |
SECPKG_EXTENDED_INFORMATION The SECPKG_EXTENDED_INFORMATION structure is used to hold information about optional package capabilities.This structure is used by the SpGetExtendedInformation and SpSetExtendedInformation functions. |
SECPKG_EXTRA_OIDS Contains the object identifiers (OIDs) for the extended security package. |
SECPKG_FUNCTION_TABLE The SECPKG_FUNCTION_TABLE structure contains pointers to the LSA functions that a security package must implement. The Local Security Authority (LSA) obtains this structure from an SSP/AP DLL when it calls the SpLsaModeInitialize function. |
SECPKG_GSS_INFO A SECPKG_GSS_INFO structure contains information used for GSS-compatible negotiations. |
SECPKG_MUTUAL_AUTH_LEVEL The SECPKG_MUTUAL_AUTH_LEVEL structure contains the authentication level used by a security package. |
SECPKG_NEGO2_INFO Contains extended package information used for NEGO2 negotiations. |
SECPKG_PARAMETERS The SECPKG_PARAMETERS structure contains information about the computer system. This structure is used by the SpInitialize function. |
SECPKG_PRIMARY_CRED The SECPKG_PRIMARY_CRED structure contains the primary credentials. This structure is used by the LsaApLogonUserEx2 and SpAcceptCredentials functions. |
SECPKG_SERIALIZED_OID Contains the security package's object identifier (OID). |
SECPKG_SHORT_VECTOR Specifies the short vector information. |
SECPKG_SUPPLEMENTAL_CRED The SECPKG_SUPPLEMENTAL_CRED structure contains supplemental credentials recognized by the security package. |
SECPKG_SUPPLEMENTAL_CRED_ARRAY The SECPKG_SUPPLEMENTAL_CRED_ARRAY structure contains supplemental credentials information. This structure is used by the LsaApLogonUserEx2 and UpdateCredentials functions. |
SECPKG_SUPPLIED_CREDENTIAL Specifies the supplied credentials. |
SECPKG_TARGETINFO Specifies the target of an authentication request. |
SECPKG_USER_FUNCTION_TABLE The SECPKG_USER_FUNCTION_TABLE structure contains pointers to the functions that a security package implements to support executing in process with client/server applications. This structure is provided by the SpUserModeInitialize function. |
SECPKG_WOW_CLIENT_DLL Contains the path to the WOW-aware 32-bit DLL. |
SecPkgContext_AccessToken Returns a handle to the access token for the current security context. |
SecPkgContext_ApplicationProtocol Contains information about the application protocol of the security context. |
SecPkgContext_AuthorityA The SecPkgContext_Authority structure contains the name of the authenticating authority if one is available. (ANSI) |
SecPkgContext_AuthorityW The SecPkgContext_Authority structure contains the name of the authenticating authority if one is available. (Unicode) |
SecPkgContext_AuthzID Contains information about the AuthzID of the security context. |
SecPkgContext_Bindings Specifies a structure that contains channel binding information for a security context. |
SecPkgContext_CipherInfo Cipher info structure. This is returned by SECPKG_ATTR_CIPHER_INFO ulAttribute from the QueryContextAttributes (Schannel) function. |
SecPkgContext_ClientCreds Specifies client credentials when calling the QueryContextAttributes (CredSSP) function. |
SecPkgContext_ClientSpecifiedTarget Specifies the service principal name (SPN) of the initial target when calling the QueryContextAttributes (Digest) function. |
SecPkgContext_ConnectionInfo The SecPkgContext_ConnectionInfo structure contains protocol and cipher information. This structure is used by the InitializeSecurityContext (Schannel) function.This attribute is supported only by the Schannel security support provider (SSP). |
SecPkgContext_CredentialNameA Contains the credential name and type. |
SecPkgContext_CredentialNameW Information about the credential name of the security context. |
SecPkgContext_CredInfo Specifies the type of credentials used to create a client context. |
SecPkgContext_DceInfo The SecPkgContext_DceInfo structure contains authorization data used by DCE services. The QueryContextAttributes (General) function uses this structure. |
SecPkgContext_EapKeyBlock Contains key data used by the EAP TLS Authentication Protocol. |
SecPkgContext_EapPrfInfo Specifies the pseudorandom function (PRF) and extracts key data used by the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Transport Layer Security protocol (TLS) Authentication Protocol. |
