DHCP_CLASS_INFO structure (dhcpsapi.h)
The DHCP_CLASS_INFO structure defines a DHCP option class.
typedef struct _DHCP_CLASS_INFO {
LPWSTR ClassName;
LPWSTR ClassComment;
DWORD ClassDataLength;
BOOL IsVendor;
DWORD Flags;
LPBYTE ClassData;
Unicode string that contains the name of the class.
Unicode string that contains a comment associated with the class.
Specifies the size of ClassData, in bytes. When passing this structure into DhcpGetClassInfo, this value should be set to the size of the initialized buffer.
Specifies whether or not this option class is a vendor-defined option class. If TRUE, it is a vendor class; if not, it is not a vendor class. Vendor-defined option classes can be used by DHCP clients that are configured to optionally identify themselves by their vendor type to the DHCP server when obtaining a lease.
Specifies a bit flag that indicates whether or not the options are vendor-specific. If it is not, this parameter should be 0.
Value | Meaning |
This flag should be set if the option is provided by a vendor. |
Pointer to a byte buffer that contains specific data for the class. When passing this structure into DhcpGetClassInfo, this buffer should be initialized to the anticipated size of the data to be returned.
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | None supported |
Minimum supported server | Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only] |
Header | dhcpsapi.h |