ID3D10Device::SOGetTargets method (d3d10.h)

Get the target output buffers for the StreamOutput stage of the pipeline.


void SOGetTargets(
  [in]  UINT         NumBuffers,
  [out] ID3D10Buffer **ppSOTargets,
  [out] UINT         *pOffsets


[in] NumBuffers

Type: UINT

Number of buffers to get. A maximum of four output buffers can be retrieved.

[out] ppSOTargets

Type: ID3D10Buffer**

An array of output buffers (see ID3D10Buffer) to be retrieved from the device.

[out] pOffsets

Type: UINT*

Array of offsets to the output buffers from ppSOTargets, one offset for each buffer. The offset values are in bytes.

Return value



Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header d3d10.h
Library D3D10.lib

See also

ID3D10Device Interface