SecPkgContext_EarlyStart The SecPkgContext_EarlyStart structure contains information about whether to attempt to use the False Start feature in a security context. |
SecPkgContext_Flags The SecPkgContext_Flags structure contains information about the flags in the current security context. This structure is returned by QueryContextAttributes (General). |
SecPkgContext_IssuerListInfoEx The SecPkgContext_IssuerListInfoEx structure holds a list of trusted certification authorities (CAs). |
SecPkgContext_KeyInfoA The SecPkgContext_KeyInfo structure contains information about the session keys used in a security context. (ANSI) |
SecPkgContext_KeyInfoW The SecPkgContext_KeyInfo structure contains information about the session keys used in a security context. (Unicode) |
SecPkgContext_KeyingMaterial The SecPkgContext_KeyingMaterial structure. |
SecPkgContext_KeyingMaterialInfo The SecPkgContext_KeyingMaterialInfo structure contains information about the exportable keying material in a security context. |
SecPkgContext_LastClientTokenStatus Specifies whether the token from the most recent call to the InitializeSecurityContext function is the last token from the client. |
SecPkgContext_Lifespan The SecPkgContext_Lifespan structure indicates the life span of a security context. The QueryContextAttributes (General) function uses this structure. |
SecPkgContext_LogoffTime The logoff time of the security context. |
SecPkgContext_NamesA The SecPkgContext_Names structure indicates the name of the user associated with a security context. The QueryContextAttributes (General) function uses this structure. (ANSI) |
SecPkgContext_NamesW The SecPkgContext_Names structure indicates the name of the user associated with a security context. The QueryContextAttributes (General) function uses this structure. (Unicode) |
SecPkgContext_NativeNamesA Contains the client and server principal names. |
SecPkgContext_NativeNamesW The native names of the client and server in the security context. |
SecPkgContext_NegoKeys Holds the negotiated security package keys. |
SecPkgContext_NegoPackageInfo Holds information about the negotiated application package. |
SecPkgContext_NegoStatus Specifies the error status of the last attempt to create a client context. |
SecPkgContext_NegotiatedTlsExtensions The SecPkgContext_NegotiatedTlsExtensions structure contains information about the (D)TLS extensions negotiated for the current (D)TLS connection. |
SecPkgContext_NegotiationInfoA The SecPkgContext_NegotiationInfo structure contains information on the security package that is being set up or has been set up, and also gives the status on the negotiation to set up the security package. (ANSI) |
SecPkgContext_NegotiationInfoW The SecPkgContext_NegotiationInfo structure contains information on the security package that is being set up or has been set up, and also gives the status on the negotiation to set up the security package. (Unicode) |
SecPkgContext_PackageInfoA Holds application package information. |
SecPkgContext_PackageInfoW Holds package information. |
SecPkgContext_PasswordExpiry The SecPkgContext_PasswordExpiry structure contains information about the expiration of a password or other credential used for the security context. This structure is returned by QueryContextAttributes (General). |
SecPkgContext_ProtoInfoA The SecPkgContext_ProtoInfo structure holds information about the protocol in use. (ANSI) |
SecPkgContext_ProtoInfoW The SecPkgContext_ProtoInfo structure holds information about the protocol in use. (Unicode) |
SecPkgContext_SessionAppData Stores application data for a session context. |
SecPkgContext_SessionInfo Specifies whether the session is a reconnection and retrieves a value that identifies the session. |
SecPkgContext_SessionKey The SecPkgContext_SessionKey structure contains information about the session key used for the security context. This structure is returned by the QueryContextAttributes (General) function. |
SecPkgContext_Sizes The SecPkgContext_Sizes structure indicates the sizes of important structures used in the message support functions. The QueryContextAttributes (General) function uses this structure. |
