IAudioMediaType::GetUncompressedAudioFormat method (audiomediatype.h)

The IAudioMediaType::GetUncompressedAudioFormat returns information about the audio data format.


HRESULT GetUncompressedAudioFormat(
  [out] UNCOMPRESSEDAUDIOFORMAT *pUncompressedAudioFormat


[out] pUncompressedAudioFormat

Specifies a pointer to an UNCOMPRESSEDAUDIOFORMAT structure.

Return value

The GetUncompressedAudioFormat method returns S_OK if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns an error code.


The information that is returned is useful for uncompressed formats. However, this method call will succeed for compressed formats as well. When you make this function call for a compressed audio data format, you must determine whether the returned information is applicable to your compressed format.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Target Platform Desktop
Header audiomediatype.h (include Audiomediatype.h)
IRQL All levels.

See also