commdlg.h header
This header is used by Dialog Boxes. For more information, see:
commdlg.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IPrintDialogCallback Provides methods that enable an application to receive notifications and messages from the PrintDlgEx function while the Print Property Sheet is displayed. |
IPrintDialogServices Provides methods that enable an application using the PrintDlgEx function to retrieve information about the currently selected printer. |
CDSIZEOF_STRUCT Gets the size of a struct up to the specified member |
CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFilePathA ASCII version of CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFilePath |
CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFilePathW Wide string version of CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFilePath |
CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFolderIDList Retrieves the address of the item identifier list corresponding to the folder that an Explorer-style Open or Save As dialog box currently has open. |
CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFolderPathA ASCII version of CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFolderPath |
CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFolderPathW Wide string version of CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFolderPath |
CommDlg_OpenSave_GetSpecA ASCII version of CommDlg_OpenSave_GetSpec |
CommDlg_OpenSave_GetSpecW Wide string version of CommDlg_OpenSave_GetSpec |
CommDlg_OpenSave_HideControl Hides the specified control in an Explorer-style Open or Save As dialog box. |
CommDlg_OpenSave_SetControlText Sets the text for the specified control in an Explorer-style Open or Save As dialog box. |
CommDlg_OpenSave_SetDefExt Sets the default file name extension for an Explorer-style Open or Save As dialog box. |
CommDlgExtendedError The CommDlgExtendedError function (commdlg.h) returns a common dialog box error code. |
FindTextA Creates a system-defined modeless Find dialog box that lets the user specify a string to search for and options to use when searching for text in a document. (ANSI) |
FindTextW Creates a system-defined modeless Find dialog box that lets the user specify a string to search for and options to use when searching for text in a document. (Unicode) |
GetFileTitleA Retrieves the name of the specified file. (ANSI) |
GetFileTitleW Retrieves the name of the specified file. (Unicode) |
GetOpenFileNameA Creates an Open dialog box that lets the user specify the drive, directory, and the name of a file or set of files to be opened. (ANSI) |
GetOpenFileNameW Creates an Open dialog box that lets the user specify the drive, directory, and the name of a file or set of files to be opened. (Unicode) |
GetSaveFileNameA Creates a Save dialog box that lets the user specify the drive, directory, and name of a file to save. (ANSI) |
GetSaveFileNameW Creates a Save dialog box that lets the user specify the drive, directory, and name of a file to save. (Unicode) |
ReplaceTextA Creates a system-defined modeless dialog box that lets the user specify a string to search for and a replacement string, as well as options to control the find and replace operations. (ANSI) |
ReplaceTextW Creates a system-defined modeless dialog box that lets the user specify a string to search for and a replacement string, as well as options to control the find and replace operations. (Unicode) |
Callback functions
ChooseColorA The CHOOSECOLORA (ANSI) function (commdlg.h) contains information the ChooseColor function uses to initialize the Color dialog box. |
ChooseColorW Wide string version of ChooseColor |
ChooseFontA ASCII version of ChooseFont |
ChooseFontW Wide string version of ChooseFont |
LPCCHOOKPROC Receives messages or notifications intended for the default dialog box procedure of the Color dialog box. This is an application-defined or library-defined callback function that is used with the ChooseColor function. |
LPCFHOOKPROC Receives messages or notifications intended for the default dialog box procedure of the Font dialog box. This is an application-defined or library-defined callback procedure that is used with the ChooseFont function. |
LPFRHOOKPROC Receives messages or notifications intended for the default dialog box procedure of the Find or Replace dialog box. |
LPOFNHOOKPROC Receives notification messages sent from the dialog box. |
LPPAGEPAINTHOOK Receives messages that allow you to customize drawing of the sample page in the Page Setup dialog box. The PagePaintHook hook procedure is an application-defined or library-defined callback function used with the PageSetupDlg function. |
LPPAGESETUPHOOK Receives messages or notifications intended for the default dialog box procedure of the Page Setup dialog box. The PageSetupHook hook procedure is an application-defined or library-defined callback function used with the PageSetupDlg function. |
LPPRINTHOOKPROC Receives messages or notifications intended for the default dialog box procedure of the Print dialog box. This is an application-defined or library-defined callback function that is used with the PrintDlg function. |
