ClusterNodeControl function (clusapi.h)

Initiates an operation that affects a node. The operation performed depends on the control code passed to the dwControlCode parameter.


DWORD ClusterNodeControl(
  [in]            HNODE   hNode,
  [in, optional]  HNODE   hHostNode,
  [in]            DWORD   dwControlCode,
  [in, optional]  LPVOID  lpInBuffer,
  [in]            DWORD   nInBufferSize,
  [out, optional] LPVOID  lpOutBuffer,
  [in]            DWORD   nOutBufferSize,
  [out, optional] LPDWORD lpBytesReturned


[in] hNode

Handle to the node to be affected.

[in, optional] hHostNode

If non-NULL, handle to the node that will perform the operation instead of the node specified in hNode. If NULL, the node that handles the call performs the operation.

[in] dwControlCode

A node control code specifying the operation to be performed. For the syntax associated with a control code, refer to
Control Code Architecture and the following topics:

[in, optional] lpInBuffer

Pointer to an input buffer containing information needed for the operation, or NULL if no information is needed.

[in] nInBufferSize

The allocated size (in bytes) of the input buffer.

[out, optional] lpOutBuffer

Pointer to an output buffer to receive the data resulting from the operation, or NULL if no data will be returned.

[in] nOutBufferSize

The allocated size (in bytes) of the output buffer.

[out, optional] lpBytesReturned

Returns the actual size (in bytes) of the data resulting from the operation. If this information is not needed, pass NULL for lpBytesReturned.

Return value

The function returns one of the following values.

Return code Description
The operation was successful. If the operation required an output buffer, lpBytesReturned (if not NULL on input) points to the actual size of the data returned in the buffer.
The output buffer pointed to by lpOutBuffer was not large enough to hold the data resulting from the operation. The lpBytesReturned parameter (if not NULL on input) points to the size required for the output buffer. Only operations requiring an output buffer return ERROR_MORE_DATA. If the lpOutBuffer parameter is NULL and the nOutBufferSize parameter is zero, then ERROR_SUCCESS may be returned, not ERROR_MORE_DATA.
System error code
The operation was not successful. If the operation required an output buffer, the value specified by lpBytesReturned (if not NULL on input) is unreliable.


If ClusterNodeControl returns ERROR_MORE_DATA, set nOutBufferSize to the number of bytes pointed to by lpBytesReturned and call the function again.

Do not pass LPC and RPC handles to the same function call. Otherwise, the call will raise an RPC exception and can have additional destructive effects. For information on how LPC and RPC handles are created, see LPC and RPC Handles and OpenCluster.

ClusterNodeControl is one of the control code functions. For more information on control codes and control code functions, see Using Control Codes.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, Windows Server 2008 Datacenter
Target Platform Windows
Header clusapi.h
Library ClusAPI.lib
DLL ClusAPI.dll

See also

Node Control Codes
