MonthCal_SizeRectToMin macro (commctrl.h)

Calculates how many calendars will fit in the given rectangle, and then returns the minimum size that a rectangle needs to be to fit that number of calendars. You can use this macro or send the MCM_SIZERECTTOMIN message explicitly.


void MonthCal_SizeRectToMin(
  [in, out]  prc



Type: HWND

Handle to a month calendar control.

[in, out] prc

Type: RECT

On entry, contains a pointer to a RECT structure that describes a region that is greater than or equal to the size necessary to fit the desired number of calendars. When this function returns, contains the minimum RECT structure that fits this number of calendars.

Return value



Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header commctrl.h