ID3D11VideoDevice1::CheckVideoDecoderDownsampling method (d3d11_1.h)

Indicates whether the video decoder supports downsampling with the specified input format, and whether real-time downsampling is supported.


HRESULT CheckVideoDecoderDownsampling(
  [in]  const D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_DESC   *pInputDesc,
  [in]  DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE            InputColorSpace,
  [in]  const D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_CONFIG *pInputConfig,
  [in]  const DXGI_RATIONAL              *pFrameRate,
  [in]  const D3D11_VIDEO_SAMPLE_DESC    *pOutputDesc,
  [out] BOOL                             *pSupported,
  [out] BOOL                             *pRealTimeHint


[in] pInputDesc


An object describing the decoding profile, the resolution, and format of the input stream. This is the resolution and format to be downsampled.

[in] InputColorSpace


A DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE value that specifies the colorspace of the reference frame data.

[in] pInputConfig


The configuration data associated with the decode profile.

[in] pFrameRate

Type: const DXGI_RATIONAL*

The frame rate of the video content. This is used by the driver to determine whether the video can be decoded in real-time.

[in] pOutputDesc

Type: const D3D11_VIDEO_SAMPLE_DESC*

An object describing the resolution, format, and colorspace of the output frames. This is the destination resolution and format of the downsample operation.

[out] pSupported

Type: BOOL*

Pointer to a boolean value set by the driver that indicates if downsampling is supported with the specified input data. True if the driver supports the requested downsampling; otherwise, false.

[out] pRealTimeHint

Type: BOOL*

Pointer to a boolean value set by the driver that indicates if real-time decoding is supported with the specified input data. True if the driver supports the requested real-time decoding; otherwise, false. Note that the returned value is based on the current configuration of the video decoder and does not guarantee that real-time decoding will be supported for future downsampling operations.

Return value


This method returns one of the following error codes.

S_OK The operation completed successfully.
E_INVALIDARG An invalid parameter was passed or this function was called using an invalid calling pattern.


You should call GetVideoDecoderCaps to determine whether decoder downsampling is supported before checking support for a specific configuration.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header d3d11_1.h

See also
