ID3D11DeviceContext::HSGetShader method (d3d11.h)
Get the hull shader currently set on the device.
void HSGetShader(
[out] ID3D11HullShader **ppHullShader,
[out, optional] ID3D11ClassInstance **ppClassInstances,
[in, out, optional] UINT *pNumClassInstances
[out] ppHullShader
Type: ID3D11HullShader**
Address of a pointer to a hull shader (see ID3D11HullShader) to be returned by the method.
[out, optional] ppClassInstances
Type: ID3D11ClassInstance**
Pointer to an array of class instance interfaces (see ID3D11ClassInstance).
[in, out, optional] pNumClassInstances
Type: UINT*
The number of class-instance elements in the array.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | d3d11.h |
Library | D3D11.lib |