IDsDisplaySpecifier::SetLanguageID method (dsclient.h)

The IDsDisplaySpecifier::SetLanguageID method changes the locale used by the IDsDisplaySpecifier object to a specified language.


HRESULT SetLanguageID(
  [in] LANGID langid


[in] langid

Contains the language identifier used by the IDsDisplaySpecifier object. If this parameter is zero, this method calls the GetUserDefaultUILanguage function to retrieve the current user language identifier and uses that locale.

Return value

This method always returns S_OK.


During object creation, the IDsDisplaySpecifier object obtains the locale by calling GetUserDefaultUILanguage. This method enables the object user to change the locale used with the display specifiers.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header dsclient.h
DLL Dsadmin.dll

See also

Display Interfaces in Active Directory Domain Services

