audioenginebaseapo.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
audioenginebaseapo.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IApoAcousticEchoCancellation This interface is implemented by APOs to enable acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) scenarios. |
IApoAcousticEchoCancellation2 Extends IAcousticEchoCancellation to allow APOs to specify desired properties of the reference stream. |
IApoAuxiliaryInputConfiguration Provides methods that APOs can implement so that the audio engine can add and remove auxiliary input streams. |
IApoAuxiliaryInputRT The realtime-safe interface used to drive the auxiliary inputs of an APO. |
IAudioDeviceModulesClient Audio Processing Objects (APOs) implement this interface to obtain a reference to an IAudioDeviceModulesManager instance. |
IAudioProcessingObject System Effects Audio Processing Objects (sAPOs) are typically used in or called from real-time process threads. |
IAudioProcessingObjectConfiguration The IAudioProcessingObjectConfiguration interface is used to configure the APO. This interface uses its methods to lock and unlock the APO for processing. |
IAudioProcessingObjectRT This interface can operate in real-time mode and its methods can be called form real-time processing threads. |
IAudioSystemEffects The IAudioSystemEffects interface uses the basic methods that are inherited from IUnknown, and must implement an Initialize method. |
IAudioSystemEffects2 The IAudioSystemEffects2 interface was introduced with Windows 8.1 for retrieving information about the processing objects in a given mode. |
IAudioSystemEffectsCustomFormats The IAudioSystemEffectsCustomFormats interface is supported in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows. |
APO_REG_PROPERTIES The APO_REG_PROPERTIES structure is used by IAudioProcessingObject::GetRegistrationProperties for returning the registration properties of an audio processing object (APO). |
APOInitBaseStruct The APOInitBaseStruct structure is the base initialization header that must precede other initialization data in IAudioProcessingObject::Initialize. |
APOInitSystemEffects The APOInitSystemEffects structure gets passed to the system effects APO for initialization. |
APOInitSystemEffects2 The APOInitSystemEffects2 structure was introduced with Windows 8.1, to make it possible to provide additional initialization context to the audio processing object (APO) for initialization. |
APO_FLAG The APO_FLAG enumeration defines constants that are used as flags by an audio processing object (APO). |
APO_REFERENCE_STREAM_PROPERTIES Specifies loopback stream properties for the IApoAcousticEchoCancellation2::GetDesiredReferenceStreamProperties callback method. |