ADsPropSetHwndWithTitle function (adsprop.h)

The ADsPropSetHwndWithTitle function is used to notify the notification object of the property page window handle.This function includes the title of the property page which enables the error dialog displayed by ADsPropShowErrorDialog to provide more useful information to the user.


BOOL ADsPropSetHwndWithTitle(
  [in] HWND  hNotifyObj,
  [in] HWND  hPage,
  [in] PTSTR ptzTitle


[in] hNotifyObj

The handle of the notification object. To obtain this handle, call ADsPropCreateNotifyObj.

[in] hPage

A window handle of the property page.

[in] ptzTitle

Pointer to a NULL-terminated string that contains the property page title.

Return value

Returns zero if the notification object does not exist or nonzero otherwise.


An Active Directory Domain Services property sheet extension normally calls this function while processing the WM_INITDIALOG message.

If the property sheet extension uses the ADsPropShowErrorDialog function, the extension should use ADsPropSetHwndWithTitle rather than ADsPropSetHwnd.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header adsprop.h
Library Dsprop.lib
DLL Dsprop.dll

See also