LPSETUPHOOKPROC An application-defined or library-defined callback function used with the PrintDlg function. The hook procedure receives messages or notifications intended for the default dialog box procedure of the Print Setup dialog box. |
PageSetupDlgA ASCII version of PageSetupDlg |
PageSetupDlgW Wide string version of PageSetupDlg |
PrintDlgA ASCII version of PrintDlg |
PrintDlgExA ASCII version of PrintDlgEx |
PrintDlgExW Wide string version of PrintDlgEx |
PrintDlgW Wide string version of PrintDlg |
CHOOSECOLORA The CHOOSECOLORA (ANSI) structure (commdlg.h) contains information the ChooseColor function uses to initialize the Color dialog box. |
CHOOSECOLORA The CHOOSECOLORA (ANSI) structure r1 (commdlg.h) contains information the ChooseColor function uses to initialize the Color dialog box. |
CHOOSECOLORW The CHOOSECOLORW (Unicode) structure (commdlg.h) contains information the ChooseColor function uses to initialize the Color dialog box. |
CHOOSECOLORW The CHOOSECOLORW (Unicode) structure r1 (commdlg.h) contains information the ChooseColor function uses to initialize the Color dialog box. |
CHOOSEFONTA Contains information that the ChooseFont function uses to initialize the Font dialog box. After the user closes the dialog box, the system returns information about the user's selection in this structure. (ANSI) |
CHOOSEFONTW Contains information that the ChooseFont function uses to initialize the Font dialog box. After the user closes the dialog box, the system returns information about the user's selection in this structure. (Unicode) |
DEVNAMES Contains strings that identify the driver, device, and output port names for a printer. |
FINDREPLACEA Contains information that the FindText and ReplaceText functions use to initialize the Find and Replace dialog boxes. (ANSI) |
FINDREPLACEW Contains information that the FindText and ReplaceText functions use to initialize the Find and Replace dialog boxes. (Unicode) |
OFNOTIFYA Contains information about a WM_NOTIFY message sent to an OFNHookProc hook procedure for an Open or Save As dialog box. The lParam parameter of the WM_NOTIFY message is a pointer to an OFNOTIFY structure. (ANSI) |
OFNOTIFYEXA Contains information about a CDN_INCLUDEITEM notification message. (ANSI) |
OFNOTIFYEXW Contains information about a CDN_INCLUDEITEM notification message. (Unicode) |
OFNOTIFYW Contains information about a WM_NOTIFY message sent to an OFNHookProc hook procedure for an Open or Save As dialog box. The lParam parameter of the WM_NOTIFY message is a pointer to an OFNOTIFY structure. (Unicode) |
OPENFILENAME_NT4A The OPENFILENAME_NT4 structure is identical to OPENFILENAME with _WIN32_WINNT set to 0x0400. (ANSI) |
OPENFILENAME_NT4W The OPENFILENAME_NT4 structure is identical to OPENFILENAME with _WIN32_WINNT set to 0x0400. (Unicode) |
OPENFILENAMEA Contains information that the GetOpenFileName and GetSaveFileName functions use to initialize an Open or Save As dialog box. After the user closes the dialog box, the system returns information about the user's selection in this structure. (ANSI) |
OPENFILENAMEW Contains information that the GetOpenFileName and GetSaveFileName functions use to initialize an Open or Save As dialog box. After the user closes the dialog box, the system returns information about the user's selection in this structure. (Unicode) |
PAGESETUPDLGA Contains information the PageSetupDlg function uses to initialize the Page Setup dialog box. After the user closes the dialog box, the system returns information about the user-defined page parameters in this structure. (ANSI) |
PAGESETUPDLGW Contains information the PageSetupDlg function uses to initialize the Page Setup dialog box. After the user closes the dialog box, the system returns information about the user-defined page parameters in this structure. (Unicode) |
PRINTDLGA Contains information that the PrintDlg function uses to initialize the Print Dialog Box. After the user closes the dialog box, the system uses this structure to return information about the user's selections. (ANSI) |
PRINTDLGEXA Contains information that the PrintDlgEx function uses to initialize the Print property sheet. After the user closes the property sheet, the system uses this structure to return information about the user's selections. (ANSI) |
PRINTDLGEXW Contains information that the PrintDlgEx function uses to initialize the Print property sheet. After the user closes the property sheet, the system uses this structure to return information about the user's selections. (Unicode) |
PRINTDLGW Contains information that the PrintDlg function uses to initialize the Print Dialog Box. After the user closes the dialog box, the system uses this structure to return information about the user's selections. (Unicode) |
PRINTPAGERANGE Represents a range of pages in a print job. A print job can have more than one page range. This information is supplied in the PRINTDLGEX structure when calling the PrintDlgEx function. |