DrtGetSearchPath function (drt.h)

The DrtGetSearchPath function returns a list of nodes contacted during the search operation.


HRESULT DrtGetSearchPath(
  [in]      HDRT_SEARCH_CONTEXT hSearchContext,
  [in, out] ULONG               ulSearchPathSize,
  [out]     DRT_ADDRESS_LIST    *pSearchPath


[in] hSearchContext

Handle to the search context. This parameter is returned by the DrtStartSearch function.

[in, out] ulSearchPathSize

The size of the search path which represents the number of nodes utilized in the search operation.

[out] pSearchPath

Pointer to a DRT_ADDRESS_LIST structure containing the list of addresses.

Return value

This function returns S_OK on success.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header drt.h
Library Drt.lib
DLL Drt.dll

See also

