IDirectInputJoyConfig8::EnumTypes method (dinputd.h)

The IDirectInputJoyConfig8::EnumTypes method enumerates the joystick types currently supported by DirectInput. A joystick type describes how DirectInput should communicate with a joystick device. It includes information such as the presence and location of each of the axes and the number of buttons supported by the device.


HRESULT EnumTypes(
  LPVOID              unnamedParam2



Points to an application-defined callback function that receives the DirectInput joystick types. See the Remarks section for the function prototype.


Specifies a 32-bit application-defined value to be passed to the callback function. This value can be any 32-bit value; it is prototyped as an LPVOID for convenience.

Return value

Returns DI_OK if successful; otherwise, returns one of the following COM error values:

Return code Description
One or more parameters was invalid.


This callback receives DirectInput joystick types as a result of a call to the IDirectInputJoyConfig8::EnumTypes method.

Points to the name of the joystick type. A buffer of MAX_JOYSTRING characters is sufficient to hold the type name. The type name should never be shown to the end user; instead, the "display name" should be shown. Use IDirectInputJoyConfig8::GetTypeInfo to obtain the display name of a joystick type. Type names that begin with a pound sign ("#") represent predefined types that cannot be modified or deleted. 

Points to the application-defined value given in the IDirectInputJoyConfig8::EnumTypes method.

Return value
Returns a BOOL value, DIENUM_CONTINUE, to continue the enumeration, or DIENUM_STOP to stop the enumeration. 


BOOL DIEnumJoyTypeProc(
   LPCWSTR pwszTypeName,
   LPVOID  pvRef


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header dinputd.h (include Dinputd.h)