IBackgroundCopyError::GetProtocol method (bits.h)

Retrieves the protocol used to transfer the file. The remote file name identifies the protocol to use to transfer the file.


HRESULT GetProtocol(
  [out] LPWSTR *pProtocol


[out] pProtocol

Null-terminated string that contains the protocol used to transfer the file. The string contains "http" for the HTTP protocol and "file" for the SMB protocol. The ppProtocol parameter is set to NULL if the error is not related to the transfer protocol. Call the CoTaskMemFree function to free ppProtocol when done.

Return value

This method returns the following HRESULT values, as well as others.

Return code Description
Successfully retrieved the remote file protocol.
The error is not associated with the remote file transfer protocol. The ppProtocol parameter is set to NULL.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003
Target Platform Windows
Header bits.h
Library Bits.lib
DLL QmgrPrxy.dll

See also