SecPkgContext_StreamSizes Indicates the sizes of the various parts of a stream for use with the message support functions. The QueryContextAttributes (General) function uses this structure. |
SecPkgContext_SubjectAttributes Returns the security attribute information. |
SecPkgContext_SupportedSignatures Specifies the signature algorithms supported by an Schannel connection. |
SecPkgContext_Target Holds target information. |
SecPkgContext_TargetInformation Returns information about the credential used for the security context. |
SecPkgContext_UserFlags Holds the user flags. |
SecPkgCredentials_Cert Specifies the certificate credentials. The QueryCredentialsAttributes function uses this structure. |
SecPkgCredentials_KdcProxySettingsW Specifies the Kerberos proxy settings for the credentials. |
SecPkgCredentials_NamesA The SecPkgCredentials_Names structure holds the name of the user associated with a context. The QueryCredentialsAttributes function uses this structure. (ANSI) |
SecPkgCredentials_NamesW The SecPkgCredentials_Names structure holds the name of the user associated with a context. The QueryCredentialsAttributes function uses this structure. (Unicode) |
SecPkgCredentials_SSIProviderA The SecPkgCredentials_SSIProvider structure holds the SSI provider information associated with a context. The QueryCredentialsAttributes function uses this structure. (ANSI) |
SecPkgCredentials_SSIProviderW The SecPkgCredentials_SSIProvider structure holds the SSI provider information associated with a context. The QueryCredentialsAttributes function uses this structure. (Unicode) |
SecPkgInfoA The SecPkgInfo structure provides general information about a security package, such as its name and capabilities. (ANSI) |
SecPkgInfoW The SecPkgInfo structure provides general information about a security package, such as its name and capabilities. (Unicode) |
SECURITY_CAPABILITIES Defines the security capabilities of the app container. |
SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR Contains the security information associated with an object. |
SECURITY_INTEGER SECURITY_INTEGER is a structure that holds a numeric value. It is used in defining other types. |
SECURITY_LOGON_SESSION_DATA Contains information about a logon session. (SECURITY_LOGON_SESSION_DATA) |
SECURITY_OBJECT Contains the security object information. |
SECURITY_PACKAGE_OPTIONS Specifies information about a security package. |
SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE Contains information used to support client impersonation. |
SECURITY_STRING Used as the string interface for kernel operations and is a clone of the UNICODE_STRING structure. |
SECURITY_USER_DATA The SecurityUserData structure contains information about the user of a security support provider/authentication package. This structure is used by the SpGetUserInfo function. |
SecurityFunctionTableA The SecurityFunctionTable structure is a dispatch table that contains pointers to the functions defined in SSPI. (ANSI) |
SecurityFunctionTableW The SecurityFunctionTable structure is a dispatch table that contains pointers to the functions defined in SSPI. (Unicode) |
SERVICE_CONTROL_STATUS_REASON_PARAMSA Contains service control parameters. (ANSI) |
SERVICE_CONTROL_STATUS_REASON_PARAMSW Contains service control parameters. (Unicode) |
SERVICE_DELAYED_AUTO_START_INFO Contains the delayed auto-start setting of an auto-start service. |
SERVICE_DESCRIPTIONA Contains a service description. (ANSI) |
SERVICE_DESCRIPTIONW Contains a service description. (Unicode) |
SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS_FLAG Contains the failure actions flag setting of a service. This setting determines when failure actions are to be executed. |
SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONSA Represents the action the service controller should take on each failure of a service. A service is considered failed when it terminates without reporting a status of SERVICE_STOPPED to the service controller. (ANSI) |
SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONSW Represents the action the service controller should take on each failure of a service. A service is considered failed when it terminates without reporting a status of SERVICE_STOPPED to the service controller. (Unicode) |
SERVICE_LAUNCH_PROTECTED_INFO Indicates a service protection type. |
SERVICE_NOTIFY_2A Represents service status notification information. (ANSI) |
