IOfflineFilesCache::Encrypt method (cscobj.h)

Encrypts or unencrypts the contents of the Offline Files cache cached for the calling user. When the cache is encrypted, all files subsequently cached are automatically encrypted. When the cache is unencrypted, all files subsequently cached are cached unencrypted.

Existing files in the cache are either encrypted or unencrypted to match the new state of the cache.


HRESULT Encrypt(
  [in] HWND                      hwndParent,
  [in] BOOL                      bEncrypt,
  [in] DWORD                     dwEncryptionControlFlags,
  [in] BOOL                      bAsync,
  [in] IOfflineFilesSyncProgress *pIProgress


[in] hwndParent

Identifies the parent window for any user interface elements displayed. This parameter is ignored if the OFFLINEFILES_ENCRYPTION_CONTROL_FLAG_INTERACTIVE flag is not set in the dwEncryptionControlFlags parameter.

[in] bEncrypt

TRUE to encrypt, FALSE to unencrypt.

[in] dwEncryptionControlFlags

This parameter can be one or more of the following values.


Reserved for future use.


Progress is reported to the progress interface asynchronously with the actual operations. For more information about behavior, see the Asynchronous Progress Notifications section. If this flag is not set, progress is reported synchronously with each operation.


Set this flag if the operation is allowed to display user interface elements as necessary. An example is the system's credential-request dialog. If this flag is set, the value in hwndParent is used as the parent for any user interface elements displayed.


This flag is ignored if the OFFLINEFILES_ENCRYPTION_CONTROL_FLAG_INTERACTIVE flag is not set. If the OFFLINEFILES_ENCRYPTION_CONTROL_FLAG_INTERACTIVE flag is set, this flag indicates that any UI produced should be directed to the console window associated with the process invoking the operation.


Set this flag if you want the encryption operation to avoid sharing violations in the event that an application wishes to open a file that is currently open for the encryption operation. When that scenario occurs and this flag is set, the encryption operation immediately stops processing that particular file at that time. This flag is primarily used by the Offline Files service when ensuring cache encryption at user logon. Normally a client calling this method would not set this flag.

[in] bAsync

Indicates whether the operation is to be performed asynchronously. If this parameter is TRUE, the operation is scheduled for asynchronous operation and the function returns immediately. If this parameter is FALSE, the function returns when the operation is complete.

[in] pIProgress

Interface to an event sink that will receive progress events during the operation. If events are not desired, this parameter may be NULL. Note that this parameter is highly recommended for asynchronous operation. A progress implementation is the only way to be notified when the asynchronous operation completes.

Return value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.

Returns HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED) if the operation is canceled.


Cancellation of this operation does not restore the cached files to their prior encryption state. This may leave the cache in a partially encrypted or unencrypted state. The same condition can occur if the operation is aborted due to an error. To resolve the partial state, repeat the operation until successful completion.

Also note that the Offline Files service automatically performs the encryption operation in the background following user logon. This ensures that all files cached by that user are in the correct state - encrypted or unencrypted – to match the state of the cache.

If canceled while... Cache state is... New cached files will be...
Encrypting Partially encrypted Encrypted
Unencrypting Partially unencrypted Unencrypted

The current encryption state of the Offline Files cache can be checked by using the Offline Files Control Panel or by calling IOfflineFilesCache::GetEncryptionStatus.

The caller can implement the progress callback methods in the following list to obtain the progress information for each processed file and directory.

Progress Events Interface Method Description
IOfflineFilesProgress Begin Called at the start of the operation.
IOfflineFilesSimpleProgress ItemBegin Called at the start of processing for each file.
IOfflineFilesSimpleProgress ItemResult Called after each file is encrypted.
IOfflineFilesProgress QueryAbort Called periodically during the sync operation to detect a request for cancellation.
IOfflineFilesProgress End Called at the end of the operation.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header cscobj.h
DLL CscSvc.dll; CscObj.dll

See also
