ICertManageModule::SetProperty method (certmod.h)

The SetProperty method allows a module to set a property value.


HRESULT SetProperty(
  [in] const BSTR    strConfig,
  [in] BSTR          strStorageLocation,
  [in] BSTR          strPropertyName,
  [in] LONG          Flags,
  [in] const VARIANT *pvarProperty


[in] strConfig

Represents the configuration string for the Certificate Services server in the form COMPUTERNAME\CANAME, where COMPUTERNAME is the Certificate Services server's network name, and CANAME is the common name of the certification authority (CA) as entered for the CA during Certificate Services setup. For information about the configuration string name, see ICertConfig.

[in] strStorageLocation

The location that provides storage for the property values, as described in the definition of strStorageLocation in ICertManageModule::GetProperty.

[in] strPropertyName

The name of the property whose value is being assigned. Policy and exit modules should support the following properties, which are used by Certificate Services Manager.

Value Meaning
Name of the module.
Description of the module.
Copyright pertaining to the module.
File Version
Version of the module file.
Product Version
Version of the module.

[in] Flags

This parameter is reserved and must be set to zero.

[in] pvarProperty

A value that is being assigned to the property specified by strPropertyName.

Return value


If the method succeeds, the method returns S_OK.

If the method fails, it returns an HRESULT value that indicates the error. For a list of common error codes, see Common HRESULT Values.


This method is intended for future functionality. A minimal implementation is required, however, to meet the requirements of the ICertManageModule interface.


#include <windows.h>
#include <Certmod.h>

HRESULT CCertManagePolicyModule::SetProperty(
            /* [in] */ const BSTR strConfig,
            /* [in] */ BSTR strStorageLocation,
            /* [in] */ BSTR strPropertyName,
            /* [in] */ LONG Flags,
            /* [in] */ const VARIANT *pvarProperty)
    // This implementation fulfills the minimal requirement
    // needed for ICertManageModule::SetProperty.
    return S_OK;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows ServerĀ 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header certmod.h (include Certsrv.h)
Library Certidl.lib

See also