SERVICE_NOTIFY_2W Represents service status notification information. (Unicode) |
SERVICE_PREFERRED_NODE_INFO Represents the preferred node on which to run a service. |
SERVICE_PRESHUTDOWN_INFO Contains preshutdown settings. |
SERVICE_REQUIRED_PRIVILEGES_INFOA Represents the required privileges for a service. (ANSI) |
SERVICE_REQUIRED_PRIVILEGES_INFOW Represents the required privileges for a service. (Unicode) |
SERVICE_SID_INFO Represents a service security identifier (SID). |
SERVICE_STATUS Contains status information for a service. |
SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS Contains process status information for a service. The ControlServiceEx, EnumServicesStatusEx, NotifyServiceStatusChange, and QueryServiceStatusEx functions use this structure. |
SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRYA Specifies the ServiceMain function for a service that can run in the calling process. It is used by the StartServiceCtrlDispatcher function. (ANSI) |
SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRYW Specifies the ServiceMain function for a service that can run in the calling process. It is used by the StartServiceCtrlDispatcher function. (Unicode) |
SERVICE_TIMECHANGE_INFO Contains system time change settings. |
SERVICE_TRIGGER Represents a service trigger event. This structure is used by the SERVICE_TRIGGER_INFO structure. |
SERVICE_TRIGGER_INFO Contains trigger event information for a service. This structure is used by the ChangeServiceConfig2 and QueryServiceConfig2 functions. |
SERVICE_TRIGGER_SPECIFIC_DATA_ITEM Contains trigger-specific data for a service trigger event. |
SI_ACCESS Contains information about an access right or default access mask for a securable object. |
SI_INHERIT_TYPE Contains information about how access control entries (ACEs) can be inherited by child objects. |
SI_OBJECT_INFO Used to initialize the access control editor. |
SID Used to uniquely identify users or groups. |
SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES Represents a security identifier (SID) and its attributes. |
SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES_HASH Specifies a hash values for the specified array of security identifiers (SIDs). |
SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY Represents the top-level authority of a security identifier (SID). |
SID_INFO Contains the list of common names corresponding to the SID structures returned by ISecurityInformation2::LookupSids. |
SID_INFO_LIST Contains a list of SID_INFO structures. |
SIP_ADD_NEWPROVIDER Defines a subject interface package (SIP). This structure is used by the CryptSIPAddProvider function. |
SIP_CAP_SET_V2 The SIP_CAP_SET_V2 structure defines the capabilities of a subject interface package (SIP). (SIP_CAP_SET_V2 structure) |
SIP_CAP_SET_V3 The SIP_CAP_SET_V3 structure defines the capabilities of a subject interface package (SIP). (SIP_CAP_SET_V3 structure) |
SIP_DISPATCH_INFO Contains a set of function pointers assigned by the CryptSIPLoad function that your application uses to perform subject interface package (SIP) operations. |
SIP_INDIRECT_DATA Contains the digest of the hashed subject information. |
SIP_SUBJECTINFO Specifies subject information data to the subject interface package (SIP) APIs. |
SL_ACTIVATION_INFO_HEADER Specifies the product activation information. |
SL_AD_ACTIVATION_INFO Specifies information used for the retail or Active Directory phone activation of a license. |
SL_LICENSING_STATUS Represents the licensing status. (SL_LICENSING_STATUS) |
SL_NONGENUINE_UI_OPTIONS Specifies an application that displays a dialog box when the SLIsGenuineLocal function indicates that an installation is not genuine. |
SPC_INDIRECT_DATA_CONTENT Is used in Authenticode signatures to store the digest and other attributes of the signed file. |
SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR The SR_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure contains information about the security privileges of the user. |
SSL_F12_EXTRA_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_STATUS The SSL_F12_EXTRA_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_STATUS structure checks if any certificates in the chain have weak cryptography and checks if a third party root certificate is compliant with the Microsoft Root Program requirements. |
