IDiskQuotaControl::ShutdownNameResolution method (dskquota.h)

The SID-to-name resolver translates user security identifiers (SID) to user names. It runs as a background thread. When a quota control object is destroyed, this thread automatically terminates. The final call to the IUnknown::Release method terminates the thread. This is normally all that is required. If you finish with the quota control object, but it is not ready to be destroyed (there are other open reference counts), call this method to terminate the background thread before the object is destroyed.


HRESULT ShutdownNameResolution();

Return value

This method returns S_OK.


Asynchronous name resolution will also cease after the thread terminates. A subsequent call to the following methods can re-create the SID-to-name resolver thread:


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header dskquota.h
DLL Dskquota.dll

See also

Disk Management Interfaces

Disk Quotas
