DSBROWSEINFOA structure (dsclient.h)

The DSBROWSEINFO structure is used with the DsBrowseForContainer function to supply and return data about the Active Directory container browser dialog box.


typedef struct {
  DWORD       cbStruct;
  HWND        hwndOwner;
  LPCSTR      pszCaption;
  LPCSTR      pszTitle;
  LPCWSTR     pszRoot;
  LPWSTR      pszPath;
  ULONG       cchPath;
  DWORD       dwFlags;
  BFFCALLBACK pfnCallback;
  LPARAM      lParam;
  DWORD       dwReturnFormat;
  LPCWSTR     pUserName;
  LPCWSTR     pPassword;
  LPWSTR      pszObjectClass;
  ULONG       cchObjectClass;



Contains the size, in bytes, of the DSBROWSEINFO structure. This is used by the DsBrowseForContainer function for versioning purposes.


Handle of the window used as the parent of the container browser dialog box.


Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the caption of the dialog box. If this member is NULL, a default caption is used.


Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains additional text to be displayed in the dialog box above the tree control. If this member is NULL, no additional text is displayed.


Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string that contains the ADsPath of the container placed at the root of the dialog box. The user cannot navigate above this level using the dialog box.


Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string that receives the ADsPath of the container selected in the dialog. This string will always be null-terminated even if cchPath is not large enough to hold the entire path. If dwFlags contains the DSBI_EXPANDONOPEN flag, this member contains the ADsPath of the container that should be initially selected in the dialog box.


Contains the size, in WCHAR characters, of the pszPath buffer.


Contains a set of flags that define the behavior of the dialog box. This can be zero or a combination of one or more of the following values.


The + and - buttons are not displayed in the dialog box.

DSBI_NOLINES (2 (0x2))

The lines that connect the objects in the dialog box are not displayed.


The lines and buttons above the root objects are not displayed.

DSBI_CHECKBOXES (256 (0x100))

Causes a check box to be placed next to each item in the tree. The user can use the mouse to select and clear this check box. This currently has limited usage because there is no way to set or get the check state of an item.

DSBI_NOROOT (65536 (0x10000))

The root object, specified by pszRoot, is not displayed and the immediate child objects of the root are displayed at the root of the tree. This flag has no effect if pszRoot is NULL or if this member contains DSBI_ENTIREDIRECTORY.

DSBI_INCLUDEHIDDEN (131072 (0x20000))

Include hidden objects in the dialog box.

DSBI_EXPANDONOPEN (262144 (0x40000))

When the dialog box opens, the container specified in pszPath will be visible and selected.

DSBI_ENTIREDIRECTORY (589824 (0x90000))

Includes all the trusted domains to the server specified in pszRoot or, by default, the domain that the user is logged in to.

DSBI_RETURN_FORMAT (1048576 (0x100000))

Indicates that the dwReturnFormat member is valid. If this flag is not set, the path format defaults to X.500.

DSBI_HASCREDENTIALS (2097152 (0x200000))

pUserName and pPassword are used for the access credentials. Otherwise, if this member does not contain DSBI_SIMPLEAUTHENTICATE, the dialog uses the security context of the calling thread.

DSBI_IGNORETREATASLEAF (4194304 (0x400000))

When determining if the object is displayed in the dialog box, the treatAsLeaf display specifier is ignored.

DSBI_SIMPLEAUTHENTICATE (8388608 (0x800000))

Indicates that secure authentication is not required when calling ADsOpenObject.

DSBI_RETURNOBJECTCLASS (16777216 (0x1000000))

Indicates that the pszObjectClass and cchObjectClass are valid and should be filled.

DSBI_DONTSIGNSEAL (33554432 (0x2000000))

Indicates that signing and sealing will not be used when communicating with the directory service.


Pointer to an application-defined BFFCallBack callback function that receives notifications from the container browser dialog box. Set this member to NULL if it is not used.


Contains an application-defined 32-bit value passed as the lpData parameter in all calls to pfnCallback. This member is ignored if pfnCallback is NULL.


Contains one of the ADS_FORMAT_ENUM values that specifies the format that the ADSI path returned in pszPath will accept.


Pointer to a Unicode string that contains the user name used for the credentials. This member is ignored if dwFlags does not have the DSBI_HASCREDENTIALS flag set. If this member is NULL, the currently logged on user name is used.


Pointer to a Unicode string that contains the password used for the credentials. This member is ignored if dwFlags does not have the DSBI_HASCREDENTIALS flag set. If this member is NULL, the password of the currently logged on user is used.


Pointer to a Unicode string buffer that receives the class string of the selected. This member is ignored if dwFlags does not have the DSBI_RETURNOBJECTCLASS flag set.


Contains the size, in WCHAR characters, of the pszObjectClass buffer.



The dsclient.h header defines DSBROWSEINFO as an alias which automatically selects the ANSI or Unicode version of this function based on the definition of the UNICODE preprocessor constant. Mixing usage of the encoding-neutral alias with code that not encoding-neutral can lead to mismatches that result in compilation or runtime errors. For more information, see Conventions for Function Prototypes.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Header dsclient.h

See also