SYSTEM_ALARM_ACE The SYSTEM_ALARM_ACE structure is reserved for future use. |
SYSTEM_ALARM_CALLBACK_ACE The SYSTEM_ALARM_CALLBACK_ACE structure is reserved for future use. |
SYSTEM_ALARM_OBJECT_ACE The SYSTEM_ALARM_OBJECT_ACE structure is reserved for future use. |
SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE Defines an access control entry (ACE) for the system access control list (SACL) that specifies what types of access cause system-level notifications. |
SYSTEM_AUDIT_CALLBACK_ACE The SYSTEM_AUDIT_CALLBACK_ACE structure defines an access control entry for the system access control list that specifies what types of access cause system-level notifications. |
SYSTEM_AUDIT_CALLBACK_OBJECT_ACE The SYSTEM_AUDIT_CALLBACK_OBJECT_ACE structure defines an access control entry for a system access control list. |
SYSTEM_AUDIT_OBJECT_ACE Defines an access control entry (ACE) for a system access control list (SACL). |
SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL_ACE Defines an access control entry (ACE) for the system access control list (SACL) that specifies the mandatory access level and policy for a securable object. |
SYSTEM_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_ACE Defines an access control entry (ACE) for the system access control list (SACL) that specifies the system resource attributes for a securable object. |
SYSTEM_SCOPED_POLICY_ID_ACE Defines an access control entry (ACE) for the system access control list (SACL) that specifies the scoped policy identifier for a securable object. |
TLS_PARAMETERS Indicates TLS parameter restrictions. |
TOKEN_ACCESS_INFORMATION Specifies all the information in a token that is necessary to perform an access check. |
TOKEN_APPCONTAINER_INFORMATION Specifies all the information in a token that is necessary for an app container. |
TOKEN_AUDIT_POLICY Specifies the per user audit policy for a token. |
TOKEN_CONTROL Contains information that identifies an access token. |
TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL Specifies a discretionary access control list (DACL). |
TOKEN_DEVICE_CLAIMS Defines the device claims for the token. |
TOKEN_ELEVATION Indicates whether a token has elevated privileges. |
TOKEN_GROUPS Contains information about the group security identifiers (SIDs) in an access token. |
TOKEN_GROUPS_AND_PRIVILEGES Contains information about the group security identifiers (SIDs) and privileges in an access token. |
TOKEN_LINKED_TOKEN Contains a handle to a token. This token is linked to the token being queried by the GetTokenInformation function or set by the SetTokenInformation function. |
TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL Specifies the mandatory integrity level for a token. |
TOKEN_MANDATORY_POLICY Specifies the mandatory integrity policy for a token. |
TOKEN_ORIGIN Contains information about the origin of the logon session. |
TOKEN_OWNER Contains the default owner security identifier (SID) that will be applied to newly created objects. |
TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP Specifies a group security identifier (SID) for an access token. |
TOKEN_PRIVILEGES Contains information about a set of privileges for an access token. |
TOKEN_SOURCE Identifies the source of an access token. |
TOKEN_STATISTICS Contains information about an access token. |
TOKEN_USER Identifies the user associated with an access token. |
TOKEN_USER_CLAIMS Defines the user claims for the token. |
TOKENBINDING_IDENTIFIER Contains the information for representing a token binding identifier that results from a token binding message exchange. |
TOKENBINDING_KEY_TYPES Contains all of the combinations of types of token binding keys that a client device or server supports. |
TOKENBINDING_RESULT_DATA Contains data about the result of generating a token binding or verifying one of the token bindings in a token binding message. |
TOKENBINDING_RESULT_LIST Contains the results for each of the token bindings that TokenBindingVerifyMessage verified. |
TRUSTED_DOMAIN_AUTH_INFORMATION The TRUSTED_DOMAIN_AUTH_INFORMATION structure is used to retrieve authentication information for a trusted domain. The LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfo function uses this structure when its InformationClass parameter is set to TrustedDomainAuthInformation. |
