ID3D12VideoMotionVectorHeap interface (d3d12video.h)

Represents the storage of the motion vector output of a motion estimation operation in an IHV-dependent layout. Call ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::EstimateMotion to calculate and store motion vectors. Use ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::ResolveMotionVectorHeap to copy and translate these results into the API-defined layout in a Texture 2D.


The ID3D12VideoMotionVectorHeap interface inherits from the ID3D12Pageable interface.


The ID3D12VideoMotionVectorHeap interface has these methods.


Gets the D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_VECTOR_HEAP_DESC structure that was passed into ID3D12VideoDevice1::CreateVideoMotionEstimatorHeap when the ID3D12VideoMotionEstimatorHeap was created.

Gets the ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession that was passed into ID3D12VideoDevice1::CreateVideoMotionEstimatorHeap when the ID3D12VideoMotionEstimatorHeap was created.


Create a new instance of this interface by calling ID3D12VideoDevice1::CreateVideoMotionVectorHeap.

This interface is used by the D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_OUTPUT structure returned from ID3D12VideoEncodeCommandList::EstimateMotion. It is also used to supply hint vectors in the D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_INPUT structure.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10, version 2004 (10.0; Build 19041)
Minimum supported server Windows Server, version 2004 (10.0; Build 19041)
Header d3d12video.h