TRUSTED_DOMAIN_FULL_INFORMATION Used to retrieve complete information about a trusted domain. |
TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFORMATION_EX Used to retrieve extended information about a trusted domain. |
TRUSTED_DOMAIN_NAME_INFO Used to query or set the name of a trusted domain. |
TRUSTED_PASSWORD_INFO The TRUSTED_PASSWORD_INFO structure is used to query or set the password for a trusted domain. |
TRUSTED_POSIX_OFFSET_INFO Used to query or set the value used to generate Posix user and group identifiers. |
TRUSTEE_A Identifies the user account, group account, or logon session to which an access control entry (ACE) applies. (ANSI) |
TRUSTEE_W Identifies the user account, group account, or logon session to which an access control entry (ACE) applies. (Unicode) |
UNICODE_STRING Used by various Local Security Authority (LSA) functions to specify a Unicode string. |
UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFOA The UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFO structure contains information about the UNC form of a universal name. It is used by the NPGetUniversalName function. (ANSI) |
UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFOW The UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFO structure contains information about the UNC form of a universal name. It is used by the NPGetUniversalName function. (Unicode) |
USER_ALL_INFORMATION Contains information on the session user. |
USERNAME_TARGET_CREDENTIAL_INFO The USERNAME_TARGET_CREDENTIAL_INFO structure contains a reference to a credential. |
WIN_CERTIFICATE This structure encapsulates a signature used in verifying executable files. |
WINTRUST_BLOB_INFO Used when calling WinVerifyTrust to verify a memory BLOB. |
WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO The WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO structure is used when calling WinVerifyTrust to verify a member of a Microsoft catalog. |
WINTRUST_CERT_INFO Used when calling WinVerifyTrust to verify a CERT_CONTEXT. |
WINTRUST_DATA Used when calling WinVerifyTrust to pass necessary information into the trust providers. |
WINTRUST_FILE_INFO The WINTRUST_FILE_INFO structure is used when calling WinVerifyTrust to verify an individual file. |
WINTRUST_SGNR_INFO Used when calling WinVerifyTrust to verify a CMSG_SIGNER_INFO structure. |
WINTRUST_SIGNATURE_SETTINGS Can be used to specify the signatures on a file. |
WLX_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_INFO_V1_0 Contains the client credentials returned by a call to WlxQueryClientCredentials or WlxQueryInetConnectorCredentials. |
WLX_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_INFO_V2_0 Contains the client credentials returned by a call to WlxQueryTsLogonCredentials. |
WLX_CONSOLESWITCH_CREDENTIALS_INFO_V1_0 Contains the client credentials returned by a call to WlxGetConsoleSwitchCredentials. |
WLX_DESKTOP Used to pass desktop information between your GINA DLL and Winlogon. |
WLX_DISPATCH_VERSION_1_0 Defines the format of the Winlogon version 1.0 function dispatch table passed to your GINA DLL in the WlxInitialize call. |
WLX_DISPATCH_VERSION_1_1 Defines the format of the Winlogon version 1.1 function dispatch passed to your GINA DLL in the WlxInitialize call. |
WLX_DISPATCH_VERSION_1_2 Defines the format of the Winlogon version 1.2 function dispatch table passed to your GINA DLL in the WlxInitialize call. |
WLX_DISPATCH_VERSION_1_3 Defines the format of the Winlogon version 1.3 function dispatch table passed to your GINA DLL in the WlxInitialize call. |
WLX_DISPATCH_VERSION_1_4 Defines the format of the Winlogon version 1.4 function dispatch table passed to the GINA DLL in the WlxInitialize call. |
WLX_MPR_NOTIFY_INFO Provides identification and authentication information to network providers. |
WLX_NOTIFICATION_INFO This structure stores information about a Winlogon event. |
WLX_PROFILE_V1_0 Contains information used for setting up the initial environment. |
WLX_PROFILE_V2_0 Contains profile information in addition to the information provided by WLX_PROFILE_V1_0. |
WLX_TERMINAL_SERVICES_DATA Used to provide GINA with Terminal Services user configuration information. |
X509Certificate Represents an X.509 certificate. |